Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized MY OPINION Caravan to Midnight EP 500 BUNDY WOMEN SPEAK OUT and also the TEXAS REPUBLIC MAN


MY OPINION  Caravan to Midnight EP 500 BUNDY WOMEN SPEAK OUT and also the TEXAS REPUBLIC MAN post thumbnail image

HEARD THE BEST RADIO SHOW EVER!!! MY OPINION I got goosebumps. ” Ep. 500 – In this edition we welcome the senator of the Texas Republic Robert Wilson for words about the separation of Fed and State. But first, the wives of the incarcerated Bundy men come aboard with a message of motivation and hope.”
WOW the conviction of the women. SO well spoken, she actually taught me what was going on, I had no idea, this was a good lesson, learning about the grazing rights. Water rights, all of us have. Water does not belong to corporations! I do not give my permission for that. I do not agree to play with those rules anyone can make up because they want to loot. They said if you do not do something now, it is coming to you. I heard every word and it was moving. I got really sad. I did. The babies, need their fathers, who are being kidnapped by government agents, hiding behind a Borg, yet we have their names. We can post them. We can talk about their names. But the lawyer suggests not to. We have to have the higher moral ground. We have to win with our ideas. We have to include everyone. 
Can someone arrest the agents that did this? Can someone rat out their boss, or write letters or even ask nations to help. Can the secretary working in the prison, beg her boss, please let these ranchers home? Can the agency in question, be defunded? Can they be extinguished They do not protect us anymore, we do not know who they are. They could be China. They take land and give it to their own families! These environmental groups, they are not wanted, no one wants them. They vandalize lands lands, with these ugly blue posts, they stick everywhere. They take your land if a gopher is seen on it. They nose around in nature, taking huge paychecks. They get to pick what house they want to move into, and then kick the family out, using the government’s force.
All evil need to be out. Or else America is tainted. It needs to be done now. If you are in a position of power and can do something, do it. Twist wrists if you have to, whistle blow. This was a very patriotic show. I feel AMERICAN. This is exciting. Total Revolution, is coming soon. Good will overcome EVIL.
Her sons are in prison, oh I am so sad, they stood up for their rights. CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERISTY are criminals. Gangsters. WOW. I knew it! They killed her cows and even PETA wouldn’t come to her aid. OH MAN, Peta kills the most animals. JOHN, thats called ANIMAL SOCIALISM, yet they are the concentration camp GAS CHAMBERS for animals and they TAKE OUT SEXUAL ORGANS, of cats and dogs. WHAT PERVS!
Where are the heroes? Where are the people who are on our side, yet hiding, can you do something?Its very right to stand up for those who you are seeing, are being hurt. The Hammonds were terrified of the federal government who is supposed to kick some BLM ass – for them. THEY DIDNT. They backed them up! The FBI chose what side. They chose the side of the devil.
This is the court of public opinion. We have to use our heads and ask. How does the public help you, what can we do, do we have all the names of the individuals who committed these crimes against the people? Expose them? The JUDGE who has a BLM agent as a brother, has he been dealt with? Or do we really have to wait for Trump to get in to get this beautiful beautiful big family, justice?
I am so scared of BLM RANGERS now. I do not want them in my city. What can I do? Where do I complain? They are ILLEGAL! Who gave them funds? Take that back. I pay taxes and I refuse this. I also vote and I vote them out. There is no global warming. Take care of fukushima, why dont you fly over there if you care SO MUCH, about the environment, then PROVE IT.
As soon as this unravels…all hell breaks loose I am a big fan of history I followed the French Revolution very carefully. I even took the tour. I seen where the heads rolled and stained Champs Elysee red. Anger stewing….not good. I warn them, please, do for AMERICA. Not for the GLOBALISTS. For those evil, I beg you switch sides now and whistleblow. TRUMP will support you I feel, if you make this plea to him.

I got goosebumps on your show. CAN YOU MAKE SURE ROBERT WILSON SEES MY COMMENTARY? I am angry too John. 1776 is here, any day.
Robert Wilson you are my new hero. WHAT A BAD ASS. You want to make TEXAS a republic and found out how to do it and are asking nations to help. I love your ideas. WASHINGTON D.C.- District of Criminals is the D.C. ahaha I agree ! Yes, its fraud, we have President who fumbles every speech that’s not teleprompter. Who gets his self esteem from his
grand crafty masterful grand wizard lies. Fraud, you call it. I say so too. It is a huge circus. I agree. I am so with you.
This tyranny. Its everywhere, all of us are experiencing shades of it. We must bond with good.
Do you think Putin can help
you? What about Donald Trump? I really ask you to consider asking him. I want you to be the diplomat of Texas.I am hoping Donald Trump hears this interview. Bush is a wanted international criminal. Officially. I think Putin can help
you guys. And Trump too. I love the diplomatic way. Its about the moral high ground. There is also the individual, we stand with our own names against unaccountable gangs and groups, collectives which have no individual name you can go after.
Races are pit against each other. When the collective is an abstraction. Its like hiding behind masks. Its not fair. Started
with corporations. The abuse is legend. Capitalism DOES NOT RECOGNIZE groups or gangs, its all about individual rights.

Anything else. Corporatism is the evil thats upon us. Same thing with socialism. Putting something higher than “I” is
socialism. Unless of course, it is your free will to do something for a cause, collective, abstraction.
What if Texas helped Donald Trump get in, if anything happens? Could you make a deal with the future Prez? With the deal that when Donald becomes president, he will give you the Republic, you want, but you may not want to secede then. Band together as a new nation. I love Texas now. I want to come. Is it hot? I hear alot of meat. I want you guys to become a republic. That’s my will to see. This country, unless Trump saves it, all is lost. So we must act. He is only way. When Trump gets in and overthrows all evil and all evil agencies, since Jfk, and also overthrow the United Nations International Bill Collection agency, with disclosure of the truth about them, the CIA gone forever, BLM, etc, and Nasa and its faking space, all gone too.. then maybe Texas will still want to be American? WITH ALL THE EVIL GONE? And Not Secede?
He is composed – John. He is very sassy. Proud Texan. He is so proud of that. Like its a country! SO inspired, I feel. Well
spoken.I love your new haircut John. I love the way you look at the camera and say ITS COMING! Something is coming soon. I know it. Its coming.
Japan you say? How come all these Fukushima, radiation towers been leaking for years now, is all of Japan dead yet? WHAT JAPANESE event are you predicting? Have you been following Dana Durnford John, his show, I do.
No Americans voted any of this in, we didnt vote for Obama second term either. I hear you.
Who manages the economy? HMMMMMMM 536 people control everything in our government, WOW. WHERE are they hiding the gold
Robert Wilson. TEXAS IS REALLY the12th largest economy in the world.

There are higher moral laws. God will give this to Texas, if Texas is
good. I want to come, I want to live in a place where there is no welfare state trying
to take money from us, no red tape, no permits, no income taxes, no licenses, just free market! THE WEALTH WILL BOOM – EVERYONE WILL WANT TO COME.
Argentina was a prosperous place. I been there, this story is so interesting. Gold is the currency I want. Yuan is a gold
backed coin. WOW. I didnt know that. We just have good faith in credit and we do not have it left. We cannot borrow, they
do not know where to go. What if they have a war and no American shows up. HAHAH No tools left in the toolbox, the federal government, ahahah true. Its the BORG. But its eating itself. And it cant sustain itself. Its a bubble. Now its just a
bunch of ghouls who do not know why they are even there.
Your opportunity, is to be sponsored by a country, like PUTIN?? Right Who else. Who are you asking for? What names? 
Texas Republic Congress got a raid on them by the Feds. What a laugh. I seen Robert giggling at the stupidity.What happens in Texas, happens to the whole world, TEXAS CAN BE THE NEW AMERICA. GALTS GULCH – ROBERT!
Paradise. Flat earth revolution. No more old ideas. All secrets revealed. All gold liberated.Bob Wilson you are sovereign.
Your cause is JUST. GOD has protected you. You cannot lose. Evil has no protection, they take orders, they have no idea what to do if not told or threatened. But god will lead you via your ideas you get, so when you get that winning idea, thank god.
This guys is so smart so sassy. This guy is so bad ass. I want to move to TEXAS. If he gets Texas independant I am coming right away with supplies. I will. I come with my ideas, I have some good ones. I can think. I see what he is saying. I am soooo happy to hear his ideas.
There is a war on cash. I say Cash is like IOUs for gold later on. Someday, I repay you your gold. Now they IOU is too
expensive. The paper too costly? For its true worth? Now lets do away with cash they say. Just give you ration tickets! Meal tickets! Banks I want obsolete, I hate them. I been ripped off so many times by banks.
HOMELAND RESPONSE FORCE is a Radical Islamic Obama Army! You say? WOW. I can see that. Why do you think he was in Cuba, to prepare their army against our border. He went to Argentina for escape plan. I do not think they will take him though when this is all over. HOMELAND RESPONSE FORCE PREPAREDNESS TRAINING you know what that means, bring on the crisis actors !
HEY have you and Robert seen MASON, the crisis
actor at all three terrorist events? Go look at his interviews, You will be seething mad. My favorite quote of the interview was you john when you said NAZIS FROM OUTER SPACE! ‪