Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized My political cartoon, for President Donald Trump..was used in an article!

My political cartoon, for President Donald Trump..was used in an article!

My political cartoon, for President Donald Trump..was used in an article! post thumbnail image

My political cartoon was used in an article it’s actually very orgasmic I mean I am just I’m like overflowing with it’s just I know one can not understand an artist’s work unless u been there. I think it’s the highest love someone can have is for their own work. to be loved for your work is just like the highest honor

I love it I just absolutely love it I love it love it love it and I don’t want to be given credit I really don’t I I don’t like that I don’t want to be banned I don’t want to be I want to work Cloak and Dagger I just want my cartoons to speak for myself that’s it I don’t want money I don’t want attention I just I love the art of the political cartoon it is orgasmic I mean I’m just like overflowing with love I can’t believe it what a f****** babe
so there I am πŸ₯ͺ sandwiched between Roger Stone and Steve pieczenik πŸ₯ͺ I mean .. this is proof that God exists this is proof that God exists it’s proof there you go!

yes God is real πŸ™ πŸ‰πŸ‡πŸ’πŸŽπŸ₯‘πŸŒΆπŸ₯πŸ…

featured story this is like unbelievable this is unbelievable this is the best day of my life and I mean this is what it is all about this just you know I just love what I do so much and I want to be the best and I try really hard I overcome mountains even Within Myself doing anything once a day for 4 years straight I mean you know I got to do it when I’m tired I got to get up in the middle of the night I got to wake up in the morning I got to make sure I’ve listened to at least 4 hours if news everyday I mean I got a look through headlines I got to read I got to follow Twitter I got to really focus on things and it’s just a great job art is just amazing especially political artists like it really is the best of everything isn’t it a little cool art is the best of everything this is the part that will last centuries being libraries art galleries is political art especially since the beginning and especially cartooning things as they really happened not as you know the left fake news portrays
there’s the radio God himself I’ve been listening to him as long as I was watching Alex Jones listening to Alex Jones at when everybody else was watching The Hills TV show that’s how long I’ve been listening to Alex Jones
  1. Remember it is a political cartoonist who invented Uncle Sam
  2. remember it’s the political cartoonist who created the elephant as the symbol for the Republican and also the donkey as the Democratic symbol
  3. remember it is the political cartoonist who gave Teddy Roosevelt the teddy bear symbol

Here are some screenshots off my phone in a few things I want to talk about and analyzeπŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…

I want to talk about New York City’s Dewey Arch that was demolished it’s ancient it was here before we arrived like I said to conquer a nation you have to destroy the past and what you can’t destroy you have to falsely attributed to your culture ask yourself if they built this why would they destroy it why would they destroy it why would any artist do all this work only to destroy it for veterans I mean I love the veterans but there’s just a story behind New York City’s Dewey Arch and it’s all American and if you are truly American first you got to know where you live

Look at the size my point is you know we’re it led to believe all of these arches all around the world we’re just all built to copy ancient Rome like everybody’s just a copy or an imitator none of this is real these are just architecture built in the style of in the style of “in the Style of..” we’re taught that this is
πŸ₯°Romanesque Revival πŸ˜‡that’s what we’re told we’re told that none of this is the real thing that this was only thrown up just to honor the veterans only to be torn down it’s the official story is nonsense

now take a walk down memory lane and walk under this arch in New York city that is no longer exist like do a meditation on a past life regression or something where you’re here close your eyes and you’re enjoying this I mean imagine the energy you must feel imagine bringing a woman with you and how she must swooned when she’s under this beautiful architecture This Modern Marvel is..a “living ruin” and just remember that when you come back like the movie story in time with Christopher Reeves when you come back how bad you feel knowing that the globalist demolished it.

every culture that has come along before us has used the same structures and they put on their own graffiti and sometimes when you excavate these things out of the ground they’re halfway buried with different decorations underneath ground-level so you know that this is Ancient Ancient Rome I mean was New York ancient Rome I don’t know can’t believe anything in history not one country on Earth can research their culture back before the 1800 so nobody knows where any of this stuff we learn in mythology happens or has happened none of us it’s just too long ago you get what I’m saying that this is the original thing the same people that built the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and I don’t believe Napoleon built it that’s just a lie to like I said the ego and vanity of rulers anyway it was probably even older than that and they were all built by the same old world order because you can find this kind of structure all over the world but different countries have different lies about their structures it’s just how it’s done it’s just how you control people you hide these buildings you hide the past you hide their history you never tell the people the truth

so when you read the description you see the freezes have been replaced

every culture that comes along replaces these they’ll take down some ancient gods and goddesses and replace it with you know General Lee or something like that
these things are being replaced and I think you can put stucco clay over things and then carve in new sayings
so they change the mermaid guy into the god of I don’t know it’s weird the Trident man

now we could be looking at the opposite side I don’t know but it seems like these statues changed also

They made it like literally for veterans in war people and they turned the mermaid people into gods like I said every culture that comes along changes the statues on all of these and sometimes they just whitewash everything to fit the new civilization so to go over this once more our new infrastructure our new America is built on the old one falsely attributed they just take down the statue and replace it with another one and that’s how they do it but the secret is in the bases but too bad they destroy this structure
now is this leftover is this a graffiti of another older civilization that use the same arch for their political rulers or whatever or look look at it it’s different they changed it before they destroyed it to make it more fitting with the War Memorial
so this was in New York City fits the war memorial narrative but the one below is what it looked like previously that they changed it looks like it’s from a different culture altogether people in the 18 hundreds they couldn’t even pave the roads they were capable of Woodhouse is all they did was back engineer and remodel renovate and then claim they built everything so this is antiquity
it looks like a previous culture made this a war memorial also
I mean look at this what came first the gods and goddesses or the statues what came first the gods and goddesses the statues or the advertisements ? That’s an Ancient Ancient prehistoric image and that’s technology that person is holding in his hand kind of like a royal orb with wings it’s a secret technology maybe a War weapon

it’s just about deleting the past for the new civilization

anyways that’s New York City I mean if your American first you got to know where you live you got a really no I mean if you’re going to be American first

I’ve recorded tons of these images in my blog but this one is new I haven’t seen a few of these was the umbrella something else in the past all I’ve seen countless pictures of this and when you’re looking you’ll it’s never-ending the evidence but something was going on with these umbrellas

my specialty is ancient technology that could possibly brought back why wouldn’t the right want to be curious about this I don’t know it’s all about free energy and saving and we don’t have to pay bills anymore I know this looks silly but this is just one of them and it’s one of the sillier ones but still at there’s something to it

in all the older pictures of these umbrellas there’s a cord running to it from the umbrella to the ground it’s strange I’ve seen a lot of these pictures and I’ve seen a lot of people flying on them. You look at old pictures of Hermes Mercury and they’re flying they got Wings on their feet and their standing on some strange ball the winged wheel and the winged wheel is in all Ancient Art if you really looking for a you see it everywhere and I don’t know where these things ancient Technologies where they filled with gold or red mercury or whatever I don’t know the thing about my blog is you know I use a lot of imagination and I write a lot of fiction as if these things to make these things more real so just relax don’t take anything I say seriously I know it goes somewhere it goes somewhere in the more questions you ask the more answers you find so this is just something that I’m constantly learn more things.

you have to have the right involved with these subcultures and these alternative researchers you have to do you never know if there’s something that might benefit our side I’m just exploring this isn’t like my hobby I’m just trying to find things all over that could help and everyone’s doing it a lot of people are doing it but you know I’m not a cookie-cutter trump supporter I’m just looking elsewhere where you can get information knowledge stuff like that that could actually benefit us. I like this umbrella could be explained it’s not going to make any sense I understand people are asking well how does it fly that’s my point it’s this is a mystery.

I mean if people in the past were capable of building these structures of Titans and Giants don’t you think they had technology that surpasses ours like free energy free electricity I mean how else can you explain these structures how they were built to this is like solid Stone the whole way so they knew something about free energy and electricity and all the heating in those ancient structures were self-heating using geothermal steam this is something we can put in our homes we don’t have to pay a heating bill I mean there is atmospheric energy lightning rods I mean are they lightning rods or are there antennas where they flag poles or were they antennas these are questions you got to ask when you’re looking at these patients structures All Over America America’s not new we just moved in and didn’t pay the rent and then get all the men of Secrets claim they built everything only to destroy it later just doesn’t make sense

Chicago when it was “found”ed and then 4 years later?? πŸ’‹something stinks

where is everybody where are all the horse carts? that lane is like for 5 lanes wide there’s like no people and they built that what just for feds??? πŸ˜† or something it’s official story is nonsense and why did they white out the sky what are they hiding in the background it’s called Vanilla Sky technique and old Photoshop

Photos of Chicago 1833 when it was founded and then 4 years later in 1837.

please watch this I really have a soft spot in my heart for John Levi he’s causing such a Ruckus in the community everybody is up in arms they can’t believe the stuff he’s bringing to the table is making a lot of people in The Establishment mad I mean you have no idea what’s going on I’m just telling you the gossip this guy is like red hot right now in case this video gets deleted all try to take some screenshots of anything American for you because you know a lot of my blogs have links to videos and then they’ve been deleted and nobody understands what I’m trying to point out and I miss it and I lose it and it it’s painful when one of these videos gets deleted or gone and it’s painful to me especially if I was link.. to it and I talked about it so that’s why I’ll try to take a screenshot every time I post a link to a video right now all of this research is being infiltrated by troublemakers I’ve seen it happen for decades they come into the communities they come into the boards the forums the groups and they just create such a hell right now people are having a hard time with infiltrators they’re just coming in asking stupid questions mocking showing bulshit Photoshop stuff even Google does it you’ll never find the truth on Google you’ll never’ll be embarrassed when you go looking for it because they’ll use the most craziest people to promote this kind of research

This Fountain technology needs to be looked at because these fountains were in all of our cities at one point and I think they were restructuring the water for people to drink and it’s a technology Natural Springs I mean some places still exist like that like the Venetian pool in Coral Gables it’s all reticulating Spring Water fresh and it’s all natural and that there’s nothing more free energy than that like if the electricity goes you still have the fountain running you know what I’m saying so why can’t we bring this back the fountain technology to our downtown areas?

if FireπŸ‘‹ comes sweeping through a city you would want something with water to protect yourself against fire wouldn’t you that’s all natural that it’s free energy you don’t have to pump it you don’t have to do anything it’s just something that works with the Earth that’s my point here and watching this video

I think this Fountain is Indianapolis but I’m not sure.. ancient it is ..Built For War Memorial it isn’t..πŸ˜™ I looked into the fountain there and it’s took 33 years to build a erected on the 13th.. all roads lead to Indianapolis also in the entire State It All Leads down to this Memorial even today if that’s the one I’m thinking of..predating our civilization. for sure. almost everybody had free resources back . Things that President Trump can build back I mean these free resources they don’t make them anymore like this.

πŸ„ Cow that knocks over a candle that burns down a whole city πŸ”₯ a quote from the video I agree all of these fires have the craziest excuses great temples great palaces great memorials great stone structures all burned down because someone threw a cigarette or a cow tipped over a candle it’s really funny when you look at history

the water in these fountains is charged with an electrical energy restructuring it making it healing water

Washington Square Park once had one of these fountains but we’ve used them for decorative purposes but I’m just saying there’s a technology about this that cleans the water and makes you feel good when you drink it for up to two days


Plumbing didn’t arrive in the 19 hundreds that’s for sure

you know what I went to Machu Picchu in Peru everybody’s home in the ruins.. had running bath water even when I saw it these things last millennia..

and there are aqueducts in there like these pipes that are built to keep the water flowing from mountains and underground’s

imagine all of our homes have flowing water that you don’t have to pay any bill it flows into your home fresh spring water no matter what that’s the key here that’s the key and that’s free energy in a way because you’re not paying anybody for your water it’s just brilliant you’re not paying the city and the city they pump so many chemicals into it you never drink the tap water right well that’s not how it’s supposed to be done

Why can’t we bring this back to America
Resources just didn’t exist to build stuff like this when they say it was built purely decorative today I just look at the technology it’s siphoning from the earth it’s siphoning its aquaducks it’s disses natural water this isn’t city water it’s also restructuring there’s something going on electrical possibly static atmospheric energy that does something to the water
Intricate nozzles to have the water spot out in different shapes in the “1700s ” or J700s

what happens when you restructure water hitting it with electricity?

so here is this experiment now I’ve done live blood analysis before I know what it’s about I was an assistant and anyways so this is the guy when he wakes up he drinks coffee and he looks at his blood and it’s all quag elated kind of and then he drinks this water that’s been structured and look at his blood those are his blood cells on a microscope afterwards
why not make these fountains for people to drink in all of our cities that will heal them no disease no disease no disease
So why is this antiqaTECH attached to a water fountain? you got to ask yourself what is this what the hell is this on top of a water fountain

now part of my jogging running Coral Gables Florida was to the water fountain on a golf course I think it’s the Grenada golf course and I used to love it i used to take so many pictures there and it’s purely decorative but what was it once and what did it do?πŸ˜‡

This is in Tampa Florida okay it’s a water tower I don’t know if it’s still in use but what did these things do there leftover from a previous culture and don’t believe any of the rags to riches stories of Builders coming in building everything in these Florida cities because it’s just not true decadent man can’t create stuff like this people that have never built anything before don’t just magically build whole City’s their ancient falsely attributed to this new civilization it’s the old infrastructure we built a new one on top of and falsely attributed really bad men

so the Tampa water tower was built close to the Sulphur Springs

I wonder why all this stuff has been taken from us this ancient technology that’s what it looked like before and this is what it looks like today below
cemented over don’t you want to know why
Today’s City facilities charge people for water but before it was natural and it was free

this is what the free energy Renaissance will look like in Trump’s America I’m pretty sure why can’t we work on this

Here is the tower in Coral Gables I used to jog to it’s purely decorative they say was built in the 1920s but that’s not true you know that’s not true come on you know that’s not true

were these towers shut down in favor of City meters?

I took this picture I have pictures somewhere of me with this Tower in the background I have to find it Google’s not the same I can’t find anything on Google anymore

I took those pictures when I had a Nikon d70
I used to go swimming here this was a few blocks from my house it’s artesian wells it’s spring water it’s natural it’s you don’t have to pay anybody even if the power goes off this runs Crystal clearly like this with waterfalls and everything and it’s not built in the 1920s this is ancient stuff
I live down the street George Merrick did not built all this this is the old world infrastructure the new one was built on this was found this way all abandoned and one man is given credit to building everything and he’s the most decadent man you’ve ever seen when you look at pictures of himself there’s no way he built stuff like this they said he copied something in Cuba or spain..which is ridiculous this isn’t a copy! this is the real thing when you seen this hotel you know it’s the real thing anyways it’s the hotels Guinness Book of Records for largest pools and it’s all free. I think recently a hotel in Las Vegas beat that record but it’s pretty large pool Isis sneak in at night and swim and nobody would ever catch me it was completely like I could hang out at the golf course at night every night I would go hang out at the Biltmore Hotel it was just down the street and I would hang out all over I was so fun it was so magical
Corinthian column in St Louis water tower the largest free-standing Corinthian column in the world I mean really you really think this is this was all built in the 1880s that’s such a gas πŸ˜†
This is massive Advanced infrastructure in Chicago now turned into a museum this is an ancient Water Tower it’s all hidden in plain sight right in front of you you can’t even see it
the ancient water πŸ’§ pipes steam pipes free energy
Here are ancient Chicago steam pipes in those ancient buildings
heating building in New York City with steam pipe from geothermal Steam from the earth I mean you don’t get more free energy than that that’s what free energy is you don’t have to pay anybody for a heating bill you just turn on your radiator

why why do we live in cardboard houses and why do we have to pay a heating bill to survive πŸ€”?

Are you having questions..electric trolley next to horse and buggy technology? trolleys I believe were ancient too and they serviced people and they were done away with all of them except for a few you know tourist stuff. Why were they done away with some of them were electric and there was no wires there was like Wireless trolleys electric Wireless trolleys

Don’t forget our President Trump is a master architect he would understand all of the things I talk about

Virginia ..the new world America
the first one is Virginia and the second one is North Carolina round the time to tell us was the 1500 so that is the architecture the people of that time were capable of so even they did not build the structures that’s what I’m saying
It looked weathered even back then
Love it how it says the idea of the Spanish idea of Indians that’s funny and are those oars on the ship
Black natives in America artwork
Black Native Americans what do you say it’s not the first time I’ve seen these images I mean these ones are new but I’ve posted lots of black American Indians so I mean a lot of people say blacks never even came from Africa they were already here
Nobody knows about the Confederacy anyways very few people knew what he looked like and it’s a long story and I won’t cuz you looking at this you won’t believe it but if you look at all the evidence I’ve collected over the years you’ll definitely believe it but I’m just showing you this just keep this in the back of your head nobody knew what he looked like but there were letters lots of letters and they all said the same thing even personal letters signed Abraham Lincoln in you know his life story it’s not what you think it is I know I know it’s this is too crazy I understand this is too crazy I understand but you you just have to going to look at my blog where I posted like maybe 50 screenshots of the same type of thing I know it was a Not.. nickname his own words in his own words in his own words …. nobody takes the time to read his letters do they nobody wanted people to know this this is just one of those things a lot of those portraits were just I like it’s just too horrible to explain what history has done you would not believe me but I’m just adding this to the collection cuz sometimes when something is truly real. u just keep finding more evidence all the time and I’m just adding this to the long list

believe me every single one of those portraits can be explained and it was someone the last president of the Confederacy that looked exactly like the image we see of what he supposedly look like

so did blacks come from Africa I don’t think so just over years is constantly finding things they were already here this is one of those things they don’t want you to know and they cover and these globalist hate these people so much they hate us to they taken all of our history and especially their history

Is this a depiction of Solomon’s Temple right here

not in the foreground but in the background you see that it’s like in the shadows how are these people capable of building does this is all left over from a previous culture left over from a previous culture I mean none of these people are capable there’s no printing no blueprints nothing
What were they doing oh my goodness
Here you have the fasche’s again I told you it was some sort of weapon maybe sonar maybe something anyway I collect pictures of it and it’s all over American history nostalgic paintings and artwork such as at the Lincoln Memorial he’s sitting on a chair and it’s this whatever this weapon is same thing with George Washington in the Senate building through the mural with him with this object this is just embedded in American history
The Royal orb in the book of Mormonism now that’s ancient technology it’s very important
these things are not symbols these things are not symbols okay these things are not symbols they’re not just fancy statues these objects do something they do something electrical or with frequency are with some sort of …tech mixed with red mercury they do something these are very sacred objects they do something with the atmosphere electricity these are free energy machines these do something and maybe these people that found it or just mesmerized by it maybe they don’t know how to use it maybe they can’t back engineer it but these things are passed down from history and they’re not just artifacts like just pretty stuff to look at they..actually do something
The Mormons came across these fantastic structures and then falsely attributed that they built it and if you can tell by the windows at the bottom level they’re half-buried in mud so this is an ancient building and it was found it hasn’t been excavated yet and there is some half Windows you can see why would they build half Windows like that
Now history class will tell you that this is imitation. its not. the real deal.

this is the Parthenon of Tennessee built by the same world order that built the Parthenon in Greece the same old world order it’s just that’s how they screwed history up for you it’s true it’s this wasn’t built in the 1800 just thrown up they had all this money just to throw something like this up that lasts and there’s like a gold statue that’s like a giant and inside this is a Nashville Tennessee All American this is all American this is not Romanesque this is “Americanesque”

why would they have a replica of it and make it solid Stone I you can’t see how large this building is it’s one thing to be there and it’s one thing to see it from a picture
this is Chicago all of this was torn down this how did they power this nobody knows this stuff was just they call it Tesla’s technology but even Tesla is a complete mystery he might have back engineered it if you really did exist but it was already here the technology and its atmospheric free energy and the globalist couldn’t have anybody knowing this so they demolished it

because anytime you conquer a nation you have to destroy the old you have to destroy the past the build the new one on and you build a new infrastructure on top of the old infrastructure and then you tell the population that it’s all falsely attributed to you

now are you ready to see fake construction photos and there is a specific Trend and all these old construction photos and any Builder can tell you it’s not a construction site just putting up scaffolds around something doesn’t mean you’re building it it’s not proof and anyone can double expose the top like a miniature they could just that could be like a match cover they took a picture of and they just like super it and post it on the top there’s many tricks but they all look like this all these buildings have the phoniest construction sites where are the workers is anybody doing anything?

Now why would they build this in the middle of Nashville Tennessee in the middle of nowhere I mean it makes no sense the official story have to question everything now everything we know about ancient Roman Britain in England and all that it’s all a fabrication everything’s a fabrication history is all a fabrication is to fit the colonial narrative in the society we live in now it’s just not true
the Empire of tartary for example fell in 1776 if that’s a hint
Plus the architecture is amazing and all of these churches are repurposed spiritual buildings that’s not what they were originally built for like the organs built into the building I mean there’s just so much mystery about these churches and I told you whoever controls these buildings who controls the world was ever in power Whoever has real power controls these building and they repurpose them I mean look at the windows everything’s acoustic the generators the domes what’s inside of the domes there’s red mercury inside of them I mean there’s lots of strange anomalies with all our churches
you have like 3D sound coming out from these churches and it’s healing and when they do these experiments with water and cymatics they find that they he sounds pretty churches produce like these beautiful designs very similar to the cathedral windows

all of this stuff I talked about in my blog can be used by those on the right I mean it’s about controlling the narrative on all this research which is going on in the world right now it’s about controlling the narrative like really like you don’t want this narrative to wind up in the hands of evil people they will use it to spread disinformation and lies and they will talk bad about Trump and all the groups and Boards you know I see it it’s this all of the subcultures need to be watched because they find groups of large people and then go in there and talk crap about Trump and that’s how they do it so all of our subcultures have to be have to have Trump people in them that’s what I’m saying so don’t laugh at you know this isn’t a hobby I’m doing this for political reasons I’m talking about this I’m making friends with the the leaders the top researchers and turning them all onto Trump and it’s not easy but I see the effect that you know my conversations have and my post and all my special groups and Skype Hangouts you know I promote Trump and I use it in the context of This research is that you know I make it it’s like Rodger Stone always said everybody should start their own political movement and we’re all different and it’s not just about watching MSM and then reporting on it no you got to go out in the world on your own and you know try to be a seeker of knowledge that would help the Trump movement everywhere every subculture every idea you got to talk about every thought I mean this is Renaissance coming. You have to light up the world to President Trump as if you had a torch in the Darkness