Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Nikki Haley Birdbrain and Robert F. Kennedy Wormbrain 🪱 political cartoon

Nikki Haley Birdbrain and Robert F. Kennedy Wormbrain 🪱 political cartoon

Nikki Haley Birdbrain and Robert F. Kennedy Wormbrain 🪱 political cartoon post thumbnail image
Nikki Haley Birdbrain Robert F Kennedy wormbrain political cartoon rfkjr

My dear friends, is there a glitch in the matrix..are these people forced to say these things?

Yes. allow me to regale you with a rather intriguing tale. It appears that Monsieur RFK Jr. has made an astonishing claim—his doctor supposedly discovered a deceased worm within his brain, feasting upon his very tissue. I assure you, this is no jest! Ah, the perplexing nature of politics, where such peculiarities arise. And then there is the matter of Trump and Madame Nikki Haley; their discord is widely known. Today, the mainstream media was abuzz with reports suggesting Madame Haley might be considered for Trump’s vice presidency. Yet, Trump swiftly denounced this as ‘fake news,’ though he extended his goodwill towards her. Now, she has long been christened ‘bird brain,’ while he has earned the moniker ‘worm brain.’ Apologies if this offends your sensibilities, but such is the curious state of politics in our time.

Every week more videos being deleted by YouTube.

Inktober. They deleted my INKTOBER SUBMISSION!! Why the ancient cartoons now?

An artist silenced. A political cartoonist in America fading away, as if I’m invisible. The pain I carry is heavy. 💔 Recently, a friend with a million followers shared my cartoon on Instagram, and it barely received any attention..just 2 views in 24 hours. Two! It’s disheartening. Loyalty should go both ways, and right now, I need support. I refuse to settle for a job that brings me no joy. I want to pursue what I’m passionate about, and I won’t give up, even if I end up homeless. I’ll find a way to share my political cartoons.. I sketch on a dollar store notepad with a Sharpie, scanning my work at the library. I’ve lost my stylus. Lending my internet out..Remember when I was drawing cartoons on a cell phone? Don’t make me draw them with my finger!

You see. I DO NOT GET ANY DARK MONEY..I don’t have a pac supporting me…there is zero help for the citizen.

The narrative is so controlled. 🔥

I’m actually applying for GOP campaign jobs now hopefully I’ll have better opportunities. And I’m only doing this to have money to be able to draw more political cartoons.

Returning to creating free programs feels’s something I truly enjoy and cherish. Love it. Bad pens…broken screens..double the time.. no internet, no problem..Creating cartoons is the most challenging yet fulfilling endeavor in my life. My best work often comes from private commissions, even though spending 10 hours on a cartoon for just $40 can be demanding. However, I’m eager to capture every great idea and wouldn’t turn down a famous political figure’s request..I’d gladly do it for free. My aspiration is to become a political’s been eight years of dedication, but what about my personal life? So what..My cartoons define me more than anything else. I despise social media platforms and apps..freelancing apps the worst..terms of service and hate speech rules grow longer weekly..they’re not for me. I dream of working for a generous patron of the arts, much like my grandmother, who supported artists selflessly. I have NO interest in newspapers..I yearn for freedom. Politicians?

My goal is to impact elections and critique competitors with my art. I only share on social media to preserve my work if my website vanishes. Is there anyone out there who appreciates political cartoons about the greatest president ever? Or will I be like the next Van Gogh ..creating political cartoons from my own “asylum,” consumed by my art, neglected by family and relationships? Will anyone truly care to seek me out? It’s up to you to decide if you’re interested.

8 years of lone warrior art? I haven’t started yet. I got BIG PLANS for 2024. I might even erase everything and start fresh. Hire an agency. No longer human but a machine.