
Update post thumbnail image
Elon musk Twitter blue checks political cartoon
Gretchen Whitmer
Donald Trump Ron desantis political cartoon

I drew the last cartoon on my cell phone. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT IT TOOK HOURS. With my stylus pen 🖊

My laptop.. the battery charger was being used by 4 people and it broke. Its a usb c 65 watt. Without it..I cannot draw on it. I use laptop hooked up to graphic tablet. I do not have Internet.. but that’s OK because I have a cell phone. But I have to use hotspot. But I can’t use the laptop without a charger. So I cannot draw. Have 13 cents in my account. I’m working on something. It’s impossible for me to do cartoons on my phone because it’s just such a tiny screen it’s very hard it takes a long time. And other people need my phone because its the only Internet. I’m generous.

Every day I get depressed because I want to draw cartoons. I just feel nobody supports me. Everybody laughs at my cartoons that make no money. I’m not giving up ..it’s just I can’t really do anything at the moment.. I’m working on it I just don’t know what I’m gonna do.. besides asking mom and dad. And I’ve already asked them for enough I just need to wait a week or 2.

My charger only cost $13 .. But I can’t afford that. Nobody close in my life wants me to draw.. it’s so sad. They call it the cartoons that make no money. I have not been able to mint my NFt’s or even upload them without a laptop you can’t do nfts on the phone. And as if yet no whale has come along. So. as I hang in there…I will live…. and when I get my $13 to get my charger. It’s 15 with shipping. I ordered it and it was coming I had the money in my account.. but then clip studio charged me for a subscription. Which is great because now I have an art program. I was using a free program on the cartoons above.

Here are some photos and sentimental screenshots.

What happens was my Old phone broke. .. my last one. It took me 5 months to get my new phone. Now T-Mobile says they’re gonna charge me $500 because I didn’t return the old phone in exchange for the new one they sent me.. which didn’t work. I don’t have the $500. And someone else’s in charge of my phone. A family line of sorts. So they got to pay the $500 .. boy are they p***** at me. I remember when I left T-Mobile long time ago I was so glad because they gave me such a hard time with hidden fees and bad customer service.. but unfortunately Sprint sold it back to T-Mobile and now I’m having the same problems I had before with their customer service. They didn’t even send me a Box to send it back and I don’t know where to send it. I’ve been on the phone with them ..about my old broken phone probably 20 times and over 6 hours of troubleshooting. But as of right now they haven’t cut my service off.

So I can use a hotspot on laptop.. with my phone.. on my laptop ..but now that my charger has been broken.. I don’t have a laptop.. so I can’t use my $3000 graphic tablet. But you know what I will live.. it’s just I really get my self esteem out of drawing every day. I’m very sad I can’t draw I could on a phone but I have so many people that need Internet around me and they use my phone for that or they’re taking my hotspot too..now.. I’m like on limited hotspot right now. As if there was a shortage of Wi-Fi or something. There’s not. I will survive out I will come back I’m just struggling so much and any money I have to take care of people with. But this right now is at the forefront of what I need to do.

I haven’t been able to afford home Internet and when my Internet and phone both went out last time ..I lost all my online work. Had Internet.. home Internet maybe 3 times this year and I owe them a ton of money. They charge me $200 a month even when I don’t have it so I got a back pay all that..I’m way too embarrassed to ask people for money I hate it so you know what I’m just gonna figure out how I’m gonna make this money with just my cell phone. And then I’ll be able to draw my cartoons again. Or I can try on my cell phone I got 3 ideas I can draw today it’s just other people need my phone for Internet. I have to learn to say no. There is real pressure on me to get a job at the Post Office which they’re literally begging me to work there because they say they can’t find anyone to work. Or to work at a bar where I’ll sell drinks but I really don’t want to do that.

I only have time to draw maybe one hour A-day because I’m so busy and surrounded by people. If I had an office I could spend at least 4 hours on my cartoons and it would be far far better. I’ve had so many mountains to climb and I’ve overcome them just to have a collection but these last 2 weeks have been agony. I’m not gonna give up I don’t care I’m successful because I enjoy what I do. Come from a wealthy family I’m just not used to this.

Censored on tiktok my videos in politics.
Censored on Facebook but that’s my new account. It’s funny because I get friends suggestions from my old account which has nothing to do with my new one and it’s so creepy. I don’t even have my real name or real email or real phone number.
Many more engagements Those who I follow the most. I just can’t find them because I’m using broken phones and connecting them to my hotspot on my other phone and it’s a disaster. Even from a great cartoonist. But I can’t find it. And I have one last charger left for the phone and it’s half bent.
Buffalo New York big storm coming and all the groceries are gone. Greaaat.
My identity is political cartooning and I can’t catch a break.
I have sentimental feelings for other artists.

I have so many memes so many things I want to discuss but I’ve almost used the 50GB limit on my blog here.. so I can only post the most important things. And you don’t wanna know what I had to do to pay for my next year on my blog here. But I wasn’t caught so. You ask anybody anybody I’ll tell you a cartoonist is the most depressed person in the world. The top cartoonists in the world they all say the same thing. Art that People only look at for 12 seconds. No one knows what goes into them. Not like I’m cutting pasting on photoshop some composting memes.. or I’m tracing over things …which seem to go viral always.

Not only that but when I lost Internet and my phone for 4 months earlier in the year I lost my art lessons I mean I didn’t lose them I just lost touch with the teacher he probably thinks I hate Em or something.

14 views on my video of last months cartoons on YouTube.

My cousin sent me the footage 😂

And of course I’ll never ever see the world’s greatest king ever I’m just I’m not having a good day. Not seeing a trump rally in your life is like missing the prom and graduation.

OK there’s something wrong with my new phone and the battery sucks up so fast and now I’m down to 2% so I’m just gonna leave this blog as it is. I have one little charger left. I have like 4 broken phones Wi-Fi ones. And everyone around me needs them.

If you knew the memes and the collections I have screenshots I can’t share here because I only have a certain limit of pictures I can upload you’d be disappointed I really love writing I’m a writer 2

I’m so sad but …nothing Trad Goth music won’t cure!!

I feel it’s best I stay put. My only luxury is food. All my other bills are paid. My rent etc. There’s a lot of pressure for me to go off the grid and I just do not want to. I’ve never been without Internet and/or a laptop.

Oh..all I need is the charger. It’s $15 that’s it that’s all I need literally.To make art daily. I’ve been drawing for 6..7 years now almost daily. And I just need to learn to say no a little bit more.

This is the cartoonist’s life! But I am not a failed…political cartoonist because I enjoy what I do ..and I do not give up.. I am not like Jake tapper. Please just give me time.

My dream is to have an office uninterrupted …4 hours..do you know how rare that is for me to be uninterrupted for more than 15 minutes? Just have so many responsibilities. So much housework. 18 chickens. A farm.

I am not a Juliette.. I am a Justine. I want to do things the right way. ✅️ The story of 2 sisters ..1 is a moral and a murderer and she is successful happy And reaches the heights of society..and the other one is virtuous and hard working and her entire life is filled with despair… I’m just holding out to do the right thing and come clean and try to help society and be the scourge of the wealthy globalists ..but I’m telling you a lot of people a lot of good people are suffering. Look at Alex Jones. There’s so much I want to talk about this but I can’t because I can’t use up my limited scarce scarce space here… I know exactly what the lawsuit was about but I wouldn’t need an entire blog and I have a ton of screenshots to prove it but I just don’t have space on this blog. I put many hints in my Twitter about what’s going on that I think.. When you go to my Twitter page that’s not where I live .I live in the replies section that’s where I do all my work.

When I 1st started drawing political cartoons in 2016 there was 6 months I had no Internet and no cell phone service and what I would do is I would steal hotspot from someone else.. and I only had a short time to do it..cloak and dagger work.. and I would download the news like Alex Jones on GCN.. and then I would listen to that all day.. I would draw my political cartoon on paper.. take a picture.. and edit it on a photo program. ..and then when I could steal hotspot again..middle of the night.. I would upload it and I did this for 6 months. You can’t say I’m not committed.

I love you so much for reading this thank you. I’m not really a people person I.. Have always been an artist. That’s what I focus on and I do the best I can. I haven’t ignored you and I haven’t stopped drawing it’s just I feel like my hands are cut off. But looking at the world how everyone’s dropping dead and people are getting sick and at least I’m away from those people and I’m safe and I You know what at least I’m gonna live… I’m not into house cleaning and cooking I’m into political cartooning that’s my Passion that’s the work I’m on this Earth to do. My dream is to make enough money so I can have an office and I can really make beautiful cartoons I could make 4 cartoons A-day or I can make one political cartoon that is high quality like a cover magazine picture. If you’re not an artist you have no idea what it takes.

My very 1st job my 1st real job…I had my art in an exhibition on Valencia street in San Francisco and there was even a party and movies and drinks and snacks and I was only 15.. ( Emancipated I was ) And I made a comic strip in a zine.. that sold in all the record shops .. Anarchist bookstores I had a comic strip called brat squat. I was 16. The only people who supported me were my art teachers and my priest father Tom who bought me all the oil paints I could use an elementary school. 4th grade I painted the 7 stations of the cross. And yes I was a paralegal for many years… But I was also oil painting the beautiful structures all over Coral Gables Florida. And my paintings hang in law offices to this day.

MIXED GIRL CHECK. Where both cultures hold you at arm’s length because there’s no pattern recognition. But my identity IS with other mixed raced people.. should see it on Instagram and tiktok ..I now feel I belong somewhere. I have the strongest of both cultures the Volga Germans were autonomous..similar to Amish but German culture..and like 10 million Killed and no one’s heard about it. All my ancestors who stayed were killed by the Bolsheviks. And then there’s Paraguay who refused to give up their native language it’s the only country in South America that kept their native tongue guarani and 97% of paraguans speak it. It’s the language of the Amazon Indians.. in Brazil they speak it too and in Argentina. Imagine growing up with both of those cultures and.. being an American citizen. BIEROCKS on Sundays..and Sopa Paraguaya on weekdays. And apple pie in school. Speaking German during the summer. Guarani in the Winter. And English during Spring.

My video

Octoberfest in Paraguay

The day will come when you will see pockets of Americans living autonomous…living as Americans all over the world. Never assimilating into the country they are living in. One day I will live to see that happen. You see this with the parades and peaceful protests of Brazilians all over the world. And if you haven’t seen it because mainstream media won’t cover it I wish I could do a blog post because I am in all of those groups and I see all of the videos. Not only that I can’t share the groups because their names change daily to avoid censorship.

You’ll never find it because you don’t speak the language. Brazil they don’t even spell it like that. They aren’t even allowed to post stuff on Twitter ..their country is censoring them. Meanwhile Americans can post whatever they want on Twitter now it’s amazing.

I could be writing blogs about this but I can’t because I have limited space here on this blog I’m almost up to my 50GB limit.

I also made this video. Read the fine print. Only smart men will get it:

I can only show you the door but I cannot hold your hand and walk you through..this is something you gotta look into. Forget everything Google taught you.


I’ve been writing a lot of short stories lately I’m working on one about MK ultra in politics kind of like the Harley pastornacs of politicians…and not of musicians..and… On my laptop though. I can’t use it without that charger.. I need that charger ..without It..have nothing. With it. You get my short story. There’s everything from being in a flotation tank with LSD with audio playing in their ear of The narrative… Or being drugged in a minefield where the handler..will come and save them. And how to avoid torture in the deprogramming…And the group of people that volunteer for this they actually pay money lots of it in order to go through this willingly. It’s fiction.

I got a great short story and I can’t wait to publish it but it’s on the laptop that I don’t have a charger for.

My laptop cost a $1000 it comes with a very specific charger. USB c 65 w. I need that charger.

You would think the Internet goes out to the entire world but it doesn’t. Not if you’re conservative.

My specialty ..bringing trump and conservatism to the subcultures. Because there are massive numbers in them. And leftists seem to be everywhere bringing havoc on their minds. This is work nobody knows about or can see.. and one day I would love to make an article on what I’ve done.

My next project. For fun.. I want to make nextbots. For example uploadable Pngs are the hottest thing in Roblox and Garry’s mod and all these games.. for example in the game Evade . and anyone can upload a meme or PNG and put it on the market ..you could upload memes of Joe Biden..with sound..him talking about golden hair on legs or something..and in the games such as The backrooms ..these PNg’s.. they’re so scary that people are having heart attacks. Meme makers everywhere need to take note of this and these are downloaded by so many.

Here’s John Cena nextbot “Jhong Xina” And you have a social credit score and if it goes down and he will come after you in the game. The potential for politics in this is huge. Here’s one man playing. But in the game Evade.. multiples of these come after people in roblox.. and when they get you there’s like screams sound effects..and it’s the most terrifying thing ever ..when tons of people are running from them.. and if they get someone ..you have to revive your fellow player for points. There’s also a game called The doors. Extremely popular with uploadable memes.

Uploadable Pngs. You can insert them in multiplayer games!

Garrys Mod:

I know how to do it. I know how to play but the stuff costs money. You get it exchanged in robuxs. And I’m actually a holder of a Frost dragon pet.. on the game..Adopt me ..and those sell for a $279 on eBay. So I think I’m going to try to sell it. Conservatives have no idea..the numbers of people on there..that’s just one project coming soon. ..
I have been playing since 2013 or so. The games where you can actually draw on.. I’ve drawn portraits of President trump on walls and stuff..floors.. like that and people come.. scrub it out ..but you know I try. In Minecraft you could leave signs.. Stuck in grass or written on walls.. for other players in the multiplayer games..writing signs like Make America Great Again and stuff like that. You can build huge portraits of trump out of blocks ..there’s a program you can do it.. with I’ve done a few. PLAYERS will come blow it up with dynamite but you know I really try. Many really like Em. There’s a lot of conservative gamers. .designing Trump skins via Minecraft skin editor . Don’t forget you can sell Trump tshirts and maga hats..for robux.. inside the roblox marketplace. For skins. There’s actually Donald Trump games in there where you fly on his plane and you help him build his wall…
Joe Biden nextbot. Meh. I could do better. You could add sound ..too.. of him speaking really creepy. There isn’t any censorship ..the only censorship I’ve seen is if you call someone fat. I was banned 8 days. ..calling a gamer’s skin ” fat” ..think about it. Politics are alive and well in gaming so why not conservatives get on board? Roger stone said everybody can create their own trump movement. And over the last 6 years I’ve started a few or helped them out. Places with many many members.

Gaming is just one subculture I’m speaking about. 🔊 I don’t bring this work up on my blog ..this is mostly just for my cartoons..it’s very cloak-and-dagger stuff but I’ve screen saved everything and I think I should write an article showing what you can do…

Yet I feel this is the best time to be alive it’s the best time we are witnessing so much. It’s like everything I learned in my entire life growing up as a child reading Robespierre speeches or studying Napoleon in Russia.. The real story I mean you don’t believe him and his soldiers actually walked to Russia in the snow did you? . I really am a ghost in the machine.. ..political intrigue my passion. it feels like the days are here.. and everyday I miss a cartoon ..Really I cry about it. They may look like they’re half a** drawn.. But at least I got one out that day. .😄

Since 2016 I said my political career will really start when trump comes back for a second term ..and that’s when I feel like my career will begin. Freedom to draw. Unbothered. I got the equipment. I got the subscription. I got the stylus pens.

I can only share my cartoons on Twitter or here.. and they’re really late. The phone quality is horrible I really miss going on truth social…Maybe Instagram.. Both the time I won’t let me upload.. has a bunch of them but no social media app has my entire collection it’s everywhere here and there. I don’t even have the full collection here. I have a ton to sell on nfts. You need laptop for that. Hope they don’t go missing. CRICKET PHONES ARE the worst. Samsung phones are constantly breaking because of the memory. The 1st to go.. is the screenshot button. I need my laptop 💻 I need wifi. I need Internet.

I have a $1 in ethereum.. You can’t sell the cartoons without minting them 1st. The screen gets stuck when you upload and you have to do it again and you get charged sometimes 3 times. You do not get your money back. I lost a lot of money that way. But I sold NFT’s but not for much may be like $40 each. And the new owner sells them for much higher. But you only get a little percentage royalties. I’m an artist I’m not a business person. The quality of art that is selling for millions of dollars ..it’s automated ..or pixelated..so it’s not really about art. Every work of art you post has to have details of rarity and complete collections ..and why this is rare.. and it’s I just don’t have that time… But if I could have 4 hours A-day uninterrupted I could get everything done. I dream of renting an office close where I can go and spend the night.

I had a great idea that while I was offline I could watch tutorials. I’ve been doing that. Now the new medium is 3-D art. I would love to do caricatures like that. Political cartoons that can walk and move and talk.