Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Political cartoon on the 2024 election with the Democrats manipulating the votes and enlisting illegal alien voters President Donald Trump Truth Social post

Political cartoon on the 2024 election with the Democrats manipulating the votes and enlisting illegal alien voters President Donald Trump Truth Social post

Political cartoon on the 2024 election with the Democrats manipulating the votes and enlisting illegal alien voters President Donald Trump Truth Social post post thumbnail image

Political cartoons elections 2024 Democrat manipulation
President Donald Trump truth social post

In the grand tapestry of modern 2024 American politics, a most peculiar spectacle unfolds, akin to a farce penned by a comedian..Within the confines of a dilapidated campaign factory a surreal procession of animal hybrids..beasts of curious lineage..stand in line to partake in the sacred rite of voter registration. The sign above the desk, in its bold indifference, declares: “Easy Voter Registration: No Documents Required!”..Behind this facade, a monstrous contraption, labeled the “Campaign Factory,” hums with an almost comical malevolence. Here, forms traverse a conveyor belt marked “Big Government Agencies,” only to emerge, as if by magic, transformed into industrial alchemy that spits out democracy without discernment. The very smoke that billows from its stacks carries the acrid stench of “Manipulated Elections.”Amidst this mechanical parody, a wise owl..embodiment of judicial sobriety..utters a somber rebuke: “Proof of citizenship is essential!” Nearby, the animal hybrids, in their grotesque yet oddly endearing forms, murmur phrases of disbelief and irony, their innocence a stark contrast to the machinations around them. In this tableau of absurdity, the machinery of voter rights ..democracy appears at once fragile and farcical, a reflection of a system teetering on the brink of its own satire. It is a scene that might draw a tear from the earnest patriot and a wry smile from the cynical observer, leaving one to ponder: has our grand republic, in its quest for inclusivity, embraced illegal aliens as their ticket to victory??

I want to talk about the auto fill surrounding President Donald Trump’s name on Android and x

When I type in President… Obama and Bush come up and I’ve used this a 1000 times and I always put in President Donald Trump ..I have never called Obama President …I have never called Bush President. So why does it prompt me for President…Obama or Bush?

Now when I type in Donald Trump.. on should auto fill it for me ..but it doesn’t ..and I’ve checked this.. it auto fills everything else.. but when I type in Donald Trump ..X Makes me type out the whole thing you can see.


I tried my hand at digital oil painting here no tracing..

This was a commission ..and let me tell you ..I would have never portrayed the beautiful White House like this ..never ever ..but I understand if it’s Joe Biden’s remodeling.. that makes sense. It’s okay. Images and drawings have power behind them and I’m very aware of it. Now the White House has been set on fire many many times in history and remodeled. It is ancient. Every civilization that comes along claims that they built it. It’s as old as Rome…the Vatican etc.

My Trump fridge magnets 🧲 The President Donald Trump that is.


Look at the machinations of Facebook against me now!

What is this nefarious machination unfolding at Facebook? They dare to accuse me of sharing intimate images of myself..a baseless and slanderous charge without a shred of evidence!!! . When I seek to uncover the truth, I am met with a blank page, an abyss of deceit…a blank page! Facebook, it seems, wishes to avoid reopening a Pandora’s box with me at the helm. Now, in a grotesque twist, they demand my identification card, presumably to link it to my social security number and banking details. Their objective is clear: to profit from my personal information and exploit my account for their gain. Beware, for you know not the fury you incite. I will document your treachery and expose Facebook as the most contemptible of platforms. I will pen a damning review, a solitary star to signify your utter failure. I will ensure that the world knows of the injustice you have wrought upon me. Prepare yourselves, for this is no idle threat. You will be judged in the court of public opinion, and your transgressions will not be forgotten!!!

No proof!!

Was it I because..I shared something about Hunter Biden ? Yes? now I don’t know because.. I’ll never know ..because they won’t tell me.

They are so mad that I am sharing political cartoons on Facebook. Imagine a world where a political cartoonist is censored.. What kind of country ..would allow this…who would do this to a political cartoonist?

This is what happens when you post pictures of Hunter Biden.. I know. because it happened to me before.. I posted the same picture that Jesse b Watters had on his show that night.. except mine was censored ..and his wasn’t. SAME ACCUSATION. This time they won’t let me see the proof of their accusation it just takes me to a blank page. It says it can’t show me.


Old as Rome! History a mystery! If you thought fake news was bad wait til you hear about fake American history.

President Donald Trump knows the truth.. that’s why he made the historic landmark act. He will protect our ancient structures meanwhile the Democrats will tear them down.
For the police!!!? Look how tiny that person is. You mean to tell me horse and wagon built that?
Built for Mail? I’m no sucker!

It pains me deeply. Nobody will ever know.

Ancient! Before our time!

What do you see. When pay throats nobody around and a horse carrying an electric trolley wasn’t there electricity? I see
repurposed electric trolley-cars .. had horses pulling them around, presumably because the electricity was switched off .. Maybe for a millennia…?? Only to be turned on again some years later claiming for the first time? Just guessing. Let me guess the horse is carrying the solid Stone to build that? 🙄

The Ottawa Parliament. Now those wooden shacks are what people of that day were capable of ..log cabins.


I’m so sick of this censorship. By the way I’ve used the word Maga a million times on my Android and every time I use it it autofills Maga as maggot. It really feels like bullying at this point. And I’ve been through this twice before it always happens during election time. It’s like all the apps that we use every day go crazy.