Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump political cartoon 🍒 Haul out the Guillotine fake news cnn

President Donald Trump political cartoon 🍒 Haul out the Guillotine fake news cnn

President Donald Trump political cartoon 🍒 Haul out the Guillotine fake news cnn post thumbnail image

Political cartoon President Donald Trump

I find Kathy Griffin’s dark imagery troubling. It’s a classic case of misleading headlines shaping public opinion..a hit piece, not journalism. Arabella Advisors seems to specialize in character assassination for hire. Interestingly, they seem unable to tarnish President Trump, who is shielded by remarkable fortune, prayers, and genuine affection worldwide, akin to a father figure.

By the way if anyone is interested in my rank —I have graduated to Bloodbath Maga ..

I am no longer Nuclear Maga. (If anyone asks)

I recall when Matt Gaetz made his remark about ‘heads will roll,’ causing quite a stir. Similarly, when Trump used ‘bloodbath,’ it sent the left into a frenzy. It’s ironic how they’ve employed such imagery and rhetoric themselves for’s just politics.

Me..I abhor the smacks of an antiquated era. Bygone..

Lethal injection? Far too lenient. Too nice!

And the firing squad? Guards can be bribed, rendering it unreliable for such high-profile cases.

No, we require something fitting for our modern age..something innovative, like the wood chipper.

It would serve as a potent deterrent against treason and other heinous crimes. We mustn’t merely replicate the we must innovate to reflect the spirit of our times!

Dark Maga ! Black ⚫️!