Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump Devin Nunes Social Media Tech oligarchs political cartoon Mike cernovich Keith Ellison antifa the George Floyd protests

President Donald Trump Devin Nunes Social Media Tech oligarchs political cartoon Mike cernovich Keith Ellison antifa the George Floyd protests

President Donald Trump Devin Nunes Social Media Tech oligarchs political cartoon Mike cernovich Keith Ellison antifa the George Floyd protests post thumbnail image
I noticed they both said this like they don’t like using the word Twitter and they all have their special names I’ve posted the screenshots below but I love drawing both of them Devin Nunes has such a sweet face and I love President Trump’s handsome face
I saw this video by Mike cernovich you can only find it on Periscope right now but he talks about Keith Ellison and antifa and what they’re saying and it’s pretty funny so I thought I would draw a political cartoon
he’s so beautiful I mean he’s so beautiful I mean

The George Floyd protests are going after our buildings

the cernovich tweet in the middle read what he says oh they’re coming after our buildings that’s the secret agenda this is nothing to do about racism they want to destroy our post offices are capitals our City Hall Are banks are tartarian buildings mudflood I don’t know all those
the point of this is you don’t hear the media screaming about this look anybody can find any video of anybody doing anything
I thought this was noteworthy to save and I’ve seen some other stuff about the SpaceX launch to you got to see this it’s pretty
they want the buildings that’s what this is about this is the secret agenda because whoever controls these buildings controls the world it’s a long story
I contacted a photographer in Miami whose Paparazzi photographer he did a photoshoot of me once at the Biltmore Hotel anyways he took some pictures I asked him if he sent them to me they’re pretty good
this guy got stoned to death in his face
that’s the Obelisk and Niagara Square they better not touch it I’m serious they better not go after these things but these idiots are so stupid they probably can’t even see the Majesty right in front of them
That’s Buffalo City Hall I told you they were going after our buildings god dammit this is making me hyperventilate they have to be protected at all costs these people they cannot destroy government buildings like this they really I mean they need something needs to happen now
they are after our buildings whoever controlled these buildings controls the world they are these buildings are not what you think they are they are much more important they were built by us they’re left over from a previous civilization here our history is a lie these buildings are machines their ancient and I just can’t get into it here but they are so important that nobody knows about them but these people these evil people they know and they’re directing these protesters who aren’t protesters this is communism This Is What communists do this has nothing to do with racism This Is What communists do remember kristallnacht in Nazi Germany
I just can’t believe how dumb these Communists are how dumb they can’t even do what they’re supposed to do properly what the hell are they doing around our ancient buildings what the hell are they why are they allowed there from now on when anyone brings up the Democratic party or Joe Biden they will be met with laughter and derision and all those celebrities that are funding this supporting this bailing antifa out they will never ever ever have another chance again people will just not like them their career is over

what what happened to the coronavirus all of a sudden nobody has it now that’s funny

Look who I got retweeted by

I put this part so you can see the retweet part
He liked my cartoon it’s so touching to me you don’t understand how hard I work to make it look good and how I’m eager to please especially those I follow and I admire
I also seen this retweet I didn’t see before and I was getting a lot of retweets on it so I just said who is retweeting me
these are very sentimental to me
that’s not in the United States but still it’s noteworthy just look at the beauty of that bridge wow they definitely definitely couldn’t explain this one away so they just got rid of it

To compare look at our buildings it’s as if the same people built it in the same style like an old world order I know every ruler claims they filthy’s themselves it’s just how you control people but it looks to me like they were all built by the same people in the same time and even in the oldest 13th century Engravings you see these buildings around and even those people didn’t look capable of building down because the stuff is like solid Stone
just look at those pillars imagine what you must feel like when you are inside of this a lot of these across the United States were demolished blown up with dynamite blamed on earthquakes or floods or some other bogus official story but this is why these buildings are so important to me and to our country and we can’t let antifa burn them down we can’t let antifa control these buildings whoever controls these buildings controls the world . The parasites the leftist the Communists don’t want us to have any of these buildings
they better not touch the White House I’m serious from now on things are going to change you cannot even risk it the White House is so important it can never be replaced I mean unless our President Trump wants to move inside the capitol and give Nancy Pelosi some other place to go that would be funny but no seriously. They want to destroy the capitol as well this is no joke this is the secret agenda this is the plan you have to get rid of these buildings to conquer or else set them on fire burn the insides remodel them take control of them and then tell everyone you built it. Rewrite history or put a tarp on it for 30 years
I don’t know maybe it’s an optical illusion but the hairline doesn’t look right it looks very similar a brother maybe I don’t know I can’t tell it could just be he’s wiggling her he’s wiggling his forehead I don’t know the more I look at it the more I get tripped out let me stare in the eyes for a moment

It looks like a younger version like maybe he got arrested in the past and that’s an old mugshot that’s my intuitive vision
..if u ask.

children at the protests getting tear-gassed it’s just terrible I mean that’s not like a field trip I mean once you see blood on the street you don’t stick around with your child once you see things getting smashed you don’t bring your child I mean it’s okay to show a little of that stuff to your children you know like the good stuff maybe the daylight part but you definitely don’t want to bring your kid where they are looting and beating up people stoning people burning police cars what are you teaching I mean I don’t know because I think it’s up to the parent parents are in charge ..but u know what I wouldn’t do it
oh okay I see the tar line It’s like the cement on the road is split with the tar line I don’t know what this is about but I’m just putting it here in case it’s important
if you can get the cop and ID him and if you can get Floyd and ID him doing this stuff that would be such a story if it’s true I don’t know if somebody’s got to do this somebody’s got to volunteer
now the veterans bridge that would be a very important structure
they’re coming after our buildings I’m telling you whoever controls these buildings controls the world and they know it this is a secret agenda you got to be wise to it you can’t lose this you can’t lose control of these buildings
here is an unfinished Lara Trump I’m not really happy with it she’s much prettier so I’m probably not going to finish it.
good point where’s the cameramen and don’t forget the black tar
they’re trying to take control of this the buildings all of our buildings are trying to control them to try this is Conquest night and they failed but you know they say they’re going to keep doing this so you know I love these building so much and I know our President Trump loves them way more than I do these are Priceless American Treasures they must be preserved they must be protected I mean we lose control of these buildings it’s all over
hear the cops are praying and they vow to protect their building their City Hall’s which are so special to every single City and every single Town people just love to be inside of them they feel Majestic they feel like better people these are solid stone structures they can withstand a lot even Fire doesn’t destroy them. I think that might be Miami or Coral Gables City Hall it’s solid Stone Coral like these enormous Coral blocks I mean withstood countless earthquakes hurricanes and fires and many civilizations

the story about Coral Gables is a lie it’s another rags-to-riches story of a decadent man who built an entire city that looks like its ancient Mediterranean


it was found that way
here is a photo of my daughter outside the Obelisk at Buffalo City Hall which was once illuminated somehow and gave a luminescent ..statuc electricity powered light something electrical and when I was a young girl I’ve seen them cut down flag poles and it took them 2 days..
apparently a man fell from the top of City Hall here and impaled himself and it happened more than once it happened a few times and they had to cut down the flagpole looking back I think that was an excuse possibly dummies because what are the chances you commit suicide and land on a flagpole and then you have to hurry up and saw it down I think they were cutting off the ancient antennas because there was something free energy about these buildings remember they were not flagpoles they were antennas ok I’ve been over this building so many times in this blog like I wanted to tell you everything I know right now but you know it’s just years of looking into it and thinks I found out about this building and I’ve even gone over the phony construction photos no blueprints exist and the paintings inside have been painted over

they call it the cat oh you have to believe me these buildings are priceless the public has no idea what they are they think they are new they have no idea of nobody knows this is a man of secret secret how important these buildings are these machines everything about the history of Buffalo is a lie
I leave you with the Giants on the banner of the White House Twitter account goodbye folks

Update night to our buildings are being targeted for Destruction that’s the agenda that’s what they’re doing

oh really they’re going to take down the obelisk in Washington DC does anybody know how important that Obelisk is does anybody know without these buildings you don’t have anything without these structures without these Bridges museums like I think America needs to know how important these buildings are and how they weren’t just erected haphazardly a few hundred years ago.
look at the respect they have for these stone structures we’ve inherited
I told you this is what they want it’s all about the buildings that’s all they care about once they get the control of these buildings they can control the country
you better believe it I would not lie to you I know this for sure
so this is what they’ve done and what I mean it’s just unbearable it’s unbearable for me to look at this I mean I’m sure you could sand it away but there’s other stuff that you can’t ever get back these buildings do not get hurt in fire but what’s inside of them is still very important to us and it’s the symbol and it’s their whiteness sometimes with fire damage you can never get the original white out is stained black plus the carvings the statues it’s just unbearable for me to even think about this I mean I have such a bond with these buildings I I can’t even tell you why I love these buildings unbearable for me my Palms are sweating
why are these peace officers kneeling to antifa look at the building behind them that they’re supposed to defend .

think about the story of Versailles and how it was overtaken in a few hours by 100 protesters like fish women just think of that story this is a threat like our country has never seen like good people of the world Christianity has never seen and I’ve been writing about this for a long time all I’ve been writing our president he’s more than a president he’s more than a saint even he’s definitely the world savior I promise you I’ve been saying this since day one that he announced he was running iCall them to World savior
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh my God what demons are out totally possessing these people this is like Isis cutting off a hundred heads.

You know the Revolutions of the past might just be fiction but everything with our President Trump is real I guarantee you it’s the real thing a hundred percent with him
there’s a line and they can’t cross it but I know our president has got a plan and sometimes he likes to wait sometimes he likes likes to let the devil loose a little bit to catch him in the act and to show America because these people right now are on trial in the minds of all Americans and if this didn’t happen people just wouldn’t know they would believe what they see on the TV
this is what communist do this is like kristallnacht this is what they do this is how they take power and a very good at it but they’re not as smart as capitalists
it’s way more important than James Madison also this church I mean you have no clue you have no clue and I understand but trust me
it better be for the night vision for the snipers I mean seriously that’s what is… for when it goes dark right antifa better not have shut off the power oh you have no idea how antifa they’re just the little guys the Little Iddy biddy guys this goes all the way to the top
I mean this is like Notre Dame I mean that church might not be as big but it’s got the same ancient technology in it the same Secrets the same underground’s I have been it’s probably half buried it might also hold keys to free energy…its a machine

And don’t forget the organ the ancient organs of the Phoenicians okay this is not stuff we can build or replace’s very important and the stone it can survive fires but still the damage is it’s like a spiritual wound

You can read back on my blog I’ve been warning about this day for years

It’s all about these buildings . Trying to Conquest they’re trying to take them over.

It’s funny because I’ve been writing about this for a very long time that these buildings are on the menu for two years I’ve been telling my father that Buffalo City Hall is on the menu for sure because he lives like a few blocks away and I didn’t want to be right about this

and the public have no idea how important these buildings are and that’s why this ignorance does not help they need to know how important these buildings are it’s the key all nationalists all over the world need to take pride in their buildings they’re not what we are taught they are you know what I’m talkin about. Knowledge!

about 50 of them were hurt by 6 p.m. so I don’t know how many hurt now
I was listening to Alex Jones today his Sunday show is the best I have an alarm for it and it goes off and then I know and I completely forget if I don’t have the alarm so I suggest you put an alarm on your phone 2 p.m. Sunday on the West Coast
Scott Adams it’s very wise what he says you have no idea what’s coming you have no idea okay it’s it’s I think it’s too late for most people
never ever forget and never forgive don’t even forget when Madonna said I’d like to blow up the White House don’t even forget that now all of this makes sense she helped start this just remember that misses fried fish and pasta okay
she’s teaching people how to take down the Washington Monument I mean just think about that

just really think about that and that Monument it’s not what you think it is okay it’s not built for a memorial okay I’ve gone over this plenty of times with the phony construction photos it’s actually very ancient and it was much more Magnificent before the parasites destroyed the bottom of it there used to be like a circular thing with Columns. Enough with the destruction hands off.
All of our American city has had Obelisk some of them still stand but most of them they just replaced with a statue of their leader but the base of the base is where all the secrets are

Even Caligula didn’t bring his Obelisk on a boat all world leaders say they built these buildings it’s necessary in order to control the people whoever controls these buildings controls the world so every world leader ever

has claimed that they built these buildings along with phony construction photos phony blueprints Etc but they belong to a far greater civilization and culture that we inherited America was completely empty all our cities were intact ghost towns and that’s how you do it that’s how you control people as you take control of these buildings but the parasites started destroying all of them so we actually think we have no past it’s really hard to explain but I can prove it and there’s lots of people onto this.

Without these buildings we have nothing we have nothing we didn’t come from nothing we didn’t just show up on a on a boat there’s something about America that everybody who’s evil hates they’ve brainwashed us giving us fake history fake medicine take everything and people still can’t see it and sometimes the masses may never wake up but those of us who know would give their life to save these buildings because they know how important they are and what they’re capable they are machines there’s a free energy component and the Obelisk actually lights up and luminates okay it’s supposed to
my heart fluttered when I saw this it like I started hyperventilating the White House is so important it is so important it’s been there nobody can count how long it’s been there even the people that were here before we were here claim they built it and the people before it goes on and on Washington DC used to be called norumbega

the symbol of TARTARY. is the owl

this is of a men of Secrets secret one of their biggest but not the biggest. Maybe that explains a few things about Washington DC and why it’s on a dollar bill
There’s nothing new Under the Sun and everything that appears new it’s an illusion these devil worshippers they hate you they hate you they have Rewritten your Bible over and over and taking out all the things you really need .o they lie about everything everything and the demons they give you today are like the coronavirus that’s like the demon today the imaginary unseen that’s their demon okay and that’s just one wing okay all the Sciences all of it all the men you thought were great we’re not okay and if it’s something that you can’t understand well it’s b******* and if it’s something you can’t see it’s b******* just remember that

Without Jesus we have nothing that’s it without Jesus we have nothing I’m serious you better believe in him now you better you better

No matter what you’ve done …you can be saved no matter what …

no matter where you come from no matter how many translations of the Bible they have perverted you can find him somewhere he is the light he comes to save you every single morning you can become good …but you have to make your wrongs right. If you do this nothing can ever hurt you again your soul will be washed clean

just to put things in perspective and to compare this is London England take a look at that structure yeah does that style of building look familiar

do you think we copied the British

And that the British here..copied the Greeks.. do you really believe in that lie..

or do you think these buildings were all built by the same old world order and this style is found all over the world you can look this up on the Internet there will be so many photos of this style of building with the pillars and that triangle like Google Images will be overblown with different countries with that same style just remember that.

And if you think I’m wrong then why do they want these building so bad ask yourself why do they want the building so bad. If they were just throwing up haphazardly by unskilled men in wagons. You know just built for mail States like Idaho famous for potatoes they would throw up something so grand??

Yes..have you seen their City Hall have you seen the domes and all the city halls in all of our cities have you actually looked at them

These are secrets in plain sight there in front of you how many City Halls does each of our cities go through six or seven and they destroy them these are the same people who destroy these buildings under our very noses and they just move on to the next grand building and destroy that too
Castles are bombed demolished and the ones they leave us the small ones they turn into armories have you ever looked at those armories who do you think built them ?

Now that I tell you you’ll be able to see this and I’m years ahead of you you will see it everywhere you will see things you never saw before about how great we were and are and how we were the power structure we were ancient Rome we were much better and we still have a lot left and I do not mean we were ancient Rome as if Rome Italy controlled us know we controlled everything you get that how important we are what we’ve inherited
let’s look at Nashville court houses
even this old photograph it looks weathered and old and look at all that mud and unpaved Roads and a lot of it is still buried in the mud that’s how it was found

As soon as they ruin and Destroy and demolish one of these buildings they move on to the next that’s what they’ve been doing this entire time is destroying our buildings
look what those assholes did to it they remodeled it they made it ugly they turn it into a square and they took off the triangle and it looks like a previous civilization covered it with brick that’s another tool to trick the populist because if you can put a tarp on it for 30 Years cover the stone and brick well then you can say you built it
they demolish one building they move on to the next this is the Nashville Courthouse that got set on fire even back then is Old As Time. Look for the construction photos you will see it’s all Photoshop it’s all double exposures and some scaffolds and maybe a ladder leaned up on the wall to make it look like they were just finishing up and you’ll never see any workers on any of these buildings just creepy men In Black with all sorts of hand signals

Unrelated but look Nashville even has a Parthenon and it’s in much better shape than the one in Greece

look at Nashville even has a Parthenon and there’s some BS story that it was created for fair but yet it still stands it’s all bulshit these are all bulshit builder stories these were here before we arrived
And that’s a tartarian symbol the Griffin it’s on the flag of tartary remember that and it’s in better condition than the real Parthenon it’s much better you get that it’s much better
solid Stone

back to court houses doesn’t this style look familiar doesn’t it look just like the present Nashville courthouse and it’s all over the world this style almost every city has one…what they leave for us . all of our cities were intact when we arrived these buildings were here they had to be dug out of the mud excavated every city was a ghost town

I can’t prove everything in one post I try my best but then I keep jumping around and I just get so excited there’s just so much and I just want you to know that.. the controllers who control antifa they are after these buildings they are on the menu for Destruction they cannot control us without taking these buildings for themselves or blowing them up these buildings are critical and they must be preserved they must be protected or else we won’t have anything

In our President Trump’s speech to the United Nations when he spoke about America and he said we have seen the foundation’s this is what he was talking about because no matter how many times do you remodel this or tear it down there’s always the foundation

The Patriots knew this they would show up at these protests believe you me but they don’t know this they don’t have any clue they’ve never been taught it so that’s why I think education on this subject is critical because that fuels the fire the passion the love the respect the pride and you won’t want to preserve these buildings at all costs if you knew but they were actually as old as the pyramids built by the same old world order.. and how we were at the center of the world I think Patriots would think a lot differently and they would definitely show up in full force to protect these buildings that’s my opinion. It’s like I’m talking to no one here for years

And it’s not just America the entire world would wake up and boy would they want to overthrow the parasites when they see what they’ve done to their buildings this entire time under their noses they would be filled they would never trust anything they’ve been taught by these people they would reject them these people it would be over for these people and these globalists they know this time is coming they have this famous saying that says Time Will Reveal all secrets well time is here now

And the incentive is all the stolen gold in the world all the treasures all the gold that was taken from these buildings the free energy technology the ancient submarines ships like the Titanic that was what was here and left for us oh it never sank they just renamed it and robbed it but all those Treasures had to have gone somewhere so if these buildings don’t inspire you maybe the gold will

With this knowledge you can never be lied to again

All I want is to be able to take care of my family by myself and be a political cartoonist and I’m working really hard at that and I know it’s a noble cause that’s all I want. It’s been my Destiny since I was a child. And when Trump showed up it all made sense because I couldn’t fathom ever becoming one before that. The man I have the highest love for in my entire life has been my grandfather and that’s what he wanted me to be. I have to get Trump to 20/20 it’s like life and death for me I do everything in my power and I figure I’ll use all my skills through the medium of political cartoons and it’s what I think about the most and I’ve never stopped since he announced he was running

the thing about these buildings is they’ve been burned over and over again and rebuilt and whoever rebuilds it gets the I’m sure our President Trump the master architect would love to do that