Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump political cartoon General Flynn Tucker Carlson

President Donald Trump political cartoon General Flynn Tucker Carlson

President Donald Trump political cartoon General Flynn Tucker Carlson post thumbnail image
President Donald Trump is the second wave against the coronavirus that’s what it means and he will sink it again
drudge report headlines I used
General Flynn portrait
who who all the people you killed

why all men
haha I’m messing with him he keeps saying flat earth as he said it twice this week I thought it was funny and at least he’s mentioning it you never know with this position it’s so powerful he can’t not say it the way he said it
demolished blown to bits with dynamite and blamed on a fire that is definitely the old world America
just some memes I’m collecting online
I want to know who that guy is on the plane
demolished in..America 🇺🇸
whatever buildings we have left we have to protect from the controllers they want to control these buildings and if they can’t they will demolish them this is the old world this is not the new world
we have had the best buildings and still have the best buildings in the world and they weren’t built to copy the Europeans that’s for sure
I wrote about this four years ago you’re not looking at imitations or built in the style of you’re looking at the real thing the construction photos are really funny and they just put a ladder up and put a pile of bricks and then white out the background maybe take a roof off and double expose a miniature basket upside down with some phony cranes that wouldn’t hold anything or they put up scaffolds and you think they’re building it when they’re probably just remodeling

All of this was demolished in Chicago and they told you the official story was that was all paper mache if you look it up on Wikipedia it’ll say it’s made out of plaster and burlap bags and was just thrown up haphazardly only to be torn down right around the time the settlers started coming in

the parasites blew it up with dynamite
yes cartoons are really bad nowadays they are really really really bad
I really fell in love with his work and him when he said that Hillary Clinton was going to go to prison for child trafficking and just the way he said it he sounded so sure of it it was even before Trump got elected I remember it and then I remember going into a store and just finding his book and I took it home and read it. A lot of these people were following me four years ago that’s how way back we go and I think the test of time has proven who we each are

I’m sure a lot of people thought I was a KGB Honeypot at first.
He’s pretty smart he’s smarter than most people but not as smart as me just Kiddin I’m just in love with intelligence I really am I’m in love with intelligence it’s what really gets me going. That’s why I’m hermit quarantine is nothing new for me I just can’t mingle with regular people I just I can’t I’m an
“Infj “personality.
thats me.
for me it’s like 8 hours straight sometimes that’s when I know I can relate to people like Matt Drudge

I do like to listen to the radio and read people’s blogs I like read them all I really I really love people’s writings not like articles but I like people’s blogs like anyone you like has a Blog and a write in it like a diary I like that kind of stuff

my favorite thing to do is listen to President Trump speeches I usually listen to Alex Jones it’s the only thing I can really get I can’t listen to war room for like a year now I haven’t been able to listen to it and I can only listen to Alex Jones on Infowars but the Little play ▶️ when I watch it I can’t it stops like every I don’t know 5 minutes or so just stops stalls and I can’t watch it but when I go to Infowars and I tap on the little play button the like little radio that works perfectly for me so I’ve been listening to that everything in it there’s a lot lot more books written about my personality type

I remember when I first found out everything my entire life healed and I really appreciated myself and I constantly used to swim upstream like trying to be social forcing myself to do boring things I hated answering the phone at Law Offices I hated it I freaking hated it Paradise for me was just mountains of work mountains of work I mean I had boxes of files I had to go and I had to unhook every paper and photocopy every paper and put it back perfectly the way it was and some of those papers were double-sided and then I had to add up all the calculations in there and then I had to write a demand letter and it’s what I did for years that was the best job ever what’s the best job ever I love to work in offices I’m not really into cubicles I like offices overlooking the ocean. I really like to do good work but the competition of the other paralegals really made it hard for me I really had to dumb myself down just to be accepted by them and you didn’t want to not be accepted by them because you know it was like a little Club. Believe me they can make your life really difficult.
I chat with my dad every day for years and years and years and I still talk to my sister I send her a text today and my brother the other day he invited me to his home in Florida hang out there. I gave him some advice. About something.
I like collecting the screenshots and talking about them.
only the bad people..🥝 if one person online says something mean to me I block them it’s just a habit and sometimes I can go for a long time without anything mean and I feel good but then when I get a negative comment I have to block them so I do it online too. I just don’t want that stuff in my feed are on my page or nothing I can’t let them get away with it and like keep them around following me cuz they might do it again. And if it that sounds bad there is a swing side up to that is that when I talk to people online I’m extremely empathetic and if they’re posting an article and saying something I read the article before I comment because they’re posting the article not necessarily their description so I always try to acknowledge people and I always write their name in the Tweet their full name and I give my point of view and I try to aim at filling out the entire tweet and I have to shorten a lot of words but I do that I don’t know I just do that to respect them . Because I know when someone responds to me online in a sincere genuine insightful educational way…I know I love it a lot it’s the greatest thing ever so I just try to make people feel like their post is acknowledged instead of just one word comment
haha yes I’ve been saying this for 4 months …that lockdown quarantine is nothing new for me I mean nothing’s changed absolutely nothing