Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump Joe Biden on Sean Hannity Political Cartoon

President Donald Trump Joe Biden on Sean Hannity Political Cartoon

President Donald Trump Joe Biden on Sean Hannity Political Cartoon post thumbnail image
The Best. Of us. The smartest one, just like us. He is not one of them. He is ours.

Let us look at beautiful All American architecture

This is what American cities Halls look like
all of this is as beautiful as beautiful is
Look at the beauty with your eyes ..Whatever you do never read the description.. it’s all mythology it’s all Fairy Tale.. it’s all …these guys take the credit… and nobody knows ..but if you think fake news is bad.. wait till you hear about fake American history.. the type of people people around today were around back then putting their signature on everything that they have found here before we arrived.
which came first? Art-deco or the structures?

Why is the state capital of Kansas so beautiful?

Latin is the language of the old world order it’s the perfect language for the brain .
Kansas is my Grandma’s favorite state and that is where all the Volga Germans escaped from the Bolshevik Revolution .. and that those that stayed behind were slaughtered by the Communists and in fact the Volga Germans were outlawed by the Soviets as being autonomous.. the Germans had their own flag and their own way of life and are the kind of like the Amish. All Lutherans.
My grandmother’s family immigrated to the United States with the Volga Germans …and they had a farm in Kansas.. that is still around ..and she worked to get her master’s degree in music get off the farm . but there’s nothing wrong with farming ..I’m just saying she was a very learned woman..
Those are Phoenician doorways with the triangle above it with the wood this is so beautiful I just can’t stand it my high school had the same doorways with a triangle top.
I do not believe Americans in the 1800’s built this.. I’m sorry . with wagon carts? There are parts of it that are marble and gold.. no construction photos..or vintage blueprints.. no photos of the workers.. we’re just supposed to believe the narrative.. I think this is ancient and look at the dress of the sculptures.. and stuff it’s very Romanesque.. but it’s not Romanesque.. it’s not Roman.. it’s All-American and it’s the real thing our history has been stolen. I mean people in the 1800’s didn’t speak Latin that’s a clue number one and I don’t believe the narrative that all the City Halls were built just to copy rome. This isn’t the novel The Fountainhead. It’s the original thing

Now when I say Phoenician they may not have been the Builders of the structures

..and definitely not the Romans.. they did not build the ancient structures ..but they all lied about it..took credit.. but we do it too.. I’m just saying.. this is what the style of PHOENICIAN architecture is known as.. but I don’t believe that they actually built them.

The phoenicians were sailors and traders, not stone masons.

Antioch and Carthage. Spelled differently..same place
…the Phoenicians had a one world order and they were known for seafaring.. they had big boats and some say the Titanic is left over from The Phoenician civilization .. I don’t believe the Phoenicians built it.. but they definitely had it ..almost every civilization has used the Titanic since ..its prehistoric pretty much .. Every Nation that’s done it has told his people that it built it… and it’s never been sunk.. guys it’s just been renamed ..and the new one was sunk ..and it’s showed up again as another name.. it was a major Heist of gold..a gold…heist. Yes.. Heist because the ship was filled with music organs..Angels.. gold ..marble statues all this valuable stuff.. and they needed an excuse to loot it.. and you know the treasures at the bottom of the ocean ..all of those in museums are reproductions ..that that’s what these people opinion. I definitely have the receipts and over the years I’ve been posting them. It’s left over from the Phoenicians… but they did not build it they were just the inheritors of a bunch of ships just like it.
there’s a few “Romes” out there too. And a two Nile rivers..two babylons..two egypts…etc you get the picture. NYC was called ARCADIA.. the Empire State Building..prehistoric.. was actually used for great big blimps and Zeppelins to land to dock. When they dig up a New York City lot.. they find ancient steam pipes ..still working.. all these ancient stone structures and skyscrapers are heated with geothermal Steam free energy …and you know Central Park wasn’t made by us’s actually ancient there’s no way Americans could move all that dirt all those tons of dirt in.. little wagons.. you do the calculations yourself and if you are a builder you know this to be true ..Washington DC was called Nurembega.. with structures covered in gold and pillars just covered in gold and domes covered in gold. All of our world history comes from the Encyclopedia Britannica so I don’t blame anyone for believing the narrative. But you know these people ..don’t you? They lie about everything.. after they robbed it. Masonry was free all over America and it was looted and up until the 1950s and even today the ancient structures are getting demolished blown up in the desert.. even under our own noses. And all we get is Cowboys and Indians.. before we came along.. there was’s mind control.

All of this was demolished in the jewels and gold sent to England and the history covered and we were given a false Narrative of some architect who never built anything before in his life ..but all you got to do is you got to follow the hand signs in the portraits.
The ancient Phoenician structures in Dresden in all of Germany were all destroyed …
Phoenician Art look the animals on the guy’s shoulder he’s holding an electrical free energy weapon of War. Probably has an gold or.. Mercury inside of it.
That is a Texas coin and those are Phoenician symbols .. the one world order people with their architecture in every country on our plane.
traders of purple

Qoute ( I am not the Author of This)
I do not beleive in parasites.
But this is good information

Lost Paradise

Tartaria was a confederation of states that covered the whole world, from the middle of the fourth century BC. According to Sanskrit oral tradition and Russian calendar, our world would have started just about 7500 years ago.

These states had previously been colonized and developed by Rosh Empire (Империя Рош), from Aryan survivors of Hyperborea. The confederation now called ‘Great Tartaria’ brought together the four races – Red, Black, White and Blue – and respected different cultures and local beliefs. Aryans blended with all populations throughout the world – this was a natural and integrant part of their colonization process. You can still find many maps of the Great Tartaria empire where is printed: ‘Tartaria sive Magni Chami Imperium’.

The Four races would have come from Other Worlds – outer lands, to colonize our Earth. Aryans would make the land of Hyperborea (Scythia) their ‘capital’. Hyperborea was, on Earth’s magnetic pole, and was a perfect place of fantastic animals and lush landscapes, where they lived forever without any disease. They possessed many ‘powers’ and spoke a magical language whose resonance created energetic fields and could access higher dimensions. A great cataclysm and a great war – the Kuruksetra War described in the Mahabharata – struck our Earth and Hyperboreans decided to leave. But few dispersed, determined to educate people and bring their superior technology to all regions of our world. The second civilization would be the Rosh Empire. Great Tartaria would have come afterwards. The current civilization would be the fourth. Parasites destroyed us three times and gave us a mediocre civilization as a gift. But they will not need a new cataclysm or great war to exterminate us. They are already doing it through genetics and other invisible forms of destruction.

The Russian researcher Андрей Kadykchanskiy wrote a three volume encyclopedia about Great Tartaria. According to him, Tartaria was “a Transcontinental proto-state that incorporated all of Asia and possessed protectorates in Asia Minor, Persia and Babylon, and also in Africa and America.”

European ‘explorers’ did not ‘discovered’ Australia, North America and South America in 15-16th century. These were ancient territories with imperial cities, later destroyed by the Parasites. Then, Tatar and Old Russian were the world’s official languages and people were bilingual.

The present Indo-European languages are an artificial creation of Parasites, including Latin, Greek, Hebrew, German, French, English, Italian etc. There never was any Hellenistic, Roman, Summerian or Phoenician civilization.

The ancient architecture and massive steel engineering works are gigantic because it was destined to create and distribute huge amounts of electromagnetic energy in a worldwide civilization without poluent oil or coal industries.

The peoples of High civilization that preceded us lived free and in harmony, in a world without borders or passports, and were far more advanced culturally and technologically than us. Parasites destroyed everything from the late 19th century onwards to give us a mediocre civilization and turn us into slaves.

The signs of the Old Civilization (Tartaria) are still present in the 6 continents through gigantic engineering works like canals, dams, bridges and buildings – whose exquisite and magnificent architecture had the function of extracting and propagating the free electromagnetic energy.

But this magnificent civilization is now lost forever. The Parasites reign over us. They own us.


Flag and symbol of tartaria is an owl…

Well then. I don’t believe it ..but it’s noted.

If you are a builder know for sure.. this is not a construction photo..this is a forgery.. this is photoshopped first of all… those are not scaffolds.. there’s no workers. it’s just like a double exposure.. compositing …forgery..oh they did it back then they did it a lot ..once they did a Photoshop of the US Capitol getting blown up and put it in the newspaper and people believed it but it was just a prank they did it all the time. The Statue of Liberty has never moved.. its the..Colossus of Rhodes and yes there are more than one Rhodes.. as in Rhode Island. Emmanuel macron did not send Joe Biden the Statue of Liberty on a boat a gift…even today it would be really silly…

whenever you see one of these hand signals.. it means that there’s a great forgery ..a great robbery.. or someone is taking the credit for ancient literature ..structures or buildings and they are not the authors.. they are not the architects..not the builders..they are not the creators…or the authors.. they stole it from the old world order …the signs are to signal to one another that these are great frauds and great Heists.

I did not write this but it’s very interesting short story..

🍉🍉 Before the floods of a few inland seas, America was much different and had a lot of mythical places. Lake Parime, the Great Salt Lake, the Great Lake Knife just to name a few. America is the Original world. The oldest metamorphic rock in the world was found in America. The first elephants, Lions, dogs, kangaroos, and nearly EVERY mammal was found here in a primitive state. Corn comes from America. Ever question where India, Greece, and Ancient Egypt got their corn? If Osiris and Demeter are both God’s of Corn, where did they get it from? You already know.🍎🍎🍎

I hope u like my short story.

Its muddy… just remember the Phoenicians and the Romans did not build the structures .they were just we are..of our ancient structures.. we are remodelers just like them.. but I just want to mention.. that this is what the style of architecture is known for Roman or Phoenician… But I am working thru it. so many civilizations.. it’s hard to tell who originally built the structures really exactly.. Every civilization has fake construction stories .. on who built .. or painted the structures..

.. you don’t lift..solid stone blocks ..on your back even the medieval Dark Age faked the construction is hard work.. you just see men building castles using ropes …impossible..

Lots of painting over frescoes too..some of them just get repainted over.. like George Washington’s head on top of Athena ..(Cincinnati) … or christianizing the Vatican .. can you look at some of them …the holy paintings been painted over…to fit the incoming power see it today ..with antifa tearing down statues.. but stories of egotistical rulers can’t be trusted… if you can bring on of these obelisks on a boat you can’t.. and Kings do not build structures like the Taj Mahal just for their girlfriend that is fiction.. my point is when I say Phoenicians.. I don’t mean they built it. But our histories false narratives.. point out that style of architecture so I was showing you. As if everybody just wanted to copy a shitty place in Italy.. called Rome… as if it’s the center of all civilization that is what they teach you in order to hold on to that power.. to..control all the cathedrals (cathodes) and structures. None of them are Roman. None of them are Phoenician but I’m just saying that that’s what that style of architecture is attributed to do just to make myself clear I’m confused as to the real

Style of architecture. This looks like a copy but that flooring is really pretty..

But of course the state capital of Kansas is not Phoenician and it’s not Roman it’s a hundred percent American. It wasn’t built to copy either it is the real thing. I’m sorry I have to go down these holes in case it ever comes up. But you have to understand in comparison.

…first of all when you look at something like this and you were trained in the Encyclopedia Britannica version of world history.. you are like oh look the Romans are in Paraguay ….

..or if you’re aware of the symbols like this. all over the United States . you’re like oh this is LADY FREEDOM..Americans Paraguay !..

No..but it’s not… it’s Universal these symbols are found in every country but they’ve been demolished or stolen was a one world society .. the world was..

..and if you’re trained in the French Revolution you’re like oh look at her cap’s a phrygian cap of the French Revolution.. so the French were in Paraguay..

.. so do you see what I’m saying you would attribute ancient symbols to countries

.but it’s all falsely attributed.. not a Greek god it’s not a Roman god goddess it’s not originally these may have been

What came first… the gods and goddesses or the structures?

do you understand?

and it may be a French stamp it maybe a Spanish stamp I’m just saying this is how your mind operates when you see these ancient symbols you always attributed to what you’ve been taught without question 😉 I really believe the ancient structures the stories.. the Bible ..are actually prehistoric ..compared to our culture…and I think every culture or civilization has its own story about it. Maybe the stories of the Greek gods and goddesses were just based on the ancient structures of their likeness found. “FOUNDED”

.. for example Archangel Michael.. could be Apollo.. who slays the dragon with arrows.. could be Saint George on the Russuan crest.. and it goes on and on the image of the Angel slaying the dragon ..sometimes it’s with arrows sometimes it’s with a horse ..sometimes it’s with a sword..or a foot. Every culture that comes along creatives their new story. That is why when you look at an ancient Relics in museums not read the description.. never do that.. it’ll throw you off.. just look and suss it out for yourself.

Here is a lion on a paraguayan stamp is lifting a phrygian cap.. which many people think.. is the symbol of Romans or the symbol of the French Revolution ..and it goes on and on forever ..with this cap ..I mean it’s found all over the United States too. and ancient statues that were taken down .. high priest of History would say it’s to copy Romans. But we really don’t understand how big this is.

America actually called it the” freedom cap. “

Lady Liberty.. Statue of Liberty these are not their real names..

I guess the French wanted to copy the Romans too.. it such a crazy story ..that everybody wants to copy ROME.. they are nothing.. they are literally nothing ..all of our American cities used to look like the Vatican ..before it was all blown up with dynamite..

This was all demolished in New York. They called it an art project. 🎨

BELOW it was Chicago and on top of that Rubble is where Obama’s library was built.

Everything blown up with dynamite it’s the same story and every single City and it’s always a funny story about it being an art project .
…buildings ancient stone structures.. All Over America I think st. Louis had a hundred and one ..of these structures that lit up with atmospheric energy ..from the air because electricity is free . This was before edison this was before General Electric.. How does history explained it away? Tesla! Tesla is the Shakespeare he’s the Napoleon he’s the Elon Musk he’s the Bill Gates. He’s the entity that controls the power structure of the technology. So it can be owned.
We take down the previous civilization statues and put up our own but the bases Never Lie. Anyone can scratch a date on stone.. but that does not mean it was the year it was built.
The obelisks used to be covered in gold and lit up with free energy electrical light every night . This is an artist description of course but it’s in plainview. Obelisks are not symbols for the Illuminati ..the Illuminati steal everything.
These structures are older than Rome older than the Egyptians older than the Phoenicians and repurposed every civilization that comes along who tells its people they are the Builders. The construction photos are an obvious forgery you can look it up yourself I’ve done many blogs about it. Rulers don’t just give obelisks to one another ..too heavy..these were ancient light sources and they used to be covered in gold.

Yes..over two hundred of these ancient structures were demolished in Buffalo.. some of them were left.. and still standing today.. they get turned into government buildings …or museums ..and they’ll definitely charge you.. to look at them

. and they always take credit for its construction.

the building above is where President McKinley was assassinated by a lone ANARCHIST.. and .. it’s such a bulshit story nothing’s changed..CHANGED.. TEDDY…got him killed.. He just happened to be on vacation in the New York mountains when this happened though. The biggest event of the year for politics.

an obelisk in Chicago blown up with dynamite

..the official story is there’s a bunch of Architects that got together and built everything that was perfect ..over a thousand buildings ..with tons and tons of steel ..and glass water fountains bridges… the homeless were paid ten cents a build all of this. And they built it just for a fair and then when the fair was over they blew up everything with dynamite. The truth is… the last reset…nobody was around. New people who are just arriving to take the place of the old wiped out culture.

buffalo.. call the city of light I wonder why

impossible.. none of these structures survived except a few Banks and libraries and museums that are still around today so how temporary exactly was it?
A living ruin. And we call stonehenge a ruin. Its crap. This is a living ruin. Look how tall the doorways are you’d have to be pretty tall to walk through there.
They took down the statues of the ancient rulers of the ancient gods and replaced them.. with American sailor statues in Buffalo ..repurposed it as a war Monument
Buffalo..still around today..
To compare this was in Chicago it was demolished and it’s the real thing just like above .. today this is like a baseball field in its place. When you steal somebody’s history it has great repercussions you know nothing. You have no idea who you are. Just like they want the immigrants today to replace the Europeans this is what they do to us ..we came along.. to replace whoever was here before.

Some cities cover their ancient masonry ..with bricks.

.. such as Boston’s market square. I told him