Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Merrick Garland Fbi Political Cartoon from the Trump Trial

Merrick Garland Fbi Political Cartoon from the Trump Trial

Merrick Garland Fbi Political Cartoon from the Trump Trial post thumbnail image

Merrick Garland political cartoon
Ink work.

Merrick Garland is making both sides very angry. He seems to be very unpopular for both parties. It’s almost like both sides can unite. And it is like he fails at his division.

Found it here first. Azazel news telegram. After hearing about it on the Mgshow. Live on Rumble daily.

Left-wing Boston Globe was not impressed with Garland…”What AG Garland should have told MAGA Republicans and the American peopleMerrick”Garland needed to roar. He barely meowed.It sick how left-skewed this is but “barely meowed” is interesting when other leftist publications say he was “forceful”

I have no internet. And no charger. I have to borrow the energy. 😅 I would post and draw more. But doing best I can. With broken equipment also. I have to use a phone 📱 or hotspot to send this.

I am working on commissions I cannot show anybody. One days you will see them when launched.

Look someone sent a review to me.

This tshirt was deleted by Teespring but when I wrote three people about it they apologized

Some other various, not finished yet, drafts:

No on 4 working on it. Final will be amazing. I will do kawaii chibi expressions.

Not finished..just the first draft. I’m scrapping the words.

I was given this gift, and I’m grateful to my artistic inspirations. I’ll improve and evolve.

Next is my new website for storage of my political cartoons..Though I’ll miss this blog, I’m launching a new one, focused on my political cartoons and art, under my real name. More professional 👏 less food 📸 pics!

One of my very first political cartoon day of debates w Hillary Clinton 2016.

I’ll miss this blog. Truth is I’m not the same person I was when I started it. And it feels like massive baggage. I want to start new and just focus on my political cartoons and transforming into a conservative political cartoonist with a new future and no past.

🍓 spinach salad

Delivery fresh fruit 😋
Oranges with real seeds!!

New Update! Reddit just censored my post in two groups, including a conservative one, right in the midst of election season. It’s frustrating to see their interference with people’s elections, especially considering their past behavior during the 2016 and 2020 elections. I’ve documented every instance of censorship with screenshots..yes..t’s time to shine a light on their mischievous actions.

Reddit censorship crimes against the people crimes against our rights, to choose who we want as President!

Freelancing work for politics in the platforms I saw last week:

Too bad for me, I am just a cartoonist!
Hire a freelancer today Gop!

Trump Rally !! Right ✅️ Now! Live

Arpaio the Sheriff