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Tarot Reading for Donald Trump 2016 Presidency HIEROPHANT CARD came up

Tarot Reading for Donald Trump 2016 Presidency HIEROPHANT CARD came up post thumbnail image

I did a tarot reading for Trump. 
 I did a one card reading. I asked HOW DO I GET TRUMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE ( Like advice on what can I do) and the card that came up was the HIEROPHANT ! The Hierophant is very much about “doing the right thing.” He is the leader of salvation for the human race at large. He is the order and the head of the recognized hierarchy Old School. Tradition Faith RULING POWER of religion Traditional Orthodox APPROACH Teachings suitable for masses, SOCIAL STRUCTURES, we must respect, External Religion Power. SOCIAL APPROVAL Masculine Counterpart to the female High Priestess. SO TO ME, I would say this would mean I would have to focus on the spiritual aspects of his campaign? I do believe if God is a capitalist, then TRUMP must be the savior. But maybe there is something to that idea? Focus on him being a powerful spiritual leader for us? Maybe instead of worrying about conspiracy stuff, I start seeing this image of him as a religious savior, of Christians all over the world. I do anyways!


100 Billion in gold bars disappeared in the WTC on 9 / 11 which was the largest private bank in  the world , then. Where did it go? If nations want to help liberate the missing gold, there may be incentive to get TRUMP in.  

SAN BERNADINO, yes, I agree, what a disaster. Islamic Garb is horrific,  I agree ALEX, it has to be thick wool, in order not to be attacked by sharia law dressing code police.  They will beat you with sticks and if ISIS are out, they shoot women who wear even a little red.  I agree, we cannot control our borders. 

Alex, I think its ok to torture our enemies. Why not bring back the guillotine? Our ideas you think can save the day, ok, but ideas are not going to scare the enemy.  Lying media has to be punished too. I love when you speculate, there is a tornado coming, we see it, SAUDI ARABIA has bought us I think, what you say? I like REP JONES. We need declassification, of those 9 11 pages, but what if they just rewrite it to say anything they want? What if those who are hiding, are in fear, they will be judged by Americans, can we make a deal with them? Oh its coming, but not yet. People must be given a chance to come clean and whistleblow. If everyone does it, they cant send you away like SNOWDEN.  Or at least fax documents to ALEX JONES, or DONALD TRUMP.  Give all intelligence you have to Roger Stone, he will work it out. Do not forget SAUDI ARABIA king when he met Obama, extended his ring and Obama got on the floor for him. 

   We need to take the country back. We need Trump to fix it NOW. We are on a clock, REP JONES says and when it hits twelve, its over. 

Saudis influence movies, I see on tv all the time, covering up your hair costumes, Its like ok, when its a bandanna but when you allow that, they will want full garb then. Why are they covering up? WHATS SO BAD ABOUT FEMALE BEAUTY.  Why is the king of SAUDI ARABIA in Texas 8 times. 

 I do not like Ted because he has 5 lovers and I feel sorry for the women in love with him, who are left with, Monday night dates. While others get SATURDAY night. 

 Thats sad to me. I prefer a man who is monogamous to the perfect woman.. 

19 marines killed, wow , that was a sad story. God put it on your heart, REP JONES. I am proud of your work. Its good to stick up for those who you see being treated bad. Its so nice to hear REP JONES talk about his relationship with god and how god helped him. GOD IS GOOD to those who do good. And now its on. WHO IS RUNNING THE DEFENSE BUDGET, we need quality.  REP JONES is setting it straight. WOW. 6 mill to buy 9 goats from Italy, for goat business?  THATS A SCAM. AMERICANS MONEY. AND THEY LOST THE GOATS. Huff Post. 9 Italian goats. WOW. ahahahahah Thanks REP JONES.  The Clintons are in trouble too. HE HAS SEEN THE PAGES, it will make America stronger, what countries had involvement.    People will be embarrassed.  28 pages, I want to see. Thanks ALEX. WHAT NICE MAN. FINE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN REP CONGRESSMAN JONES


If god is a capitalist, then Trump u are our savior. I believe it. Roger Stone is the ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. I love the fight for Good. The final battle between good and evil. This is it. We must pull together and liberate mankind

.MOST PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT HEALTH CARE. I agree, I have never been sick since 2003. I adopted a really healthy raw vegan diet then. Cured me instantly of infection that bothered me for 2 years. I only been seriously sick, when I been vaccinated as a child. I had plagues of pests like lice. I got chicken pox after a vaccine. My children will never know illness like I did. I give them fresh fruit and whole foods daily. Thats all we need. I had my tonsils removed as a child. WHAT A WASTE. Is that Medical Tyranny or what? I would never do that either to my kids. There are so many Medical scams DONALD.

 I am a Raw Vegan For you Trump. Also, a Flat Earther for you Trump. Join me. And I eat only Organic, yes, organic eater, for Trump PRESIDENT , too. Politically I am a Libertarian for trump. Mixed Race for Trump. Infowarrior for Trump. Caravaner for Trump. CELEBRITY APPRENTICE FAN for TRUMP. 

Paradise is here for us. YOU will liberate the world. TRUMP YOU KNOW WE ARE GOING TO WIN. TEAM TRUMP WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Lead us to freedom. FLAT EARTH. LOVE.

You explain in this video how the system works, I love that, I made my kids listen. 

Trump I see you working so hard, I hear your voice, I sense you are overworking, but I know its amazing. I know you are tired, working harder than any politician ever that I have seen, I have seen little entitled poopies like Obama come along. I DESERVE A REAL PRESIDENT AT LEAST ONCE IN MY LIFETIME. I SAT THROUGH OBAMA 8 YEARS of hell. YEARS. AGONY. Hearing his voice made me cringe since day one. I was not fooled. I DESERVE YOU TRUMP. I been good. This is my time now. I want who I want to rule us, To make AMERICA great again.

Evil, like the BUSH CRIME FAMILY. Everyone thinks Ted Cruz is the libertarian. But sadly, 5 mistresses, that makes me sad DONALD. Imagine the mistress who gets the Monday Morning Brunch time slot, and how sad she must be. And whoever gets the SATURDAY night date, is the one the other mistresses, envy. Thats sad to me. 

I would rather a Monogamous Man who is married to the IDEAL WOMAN. 

To me, thats the best a man can be. YOU WILL MAKE THIS TRUMP. Of course you will win. Its not even a game, you beat everyone. You are the alpha male. You know how much money OBAMA has wasted.
U EXPLAIN THE SYSTEM as if you were talking to a child, so they understand the corruption. I love LIVE STREAMING and chatting, but I missed this one. 


I love you so much JJ, sticking your head out for Trump, when it matters, you will be rewarded. I see a FINE POLITICAL CAREER for you JUDGE JEANINE. I want you to have SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SEAT. Take it JJ! Don’t let Obama have Scalia suffocated, and then put in a sleeper cell terrorist ideas, anti 2nd ammendment, judge to replace him. OH NO PUBLIC OPINION WANTS YOU THERE!! 

THEY HAVE TO COVER CRUCIFIXES IN CUBA so as to not offend BARACK OBAMA, you would THINK its becausehe is a muslim. HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED. People are terrified of him. They say, Obama bows down and kisses the SAUDI ARABIA’s KINGS ALLAH RING!! 
 We have to do something Judge Jeanine. We have to. WE HAVE TO. THEY TOOK ALL THE GOLD IN THE WTC before they hit it I guarantee, 100 billion on gold bars! TRUMP WILL FIND IT. Clinton and Bush Crime Family and the JIHADISTS. I say are to blame. HEY WHEN are you and Bridgitte Gabriel, are going to go live on air and talk about Obama’s ring he wears! The one that says ALLAH IS THE ONE TRUE GOD. I look to you as a leader, for strong women, the kind men just love! You are the ideal woman for me. My daughter loves you

This is me at Yelm Cinema last night. I saw Zootopia. My friend Dave Hygaard made this shirt. I see TRIUMPH in Trump. It actually says I HOPE TRUMP AS PRESIDENT. Dave you are a genius. Anthony has two. The I is in red and the HOPE is in red too, but you cannot tell from picture. Its like a puzzle. 


STOP THE STEAL DOT ORG go there now people! Love all you DOERS of whats right. Go TRUMP. Top Alpha LION ! We want him to speak for us. I know Alex, Roger Stone is the man. He is super smart like you, and has many good ideas. We have to figure out how! Ted Cruz calls ROGER STONE, TOP HENCHMAN, ha, they call Roger? No, I think ROGER is TRULY the angel of justice. I am reading JEB BUSH and the Crime Family now. I think back to when I was in high school and true crime was a passion of mine. You know the section in tne bookstore. Now the Bush family has its own section. I am so happy. Roger I love your political memorabilia. Very Smart. Wise. You know how to make a president. You know this. You got it. You are so well dressed.

I am confident too, about the Trump Campaign. Trump really has the best of the best in everything, and people fight for it. Trump will be ready for battle. He has the smarts. I need advice. I need to know what to do for Trump.  I mean what you say, we are not going to stand for the big steal. If I have to, I will. I really will, for Trump. Not just for Trump, but for the game, for politics. We have to show the world our power, the truth tellers we are. The establishment better not DARE. THEY BETTER NOT. I mean it. Stop the steal!

Trump has the best people. Noone can do it like he can. He has the midas touch. Kasich I do not like. I do not. NO, we do not want another JFK with a plant in the VP spot, or a Reagan Bush plant either. I say DONALD TRUMP JR for VICE. We need a dynasty of TRUST. 


All Space is fake to take your money people. Mars is filmed in Canada. There are no satellites. The Earth is flat and stationary, maybe infinite plane. Research, I cannot prove in one post. NASA LIES, SATELLITES HOAX, NUKES HOAX ( riveting once you see), FLAT EARTH and THERE IS NO GLOBE, 200 Proofs we are not on a spinning ball, FLAT EARTH FOR BEGINNERS. If you go too high, you fry. Sorry to tell you your first grade teacher lied, but if she waited until you were in 5th grade you would have laughed at her, Spinning ball! Ships do not sail over the horizon. Get a telescope, they are right there. Same with Cities far away, skylines, there is NO CURVATURE OF EARTH FOR PILOTS. Nor CANAL BUILDERS! ALL FLAT. We are not spinning 1000 mph. If we were why do cannons come back down into hole sometimes after being up 24 seconds. Why polaris the same, as all constellations like clockwork.
Radioactive Board roaming Cherynobyl. They look happy and normal. They dont look like they are glowing.  Why isnt Japan dead yet? Where are all these XMEN? I grow up terrified.


Pierre Bergé  (born 14 November 1930) is a French industrialist and patron. He is the co-founder ofYves Saint Laurent Couture House and onetime life partner and longtime business partner of the late fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent.

Pierre Bergé - septembre 2012 (2).jpg

MY OPINION , I AGREE “Creators should have nothing to do with Islamic fashion. Designers are there to make women more beautiful, to give them their freedom, not to collaborate with this dictatorship which imposes this abominable thing by which we hide women and make them live a hidden life. These creators who are taking part in the enslavement of women should ask themselves some questions.” 

‪He is talking about all these designers designing for Radical women Sharia law style.Like H & M, or Dolce and Gabbanna. Make sure there is no red, Dolce and Gabbana, I saw a video, you can look on liveleak, of an old lady getting shot in the head, in the public street for wearing red by some ISIS clerics. I think in Syria. Just make sure its all black, and super thick,

 H & M. So they cannot get assaulted. Or caught in the street by the sharia law police.  Make the dresses, so the women, just disappear in the shadows.   Lace inspires lust so maybe stick with wool. H & M, I would design a HIJAB with hidden razors to ward off rapists. Or maybe one with an entertainment system inside!

THE WHITE HOUSE CENSORED A FRENCH PRESIDENT’s SPEECH. NOONE is not allowed to say ” Islamic Terrorist “, I think because OBAMA is a sleeper cell and they do not want to offend him and his secret religion. Rumors are flying that we have sold the country to SAUDI ARABIA. ANOTHER RUMOR, when he toured Cuba, crucifxes had to be covered up for some ODD reason around Obama. Because he is muslim. You would think thats the reason.

I love TRUMP and I am glad he was in the SIMPSONS. We all knew he was presidential.

Will Smith three times referenced flat earth. I see flat earth maps too all over in movies. If you are a movie fan. To me, a good movie that reminds me of FE is the TRUMAN SHOW.

Research Flat Earth.
Flat Earth Podcast with Eric Dubay and Mark Knight. His voice is really calming. They go over the main proofs, that earth is flat, its funny, when you know, and you can laugh at the rest of the world, but it is serious, too. This is a good conversation. He makes a good point. You need 100 – 400 hours before you can prove it to yourself. I have. He has, and Mark says he has too. This is not something you can prove in one post, or one video. I invite you to take this on. And do not look at anti flat earth vids, I mean really take on the FLAT EARTH PROOFS yourself. Then cross check. You have to understand first. Its very science-y. REAL SCIENCE.  What you find is so much beauty. You see yourself, whats going on, which is what science is right? Not just blindly accepting, even if we are taught in every movie, in every first grade classroom, in every book about Astronomy. If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you? Just double check. I like the video slideshow and personal photos of Eric with his cat. He is GORGEOUS.

IGNORE RIDICULE, , its a very good weapon of BRUTES. Prepare yourself for it, and have a heart of steel, when you try teaching others. And always try to get them to see what you see, it will come to you. Its about liberating mans mind. Think, you are giving people the option where for 500 years they had none. Its a good thing to share with your loved ones.

The Biggest Lie of All

121,000 feet Little Piggy Cam High Altitude Balloon Flight

FREE Download or read online.200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball.Author Eric Dubay. GREAT GIFT for your relatives. Give them the knowledge so they can deal with their future, their soul, etc accordingly. At least tell them the two words FLAT EARTH.
200 Proofs Earth is not a spinning ball video book by Eric Dubay.

Since I been a flat earther, I seen personally, two facebook FLAT EARTH GROUPS, one before my eyes, turned into JUGGS OF FACEBOOK and all of a sudden people are posting breasts. Another group oh my god, if you dare post in it, you get attacked and called names, so dont go there, its a fake flat earth group.. and then just now, a very popular flat earth group,  has the word LOSERS pasted on the facebook banner. THATS WEIRD HUH. Its like a battle.  There are people who do not want this to be talked about, but they are attracting more attention and making it look like hey, what is going on here!

For those who know we are on a globe, because they see ships sail over the horizon. MY ADVICE GET A TELESCOPE. The earth is flat. The ship is there. Even 100 miles away, full ship.

Look at the vandalism

Read article

OBAMA’s latest flat earth reference. He just cannot tell the truth can he?