Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump battles the HYDRA

President Donald Trump battles the HYDRA

President Donald Trump battles the HYDRA post thumbnail image
President Trump battles the Hydra political cartoon NFT

Link to this nft is here

Now I really believe that the Hydra is important to look at here.. because the Hydra is all over the place right now.. because a lot of scientists are finding it in the vaccine vials.. and in people’s blood who’s been injected. Hydra Vulgaris and Hydra linnaeus. I’ve shown all the photos.

Now ..did you know there’s a constellation of the Hydra? Must be universally an important villain!

.. and it’s famous in Old World mythology.. that told stories of battles all the days of Noah..and the days of Giants and Titans. Now that creature- could have been real -but seeing that we are finding it in the blood and microscopic -I mean maybe it’s a man of Secrets Secret -As Above So Below- sort of thing? That maybe the Ancients were talking about the demon inside? The same out of us than in us.

After all you know the blood of Christ I mean all our lives we’ve heard about that and keep the blood pure the Bible says and so maybe these ancient gods and villains are actually talking about our own body? The great battles between monsters are angels, happens insides our bodies? Possibly?

Maybe the hero Hercules is actually battling the Hydra in our bloodstream?

Anyways my cartoon can also mean that big Pharma- big medical -these are huge hydras and Trump is battling them and he never hits from the front -and you never ever gives Clues to his enemies- knowing what side he’s on -and sometimes he pretends he’s on the opposite side- just just to shock them and surprise them because he also appears.. weak when we all know how strong he is, but it is a tactic of war…or he has our military appear weak when they are actually the strongest in the world… 💪

Everybody thinks the military are trans people cross-dressing but that’s not it that’s just to appear weak..when strong.

Our enemies are Trump enemies, he’s beating them through stealth, so whatever he says in front of a camera, you know you’re supposed to look a little beyond that, and go with your gut

I just don’t know how people can doubt him at all , just because he says the wrong thing every now and then , and he’s done it a lot, but it’s actually funny, if you’re in on it. I mean when asked about just Ghislaine Maxwell he says I wish her well don’t think he really meant it? Or when he said covfefe… if everybody got upset with him over saying things in front of the camera, to the mainstream media, well you know.. it’s the Art of War.. its deception is war . I just don’t want to keep repeating myself about this I want you to 100% know that he is on our side. Things are very hairy and uncertain in the world. Many mysteries noone can explain.

Donald Trump nft

Link to this NFT here


I made this video and uploaded it on an old youtube account

The Hydra has 7 heads. So if you see symbols with 7 heads, its usually representing the Hydra. The enemy of man. Maybe in logos and stuff? Medusa? Right?

That VIDEO I made.. explains the Hydra …in my political cartoon, but I really think in the olden days defeating the Hydra was worthy of a hero.. and I really think President Trump can do it. I know so.

7 Heads. 7 heads.

..and I don’t know if he’s like Hercules or this is something that is battled inside of our bodies but definitely we need the Trump energy.. to defeat the Hydra monster within and without.

The only thing I like about Facebook- is it brings up happy memories for me- do I have to explain? Do you remember when Nancy Pelosi brought in the golden pens on Silver platters ? She really did.. and everybody was commenting using those words.. they said Nancy Pelosi brought in gold pens..on silver platters I made a political cartoon about it .. Pencil Neck Schiff is on a pencil that Trump is bringing out on a silver platter. I think Mitch McConnell was the one who made fun of her.. those were definitely innocent Good Times
Boy does he look good. ..he looks beautiful here ..and I love it when he looks into the camera . you know he’s got the most beautiful blue eyes. but sometimes on rare occasions they appear to be Brown… but I’m not shocked I’ve seen it before it may just be the lighting.

Now people were saying at the last Trump rally Jan 16 2022.. that. that was a body double of Trump..and everybody was commenting about it . .I saw that the mainstream Media made fun of the “Trump idiots who think that there was a trump clone ” at this last rally. I do not know if that was mockery. …or .passive aggressive truth. They don’t even use writers everything the left does is with artificial intelligence and they just make up the craziest thing and have the internet write it for them.

They do that about the most unbelievable Sandy Hook school shooting in the world they make fun of everybody who doubts it when it’s actually the most ridiculous story out there…if you look into it. So the media will sometimes fight the truth by telling it first. Sometimes if they believe something they will make it like we believe that and then mock us with the truth and they’re the ones pushing the truth out there.

They say that he was a body double because he did not wear a tie or his American flag pin but he’s gone out without them before. for example when he went on the Navy ships. he did not wear a tie he wore a jacket and collar. When he went to the hospital . . he was also just in a regular shirt.. and I’ve seen him before without pin. that doesn’t mean anything bad. and his American lapel pin.. that he has on his suits. he was not wearing.. but it is okay to go casual sometimes. But for most people they were screaming body double in all the comments in the live chats.

People say.. that his brother is actually his body double ..and remember when his brother died? Things didn’t add up.. people were reading body language . and they were following the plane the coffin went in.. and it didn’t go to where it said it was going to go.. and people think that his brother is actually his body clone. I guess you could wear a mask but he was wearing a hat and you couldn’t really see him that well. There was also a time lag on the audio but that’s not so telling. Sometimes the words didn’t match up with the movements.

I took this from the social media comments

I do not think so . No. Inconclusive. But let’s look into it.

He may have looked a little different on stage but in the picture above. that is definitely him …I’ve seen his eyes so many times ..but I understand how beautiful the body Clones look today and so perfect. There can be audio cloned too. But your eyes don’t lie… your eyes will tell you if something’s weird.. and mine said a little things were different but.. maybe he was a little too happy …I don’t know was very happy.. he was happy and Light ..much more than usual..too quick to smile.. .I couldn’t really put my finger on it. It was a hundred percent his energy happy everything was almost perfect so that’s why..

I don’t think it was a body double.

but as soon as I looked at the comments.. in the live chat everybody thought so and I mean a lot of people so I’m going to say well… what if it was a body double ?…And what would be the purpose?

. but I think it was him. but I asked myself what would Trump do …if that was a body double?

.. it would have to be a distraction right? So maybe while the Trump rally was going on the whole world was watching Trump ..he was..secretly flying around…actually doing one of the most important things ever ..and something really important ..and he needed a distraction? To avoid eyes..of the enemy.. I mean it would just make sense… but it was probably him.

Could this be controlled demolition Sparks…but nothing got demolished so it doesn’t make sense?


NOW this was GOING ON.. SAME TIME..and I mean.. I don’t know if these people are really rounded up in the back ground and executed like patriots saying.. because they are all in the club …so usually they get new personalities… new identities ..and they get shipped off to another country somewhere ..and start a new life usually… the villains are acting a part just to let the good guys look better. Everyone’s in the same Club on the same team.

but what if this time was different?

but if I didn’t know that ..I would say the Sparks in the White House Windows were executions …because they do have to show something to us..karma..and to make it more real..or to send a message to our enemies..and maybe it’s a message to the people.. who are looking? They have to have something on the record that they really did this

Maybe it was an electric chairs..and they would put this in the window . just out in the open ..kind of thing.. and it would be fitting for them ..a royal send off. and you know how people are saying the White House represents the old regime the illuminati people and all of these buildings have to be shut down around the world because it represents their power so you have to have victory of their power but instead of destroying the buildings I suggest you can turn those buildings into either prisons or maybe something for the people to enjoy? Like the Vatican library .for the people. Read whatever you want. But you can’t take home.

I’m going to edit this blog later these are just my thoughts .and it’s not edited …and I have more to add ..and I have a slideshow that would really interest you .

Okay so if that was a body double.. it would have to be because there would be something really pressing top secret ..behind the scenes we are in a war everything is upside down.. and we are supposed to appear weak when strong . and all this.. but I really think that maybe if that was a body double. that the real Trump would be secretly flown in somewhere top-secret for something very important ..and it has to be in stealth.. and if there really was an execution of the top people like Bush and all them or Hillary Clinton.. I don’t know it would have to be on record somewhere visually for We the People …in the’s just Karma you have to tell a little people ..and what a better way to go ..than in the windows of the white house.. where nobody would look.. for that sort of thing ..and if I was Trump ..I I think I would want to be there.. to make sure l these people are not just body doubles themselves ..while the real criminals get another identity somewhere else.. I don’t know I’m just saying my thoughts when I look at all this.. and I don’t even know if that was a body double.. I’m just saying a lot of people are saying… so so I’m looking at this like there could be a reason.. why you would need a big distraction. and Trump over here ..when Trump is secretly somewhere else d..oing really important business like battling the cabal final round. 🤔

Because I think we are in a game. .but Trump is also trying to beat the game itself. 🎮

So let’s say he secretly went somewhere .. and it was a mask CGI .which I don’t think so.. but let’s just say. I mean it was beautiful hologram…just couldn’t tell.. it was a beautiful operation. But it’s inconclusive ..and I’d prefer to think ..that it was just a Great Rally. But just remember everything with President Trump is real so..

Screenshots off my phone 📱 I think you should see.

My art teacher. I owe him a lesson. I better get to work. Isn’t he AMAZING?… His online courses are worth it. Very personalized. Half off new students! I recommend.
15 feet giant.. oh look.
look..a storage space for giants. No miner made these. No big screw machine. It’s left over from the old world. Only us wee humans survived the last flood.
Proof of the flood. Established and FOUNDED. Never built.
ok so that’s established



Let there be light!

Looks like lasers and even the old world masonry is lit up. 🔥

Electricity is free! It’s a trinket God gave us. 🙏 You don’t worship the light. You worship who made it.
…because Thomas Edison? No. Because Tesla? No..because it’s our inheritance.
ALL AMERICAN..not just French. The French take way too much credit.
1900 the building is built to light up with the atmospheric electricity gathered in the day..or when lightning 🌩 strikes. I don’t know. It’s spectacular ✨
lights up the way lights up the entrance. Imagine walking up this path 1890s?
COKE AND gas. Sounds like no electric bill.
a floating lamp? Or tower? What’s going on? Can I join?
Electricity in the British Parliament?
One guy famous for it all. Just one guy. Made light. Sure.
How is this powered? I don’t see gas.
It looks like..a coil or something. There’s NOTHING in the top. Nothing on the bottom. Just Glass. Doesn’t sound expensive. Gasoline ? Whatever. It’s cheap.
Very obelisky. The previous civilization made the obelisks light up. This one just adds a light bulb?
Notice the homes are lit up from inside?
Electrical exhibit….is the tech below related? Is that the cord?

Giants I haven’t posted before. There’s always so much more.

Look with your own eyes. Forget your education!
Cutey!! Bring back the giants Trump!
A little too short for the midget door.

Surely you can clone giants and titans.

Giants could help us win this war. Titans could help us build Make America Great Again by helping Trump lift pillars of marble. AND TITANS can paint the ceilings.


Every city named..

what happened to our culture? We have one even richer than ….BBBBRRRITAIN.


Thank you for reading 📚 Here’s a prayer. HE SAYS JESUS CHRIST….

Do you see the structures? ABOVE

and below? Look close. You’ll never again have this chance so..

don’t just spend 12 seconds looking at this.

This is what happens when everybody is distracted.. Humanity has less and less of its inheritance..every civilization on this country. And it happens so secretly that nobody even knows what’s happening.
Yes…this walled up for the sparks ?
Most beloved…Our neighbor. He was like having Jair Bolsonaro next door. One of the greatest! Look how..he was living!!

How come you NEVER hear of our Kings? Oh..there was nothing here but dirt. I forgot. Cowboys and Indians. Just jungle! King George did not start America please.

Look at that ancient castle 🏰 in North America with all these cubes around it 🕋…that’s my father the way and I love him very much I talk to him every single day like a hundred times.