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Obama Exposes Erection Political Cartoon

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As you can see I compared all the other manly men and then his expression of what manly is.
I love how Matt Drudge thinks. Like look at the front page of our MAINSTREAM MEDIA, like full on public in your face everywhere news by force…look, its all enemy trash. This has been taken over. These are not Americans writing these headlines. Washington Post is so bad. Its not truth at all. Its an ALIEN AGENDA and I love how Matt Drudge is pointing this out. 
Sometimes you wont know why he chose a headline until you read the article and its crazy. He has a sense of humor and you can tell if he is making fun or defending by the words in the articles he chooses. I feel I know what he is saying. He has a brilliant mind. I mean its amazing. 
He is not communicating with his words, but with OTHERS words and driving them traffic. For free. 
Anyways I speed read Drudge Report everyday.  REEDY app is best. I open every website this way. I can read a persons whole life in a hour. I am up to 2000 wpm. I not only do headlines, but I do the articles as well.  I want to hire someone to cut and paste all of it in one big text. That would help me. Because Drudge is not set up, you have to open up every link individually. Go to the websites, open them up to speed read in reedy app. You go as fast as you can read the words, but faster than that. And you will see one word at a time flash, you can go thru so many articles. 
I do not think this blog these articles come up on google I am not sure. I feel I am being censored by the Clinton Campaign too. The Google new employees, those who behead others…are going to fact check news now.  Wont they figure out people will avoid the check if they see it? Because Mainstream Media LIES SO MUCH. Its just background music for the elderly relatives. Cable NEWS tv is just background. Airports. nail salons. The lounges at Senior Citizen homes. Just that. NAIL SALON  Background music. Noone goes to CNN for news anymore. Just to see Trump. They dont even turn the tv on. I go to drudge for decade. Maybe longer. Even back then my friends drudged. They said YOU DRUDGE TOO? And it was like yes I do too. 
I sense Matts sense of humor. I do, he is so funny. Dark funny. You never know what he is saying until you read the whole article. It makes you think, whats he pointing out?