Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump Matt Gaetz James O’Keefe Omg 😲 Media Political cartoon on the Cia

President Donald Trump Matt Gaetz James O’Keefe Omg 😲 Media Political cartoon on the Cia

President Donald Trump Matt Gaetz James O’Keefe Omg 😲 Media Political cartoon on the Cia post thumbnail image

JAMES O’Keefe Matt GAETZ Donald Trump Political cartoon

Matt Gaetz Cartoon
James O’Keefe cartoon

President Donald Trump cartoon and cia

The reason I drew the Cia logo eagle that way is because of the first part of this video.

The Gateway Pundit.

I am a Freelancer. Here’s some of my sketches.

The ladies.
Sample Commission. I have a new freelancer site:

This is my new freelancing website. If you’d like a political cartoon, I’ll gladly draw one for you at any price you can manage. I’m facing a $400 internet bill that’s in collections, so I urgently need to cover that. I’ve been managing everything using just my cell phone. I’m available for any work; if you have an article, I can create a comic strip to complement it. I’m really eager to work and improve my skills.

Really hard to do. For a LinkedIn buyer.

I also just started to work on Upwork. You can hire me there too πŸ˜‰

I also have account on upwork.

I’m also getting tons of videos like it’s like a new video every week getting deleted on YouTube vintage ones, things I drew years and years ago. Have you ever heard of political cartoonists in the United States getting censored? Just like James O’’s nuts.. the stuff just doesn’t happen here!

It’s just videos of me live drawing.. like you can watch me.. not anymore. πŸ€ In America, political cartoonists get deleted every election year.

Here is a testimonial from my political cartoon freelancer work πŸ˜€

I also engage with people in the conservative movement on social media meaning I don’t just go to social media post my stuff ..and I definitely don’t ask for customers or clients. I am authentic.

I took 2 caricature courses from them. 200$ I spent β˜†

I am active in livestreams! Live chats daily.

Look even my father posts my political cartoons on his LinkedIn page. As a generation X..I have touched the glass ceiling on boomers and generation X actually liking each other! Who does that?

I support πŸ’™ patriots

People sell my t-shirts that I drew for them.

I work hard. 20$ each.

My comment was DARK MONEY πŸ’°

They call my name out in the live chats ❀️

I am not here merely to post my political cartoons online..I am fully engaged as a committed and passionate Citizen of the MAGA GOP conservative movement. My dedication runs deep, rooted in a profound belief in our principles and Trump values. I have earned the trust and support of the DEEP MAGA community through diligent research and active participation in advancing our cause.As a conscientious member of this movement, I do not take my role lightly. I see myself not just as an observer but as an agent of change, working tirelessly to promote our Maga ideals and advocate for our conservative beliefs. My commitment extends beyond words.. it encompasses action, involvement, and a relentless pursuit of our shared goals.In this journey, I have invested time and effort to understand the issues, study the facts, and contribute meaningfully to our discourse. It is not enough for me to passively consume information; I strive to be informed, articulate, and ready to defend our principles with conviction and clarity. My allegiance to the MAGA GOP movement is unwavering, and my commitment to making a difference is resolute. Together, we march forward, united by our dedication to conservatism and the pursuit of a brighter future for our nation. To our CITIZEN EMPIRE!

It’s troubling that YouTube continues to remove my videos. Every week it’s like 2 or 3…gone, erased…I’m known as a prolific political cartoonist.. but no one’s gonna know about this in the future… and my grandchildren won’t even know who I am now…How can this happen in America? Political cartoonists are being erasedβ€”it’s reminiscent of ‘1984’. It feels like they’re trying to erase my existence. I need help. Who can assist me? Where do I report this? It’s happening every day.

They are literally making it like I never existed.. they are taking away my daily work since 2016 .. They’ve already made it so nobody can see me they’ve already made it so I can’t make any money and now they’re just going to go ahead and delete me…and just erasing… what gives them the right? No, why are they doing this …why are they abusing their users?

I mean every video I’ve made I’ve put on the blockchain but you know… I don’t know where those are.. These are from years and years ago…But still that’s like my history. Why now in election time they’re just going to delete me…. I didn’t do anything to those people. It’s not my fault they’re In huge trouble. I plan on living a long life and I’m going to make sure that I will get paid for this. I will make sure they pay. On my last dying day I will tell God what YouTube did to me. I will make sure that I don’t leave this plane Before I get paid all the pain and suffering they’ve given me. I vouch and vow right now. Everything that they’ve taken from me I will take from them personally each one of them. And indeed in the afterlife..before I go to the light.. I will make sure I torment the ancestors …of those who deleted my content. I will be a wandering soul until this debt is paid… I will hunt them down in dark alleys and possess them. YouTube you are marked.