Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Lady Justice Sidney Powell lawsuit political cartoon the Kraken

Lady Justice Sidney Powell lawsuit political cartoon the Kraken

Lady Justice Sidney Powell lawsuit political cartoon the Kraken post thumbnail image
Sidney Powell political cartoon as Themis Lady Justice🌽 I love this idea 🍑daddy deplorable on Twitter gave me the idea 🌶he said he thinks I should draw this with an American flag in it and I put it into her dress🍄 it’s just so pretty🍞 I love it I wish I had more time to spend on it but I only spend about an hour on these political cartoons 🌰I try to get them done fast so I can get more done in a day 🧄and I really enjoyed drawing this and I have a special affinity for Lady Justice 🥝I really do🧀

This happened tonight and I’m pretty sure it was terrorism🌹 I mean what are the chances 🐛and you know how these Communists all over are taking down these Obelisks 🐚and vandalizing these important monuments 🌺and City Hall’s everywhere have mysterious garage fires🌳 I’m not buying it at this was an accident 🏵this is definitely terrorism 🏵and I used to live a few blocks from this monument🌸 and it means a lot to me 🌴and it’s Priceless🌸 it can’t be replaced 🌱and I think that sometimes when these accidents happen it’s like an excuse to mess around with The Monuments 🌷so I just hope President Trump protects this monument🍀 and means a lot to me 🌴I’m pretty sure this Obelisk used to light up the skies at night 🌱with some sort of free energy🍃 that’s just what I feel🍀 it’s much more important🥀 I don’t think it was a memorial to McKinley🌱 I think it was here before Americans arrived 🍁I think it’s ancient 🌼I’m not buying the official story that it was built in the 1800🌱 that’s crazy this is got to be ancient as old as the pyramids🍁 since the old world order🌷 and I think the new infrastructure is built on top of the old infrastructure and falsely attributed to the new🌱 I just think that this is what cultures and rulers do 🍀this is priceless🌷 it’s unbelievable what happened tonight 🦗I’m not buying the story and just a few feet away from this is where the actor was trying to erase the police scanners 🌴and then he got knocked down 🌷and then the camera pans out and when the camera pan back☘☘ in his ear was bleeding 🕸and do you remember this in Buffalo New York 🏵and then President Trump came out and said it was an agitator🌳 well..this it’s the same thing 💮this is as fake as that 🌸this accident is as fake as that 🐞and City Hall across the street🌷 I remember growing up and a guy had impaled himself ⚘he had fallen from the top floor of City Hall 🌱and he had impaled himself🌺 and I always thought the story was funny🌱 and I remember it took three days to cut down the flagpole they call it 🌱but I think it’s an ancient antenna for I don’t know 🏵 to harness electricity atmospheric 🍻I think anyways the whole city hall story is phony to 🍺that City Hall is ancient 🍻I looked up the construction photos 🧅and it was just a bunch of Photoshop vintage Photoshop🥨 double exposure..vanilla sky technique 👌 of these scaffolds🥂 and it’s definitely not proof🍽 that that was built in the eighteen hundreds 🍻all of this is ancient it’s more ancient than Rome🥃 I think🍾 I just think these structures are more important than all of us believe them to be 🥄and that’s why they’re so easily renovated torn down reconstructed 🍼is because people don’t know🍽 the truth🍹 they think all of its new🥄 but u know this is the real deal 🍄Buffalo New York is as ancient🥔 it’s on all the most ancient maps 🍞different names 🍄of all the streets have been renamed over and over🥜 and especially the City layout of Buffalo🧅 it’s pretty ancient as if they had lasers back then🍇

They used to call Buffalo New York🧄 the city of light 🍇and I think this Obelisk had a lot to do with it 🥔I think it illuminated once🥂

That was demolished in Buffalo New York🧱 I’m just saying🌤 you know those people just couldn’t build something like that🌥 out of stone in that date ⛅this was ancient also 🌈Advanced culture that we don’t know about🌀 that’s erased from our history 🌀but yet it’s right in front of us 🌈in many places💧

all demolished🌈🌦 and there was also a presidential assassination at one of these structures McKinley🌀

and I forgot to tell you all of these structures illuminated at night all of them without light bulbs the stone itself lit up

Yes that obelisk in that accident today is one of these🗻 it’s the real deal🏜 we don’t build them like this anymore 🧱because we can’t it’s impossible🗻 these are the structures of Titans and Giants🏖 I can’t even explain it 🏗it’s just we can’t let these Communists destroy them 🏛and I don’t care 🏚these are way more important than people 🏩these are the inheritance we leave to the Future🏡

The craftsmanship as if we had money to throw around to build the stuff only to demolish it

do you see the designs itself lighting up 🐮and in the daytime you don’t see any light bulb🐄 so you should see a stone structure🐃 with little knob he’s kind of like on Cathedrals🐽 Cathedrals are supposed to light up too🦝 with free energy🦓 it’s the structures themselves that are the magic 🦄and that’s why the Communists want them all destroyed 🦓and the new world order globalists for centuries have been demolishing these structures all over our cities in the United States🐽
we just back engineered what we found here
Can you see the stone itself is lighting up 🦓there’s no light bulbs 🐆it’s the stone itself 🐎and that was what that Obelisk used to do 🐄that got hit today 🐷that used to light up at night🦌 and they used to call Buffalo the city of light for that reason🐗 it was the most beautiful light in the world 🦄 and at night it lit up the sky 🐴as if it were daytime and this is all prehistoric this is so ancient🐷 this is the same people that oldest Greek ruins you see in a shity place called Greece..🐄 built this also..we all had it here too. This is proof of the Old World Order
below is the same building and you could see the designs there’s no light bulbs there’s no power cords there’s no spotlights or anything like that you can see for yourself

All of these were demolished🏵 and we can’t let the globalists take the Obelisk that’s left 🥀and City Hall also🌸 and there’s a bunch of structures around that area that are ancient 🌱you’re looking at ancient ruins🌷 that illuminated at night 🏵with some sort of free energy 🌾General Electric was only in business a couple years💮 how is this powered 🌸it’s unexplainable🌳 The Fountains light up 🌷the designs on the stone lit up 🥀I’ve documented this in detail ⚘I’ve shown it🏵 it’s free energy 🌷yes the globalist charge you for electricity which is free🌿 its atmospheric🌹 and everything we use we have to charge with cords and it’s not supposed to be this way 🌱electricity is free 🦠it’s in the air nobody’s riding a bicycle for your electricity 💮you’re being charged for something that’s absolutely free🏵 and that’s why these structures had to be destroyed 🏵and a false narrative about who lived here before we came along was erased 🌷and we claimed we built everything when it’s impossible ⚘there’s just no way people in horse carts could construct this🌱 and everything was built for larger people and even the sidewalks moved ⚘and the unbelievable 🥀the structures were heated geothermal Steam from the earth naturally 🌷 didn’t have to pay Heating🌸 and all the water fountains pumped in fresh spring water 🌸that was charged recharged and unexplainable🌷 but all the old water towers have been cemented over and technology has been taken away from us🌱

Here is an example of a phony construction site of the Buffalo city hall 🦄which is actually ancient 🦄and was here long before Americans arrived 🐎 This Is How They fool the people into thinking that we built it🦌 it’s just what rulers do 🐎every ruler does the same thing🦄 Caligula said he got his Obelisk on a boat 🦄but that’s not true none of those stories are true 🦓they were already here 🦌it’s just the vanity of rulers 🐎and to build civilization 🦄you had to destroy the old and you have to falsely attributed all the old infrastructure to the new one 🐖if that makes any sense🐮

any Builder will tell you this is a fake construction site 🐮where are the workers 🦄what are they actually building 🐷no blueprints exist 🦄this is all we get 🐄it looks like a miniature 🦝superimposed on top of City Hall 🐎blacked-out 🐷may be drawn in🐎 the white Sky erased🐷 and scaffolds aren’t proof of construction 🐷and neither are wimpy Photoshop cranes 🐱o the people of the past did these Photoshop jobs different ways 🐗double exposures or erasing 🐈Whiting out the sky or superimposing miniatures🦄 as if this is a real construction site🐎 nobody’s building anything you don’t even see any workers 🦄

I’m sorry but I had to tell you the truth I’m not ashamed . That accident today was no accident it was terrorism

this is an excuse to mess with the monument ..a NATIONAL FUCKING MONUMENT!!!

And to show you that I’m not fooling around 🐮 it’s going on everywhere🐎 I’ve documented these Obelisks being dismantled by antifa 🦓and I’ve documented churches on fire🐎 and I’ve documented monuments 🐎being destroyed🐎 and I’ve documented mysterious garage fires in City Hall’s all over United States🐎 just to compare🐖: