Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump Carpe donktum political cartoon Twitter manipulated media #fakenews #cnn #politicalcartoon #twitter #carpedonktum #manipulatedmedia

President Donald Trump Carpe donktum political cartoon Twitter manipulated media #fakenews #cnn #politicalcartoon #twitter #carpedonktum #manipulatedmedia

President Donald Trump Carpe donktum political cartoon Twitter manipulated media  #fakenews #cnn #politicalcartoon #twitter #carpedonktum #manipulatedmedia post thumbnail image
I started off drawing this portrait of President Donald Trump I really liked it was on the front page of Drudge Report

I started drawing this and I watched the meme of the races Baby by car paid on to him and I noticed that he misspelled something and the only reason I noticed is because the last meme political cartoon I drew I spelled something wrong it wasn’t me spelling wrong it was my art program was going nuts and I spelled it wrong and someone called me out on it so when I saw hit he misspelled something I knew I had to put that in as political cartoon so I figured I would have Twitter a city Twitter bird censoring President Trump and then also when President Trump talks back he is autocorrected censored so it’s kind of funny I don’t know to me very personal and also how it’s a manipulated political cartoon because I cut and paste carpes…headline they call it a chyron you know the thing at the bottom on CNN that’s what they call it a shyron so it’s an interesting day to learn a new word

Interesting stone work on these ancient buildings I really appreciate this kind of beauty and I hope you can too

this is a carving in stone that we’re just not capable of doing today I mean it’s so beautiful nobody knows how this was done this is enormous work and I don’t believe there were a million slaves running around I think these were done by just I don’t know if you ask me I have no idea but it’s like taller people or something tall are humans cuz the Arches are for taller people and it just looks so elaborate it’s unlike anything we could do
I wonder who these are and you never know these statues could have been replaced also who knows it almost looks like it’s a different color stone
that window definitely is for acoustics

🧠well he couldn’t save Berlin could he couldn’t save Dresden couldn’t save those buildings it’s a shame..many of these palaces destroyed.💣

More interesting artwork and photographs

I think this is St Louis Missouri it was demolished is from the old world it was blown up with dynamite it didn’t fit the colonial narrative it’s the old world
strange old technology imagine seeing a bunch of these in the streets
strange technology wires and antennas everywhere that really make no sense they were Wireless that’s how they were found
star forts all over the world especially the United States and nobody knows Fort Bragg is on top of one it’s a beautiful star Fort it’s definitely ancient we did not build those when they were not forts… there’s many ways you can prove this ..for example the holes inside the forts.. aren’t really good for weapons.. don’t just don’t stick a gun out there that’s not what it’s for it would be really hard to not be shooting out of there especially if it’s elevated.. they are tiny slits you wouldn’t be able to move around much no it was for something else we inherited all of them
interesting fireplace or were those how to get electricity down the chimney who knows Old World stuff this is definitely the artwork of the Phoenicians were the Canaanites they ruled the world for a thousand years they were seafaring and head huge boats that were super high-tech
how many times have the buildings been set on fire it just doesn’t hurt the stone and then it’s rebuilt and whoever conquers it claims they built it for the new people.. that’s how they conquer and control the masses they tell people there were the ones who built the buildings ..

same things with these statues they’ll take them down over and over and over again and the secrets are really in the bases because those really are untouched the secret is in the base of all those statues being torn down new ones constantly being put up reset after reset and then you claim that you built.. it as a memorial
what is this strange exhibit in the World’s Fair exhibition something weird huh looks beautiful look at the glass this building was demolished also and all this technology went somewhere it was stolen
Stone does not get burnt so to me this looks like when you conquer.. some place. you burn down the building.. and rebuild it in your name and image ..take down the statues replace them and then tell the people that you built the entire thing
here’s a painting of another Conquest another reset just taking over just like today Burning Down the buildings tearing down the statues and replacing them with your new leader or New Philosophy or political party and then telling the people you’ve built the whole thing
I love these old paintings so beautiful I love that architecture it must be preserved at all cost the parasites tear them down every year and then nobody pays attention because the people all think..these are new structures but they’re not they’re ancient

it’s like cities buried on top of cities that’s what the underground’s are there not tunnels built by the military that’s ridiculous those big machines that’s just for show that’s just to conquer and say you built it’s necessary in order to fool the population but I think the underground’s are just ancient cities

Mexico in J.500’s

look at those giant structures magnificent all solid Stone wow as if built for Titans or something
Mexico in year I.500
wow definitely definitely something we don’t know about about the past Mexico
wow look at that isn’t that beautiful another conquering
I love him so much
the Yucatan
take a look at these ancient Engravings but just look at the buildings look at the structures these ancient people and they were definitely not the builders obviously just look at how they are and they dressed they were just the renters and they didn’t pay the rent
America with castles what is this
look at the structures in Mexico
that’s a pretty large weapon for a pretty large guy
look at the size of that doorway this was an America it was demolished I’m thinking this is Chicago or Detroit but you tell me how men and wagons built something like that solid Stone meant to withstand anything except demolition who would destroy
what is be another book burning another Conquest just look at the building
now I collect photos and screenshots of Giants and I have so many and these are unseen there’s just no end to them you see them everywhere once you know all about it
Giants would definitely fit in these houses that were built with huge doorways they are in all of our cities they’ve been found not founded
moloch…or the owl of the flag of tartary and that’s what they say America was before we conquered it it’s been erased from our history books I don’t know that’s a theory I’m not sure but it’s a big secret if it was
living ruins and the masses have no idea they think that their leaders built these
did you know that there’s an alternative History of the United States
just look at those castles in the olden days and they didn’t build them either they just moved into them
Bunker hill..I think. That’s what it reminds me of but I don’t know
the Indians of North America just look at the Giants and look at the color of their skin it’s very curious
I’ve seen tons of these Maps where California is like an island and all the cities are named and it’s detailed even back then
beautiful mail with a headdress or some sort of maybe like soldiers outfit why would you wear that when you’re fighting though I don’t know could also be like a faraday cage
theres the faschi.. it’s painted on our Senate Capitol Building mural anyway whatever it is look at the ruins in the back and even this is pretty old and grieving and the ruins look really even older
another burning the buildings reset conquering this is Napoleon supposedly there’s something fishy about Napoleon I don’t know just call of the hand signals there’s something really fishy about him history’s mysteries for sure
they would definitely fit inside those structures and some of those structures look like they were built by even Titans
The Lion and the Unicorn that’s like on the shield of the queen or England or something
I think the story goes that it’s ancient and it the lion is the sun and the Unicorn is the moon and they chase each other
I told you cities are built on top of cities Underground Level and sometimes the Arches that they dig up and Paris will match you know 15th or 13th century paintings of the market or something and it’s right under ground and it’s like there was a giant flood and a lot of these structures actually go down six to seven stories that we’ve inherited and others all over the world like all the cathedrals they actually go down six stories sometimes and there’s entire coliseums buried right next to them sometimes here in America 2
Chicago was burnt down to the ground many times Just Like Paradise California the only buildings that survived where the ancient ones made of stone
a lot of people think that these old paintings of Julius Caesar actually what he look like but no there actually just descriptions and illustrations of what they think he might have looked like because this happened way before any of this and Caesar was not a gladiator looking that guy .. definitely not a lot of people said he had a long beard that was white this is like prehistoric like everything we know is just hand me down stories and tales and books carried forth and you know every culture and civilization does artwork that they think what he looks like or you know just to illustrate him but no he was he existed way before even the oldest drawings of him this is just myth and Legend stuff carried down
there’s a lot of theories how the statues were carved out of solid Stone such precision and it’s definitely some sort of Technology they think that these were Corpses because they’re just so real and there’s lots of things that’ll back this up and lots of evidence lots of old Engravings of corpses being put into the strange boxes I don’t know some sort of Technology it’s just too perfect in this is there’s like a million pictures like this and none of the statues you get in museums are real they are all reproductions the real ones have been stolen put away somewhere you’re just seen copies there’s no way they would ever let you see something so beautiful like this
I blogged about this many times ..
these were TVs of some sort
I’ve screenshot these so many times but when you’re first hearing about this it’s very strange me 4 now..

they say Napoleon watch the wars on a mirror like this like a TV screen and in all these ancient Phoenician drawings you’ll always see a black mirror hanging somewhere I’ve blogged about this many times these were TVs of some sort

I’ve screenshot these so many times but when your first hearing about this it’s very strange they say Napoleon watch the wars on a mirror like this like a TV screen and in all these ancient Phoenician drawings u see a Black Mirror hanging somewhere and in the middle of their orgies..

Phoenicians were known as the Canaanites and today you know the evil Illuminati type people Italian Vatican stuff but they were the bad guys in the Bible and they ruled for a thousand years it was a one world order

it’s almost as if it’s a camera of some sort it’s a different technology that’s for sure and wherever these equipment wet someone has to have this and I think the parasites took all these..away and you know what I really hope our President Trump finds all the stolen Treasures of the world and the past and we can definitely start with raiding the Vatican and it’s not clear if people up today… even the evil ones would understand how this technology worked.. it would have to be back engineered.

Don’t act shocked I mean what is our television sets?

think about it it’s definitely a technology and nothing’s new Under the Sun you know that

Anything free energy related these people hide from us and they translate all the ancient literature and they claim that they wrote them sometimes or they put themselves in the past just to write them take credit for it and they sanitize everything about knowledge to take out free energy weapons electrical stuff fields and this technology that they don’t want us little people to have their in charge of History
these are decadent people not capable of building anything all they do is lie cheat and steal they take all the glory for themselves and their very decadent decadent people do not construct buildings like that just remember that because you’ll see this a lot when you look at American structures that these fancy men say they built and I just want you to remember that just follow the hand signals
I’ve been there I was there two weeks and I didn’t speak to anybody there and I knew Icelandic too I taught myself before I went I copied out textbooks and I got by.. but the loneliest time of my life and I rode horses it was like the whole country is just black rock and the water you can drink the tap water there and there’s these Hot Springs all the public pools there Hot Springs I had a lot of fun there by myself thinking when you go out to eat they serve puffin

Look at this place in west Virginia a 😍 beauty

how do you use lobotomy for overcrowding unless it’s just experiments in genocide… see I don’t like that part the beautiful thing about these buildings is the building

not necessarily the people or the education or whatever is going on inside it’s the buildings that are beautiful

All American.

I made a YouTube video on Griffin’s now these symbols are very important because you find the Griffin everywhere I think like the symbol of the United States is the eagle the symbol of a great civilization that conquered a lot of lands was the Griffin that’s just my thoughts take a look tell me what you think I made this video so watch it if you’re my friend

look at that and then watch this video and tell me what you think and yes Griffin statues were all over buildings in America as well they’ve been demolished broken

buried in mud.