Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Letter I found on the DARK WEB

Letter I found on the DARK WEB

Dear fren. Yes, ITS FREN. , I’ve been thinking about how we can enhance the dynamics of our Infowarrior operation. You see, even individuals like Alex Jones require a steadfast companion, much like all those shows out there – even Crowder has his sidekick. It’s about having someone who can articulate things that might be harder to express directly, someone who can pose the questions that beg answering. I think the designated best friend should be Greg Reese.

Imagine a scenario where this comrade operates from our very own Infowars dining hall. Eating a burger, talking to ALEX in a big screen..Whenever the camera shifts to that space, it’s like a whole new TV show, an engaging interaction. Then there’s Rob Dew, engaging in some basketball action down in the Infowars basketball court, tucked away in the basement. These characters, like OWEN SHROYER playing some video THE BACKROOMS in Garrys mod.. these unique personas, are what we should embed within Infowars. We’re not just an outlet; we’re a family, an embodiment of real life – a lifestyle, an Infowar. It is a sitcom for the imagination. Its the use of radio. I think we need more PJW attitudes. I love it when he treats the others, in his high class way. We want to see the PETS. I think it is more than a news show. But you are not just doing normal things, but EXTRA ORDINARY things.. in a running sitcom. Fighting the globalists, Jesse Ventura TV show style. Meets DUKES OF HAZZARD. STOPPING child traffickers with their own arm! against the cars! Like they did. some GOSSIP/SOME ARGUMENTS. YES> Because not everyone thinks about everything like ALEX JONES ALL THE TIME. There are OPPOSITE ways of “wargaming” you cannot have one guy wargaming…any thing, Its a TEAM OF THEM. INFOWARS crew are now “COLLECTIBLES” ok? MMKAY?

Alex Jones, as remarkable as he is as a single father, on the show, with hot girlfriends, could truly benefit from a partner in crime, so to speak. Someone who can be a poker buddy, a confidant. It’s about designating a ‘best friend,’ someone who completes the picture. If we don’t make this move, mark my words, someone else will seize the opportunity. And why not? I dare say even Joe Rogan might bring in Greg as his closest confidant. Look around – all those fighters, they conduct their interviews in groups. YOU NEED A SIDEKICK. People feel COMARADERIE. and best friends are property that are super high in value. SOMEONE WHO RESPECTS you and doesnt try to outshine you, but BACK YOU UP> You need a GOOD FRIEND. Not sitting next to you reporting. but OCCASIONALLY THERE when you need to know what he thinks of something…and it’s just part of the show..Hello Greg Gutfeld.

Let’s bring a sense of camaraderie, a feeling of family, into Infowars. Let’s show the world that this is more than just a news show; it’s a way of life, an experience to embrace. Alex Jones stands as a remarkable single father, but every dad deserves a poker buddy. I implore you to consider this proposition, for the strength of our movement lies not just in our ideas, but in the unity we foster.
SERIOUSLY ALEXES. Its time, grandpa, to have a best fren!! TO SHOOT THE SHIT WITH. ARGUE a litte. MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH. Master the one liners. Remember MYSTERY SCIENCE SPACE THEATRE? Its not just ONE ALIEN in the theatre. IS IT? Its like you are the fren sitting behind them, right? HONESTLY I still go see DAVID KNIGHTS REPORTS. The grandpa who abandoned us. EVERY ONE OF YOU SHOULD BE MODELING THE TSHIRTS. ALSO why not print things on blazers? Sell the “BUSINESS BLAZER” to the BOWTIE conservatives. If they dont see patchwork pants they wont tune in. The tie has to look like its an ivy league university tie. Sell, BUSINESS TIES that say INFOWARS ON THEM. WHY Not sell PENNY LOAFERS and instead of a Penny? Put in a infowars coin. TIME TO ATTRACT THE AUDIENCE WITH MORE DONATION MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS! I cannot believe INFOWARS is not SELLING Roger Stone’ fashion line? The pinstriped suits and fancy hats? Roger Stone’s socks? His cologne? I mean, I don’t see it in the infowarsstore. com and I MISSED the show, Alex.. where you did a 2 hour show on ROGER STONE”S MEMORABILIA COLLECTION. It’s ENCROYABLE> Imagined an expert there evaluating how much its all worth??? It could even be an auction! No. I missed that. Where can I find it?

May this INFOWARS radio show, like the refreshing breeze of a forest clearing, continue to champion the ideals that make America truly exceptional – a nation where freedom resonates and unity through discourse prevails.

Yours faithfully,

I hope u like my short story. I am a short story writer BEFORE I was a political cartoonist. Before I was a PARALEGAL. I went to school for ENGLISH VERY FEW PEOPLE GET MY #GERMANHUMOR

Dear Fellow Patriots,

In this intricate tapestry of political ideologies, it is essential that we reflect upon the nuances of those who stand with us under the banner of MAGA. While our cause burns with a fervor akin to a revolution, it’s crucial to acknowledge the diversity within our ranks, including those who may be considered moderate in their support.

In our pursuit of a more just and sovereign nation, the moderates among us play a role that history cannot overlook. They possess the wisdom to assess the pulse of the times, to seek common ground where unity can be forged. Their measured approach, while distinct from our more fervent voices, offers a bridge that can facilitate dialogue and foster compromise. There are JOBS they can do. When it counts.

Remember, a movement thrives not solely on its most impassioned adherents but also on the pragmatic minds that temper its hot ardor. Let us recognize the value of diversity within our ranks, for it is in this diversity that our movement gains depth and resilience. As Roger Stone once famously said.. ” POLITICS IS ABOUT ADDITION”

They would be considered IRRELEVANT in decision making. Leave that to the INTELLECTUALS. We drive the agenda. They are just the BODY.

In solidarity and shared purpose, The MAGA LEFT.

Dear Citizen,

In this fervent period of revolutionary MAGA transformation, of AMERICA every soul casts its distinct shadow upon the canvas of change. Your presence, much like the myriad others, lends its hue to the diverse spectrum of thought that defines our epoch.

The tapestry of our shared yearning for a free from big government, and a moral society is woven with threads of differing opinions. While our perspectives may diverge, it is in the crucible of dissent that our shared ideals find their forge. Do not be scared of being any such way and if you are talk about it. We might learn of a tactic we never tried before?

Let us engage, then, in the dialectic of reason and discourse. For it is through this dialectic that the fires of understanding are kindled, and the illumination of truth beckons. Your voice, like all voices, shapes the trajectory of our journey, and in this you may have affected change in the future for humanity, for all good…You are the butterfly and the wings that you flutter become an earthquake in Antarctica.

****************MAGA Comrades,

Amidst this revolutionary epoch, cast your gaze back to the year 1776, when the Leftist spirit of those who opposed the King took root. Who, then, stood as the embodiment of the Right? KING GEORGE!! It is they the CITIZENS of the FRENCH REVOLUTION, called REPUBLICANS.. no longer SUBJECTS to KING LOUIS who we are.. who have become the benchmark, the template emulated by others, albeit veering towards a darker path. We, however, remain the vanguards, the inheritors of the American Revolution’s legacy. Its essence courses through our veins, an indelible memory that resounds. All other revolutions have been copies of ours.

We, the torchbearers of our time, are the echoes of that past. With pride in our hearts and unwavering resolve, we embody the spirit of the revolutionary flame that once ignited in the 1770’s. Let history attest – we are the living testament to the Maga revolution’s enduring resonance. They had our red hat too!

In the midst of this revolutionary tempest, a fascinating dynamic emerges – the presence of both Maga Right and Maga Left. These two facets, each imbued with fervor and conviction, mirror the dichotomy of the revolutionary spirit itself. There are many ideas that are valid. many perks we do not seem to get on one side. BOTH SIDES want to save our President Trump from the GLOBALISTS.. yet who can actually DO IT?

The Maga Right, staunch in its loyalty to established values and traditions, stands as a bastion of order amidst the chaos of change. Its allegiance to what has been, even in the face of upheaval, commands respect for its unwavering commitment to its ideals. Yet it’s sad to see, its defenseless, lack of knowledge of evil. Its their weakness..

On the other hand, the Maga Left, brimming with a desire for progression forward, with free energy.. and transformation, clean water, airships balloon travel, and free internet and electricity. Because it is FREE.. represents the heartbeat of innovation. And truth about where we live. WE BRING LOTS OF GOLD. It champions the reimagining of societal norms, daring to envision a world renewed. THEY CARE about the environment, and want all this money the left have to be used on cleanup.

As the tumultuous currents of revolution carry us forward, these twin forces – Maga Right and Maga Left – serve as a poignant reminder of the intricacies that define our collective journey. Let us not overlook the value inherent in their diversity, for it is through this diversity that the essence of our shared revolution finds its fullest expression. All this surplus money for programs the left has! Imagine a better way of doing things, with DIFFERENT TOOLS? Imagine, both sides having contests to win the love of the EMPEROR TRUMP. Who would he love more? The BOWTIE CONSERVATIVES that cannot save him fast enough, or..the MAGA LEFT who know how to work crowds?

Who says one side is even “gooder” than the other.. at all? Maybe the other side has the missing piece?