Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Political Cartoon President Donald Trump truthsocial post of Johnny Carson golden age of late night tv with Jimmy Fallon with the CBS ABC executives Tonight show.

Political Cartoon President Donald Trump truthsocial post of Johnny Carson golden age of late night tv with Jimmy Fallon with the CBS ABC executives Tonight show.

Political Cartoon President Donald Trump truthsocial post of Johnny Carson golden age of late night tv with Jimmy Fallon with the CBS ABC executives Tonight show. post thumbnail image

Political cartoon of Johnny Carson and Jimmy Fallon and the ABC and CBS executives.

Here’s a screenshot if that file is too large.


Gaze upon the withering remains of what was once a beacon of our culture, the Tonight Show. In the days of yore, under the masterful stewardship of Johnny Carson, it stood as a citadel of wit, charm, and unparalleled excellence. Johnny..Carson, a titan amongst men, illuminated our evenings with a brilliance that has yet to be matched. His era, truly, was the Golden Age of Late-Night Television. So much laughter 😃!

But lo! How the mighty networks have fallen! Today, we witness the bumbling Jimmy Fallon, a man whose tenure has reduced this venerable institution to a mockery, a heap of ashes. His stumbling gait and feeble attempts at humor are but a grotesque parody of the grand tradition he inherited. Fallon, starved for the hollow applause of transient ratings, flounders helplessly before us.

And yet, citizens, we must acknowledge a grim truth: the travesty does not end with Fallon. Behold the abysmal specters of his so-called counterparts at CBS and ABC. These hosts, if such a term could even be bestowed upon them, sink further into the mire of mediocrity, dragging their respective shows into an abyss of ignominy.

In this desolate landscape, we are forced to confront the undeniable verdict: our current late-night hosts are nothing short of RATINGS DISASTERS. They have betrayed the sacred trust once placed in their hands, leaving us to mourn the lost greatness of a bygone era.

Yet, from these ashes, let us draw the resolve to demand a return to the high standards set by Carson. Let us not settle for the dismal fare presented to us, but strive once more for the brilliance and dignity that once graced our screens.

Demand he be fired and replaced with true funny good humored entertainment!

Vigilance, citizens, is the price of quality!

The Golden Era! See for yourself!

If you would like to see my step-by-step blue sketches and underpainting and my notes and how I draw each caricature you can check here:

Some freelancing jobs for political people if interested on Upwork:

Good luck frens!

The Tiktok templates are so terrible!

I spent 30% of my phone battery testing them all out ..and none of them would work.. you have to crop it long way ..or you have to crop it square ..and it gets cut off.. no matter what you do. And this one is all blurry and it’s tiny and you can’t even read it!

But this is the appropriate song for Jimmy Fallon.

Link to NFT for wealthy collectors only. If it’s sold, I’ll upload 40 to 50 cartoons to Rarible. I took a break, So I’m superback logged because I have internet now. I didnt for a long time…so more content is coming!

I don’t know a few guys are on . They don’t allow Democrats on it.. It’s most moderated and they’ll delete your right away if you try to pull any stunts.. here’s my profile.