Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Klaus Schwab China uprising political cartoon

Klaus Schwab China uprising political cartoon

Klaus Schwab China uprising political cartoon post thumbnail image
Klaus Schwab political cartoon China protests

So China is the model he says. So if they’re protesting and the people are rising up against the tyranny then we should do so also. They have locked people in apartment buildings in China and they welled the door shut and they’ve been there for a 100 days sometimes and there was a fire and when people tried to get out there was snipers shooting at them. That’s it the Chinese people have had it they’re not doing it anymore they do not have the 2nd amendment but they don’t care that they’ll die in protests because they just hate the CCP so much.

I drew this on a broken laptop the screen’s broken but it works on my monitor but the computer is so cheap that it doesn’t handle the graphics of my art program so it’s like it takes me forever to do a line.. Sometimes I have to press 3.4.5 times just to get A-line and it’s all wobbly as you can see..and I know the lines are not clean but at least I got something out. I could do so much better if I had the laptop charger to my $1000 computer but I do not have a charter for it. I ordered the charger but it does not work on my computer you need a lenovo USB C. So I have to order another one. I did some cleaning for an airbnb and I got 2 more appointments so I will finally have some money. Almost 200 dollars a cleaning. Twice a week sometimes. So My money problems solved. I just gotta cash the check. I just want people to know how hard if not impossible it is to be a political cartoonist as a career ..but you know what I’m never gonna give up ..and I’m gonna keep trying ..and one day I’m gonna get into the nice flow where I can do 1 or 2 A-day… I have all the time in the world. And when president trump returns that’s when I will really start all this is just practice. I might delete everything I just start over. New blog everything. Professional looking. I really don’t even know how to design this blog here I’m a political cartoonists ..I am not a blog designer ..and I’m not a business person ..I’m just an artist.


I got in trouble on Twitter for calling a lady who was in a zoom meeting alone wearing a mask.. I called her a 🤢Gimp. and it’s comedy.. it’s funny .. We’ve all seen the movie natural born killers well I used to line from that movie..

You can’t call mask people gimps

Does it offend masked people or does it offend gimps? Do gimps have political representation now? 🤔’s just like making people laugh and I got striked for hateful conduct in Twitter.

Also my other accounts my secret account I got locked out.. of also..same time.. they just want to verify my phone number. They already have my number a million times. I’m just not going to deal with it until I have to use my secret account. I wonder how Twitter knows they’re connected. It would just make sense since I got a strike on one account why the other 1 would get a mysterious verifying strike ..when they’re not connected in any way ..and not attached to each other. I only use my secret account when I am locked out on my other one. And I just read and comment and I don’t do anything else really with it.

All these congressmen and movie stars they have secret Twitter accounts too because they love reading what people write about them… you’re in that system you can’t really talk to normal people.. and be with the many… you can only promote a product lifestyle… Sometimes I suspect many people that follow me could be really important world leaders sometimes. That’s my target audience world leaders..

So I can only send direct messages. You know what this comedy tweet was not worth fighting for so I just deleted it I really don’t care to fight it. Done that before I’ve appealed these things before but not once have I won an appeal and they made a mistake every time. They have never given me any appeal so you know what I’ll just delete it but some tweets that I have I won’t delete ..I will appeal .and I’ll wait like 2 or 3 weeks.. and then I’ll just wind up deleting it.. then ..

..but you know.. if you’re gonna to appeal.. you should at least get your appeal.. you know what I’m saying. You should at least get a ..sorry your appeal has been rejected ..but no ..they just ignore I don’t even know why they have that option ..why do they offer that. If it doesn’t work. Maybe they need the appearance of the appeal.. for legal reasons or something they just need like the appearance to cover them .. but the appeal never works.. it’s never worked for me.
I don’t think I wanted to fight for this comment I could have appealed it. It was so stupid and she’s a gimp anyway. You know what I’m gonna go back on there and call her again..a gimp. But this time I’m gonna put lots of emojis so people don’t consider it hateful.

But I really like being a censored on social media because it gives me something to talk about in this blog. I’m not mad. I think it was an algorithm or maybe someone reported me .. the person in charge was wearing a mask.. while she was doing the censoring on Twitter.. so she didn’t like that I called a masked person a gimp.

😷 it’s a reference to Natural Born Killers. Gimps are gagged. What’s not too hard to understand about the joke I made?

..from 2018 I think. Old cartoon I drew. People in China die because of drawings like this. Tortured. Not in America. Right?

I’m pretty sure Instagram made me delete this cartoon.. I can’t remember. But every time I’ve been censored I’ve reported here on my blog.

I was Actually pleased when president xi.. I mean the controller of China. Poso said not to call him president because hes not elected. But actually I was very pleased when he dished it out.. on Justin Trudeau the other day. Embarrassed him in public someone was filming their conversation. Plus hes in brics. Sometimes deep down I think he may be on the good side but hear me out. What’s going on in China is incredibly dangerous its communism. After all they killed his dad. I’ll never forget when Trump took him to Mar a lago.. and Xi returned the favor and took him to the forbidden city which outsiders don’t get to go in. I think they’re up to a secret plan. I think the whole point is a big experiment to see how far they can push against the people. In order for them to rebel and take their country back. The world is a horrible place. And they do not have the 2nd amendment. The world is seeing right now what happens when you don’t have one. But what’s going on in China is horrible and xi is to blame. Just like Biden..he is not in charge. Communism is a great evil of the mob. But it’s not his decision. It’s the party. It’s cold cruel evil. Dead bodies with maggots in the streets. People walk over them.

I love it how when buildings get burnt down w people China..Fox News always say..only 10 people died. More like billions. Hospitals collapse over there…and they say 9 people inside died. Yeah right!

But to get where he is. He has to play along..I only hope he loves China. He has to hate the communism. They would torture him to pieces. But..they killed his dad. I mean mk ultra. Trauma. Maybe they forced him to watch it. He’s the presidential model.

Soros called him one of the greatest enemies. Schwab is flattering him by saying he is the model. Trying to win him back. The model. Of the perfect Manchurian candidate. A mind controlled slave. Klaus schwab said China is the model. Of the human brilliance..a perfect operator. Implanted with all sorts of things.

..but communists don’t obey morals or leaders. It’s only about the party. So..I’m not sure. But he may have a good side..deep down. I just more concentration camps. It’s terribly upsetting. Watching videos of people screaming. Snipers shooting those..who are not sick. There’s no coronavirus. Doesn’t exist. But it’s a weapon of the human mind. Watching people trying to escape the camps.. being led back..gunpoint.. when it’s obvious it’s against their will this violating all human rights.

He can’t have any glory. Communists die paupers poor and broke or dead. Hated by the world for all eternity. He knows this. Deep down he wants to be a liberator. He just can’t figure out how. But he thinks about getting them back.

Sometimes the devil is allowed to play to be caught in the the good guys..they allow it..because the world needs villains. And they want to see out of far can people be pushed.

I found this by accident. David Dees used to FOLLOW ME. Rest in Peace. He made all of those memes in the 2000s. Political memes. They killed him for it. He wasted away quickly. He’s dead. But.. If you know you know especially if you were an info Warrior back in 2000s..they would always put up his memes on their articles. Feature them. Greg R was his buddy. And it’s amazing because his work is so good if he were around today he would be the most viral meme maker ever and everyone who makes memes needs to honor the king who started Meme war with the compositing. And I never knew he followed me. I know all of his memes by heart and trust me there are some I haven’t seen his library is incredible. Political cartooning political memes.. it’s one of the world’s most dangerous jobs ever.. not really in the United States ..but all over the world.. there’s people sitting in prison right now for cartoons ..people die because of them..Kings they hang people for drawing caricatures of them.
So right now a moment of silence for David’s one of his pieces.. I’ll just search Google see what comes up.
This is the meme.. that got David Dees killed. I do not agree with all of it ..but he was super super super prolific.

Does this mean Dees is sending me a message from beyond. Why would Twitter autosuggest that. I’ve never seen the name before. On my list. Why would I notice that. Oh yeah. Because I’m a big fan of early political memes. I was also in the flat earth cats group. And Dees would get mad when I posted flat earth chihuahua meme. Everything had to be..flat earth cats memes. It was so popular. Very strict. Mostly cats making fun of nasa. Before he wasted away. Started posting all crazy.

Look at that composition. Some of the viral memes today are just put together so 💩 bad..they need to research David dees and learn from the master ..and everyone that came before them was actually BETTER at it. You honor those who came before you. You are compositing work has to be perfect it can’t just be cut and paste have to blend it in have to put things in front like a collage and behind it. It has to look like it’s a real picture. And you have to add your own style. These can’t be mass produced like a 100 A-day like I see some artists doing you have to work on one and make it right.

I thought this was an interesting screenshot this is in the United States and the BS narrative is that the architect in the 1850s built this to look like something in middle east.. but I think it’s the real thing and I think it was left here and we inherited it and then people claimed that they built it just to copy someone else. We do have the most amazing architecture that’s ancient that nobody even bats an eye they don’t even notice because they think it was just built it’s like a copy. This is proof that there was a.. one world old order.. that Built-in the same style in practically every country. And we inherited it was founded.. it was established..but it was never built. And it’s not just this one usually they call them abandoned water towers or the water pumping ancient water pumping station or sometimes they turn them into planetariums. All over the United States. You better believe there are tunnels and undergrounds around these structures.

Sorry for my spelling mistakes

Gateway to stop eyes too

So I got banned on TikTok well 2 of my videos got a community violations and got deleted and they accused me of nudity but it wasn’t nudity was a woman and she was in a pink dress and it was like ..cottage core.. and it said if a woman online approaches you beware she is an agent of the state. I thought it was cute in ironic and weird. What are they hiding?

I had a friend Mel who got robbed 1000 dollars thinking she wanted to get rich with him in bitcoin. An Asian lady. They chatted like crazy. This is a Nigerian mail scandal Noone wants to report. The bit coin scammers online. Of course it’s not a real 😍 beautiful Asian Chinese women. It’s a scammer. Pretending to be one. The profile photos generic. He thought she loved him.

And the website he bought it on vanished.


The other video had Hunter Biden snorting redacted fbi lines That got deleted community violations..tiktok


well I was gonna draw another cartoon..but I cant.can’t.. it’s too cold!! But it’s OK. I can scroll thru telegram in my bed. Maybe put on Alex Jones show in my sleep. If I download from gcn alex jones show. Only thing that makes my day bright and clear is when I know the news. I hate HATE LOOKING AT MEMES AND I DONT KNOW THE STORY YET. I hate seeing a cryptic tweet everyone gets but me. But when I listen to Alex. I know what they are making fun of.