Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized #PresidentTrump antifa political cartoon for President Donald Trump Judge Jeanine

#PresidentTrump antifa political cartoon for President Donald Trump Judge Jeanine

#PresidentTrump antifa political cartoon for President Donald Trump Judge Jeanine post thumbnail image
it just looks like there’s a halo around his head or it’s like the gold so powerful so beautiful I mean I just really I felt so powerful drawing this you know and I didn’t take long it took me about an hour watercolor brushes
4 years ago today I drew this
antifa political cartoon I did the mugshots there the famous mugshots I just wanted to draw them that’s all I wanted to work on my caricature art technique and I didn’t I just scribbled these
Judge Jeanine Donald Trump political cartoon I can’t remember what I’ve posted
I love this artist I mean wow that’s incredible
and I saw that picture I said oh my God I just I just got to draw that is so beautiful
that is a spooky picture
I can’t even explain this it just reminded me of Anna Nicole Smith when she was dressed up like a clown and she started talking as if she were three years old and she didn’t know anything she didn’t she couldn’t understand things shouldn’t even know her name
I don’t know why I picked him to draw
I don’t know what that is is that supposed to be a Chelsea haircut I made it just like these people can’t do anything right
cool he wrote me back but I think I kind of knew that
I feel so sad but maybe if everybody bugs him he’ll come out on Michael Savage or something and tell everybody what’s going on

I found this article on this weird website I don’t know maybe I was looking it up cuz I used to protest before I used to protest for PETA and this particular protest was that a meeting KFC EXECS the top people..on South Beach and we were just protesting the bad conditions of the hen 🐔 houses that they order from but we had to protest topless so there I am with two other girls

that’s not photoshopped I mean that’s I was a fruitarian girl I it was so great in that area and you can get fresh fruit everywhere right off the trees fruteria’s smoothies. I was kind of very skinny I think it was like a hundred and thirteen lb it’s like the all you can eat diet and you get really high energy a like I just I had so much energy there’s nothing like it but you can’t do it anywhere but a tropical area it’s very hard you know apples oranges and bananas that’s not what it’s about it’s about ripe off the tree fruit
she’s so beautiful I mean I’m just whatever she puts out is so beautiful I always have something to say in the comments section I don’t know I feel like I always got something to say I was kind of run my mouth or something
I don’t think I noticed this Follow by I was pretty sure it was B’s she’s an absolute goddess I mean everything she says is just so powerful

Screenshots off my phone I want to get rid of

Now the reason these hurricane pictures are on my phone is because people online were talking about this hurricane that’s coming to Florida so I just pulled up some hurricanes that I have lived through quite a few in Florida and I can’t even find the pictures of Coral Gables all the streets ripped up
It’s a city in America I can’t remember its before and after and you can see what the globalist blew up
looks like a photograph Maybe something I don’t know it doesn’t really look like artwork but it’s an interesting picture what was destroyed
Beautiful illuminations whoever posted this title that wrong made up something crazy but look at the picture it’s sure is pretty it could be really old
Guy is so spooky looking
It’s that look again it’s that look again it’s like what he’s like these are like demons now really they’re like cursing everything they’re like cursing Trump into the little camera at the DMV or the prison cell
Oh my God you are looking at a zombie I don’t know what kind of drugs is guys are put on look at that look in his face it’s like what like doesn’t he understand
These guys think they’re the good side and they’re not they’re the bad side I mean they’re the really really evil side they’re on the dark they’re like Cobra Commander

what do these antifa think that they’re going to chop up people with chainsaws is that what the images I mean wow that is real a zombie apocalypse

that’s the look of a vampire dead inside completely dead inside
now what this look like to me like this used to be an ancient Bridge doesn’t it look like like why would that thing be in the middle of the water and it looks like it held a pillar something
I looked at this for a long time and it’s really freaking me out I don’t know what that is but maybe someone who’s a builder might understand this

This looks like a giant stereo

how can you let these Pricks hurt these buildings they’re just blowing them up everywhere and blaming it on a garage fire if it’s not torched by antifa all over the world I mean the building’s got to be saved I’m sorry

President Trump is King of the Christians internationally so he should .. tell people don’t let them hurt your churches don’t let them blow them up and blame it on a fire

So why wouldn’t

sometimes these homemade videos on YouTube are the best for imagination time like you know like almost like fairy tales it’s just so fantastic pictures on the thread just like thinking what are other possibilities other angles

I mean do you believe everything video of the TV tells you or do you research on the internet?

Why wouldn’t the Nile River be the Mississippi into the great lakes that would be like the Nile Delta

I read The Iliad in junior high

I know it’s long but you really got to see this military near death experience know you got to see it to the end I know he babbles a lot but it’s really a good story