Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Nancy Pelosi Confederate Capital Congress statues antifa editorial political cartoons for President Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi Confederate Capital Congress statues antifa editorial political cartoons for President Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi Confederate Capital Congress statues antifa editorial political cartoons for President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
she can’t breathe with that mask and look at that golden Spinx I’m proud of this that’s what Nancy Pelosi wants to bring back to the Capitol Building is her as a sphinx
she is a dark Lady of amp a fallen angel not even an angel a Fallen woman
Nancy Pelosi has one of the biggest breasts in politics if you’ve ever noticed
they can replace statues every civilization but the bases are all the same and that’s where all the secrets are just look at that beautiful base it’s before history it’s before we came along that’s for sure every culture that comes along claims these as their own
yes Nancy Pelosi I saw this a mile away I knew this was coming way before this happened this is why I did my Jim Jordan political cartoon and I did that cartoon before she announced she wanted to remove Capitol statues so I can see a little bit into the future
he’s oblivious to what’s around him and he’s holding all these weapons to hurt people with and little does he know the statue is getting Vengeance on them
the statue is fighting and it’s solid Stone and if the statues should fight these people maybe we should too
yes babies are weirdos
yep that’s what happened brains everywhere and you would think that the statues are actually doing some of the fighting that’s why I did my political cartoon that way
yay you know when you follow someone for a long time and then they all of a sudden notice you it’s like the best now it’s really the best
this was the funniest thing I saw all week I really love Alex Jones he is absolutely funny he’s so funny and so entertaining and I love his skits he is an actor he definitely is and he does a lot of Comedy skits it’s the best it’s like SNL I love his skits he’s so funny
wow I really have to read this I mean clairvoyants and psychics for Trump you know China’s got psychic spy children trying to spy on Trump so Trump needs a psychic protection wall
he always talks to me online and via the posts and always likes my comments and he doesn’t like everyone’s comments and not everybody can get this from him he’s really hard to get attention and he always comments back to me and I just appreciate it so much he’s very very smart
very sentimental screenshot I’m a big fan what a great author
the reason I like his videos is he plays instruments that he does photo slideshows of ancient histories Mysteries and it’s really good stuff very relaxing
I love her she knows for a fact that George Floyd is still alive
okay so I drew this political cartoon even before Trump got elected just so you know that I’m not a poser and I was there when it mattered I was doing what every day ever since even before this so you know who I am I’ve earned my stripes I think

What makes that political cartoons for Donald Trump special.. is I was..drawing them on a notepad with sharpies and coloring pencils and markers and I was doing this by hand without a digital tablet I didn’t even know how to draw digitally back then and I was taking a picture and then uploading it so you see and once I uploaded I would add text
For like a year I was drawing all my political cartoons in a notebook and I had an entire wall covered with political cartoons for Donald Trump that I did by hand in a notebook with markers and colored pencils and then I would upload them and then add text using a photo editor app I’ve come a long way

If you are wondering who Eric Dubay is and Justin pawlak here are some of their videos I am a big fan he goes by a different name because they banned his original account

I really got a lot out of this one it’s true I know all about photons from remote viewing stuff and I commented and he wrote me back about that you can see above about the photon he’s talking about it in this video that’s what we were talking about up above

Here is one of Justin pawlak videos he plays strange instruments sometimes Celtic instruments along with a photo slideshow I totally trance out to the 📷


There’s something fishy about this 19 33 construction renovation I mean is that statue the lady Freedom Statue of Freedom is that made of tin..or something look it’s like sitting on this little tiny thing and look at how they brought it up there I mean it just does this something fishy about it I don’t know I can’t tell it doesn’t look right it doesn’t look real like do they have pictures of them pulling it up there?
Washington dc lady freedom statue
#WashingtonDC #ladyfreedom

look at that scaffolds I mean scaffolds that’s it that’s proof I don’t know it doesn’t even look real just look closer at it

I mean the Statue of Freedom is a big big statue and it lays on top of that it wouldn’t even fit in that little scaffold carrying it up..

it wouldn’t even fit
so those scaffolds that statue wouldn’t even fit inside and what do they do after that pull it inside one of those tiny sliver of windows?
so those are the guys the construction workers The Renovators?
Again where are the workers?

Statue wouldn’t even fit inside one of those windows how would they get it down is it really light weight and it’s so valuable why would it be sitting on a little picnic table just like that left alone and where’s the renovation what are they doing
they would put something so valuable on a little table like that what is it is it made of tin? Did someone just put it up there by hand is there a crane how was this carried how was this lifted ?

I just don’t believe it I just don’t believe it

Tax fraud?

what was there before it was just taken down

and what happened

how did they renovate it

what are they talking about

All of these fires are suspicious all of them

so fire went all the way in the Attic but I love how they say not a lot of damage was done that’s pretty funny

You know damn well this is not a construction photo so that one crane with no workers around that built the top of the capital that is hilarious that is so funny you know that’s not a construction photo any Builder can tell you that this is like vintage Photoshop double exposures that might be a miniature that they double Exposed on it and they white it out the sky with the Vanilla Sky technique it just doesn’t look real to me

Look close at the crane it’s like two sticks and a piece of string hanging down


and doesn’t even look like the real dimensions and who’s operating it and how’s it carrying huge Stone Dome pieces it’s just ridiculous story

just because you put a ladder up doesn’t mean it’s a construction site

speaking of cranes and pipes what is that other pipe doing cuz it was screwed in at the top and just lifting things with a piece of string and two pieces of string and just magically that’s the technology for building such a Marvel⁉️

If you look close the crane is the dimensions are wrong it’s like facing toward it’s not supposed to be that way if it was really up there it wouldn’t be as Dimensions you know a lot of these construction photos are fake some of them are better than others but any Builder will look at this and that this is a solid Stone structure and the Dome is ancient and it definitely didn’t just wasn’t just built in the 1920s and even if it was built in the 1920s where the construction photos of the bottom I mean it just doesn’t make sense they would just build this to throw money around
Just a copy to imitate to build in the style of ancient Rome… I believe America was rome and I don’t mean it like we were Rome controlled by we were Rome
that looks like a basket Photoshop upside down on it like a miniature basket just photoshopped over it I mean really think about it I mean how come all the other City Halls in all the other American cities are intact it just doesn’t make sense like I’m just thinking that we didn’t build it it was here before we arrived this is a huge secret this building was used by many cultures before us because on ancient maps you can see the Capitol Building drawn in with the little Dome so I don’t understand why it just it’s an impossible feat for people of that time I mean just look at the materials there’s no workers and there’s just one crane that’s it and it’s this would be very easy to fake in the crane it’s the dimensions are wrong on it I mean I’m just looking I think I’m pretty good with Photoshop eyes and boy did the people of the 1800s and early 1900s they loved doing old-fashioned photoshop with double exposures and Whiting out the background and then doing another exposure on and sometimes when you look really closely you can tell but these things are so guarded and I’m sure they’re fixed and updated to look more real there’s just something fishy about it that’s all anyone can look

I know you are looking at the real thing you are looking at the real thing that’s as old as the Greek ruins and the pyramids and it’s ancient and I think every culture that comes along claims that they’ve built the buildings on the land all the rulers the Egyptians Caligula they all say they built it because you need to do that in order to rule over the people you need to Conquest these buildings and it’s like a subliminal because it’s just such a Marvel no one can explain it’s so beautiful solid Stone just everything intact and I don’t know this is it I mean that’s the construction photo of it

they all look the same some look worse than others but this is it this is something we all got a face we are not new we are far greater than we’ve been told what we’ve inherited
Just follow the hand signals and read up on the rags to riches stories of all the Builders of these buildings and it’s so far-fetched I mean it’s so far-fetched and they take all the glory for the construction and that’s how they make their money and a lot of these statues are just so beautiful these buildings had statues all over them but they’ve all been taken down everything’s been whitewashed the Latin has been scrubbed out

Our President Trump is a builder have him analyzed these

photos and he’ll tell you he’ll tell you men of our times are not capable of building such a beautiful building like that out of stone

I mean we can only build on the foundations of these ancient structures and we do have Steel but we don’t have giant blocks of stone we just pull up in a horse wagon and built such masterpieces like this

Do those images satisfy you as a construction photo?? or even a renovation photo ? 🤭do they satisfy you cuz it’s one of the Marvels on Earth the Capitol building and it’s so important

you can’t let antifa anywhere near this you get that? And you can no longer permit the parasites to have anything to do with this from now on President Trump is going to make sure I know him I know he’s going to do this he’s going to make sure nobody ever messes with the Capitol building..again.

My father took these he always sends me these things I have a lot more we have a deep appreciation for buildings and flags and all that he also sent me this picture

The father is your consciousness

Those videos are road trip everything so quiet no masks means freedom

Do you see the Capitol building behind gop leader Kevin McCarthy?

it’s a subliminal you don’t notice it but it’s beautiful it’s a subliminal it’s these buildings hold much power and on the mainstream news whenever they have a guy talking they’re always showing these buildings from their City the magic is in these buildings if we lose them we lose America we have to preserve them we have to protect them

so who really built the Capitol building. How many cultures before we arrived used it?
who else lived in these buildings before we came along?

I mean unless you believe the Cowboys and Indians and the colonial Fairy Tales..

I think something else happened ..nothing you learned in school is real …you just have to get over that .

America was the world leader once before.
yeah sure they built that I’m sure in the middle of nowhere look at those windows I mean wow what magnificent that building is meant to withstand anything. People were just arriving and no one was paying attention you’re looking at the old world for sure I’m like 100% sure about this building I mean they might have burned it down and put some steel and took a few pictures with some ladders and maybe some photoshop of them building it but I don’t think so why this building they love to take the most beautiful buildings for themselves it’s not a bad thing why wouldn’t you but I’m just saying why take the glory for building it when you didn’t probably just remodeled it or set it on fire and then re decorated it and then told everyone you built it you have to impress people you have to.

You see those solid stone blocks I mean sure it took 4 years what did they have Egyptian slaves rolling them up on logs ? Where did the stone get quarried from where are the blueprints where are the construction photos you just got to ask I look for and look really deep and say to yourself just does that look possible to build such a powerful Strong building it can withstand everything

you know in Paradise California with all the fires the only building in the entire town was the Mazoonic building because it’s one of these buildings.. that’s why they keep them you can’t hurt anyone inside these buildings and it’s really hard to even get cell phone or any sort of radiation these buildings are protected. They only get destroyed through demolition

earthquakes won’t hurt them fires won’t hurt them floods won’t hurt them nothing will
I don’t know I’m not sure about that.. I’m not sure taking a knee is the same as this ritual or maybe they’re just mourning the loss of some guys widow’s son one of their own men who died and then their Widow had a son and he died too and they’re all morning a little peculiar unless it’s a very important person
Looks like …
they are kneeling theyre kneeling at prayer

around the grave of widows son. Does that look like a grave or could that be a corpse or could this be like a symbolic role playing ritual where a man pretends he’s dead or something

I wonder what Widow is that

Okay I remember a story in the Bible.. about a widow who had a dead child grieving. and the son of the Widow…the story… was that Elijah I can’t remember. I think he took the dead child from the woman’s arms
He placed dead child on the bed
Breathed into him. Life came back. And he gave the now living child back to the mother I remember that story I think this is what this Secret ritual means that I’m just I’ve never heard of it before I just saw this on Facebook tonight and I took a screenshot because it ties into someone said it ..tied into current events about taking a knee but no I don’t think it’s related at all I don’t think this is related at all and I do remember the Bible story from when I was a child you know I’m not a pastor’s Grande Child for nothing I know all of the stories. Oh boy
So that screenshot I took is probably like a reenactment of that. I don’t remember anything about taking a knee though

update. I googled it
oh my god there he is taking a knee!!!

so you see that I am good for something I do have a lot of knowledge
So I went back to Facebook and I posted that picture under that post

My grandfather was a really wise pastor

He would tell me that it was Daniel in the Lion’s Den and that all Daniel had to do was pray to God and then the lion was powerless I always remember that story that prayer to God is like a marriage ceremony with him.. and it was so beautiful hearing that also how Judas the great betrayer is necessary in a man’s life and all these stories are told in the Stars every year every year the Sun gets bitten by the Scorpion constellation and it’s necessary because in a way it’s symbolic that you need that great betrayer in your life in order to move into your goal because some things just can’t last the time is up and you need to like forget about that part and move into the next phase because when you’re looking for your desires sometimes you need let go of something and that’s where Judas comes in so it’s all part of living Christ life I mean it just blows me away I miss my grandfather so much I used to listen to sermons.

And I know being betrayed hurts I remember when Nancy Pelosi really betrayed Trump and started the impeachment hoax on Halloween that’s the time in the Stars when the Scorpion constellation bites the Sun.. and then the Sun starts to die and in a way Nancy Pelosi was the great betrayer to our President Trump but he needed that in order to move forward because things could not stay the way they were and now the impeachment hoax was such as flop ..but he had to go through it in order to move to the next level because I’m sure our president has goals so every year you know he’s going to get bitten but it’s necessary and in our life to its necessary you know it’s painful to be betrayed and it’s painful but you need that because you can’t quite attain your goals without letting go of things that no longer help you. Sometimes you don’t want to let go but Judas is necessary and that’s where it comes in and helps you. And the best advice is once that happens never look back. You need to be betrayed in order to accomplish your desires and dreams because some things you can’t take with you and that’s where Judas comes in because it’s hard to let go of things and that’s why it helps you