Ron Paul on Coronavirus

Ron Paul on Coronavirus post thumbnail image
The mother of all man made crises.. #coronavirus #covid19 #ronpaul

I love the little fake Corona virus image with neon green glowing tool on the graphic design system that created the image that you see of the Corona virus in action in the air something nobody can see but only they have pictures actually drawings artwork.

I usually am in the live chats one his videos come up and I

Agree w Daniel..they want to
Regulate scarcity


You guys respect Ron Paul right he has a lot of integrity. he can see right through this one

Listen how he argues his point he uses a lot of humor hes really funny here….

He is laughing at it and they are joking about it between the lines and enjoying themselves.

Rp says we have a bunch of problems …besides coronavirus..militarism..and iran foreign policy..
Sanction stuff. Frozen out from trading. A mess he says.

Misinformation is the worst. Government does nor know best.


Ron Paul and him..Are being really sarcastic and it’s kind of funny they have a great chemistry between them and you can tell his CO host respects him and treats and really nicely and is always polite to him.

He brings up hurricane you know how every time a hurricane comes the main stream media whips up everybody into a frenzy and they buy all the water just because the TV told them to.

I’ve noticed that people in Oregon are calling the police because they run out of toilet paper and I brought it up in the flatt ereth … That’s how my voice to text input calls flat Earth…boards I said.. do you think this is some sort of mind control ..on the people about toilet paper …because people are acting really crazy about it and they’re fighting each other for it and they’re buying entire carts full of toilet paper and it’s visible in the 3rd dimension because it looks completely crazy like you would be buying food in a crisis not toilet paper you would be buying the basics you know the any fresh fruit and vegetables that you can get anything fresh greens anything healthy nuts dried fruit grains dried grains so you can sprout stuff because that stuff’s the most important that’s what you should be doing.. kombucha starters..

Ron Paul knows that this is as phony as those hurricanes that .dont come. The news only goes to mobile homes or that 1 place where there is a flood. He is talking about shortages I hope

The whole idea that You have to give up a few of your freedoms. And the idea that the government is here to help you. That is a very scary thing especially if the people in control are not on your side politically .

for example are you gonna let these liberals test you when they know you are for trump??
Those are my thoughts plus what Ron Paul brings up on just commenting on also.

And that you’re hearing that people are dying .if you dont..stirring up hysteria.
He brings up cultural marxism.. and how they do things that are so outrageous..and stupid.. but Ron Paul thinks that that’s just the point. It’s just to totally shock you.. totally numb you.

Rp also talks about the social distance . and we’re supposed to go home and hibernate.

Miami beach is closed..down.
Ron Paul attacks the medical advice people are giving.. A purpose medical explanations.. he says people like that create the problems..false statements . Scare based.

My thoughts is once you get out of this matrix you can never go back where you know you have the knowledge of the virus hoax Everything changes about your science..just propaganda..

when you stop believing what these doctors tell you even though they’ve been teaching it to you in every school on every TV show in every Hollywood movie. Everybody gonna be changed for. better.

Influenza is far more dangerous. You know really old person May cough…from that have a heart attack .but that doesn’t mean the virus infected that person and give it to them … it’s much worse.its just death..and old diets..

Ron Paul says every month Ron Paul says every month that they are going to want to test everybody .who’s going to say they’re going to stop with this?

Think of how this is gonna destroy all the mom and pop businesses Daniel brings up. From hysteria …

Financial crisis..came from flu virus. Not helpful. But really Comes from federal reserve system wins communism ideas.

And he says this is a distraction and of price fixing on interest rates as..messing around. Causes havoc. In the past ten years they rigged it up. On the surface things different.

Ron Paul talks how the government is flooded with money because of this Corona virus thing. We don’t know what to do with it… My thoughts is that could be a bribe.. Don’t know why you can’t take the money and run with it and just not pay it back because it’s not an official thing anyway..

Why can’t we use this money against globalists cause it’s an emergency…

There my thoughts. Nobody has a nest egg. Consequence of mischiefs…everywhere. no savings. Trump and Biden… The guy mentions how trump is taking power but..

You don’t know what hes doing behind the scenes with it ..and I guess this is really good if you’re on trump’s side… and we deserve a few kickbacks and a few perks so why not take the same power that the globalist took for themselves but instead do this for Americans and protect us with it. And attack our known enemies within.

It’s really risky to be a 100% good in any war. I think.

Our rights are being violated daily on a mass scale I don’t understand why we’re not allowed to violate their rights.

They’ve had all the free speech they want we’ve been force fed their communications for so long and it’s not something that we resonate with. We’ve taken at we’ve been forced to listen to their free speech. Now it’s our turn.

We know who came clean we know who chickened out and we know who’s going to be there till the very end with their reputations absolutely ruined they would fight to the grave take their lies so the grave and they will be proven wrong a 1000 times but they will still lie and everyone will see them for what they are liars pathological liars.. Basically insane people someone that needs to be in a hospital just they keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome they’re just constantly evil they can’t come clean they feel like the Sun would kill them because that’s how dark they are..

These people can’t even be in the sunlight for their blood is not their own blood and these things have a way of making you hyper sensitive to sunlight.

I think Ron Paul may know how have a hint that something’s up but he always sees things from the mainstream perspective and gives his opinion but I’m not sure if hes aware of the underground theories about all this Corona virus stuff and I haven’t heard him with keywords speaking between the lines so maybe he just doesn’t know.

When..Someone knows you can tell they.. know because they have a way of using certain keywords.. Things are hidden within a sentence parts of a sentence in one and then the other part in the middle and then the last part in the last that’s how these people talk and journalists speak to each other like that also usually in the last paragraph of the copy.

Military to fight the virus?

Or to arrest satanic pedophiles..?

Any thing could be right.

And whatever trump chooses whatever trump chooses I will accept completely… Because I I’m fascinated how he things and things are not what they seem for real and there’s a lot of things a lot of white lies that you have to believe in order for something to go down the right way. Confuse the enemy to calm down to get the other side to like you to kind of misdirect attention on something really big happening probably behind the scenes.

So there is a good side to the mind control stuff and there is a good sign to the special operations and dark operations there are good and evil sides all battling each other right now…

How did they do martial law so quickly Ron Paul asked and he says it was already in the law.

My understanding is 45 is just using the libertys that the globalists took from us.. and he is using these liberties… that they took legally away from us.. he is using those against the enemy.

Why not it’s already in the law.

Because 45 can use those too .. Meaning good found a little loophole against evil.

Our president is such a genius.

That’s why he is a president and that’s why Ron Paul is not….

but still Ron Paul has a lot of integrity and his opinion goes really far.

His ideas are also the closest thing to ayn rand.

Ron Paul’s ideas are even closer to libertarianism than the Ayn Rand institute.

Rand Paul denies being named after her but that’s cute…

RonPaul says that when trump declares an emergency there is a lot of power he is given in that. and I agree give trump emergency powers I totally agree.

To just got a clean up the swamp. and all those indictments and all those satanic pedophiles they have to go now.

So this means trump has it the emergency powers I have been. Screaming about years now.. that he needs these …he needs emergency powers to take these people on …and it has to be given to him by we the people. and it’s already given to him ..using their own laws.. that they wrote.

It’s been 8 days or something since I’ve drawn a political cartoon …I’ve never taken a break like this… it’s just everywhere I look everyone is talking about it and it’s just like that 1 thing I can’t do …because it gives me such a feeling of anxiety knowing that everyone believes that it’s a real thing… that like viruses really exist… and it’s hard to rationalize with people that are just so mind controlled. since 1st grade about vaccinations and Louis Pasteur Santa Claus stuff..and doctors how they’re nice people how every year you gotta be injected it’s normal it’s always been done this way and I don’t think people are ready to see outside the matrix…

I mean I’m just speaking my mind and people are telling me toπŸ—¨ get a gripπŸ—¨ and I’m sensing that people are angry with me how can I not believe in virus crises ..

And making me feel guilty for their grandma in Italy or something that I’m calling them all liars God I feel so bad but that’s not what I’m doing at all …not every single one of us knows the same thing as each other.. and everybody bring something different to the table.. and sometimes something you believe or never even thought about once it bring is brought to life have changed have now awakened ..and it’s about awakening to the virus theory…πŸ€‘ in general

Some Patriots .are siding with China..

They say now Trump handling “..that’s just stupid “

“and by the way trump isn’t handling this right” and “he stupid too”

Patriots. Top ones. All Bitten by the bat. I mean I just want these people to listen to themselves how they are suding with the traitors and how they are siding with China and how they are siding with big pharma and global warming and Greta thunberg and Hillary Clinton

they are asking for the same things Hillary Clinton wants therefore making themselves the enemy questioning our president during this time really people …you don’t trust him after everything we’ve been through??

We have to look at some of them as victims of the mind control and maybe looking back they will want to see what MK ultra is really about by watching themselves their own reactions to something invisible that nobody can see.

Curfews in America? Only carry out??

Less than 10 deaths in USA.

Social distancing..straight out of 1984.


And what Trump says now I cant find it.

The White House is supposed to light up too