SHORT STORY 2 post thumbnail image

I got alot to post. 4 cartoons. Etc. I’ve gotta do stuff. But I will return.

This is a edit in progress . I am posting my notes and rewriting it. Adding pictures. So I’ll edit. Save. Edit save.

Whatever voice to text doesn’t translate I’m not responsible for

Google voice was so angry I wrote this WJOLE STORY..voice to text. It’s now GONE from my menu 😋

finger finger finger

Covid is a demon. It’s only real in imaginations.

You know .. I could go on the news forever and analyze . right versus wrong ..who killed Gabby potato..and never been giving the answer . or what’s going on in Congress..or YouTube..or Telegram…my growing habit..I almost have seen everything..and I can worry about this forever and it’s a constant tug-of-war forever ..and ever ..or you know I can step back ..and see what needs to be done. Or..another way to get things done. At least ASK?

That a docking ship ..of airships? Smaller blimps? To let people off on? Probably something else..maybe some ancient free electricity tech? THE BODY OF THE STRUCTURE LOOKS REAL. but the top..not. I mean under the top part

But I really think there’s something deeper here something that’s been going on forever and that’s theater political theater..and you know in one play.. the good guy will be the bad guy ..and in another play ▶️ the bad guy will be the good guy 👦 but they’re all actors and it’s all fantasy.

The way things are going.. is that the only way to get things done?

Could I play this game back-and-forth like a football game or is it possible that an individual can individual can make changes.
I know in the past when you ask regular people to play the game that are not members not members sometimes things go bad because the club doesn’t want intruders playing their game and no matter what the individual does or creates or starts here they come and they control the whole movement and they’re just putting you back in the game again when you’re trying to get out of it.

Sometimes I think the only way to get rid of secret societies.. is to just let them fight and destroy each other. …And yes we do have representatives that are playing the game .that kind of ⛅ voice our thoughts ☔ but in the end they’re just actors ..actors in theater. and they’re all on the same team.

They just haven’t done better. NOW VERSUS THEN. I pick Then. That a place like that. It’s like Denver Airport. It’s ugly. Looks hellish. How is the new ..better? It’s not. It’s worse. But it’s obvious it’s giants building the domes. TITANS

I think the game is how do we get rid of of these Villains and heroes ..all everyday minute..over and over. and the people come up with the agenda? We all play. Games?
Instead of backing them up we should be be so bright and so intellectual so intellectual that people flock to us.
Is it really down to Americans to get this saving the world stuff done? Well how can we do it and I think we have to start putting our thoughts on paper and figuring out what’s fake and what is real and what is not.

Myself..the world..back and forth..and get involved in all these games back-and-forth.. good guy.. bad guy …good guy…bad guy..

.. but in the end it’s their game and not ours and you know your heroes are in court rooms with green screen fails and your heroes and martyrs actually took a blood pill before they supposedly got died.. you’ll never get to the bottom..the guy who did it doesn’t even match the profile picture..just a fashion shoot in the movie. you can see it on camera . Someone putting it into their mouth and everyone looks at them like they are a martyr when it’s just actors and actresses inside of a game beating off us and using us and manipulating us…they make heroes. But it’s a false light.

America wants President Trump back. How do we get him back without watching this football game.

That is so distracting. and it just goes back-and-forth forever ..4 ever ..locking us into distraction. All our waking lives.
And how come evil doesn’t play fair they’ve taken up way too much attention.. they’re supposed to let the good side win.. a little and they haven’t . the entire time Trump was President they didn’t allow him to do anything ..anything good all ..well alot actually .but he COULD HAVE DONE ALOT …MORE they did was distract him . distract us ..over and over again ..and that’s not fair ..they should have allowed the good people to inspire the world..fix it.. and remake in American glory..all the industries and.. It’s just not fair.

It’s not like there’s balance between good and evil because God doesn’t work that way God is the remedy of all evil . hes not the opposite of the devil. PLAYING WITH ITSELF..

AS IN the game 🎮

We have a way out … But we aren’t given the secrets of the old world. We are left just to create what giants and titans have done before…the secrets. Locked up. 🔒

If fair was fair they would have allowed president trump when he had his term I mean hes still president but you know what I mean they should have allowed him to do a 100% good stuff and rebuild but I understand if the bad guys have all the money. So it’s like kinda like the last war going on right now.
We had to put up with our entire lives of falseness. We couldn’t even get one term of good.  Because the actors kept begging for attention and troublemakers kept stirring things up. And even if he was president again which he is but you know what I mean but you know what I mean these people are still gonna be starting trouble looking for all the attention.
I think it’s time these people go.
You cannot do it by hiring regular people because the members will push out and they’ll slander they’ll Sue they’ll find using all that their spy wear.
Remember government is public.. citizens are private ..they’re not supposed to go after our personal lives they are supposed to get a job done. They are not supposed to go after citizens only the enemies of the Republic.
OK so let’s just say too many bad guys got too many power and own everything and we have to judge them by vote or  by telling the truth about their criminal behavior.  How can this work if everybody’s in the game and they just get new identities and they never get in trouble for anything.

All this work. And nothing..?

I truly believe what’s going on.. is what’s going to liberate us from all of this.. I just can’t understand it . it’s something that I can’t understand.. because it’s not wanted to be understood. so I can’t understand it.

If somebody wants something kept a secret no psychic on Earth can figure it out because it’s like blocked you know.


But I definitely put in my request because I would like to know at least tell somebody.

Just maybe this group of actors keeping the threads of reality alive. for a lot of countries.. but it’s false ..and it’s just imprisons everybody including them.

And what happens when you just get regular people inheriting the world.. how do you know that’s  going to go smoothly? What happens if one leader is A-war Lord and another leader is a capitalist?


Well can I tell you something when you leave people alone and you stop mind controlling them people gravitate towards good it always happens.

Leave people alone..and they do exceptional..the way society is..isn’t working. Obviously. I must be serious.

But leave them alone..and they do..amazing!!

I mean I believe in variety but if there are group of people that want to be in secret societies for example why can’t just one country have them and we see how well they succeed in regards to the rest of the world speeding up and rebuilding. Without all the back-and-forth drama and fake villains and fake saviors. Imagine what that experience can do?

What if you allowed America to be good.?

The 1st rule of America is you do not do anything through violence.. at all.. that is Communist CIA stuff ..and the only reason they do that.. is so they can take over later.. and they definitely don’t share.

So America has to be the brains of the world and we have to do the thinking and we have to ask the right questions and I’m not

🌑THE BLACK MIRROR of the ancients..IS A POSITIVE VERSION OF graphene oxide black goo? I’ve done blog posts about it before ⚫

Talking about for 2 years straight asking the same questions on Twitter..and not really knowing if the coronavirus is real or not. I mean those kind of questions. It’s such..a time Trump would say on the Apprentice. He hated time wasters..he sees thru the red tape. He hates it.

How can I speed this up?

That’s not what I mean. It’s just time to stop supporting heroes and villains because they’re just on the same team’ve got to believe in yourself and you gotta be the star yourself ..and I mean really look into your heart of hearts.. and look up to you. As the wisest.

As lovable as they are..the heroes and entertaining we’re just never gonna get out of this because it’s almost as if they’re just having fun battling each other and it’s not really a battle..

It’s not a real battle. it’s a fake’s like watching a play of West side story or something.
I think the remedy of all evil is a battle worthy of fighting.

And I don’t Really have any fear towards these evil characters ..even though they’re killing everybody.. it’s almost like they are play acting ..and it’s just like a movie or a poor film. it’s not really reality. And even when they get caught they. The baddies. always get let go later on…. All they’re doing is trying to incite the public to fight each other.. that’s all their power is and they have the platform. Always. And no Americans want to watch. We want Trump back!!


I mean can a parallel society be created without them but you know they’re gonna sneak back in and try to dominate the dominate the movement.

We need trump back and we need him now and we are not gonna get him through violence or even through violence or even waiting to see how long this darkness is please all of this is a waste of time and time is being wasted.
We have to do this with our brains and we have to show the world though the world what ideas can do. And I mean it’s stop listening to the TV even if your beloved is on there stop following people on Twitter and sigh deeply when you read their posts.
Like pull out a typewriter and just put all your ideas out and it can happen.
Our kids have to be taught how to win in court without a lawyer. They have to be taught Latin so they don’t get screwed over by the law.  The machines of reality in this country have to be looked at in taking care of and polished and studied. Instead it’s just being abandoned and the whole thing is breaking.
If one person is looking outside of the game  this game then a 100 other people will..

You know I know why a lot of patriots are hurt it’s because we don’t know what’s going on and we feel left out because we would love to take part in the greatest battle of the millennia. And maybe we would be a good army.
But we are treated like sheep and our shepherd never shows up or hes locked behind behind a cave or something and we gotta get a mouth. And back-and-forth the good and evil drama ensues over and over again. And nobody knows where to look we’re being confused on purpose purpose but I think this war can be won A different way.

I mean I don’t think Americans want to be in a big MK ultra project with massive pain and trauma given to us over and over again so we just follow the light wherever it is I don’t think so we are much brighter than that and the individual has to be respected. Because when you follow the light the darkness comes.

But even that’s not true because evil takes way too much and they let the good only have 5% of the playtime.

Have we given up a 1000 years of sorrow sorrow in exchange for a 1000 years for a 1000 years of peace because that would be fair but I think it should start right now.

Why plague are inheritors this?  Nobody gave us everything we wanted. I can’t even remember the last time I felt free I think I was one of the 1st people on Amazon not to get a seller’s account because they didn’t have to tell me why. I was one of the 1st people on Facebook censored heavily because my business sold moonshine stills.

So a lot of people have been suffering their entire lives in a kind of labyrinth maze where they think they’re going to get to the end but there’s a lot of booby traps and you never really get to the end of the labyrinth do you? And is that the point is that how they control us? Well II just don’t think that should be right because if you’re going to play a game you need an opponent and eat an opponent and you know if the good and bad guys are on the same team well who are the players opposite you when people just think both sides are Poles they’re not they’re the same team.

I think president trump is way too smart hes played their game and won.

What’s he gonna do another 4 years of misery and yelling and fighting I don’t think so I think he should start rebuilding America a beautiful paradise.

I mean I think he can take on the most powerful opponent of them all and that’s pure evil he can conquer it and be the remedy for it in the entire world and without these people everybody will rise up to goodness because when left alone people become good.

I mean if hes gonna play a game why can’t he beat somebody that nobody’s been ever able to beat for centuries?

I don’t believe he got help from anybody I think they all just want to control or get a piece of him I don’t think they actually helped him. And they always had him on the edge that if they didn’t do what he said they had something on him. I mean allowing them to play their game it’s an honor but there’s other games to play.

I mean you don’t want one day these people been vanquished you know a century from now and trump was just known just known as 1 of them because that’s how they’ll spin it?. You want president trump’s legacy to go on for at least it’s a 1000 years because you know he wants to protect his family and his legacy and his line. And most heroes can be turned into villains with a blinking of the media’s pen.  To be famous for centuries he would have to do the impossible and that is to beat a worthy opponent and these people are a worthy opponent they are the good guys and they are the bad guys.. But all on the same team.

So many of us have been worshipping loose of her all our lives and we haven’t even known it because Lucifer’s the savior and hes also the oppressor but it’s both the same guides the black-and-white chest pieces its S light and dark it’s on and on it’s there the darkness and they are the light and the light says OK it’s time for dark to take over and they just switch back-and-forth and you know the worst Communist’s on Earth and the best and the best saviors of all wars they’re all friends!  And when Justice is served they just get new identities and shipped off to other countries and they have a new life or they retire.

The communists of 1917 red October they were just allowed to do all that to get the job done to get the people to start a revolution so the good guys can take over. And be called heroes.

Every revolution is started so the good guys can take over but they’re not really good guys because they’re on the same team and they work together and they allow each other to do this.

They allow their villains to do this and.. Then they are the saviors.

Some of the good guys and the bad guys are in this forever war and you could pick aside or you can realize that it’s all Lucifer.

Now why would anybody want to play this stupid game when your soul is lost because you know you’ve been lying the whole time pretending to be on the side of good.  And if you’re a bad guy why would you want to play this game when the cost is everybody in the world hates you. Is a lifetime pension in some island somewhere with a new identity is that really worth it did you really win anything?

The fuzziness is just the intro and when he talks.

As intricate as the white and black.. good verses evil…chess pieces are there is a 3rd move to make and that’s off the board. It really is the new frontier. You don’t need evil to make yourself look good and you don’t need evil to effect some change and and you don’t need to conceal your power if you are a good leader ..good leaders are good leaders. without all that. Some leaders just don’t need help from the heroes and the same game. There is another one.

And surely there’s definitely another way to get all the people to listen to you and to love you . Besides putting them into an MK ultra program and traumatizing them .. giving them a new personality where they don’t even know where they live.

And that’s what president trump has he has that already he doesn’t need anything extra. He is a great leader. He doesn’t need it orchestrated for him. He can lead the way.

President trump as the remedy for all evil ever I mean just to imagine what that would look like if it were that simple and maybe it is. You know people were just left alone and not distracted I know…they would gravitate towards good naturally.

Man’s worst fear is being lied to. The people who you love the people who took care of you lied to you. That is man’s worst fear.

You don’t have to lie to people to get them to love you.

New York City.

I mean it’s like a secret machine that all it does is shred everybody up.  Even the good guys.. the heroes ..have to do some bad stuff sometimes order to keep the game moving…

Sometimes your representatives will say something that is totally weird like Ted Cruz..and you’ll understand that they aren’t quite like you but yet they’re fighting for you ?..and you support them..into the nethers..? And one day they say the right thing and the next day they say the wrong thing and it goes on and on forever and…ever.. and you support them and you can watch back-and-forth this circus of people attacking people . and it goes on forever and ever and ever and ever.. here we are 10 20 30 50 years later and we haven’t figured it out yet.

Now as a man.. it would be cool to figure this out what is the remedy . for all evil in the world?.

Please don’t think that everything has to be good and bad as if they are 2 opposite parts of a magnet because that’s not God’s game at all. That is just Lucifer hero and villain. Good and bad..the light..the false one. The trinket God created!

It would make you mad it would make anybody mad and then one day you die ..and you didn’t see the big answer you wanted in life. and you just played a little game of football ..and that’s all it was .. And your opponents just had drinks with later on ..and you know it wasn’t really a game was it?.and you know kind of know .you kinda go to the next life ..feeling a little disappointed.

Does an individual have power over a collective ..yes it is the only power. Yes you have to make a lot of people happy ..and play a lot of honey ..sometimes .because some demons to battle are truly that ferocious ..and they cannot tell when they are being lied to.. so it’s very easy to trick them ..

Have we as a human collective gone into the void .just playing this game ..and it’s not based on anything.. it’s just emergency authorization ..that just dispels everything?

Well.. what about the players and the people because.. I think.. if you don’t tell the players. the rules or even the game ..and it’s not considered free will and… it’s just not a real game. It’s not fun. Cuz its rigged

. It’s not really a game and you don’t have any real enemy.. it’s like puppet show. and you’re using deception to get things’s not very satisfying.. I mean unless the ends justifies the means. but that is a Communist saying ..the ends justified the means.

So are all of our heroes communists??  maybe I think so. the ones we see on TV in our heads what we are reading.  I mean yes everybody can be a Communist playing an anti Communist.. to kind to kind of make it like a game. You play patriot. I play commie. ▶️

But even if that were true. good has..this good has to come back..without any intrusion from evil 😈 because they’ve been going on with their evil for a long long time. And they just don’t let humanity do anything good. unless the whole boat of good and bad people are both sinking ..both sinking together.. but why would that be good for them? If you had nice toys as a kid..did you destroy it? No. You kept it.

NYC. Impossible for people of that means. To have built. It’s something else.

What good do you get destroying a country even if you’re playing the hero?

Let’s just say enemies have occupied this country and we need to get them out…

And you trust the good guys to be on the good team when they are actually on the same team so nobody’s getting kicked out it it’ll just be here forever and ever. New identities in the HALL OF RECORDS OF SHAME .

So I’m saying is our battling leaders have to be left out of this Decision ..all those pundits on TV have to be left out of this decision.   It has to be decided by the people and what individuals in America want. Not by the representatives.

They just can’t be trusted to protect our America. Whatever they give us the next year it will be balanced ..50 ..50. And nobody wants to watch them.. Americans want to see Trumps archutect skills. On America!..

..or..with the opposite. Drama forever..never ending….always mediocre. Mostly fairy tales.. Why go on forever?

it isn’t built to copy something else it is the real thing

But how can us as individuals communicate with one another without a platform such as cable TV? Because whenever you try to do something on get shut down ..or murdered. There has to be another form of communication whether.. it’s just being good to ourselves . all of us being good to ourselves at once.. and we kind of have like Our own orders given up to us by God? With permission of course. Thoughts..

Remember God’s not playing these light and dark games… on Earth. You’re playing Lucifer’s game and you’ve done it all your life without even knowing it. Let’s try something different? Something new let’s play God’s game and be the remedy to all evil.

The little games on Earth. have nothing to do with anything but watching a sitcom. You’re all forever be led to believe your winning. Both sides think they’re winning. I mean how long can this go on? When are we going to stop playing and start fixing?

Yes the light is important of course the light of knowledge importance but at the same time it’s a product of everybody’s mistakes and one person believes this and another person believes that so as truly wonderful as knowing everything is it’s actually knowing nothing because you realize nobody knows anything for sure so it’s not really knowledge is it it’s just a swamp..

I mean you could have good ideas and you can focus on good ideas and things that help mankind but even that can be twisted because so many people have different thoughts about what can help mankind..they can even lie .. so I think it’s we have to stay away from controlling others.. and learning what’s good for the self.

What world do we really want to live in..America?

And the light of knowledge is just a creation of God it’s just like one little perk.. it’s not the way ..things are ..It’s like a moth you really want to be fried? It’s like watching a campfire. A group of men. Looking at a campfire.

Yes fire is wonderful so is water so iso is air and incense thanks and those are elements that God-created but that is not God each one you know air is not a God water is not a God those are just things God-created.

God is the remedy of all evil. If you’ve been scorned God will give you Justice if you ask something of him.. he will give you mercy. That’s all hes capable of. God is not the republicans and the devil the democrats.  Remember the light? The both savior and Demonic…would you think the 2 are even even…it’s a small earth game. Positive Poles on a battery. Not..the real game of God’s.

It’s about getting out of this game and making your own rules about how your life should be and not dictated by the game.

Who wants to watch a play over and over again and never get out of the theater? I mean you got your own life to live I mean it’s like a showtime paparazzi..going on every single day.. for our entire lives ..and there’s never ..really a solution.

We’ve let evil do so much and get away with so much that we can’t even have 4 years to ourselves without major problems?

America is crying for president trump . I don’t think people understand ..yhe emotions that that this is having on people ..constantly at war with the other side. it’s very it’s very upsetting to see their election stolen. But then again ..if Trump publicly comes back…is President Trump gonna have another 4 years of more impeachment ..and Adam Schiff. HILLARY still there?..and/or more Durham saying soon..and more bad guys.. congressman eric in bed with Asian hookers..I don’t understand what the plan is ..but I have faith that it will be resolved . and resolved and fast. One way or get Trump back in.

And yes .you need the scorpion sting.. to be born again . born again in astrology.. you need that sting in order to let go of everything that was blocking you from your goal… But.. Creating the sting yourself.. it’s not how it’s supposed to work..and sting’s supposed to happen organically!!

The end of the a play being shown. You take part in. Not a real victory..if the bad guys don’t get really punished. And deaths faked. Heroes..just a gore movie.

To truly save the world you have to get rid of these players.. Or truly expose them ..just expose everything.. I don’t know how it just has to be a desire ..that you know you have.. to figure out. where do I live? Who are our leaders? Are the good guys ..the bad guys sometimes..and are the bad guys the good guys sometimes?

That’s not strange?

Sometimes I think people are so screwed up that God considers them abominations that must go. When you create life that’s beauty that’s beauty to you and then that creation of yours goes in does something horrible or become addicted to drugs drugs or try to copy everything in Hollywood and nobody even the players in the game are immune to this. Everyone suffers. Even you bad guys.

I think you can have heroes ..without villains I don’t think you need each other…

I just don’t think you can play this game forever ..and constantly be on the edge of winning.. and then not winning again ..or winning and not winning.. and I just think.. why can’t we have president trump win over everything? And beat the game .and we’ll root for him?

I mean naturally we need a representative in the game. That’s hes going to beat 💓 it for 1000 years.

It comes naturally to us.. it’s what’s been handed down.. it’s something that you know we want to be productive.. and we want to live good lives ..and . .we want to be smart and inventive ..and have all these new creations and technologies ..that’s what we want to do. But obviously the game is controlling all of us..Noone going to do any of that in the game.

Oh. What’s that? Is that a candle with a light coming down from it? Or gas?
Free energy tesla coil. No electric bills.

I mean I can’t go to a store without being asked without being asked for a mask or something.. People are so hypnotized by this game that they can’t even understand it..can’t even understand it. and they will die believing that life was good  To them.. or whatever whether it’s just not true.. life could be a lot better….many slept entire lives.

So the game is yes we’re supposed to be really really in darkness and then the savior will come and save all of us ..👄 but both sides want us depopulated.

It’s not really a human decision to make. It’s more like a board or a collective or or a big cube or something.. seeping.. with black goo.. that looks really shiny and white and some parts…depending..on the frequency it was given.

(hint hint..creating life alchemy)

What we all need to be concerned about is what is going to make our life better besides  Selling it out. Selling life out.

I’ll look what’s this people are partying with electricity big time here . It’s a party of a king ..that’s what 🤴 kings are supposed to do. A field was turned on.

You know I just I think president trump will survive amazing..and surprise us all.. I really don’t believe he wants to pretend to be a savior. He’s a builder! Allow him to build America back! 🇺🇸 I really think hes the real thing . and he can save us from the game forever.. but he just needs the ideas. he needs to know how to do it and maybe hes got a plan.. maybe hes got people backing him up.. but you know wherever there is the collective know you must be warned.. that it’s all about the individual ..and the individual needs as much information.. as possible to make any decision.. not just from collectives.

I mean if he doesn’t rescue us ..somebody else will. but Centuries later. of trying…and there’ll be a lot more suffering . and and there might not be any structures . left. anything.. from the old world just might be everybody’s a cave man.

And we will have turned back to the animal.

Or we can have our American cities shine up like this with free energy light .. like this place in San Francisco that was demolished. You are not taught in this in public schools.

I have a high estimation of him because I have watched his life and seen his accomplishments ..and the thing that makes me mad.. is people talk about his bankruptcy.. and all that but he was never bankrupt. and he never did anything wrong ..what happened .was bad guys got to him and threatened him .. Yeah look into it they got him..and and you know what.. hes never had an enemy.. that he hasn’t given the gift back. and I think this would be the ultimate victory.

Why don’t we know about it?

And this new experiment..of America..can’t be the same as the old ..because it’s just going to happen all over again and they’re gonna have even less.. than what we started with.

A true savior of the world .would rescue everybody from this game. The only one man is capable . only 1 man. I am sure…you’d be a real one. INSTEAD of an actor in a play. It’s beneath your skill level. Your masterpiece will be your building skills..It’s your masterpiece..rebuilding America!

And I think it starts with do you really want to save everybody from this game.. because honestly. it’s even. if you win .. This little’s just gonna be the same old garbage ..the whole year. Nobody’s gonna let you rebuild nobody’s gonna let you make anything better evils always gonna win .do you see what I’m saying?…in this men of secrets vaudeville.

fake architect takes credit for this only to destroy it it doesn’t make sense . Think of the means of the people of that time. I think Chicago 🤔

And what are you gonna do .Google politics for 10 years..20 years straight.. and still not win?
Mean that’s not a game that’s rigged.
I think we can play a real game all of us.

Demolished in San Francisco . but anyway I put this picture here because Trump CAN build towers..fountains of water..charged with atmospheric this in every city in America if you let him.

America’s got to save the world with their brains and we can’t trust people on TV ..they’re just echoing what we say. BACK to us….We gotta do it ourselves ..we just gotta start thinking and tapping into that consciousness.

And yes the game is a little entertaining. if you like sports it’s entertaining. But if it’s rigged it’s not a game ..and you know you’ve cheated. So let’s play to win. We had practice. We graduated 🎓 the courses.

And the winning.. is the remedy of all evil.
It’s doing what’s good. And especially whatever you wanted..without hurting another. Owning a home. And never paying property tax.

Common law is a step yes ..Magna Carta a step constitution a step..yes.. or we can go with the Christian laws ..that’s a step.. But if we’re playing the same’s just gonna have the same outcomes ..every single time..and we’ll have less to play with ..every time.

Good and evil in the world it’s both Lucifer. This game is not helping anybody. Even if you win ..evils going to make life miserable for you. this is about..yes…About winning permanently.

And I’m in the game I am the political cartoonist but I can only watch and know that it’s a game and I have fun with it. But in the end I know that president trump is our leader in this game But just to beat it forever. Somebody’s gotta do it if not he then who? Let’s just beat it together and..

I’m very sorry a lot of people I follow are now dead. And they played believing in the game and now they see what it was all about somewhere in electricity consciousness. So I hailed them I praised them.. May we figure out what you figured out in passing this plane. For it’s plain to see it’s a beautiful plane.

The American flag in the background

If you think this is a battle of heaven and hell on Earth. then you are distracted by the lights. There is another bigger game ..and that is I don’t know if you call it Christ consciousness .but it’s in our blood. and it’s in our bodies.. and it starts with keeping your body pure. And interacting with the food the Earth gives us. And watching the sun across the sky and the moon come out and realize who created all of this?

You don’t pray to the moon.. you pray to who created everything.. And it’s everywhere’s everywhere it’s everything it’s even you. It’s not..”just the moon”

It’s about feeling good ..isn’t that what everybody wants?..yes to feel good . to have those moments ..where everything is brilliant and sweet. and thoughts are just rolling off of you. and you’re doing something that you like?

When you see lightning strike do you feel like that is outside of you . or just outside of your control? Because we’re in this together. It is you you’re just seeing it. from a small perspective. Because your work is here. You will ..can change the world. an individual can change the world for the better….

Without the little players coming and trying to get on your team just so they can control it. But if you add outside players then the team players will make that person’s life hell.. so it’s you know you gotta either walk away from the game or get off the chess board. If you want to play a better game. There’s no infighting playing board games. Within your kingdom..there’s no anarchy.

I mean if black represents evil.. and white represents good .. and you’re playing and sometimes good wins ..and sometimes bad wins.. how was that a game? It’s like both sides win sometimes?

how they got around

How many times you have to beat the game before you’re bored with it? Aren’t there any other life games we can play besides the one we’ve been in since birth .besides politics entertainment Hollywood Internet I’m being authentic…any..other games we can play? Or watch on the screen?

We can get outsiders in the game.. But the teammates have to accept it. We need like a good referee and president trump would make a good referee because if someone’s attacked unfairly thunfairly then you know someone needs to speak up because these people aren’t in the collective and remember the collective owns everyone’s minds through the TV. So the collective has its own protection the sheep coming in and hit a shepherd I don’t know how else to put it.

The innocence of children can’t be underestimated.. and the innocence of an outsider.. can’t be underestimated. Honestly children know more than adults I know know. that’s weird ..but try it next time you see a child ask them something you really really really want to know and you can’t figure it out and I guarantee you they will give you the answer faster than anything you could have done in research.
The same thing with letting outsiders play the game.


I mean aren’t you sick of losing over and over again and sometimes having to do bad? I mean who wants to be a bad guy nobody. Who wants to lie?.. If you beat our enemy forever well.. you’ll never have to lie again can start your masterpiece. and you can just start getting better and better… ideas ..better..because the more positive you are ..the better ideas you get.

Let’s say saving the world… relied on a Dodge ball game. And sometimes the good guys win sometimes the bad guys win. And you just keep playing over and over again but nothing is being saved because you’re both fighting each other? It would be good for an individual to leave the Dodge ball game and go and start building shelter…

It’s also about moving to a new place even if it’s in your imagination. People have been under trauma from the democrats for decades I mean real trauma. People became so MK ultra that they started having.. Wild fantasies of paradise without them. Just to escape the reality that this reality gives them of the TV of the news of politics of Hollywood of music. I mean even if it’s inspiring and beautiful.. it’s just that way to make’s the light world order.. only to betray you later and to give you an opposite.

Because on the darkest nights the The stars shine the brightest ..but we really don’t need that anymore.. don’t need that anymore… we can shine bright without the darkness. We can manage without them. Possibly for the 1st time in a millennia we can all thrive.

It would be a miracle if president trump could break this game after winning it of course and and everybody that comes to the table is an individual. A not part of a group or put there for a reason to infiltrate your group and take your inventions and everything you’ve ever created they own. But real people who wanted to make America absolutely stunning..

It’s just time to get out of this spider Web.

Let trump make America great again and I mean he’ll make it better than it’s ever been.. The world will follow us just by example… I mean I’m not really sure bad guys are being rounded up I mean they’re probably just being shipped off to another country on a life vacation retired. He doesn’t know that. but maybe but it’s just the nature of the game. How is that a game now we are all being enslaved..

here’s some ideas how to build America back better

Free energy free Wi-Fi. all of that stuff’s free anyway.. it’s part of nature .. the mind control on this technology is there on purpose they don’t want you to know that it’s free. it’s in the air nobody is riding a bike for your electricity that’s just how they sell it to you so you pay.

Self heating homes geothermal steam no more heat Bills. Like why are we paying to live?..yes like really ..why do we have to live?? to live ..I mean no more bills..won’t that free up other time we can fulfill our dreams?

Blimps and Zeppelin’s and low cost travel that’s far more luxurious and you don’t even need an ID. Bring back the airships and screw these airline companies there just old-fashioned.. and a huge huge scam too. The most mind control is around airplane technology. They charge you for something that cost them nothing. And if you go to school they lie to you nobody knows the secret free tech. Only liftoff and arrival use fuel.

LET Trump build…and you’ll have..water fountains in every downtown center.. with fresh Spring water that’s clean and structured an electrical atmospherically. And beautifully designed and meant to last forever not just a few years. And never to be claimed by anybody else. any fake architect..of the Top Hat Club.

Do you want sound healing in the cathedrals?

That’s their origin in nature. Before Religion we know..but the original one.

Structures in our cities… that light up without a..cord..but from the atmosphere.. that’s how they were built. No one has to pay electricity bills ..the city is lit up at night ..just with free energy. Statues ..obelisks..

can you imagine coming. .across a pristine living ruin place like this. In San Francisco.. totally empty and it Rivals the Vatican anything beautiful in rivals. you know my first thought wouldn’t be to destroy it with tnt.

He can build us….Fresh Spring water in every one of our homes ..either through a well..or through pipes ..that will never ever stop delivering fresh Spring water..for civilizations to come..

I mean this is how people in Machu picchu lived if you go to machu picchu..I did.. now every single bedroom has fresh Spring water still running in it into its own little bath.

What do you think all the water towers around the United States States have been cemented just so the city can charge you and poison your water?

President trump can bring this back. Look at things he has signed in about historical architecture. Read through his code words in his speeches to the United Nations.

Trust me hes related to a lot of free energy people trust me free energy means free energy like you don’t have to pay for electric heat Wi-Fi nothing all you are free to do is own your private property and do business and create whatever you want to create and do anything you want to do as long as it doesn’t infringe on what somebody else wants to do.

How would every city like..their own COLLISEUM..OR a pantheon …to go hang out in?

USA 🇺🇸

Wouldn’t every postal worker want an ancient stone structure with pillars to be their Post Office?

Every police station can be like built like an armory a castle.

We’ll be so rich we don’t have to have little cardboard homes anymore

The good old days before in San Francisco before the parasites destroyed it with tnt… It looks worn.. the cement on the Statue looks weird they’re like it looks different in some places. Maybe torn down or hidden.

We would literally be God’s light of the world like literally because we’ll teach people you don’t need to pay the city for light. The Truth. It’s FREE . FROM GOD.

I mean aren’t these luciferians all about the light? 😆


Why aren’t they giving people free electricity?

If they love it so much? Sounds like they don’t love it at all.

No they are absence of light they say they like it so much ..but don’t have it. Themselves. the great white brotherhood. all that from dark to light ..lux e tenembrum…Light? You say?

For loving the light..they actually haven’t had any light.  Even they got to pay the electric bill. What a scam!

And what light has ..the white chess pieces lack. .. it’s inferior art.

. Nothing..just paint.. because noone ever wins.. it’s just like there’s no glory in that. I mean don’t you want a legacy l?..ike forever ..people remember you as beating the ultimate demon of mankind? ..

The old world

. One day everybody will know about the game it’ll be a thing of the past ..and and your memory goes into the dirt into hard matter.. Doesn’t matter how long it takes’s a blink of an eye on the other world.

People will look at you like oh you weren’t that important. One of the forgotten ones. One of the unknowns.

Take a list of them..You could go down the list of presidents and be like this one was a hero or villain. .hero or villain .all down the list…

LOOK at that ..

and ask yourself..why.. and just it goes up-and-down up-and-down up-and-down up-and-down . Why is it like that.

And maybe there’ll be one greatest.. or a few but most of them are bad.. and it’s just not fair’s not a fair game.. people are definitely cheating. And then one day. ..maybe the whole thing will be looked at as forgotten…how can every president be mediocre..Best and sometimes. Some way more than others. And trauma. ..that’s the list. Not very fair.

The only way you live eternal in the minds of the future the minds of future people.. is if you beat this game….the real one. Not the distraction. The light world order versus the New. Same game. Not even real. A re-enactment. aren’t really playing the best game out there. The remedy of all evil. ❤

Or you can be like 15 minutes of fame today. gone tomorrow. and people figure it out as soon as it happens nowadays. People are smart. even the false flags on our side..people see it. You may think they don’t..but the time of knowing is coming at faster intervals.. people are figuring it out. It’s like the people are talking amongst each other. Even our fake martyrs ..people are starting to whisper ..about all this.

Through all of this judgment.. the really good people. will come out without being touched.

And you simply can’t find anything bad about Trump and everything you thought was bad about him was the complete lie. Noone owns him. Keep your enemies close!

The reason he plays honey is because evil cannot know what hes up to. And hes doing this to vanquish it. So if he says one thing.. out of his entire life. that is like totally not like him.. and I’m not talking about calling RBG. A legend.

or something like that.. cause that’s called playing honey. Knowing she’s been dead 2 years you know. that’s just playing honey.

The enemy must have no idea what’s about to come up upon them. The enemy of all mankind is about to be tricked and.. Finally of its own free will it will say yes. I will become good. I won’t be fallen anymore. Please forgive me.

God would say.

Make your wrongs right.

it’s a weird name for Americam city. MOSCOW.

The Old World San Francisco before it was demolished by both the Bad and the good guys.

Narrative super false.

maybe they painted it white and called that constructing an Art Exhibit.

🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛 or 🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠?

Every now and then a family friend will ask me for some fanart. So I did. He’s a tiktok star. Makes 3 k a week just in a live chat. 20k already million views Many sexy duets with women. In cowboy boots..the duets are worth seeing. He always ends with a prayer. Asks people what they need..

So I did two for him

here’s one

I guess tiktok is ok if it’s helping some out. With meeting people..getting attention..the bills paid. Apparently they want a business partner too. He got call from the office. Women want to fly him around. One lady gave him 500 on his stream. Not the only one But the one I caught. I didn’t hear whole thing. I enjoyed the Neon art though. My second one was intricate

If anyone needs anything. I usually do it like drawings wise. I really enjoy my art. I have one rule. I only draw pro conservative. I turned down offers. I’ll turn it down. Once I drew a cartoon for a company that sold BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT gear. I was so mad at myself. I didn’t know until after i delivered it.. He trademarked it too. So I should research more when people send me links. I don’t like my products sold in any store..with Libs ruining it.