Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Ron Desantis NFT Political Cartoon ANTI GROOMING LAWS Governor of Florida

Ron Desantis NFT Political Cartoon ANTI GROOMING LAWS Governor of Florida

Ron Desantis NFT Political Cartoon ANTI GROOMING LAWS Governor of Florida post thumbnail image
Governor of Florida Ron Desantis Political Cartoon
Ron DeSantis is beautiful and very photogenic he is one of the most attractive leaders after President Trump.
Ron Desantis NFT for Sale


Here it is on a mug if you want it

Link here

Ron Desantis mug
My reference photo
I saw Jack Posobiec tweet, heard it first from him!
Watch it. If you made it this far.
He is pissed. I can’t believe we live in a world where anti grooming laws have to be created. What is wrong with the world he is thinking this is like an Abomination who are these monsters? That is what he’s thinking about the people arguing about his anti grooming laws I can’t believe there’s people out there that want to groom our kids and school.
Jack Posobiec tweet
Disgusting Animals! Incels! Stay away from kids! Serial killers!

Extras. Art Gallery of political memes I collect for world history. Makes u think. Art is very relaxing. was I right about the lady run over by the horse being a false flag.. similar to January 6th or Kenosha. They are all donation heists. but some of them don’t see the light of day.. and others become world famous.. but make no mistake they are not people like us.. and only these people only these victims ..can be famous… they hate Outsiders and regular people. Just follow the money and the hand screen fails..and others similar. . Just because something is filmed with a cell phone doesn’t make it any less of a Hollywood production. This one is an exact copy of Buffalo City Hall ..old man and antifa where the camera pans away and then when the camera pans back there’s a guy in the floor with blood out of his ears.. that was debunked.. even by Trump ..this one with the lady run over by the horse and Ottawa was the exact carbon copy and I called it out the day it happened on here on this blog so you can see I have intuition.

Hey even regular people get to be protesters when they sign up for crisis acting.. but usually they make it obvious because they’re talking to their own people. and it’s kind of like a secrets in plain sight.. like they show you on purpose but you still fall for it and they laugh..


Red folder code.


Ukraine is bombing its own people and setting up fake crisis actor movie sets in London .


” Lucifer..where is everything you promised me?”
… with all the gold and jewels Napoleon stole from Russia
” and they know my wife is a man”

EMMANUEL MACRON crying crying crying 🥲🥲🥲🥲😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😥😥😱😱😱😱.. he is like..” if they take Ukraine it is over for me I have nothing.. no more pandemic.. nothing.. no more bio lab Escape …nothing…no more vax factories. No testing on blood of the young! I will start growing old. ” 😱

Yes. it’s like knocking out the wuhan lab
Before…the covid ..imaginary scare 😱 happened ..and if we had the chance before everything bad happened.. we would have stopped it..well.. Putin what would have happened in the future.. without the Ukraine labs there is no second bio lab germ warfare leak.. this is why the globalists are upset. No Ukraine biolabs.. no new world order! if the Rumble link does not work POLITICAL CARTOON NFTS slideshow

I have to put all links in case one doesnt work