Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with a DEMON holding his throat. Political Cartoon NFT

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with a DEMON holding his throat. Political Cartoon NFT

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with a DEMON holding his throat. Political Cartoon NFT post thumbnail image
Robert F. Kennedy Political Cartoon nft

In the tempest of revolution, where globalists will crumble and the people rise, there exists a shadow that haunts our righteous cause. It is the specter of the DEMOCRAT, whose allegiance once lay with the despotic. Beware, comrades, for even if they cloak themselves in the robes of republicanism ideas, their hearts may remain tainted by treachery.

We, the Republicans, are the harbingers of a new era, where liberty and equality reign supreme. We have shed blood and sacrificed lives to overthrow the oppressive monarchy of the UK in 1770’s, to banish the chains that bound us. NOW there is a different Monarchy. NEW WORLD ORDER corporate communists.. It did not take them long to rig the system. Our struggle is not one of convenience, but of unyielding conviction.

The Democrat, voice of the mob.. once steeped in privilege and indulgence, may feign repentance and don the colors of our cause sometimes to fool us. All of a sudden they talk about what we are not allowed to talk about. But can we truly trust those who once reveled in the excesses of a broken system? Can we rely on their loyalty, their dedication to the ideals for which we fight? Are we simps just for a NAME?

No, my fellow patriots, history has taught us that the leopard does not change its spots. The Democrat, like a chameleon, may adapt its hue to match the times, but their nature remains unaltered. They have tasted the fruits of their crimes, seen the human trafficking, watched the communists come and said nothing.. and that bitter flavor lingers, poisoning their allegiance to the Republic.

Let us not be deceived by their honeyed words and false promises. Our path to a just society demands unwavering vigilance. We must embrace those who have always borne the banner of republicanism, whose hearts have never wavered in their dedication to the cause. Not those who come along when we need a voice. Stealing our spotlight? Taking our cause? Making it their own? Where was RFK jr during the Trump years?

For in our ranks, we find the truest defenders of liberty, forged in the crucible of revolution. It is they who carry the flame of hope and justice, unburdened by the shackles of a Democrat past. Together, we shall prevail, and the Republic will endure, casting aside the shadows of deceit and ensuring a future where the people reign supreme. Do not trust a DEMOCRAT Robert F Kennedy, just because he appears to speak as you do. He will look the other way when we are attacked. His only recourse is to be The Vice President To Donald Trump. As a Democrat he has to walk away. Then maybe we trust him. He cant speak women will not like that. You need a good speaker for President. The Democrats do not deserve him, they will pick BIG MIKE.

This was so amazing an interview. I partied all night to it. If you listen , Owen Benjamin asks the bears to draw a cartoon of ROBERT F KENNEDY JR.. with a DEMON holding his neck. RFK jr is a threat to Republicans. He is a DEMOCRAT. Remember that. There is the NFT to it. You should buy it. It is affordable.