Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Kayleigh Mcenany Political cartoon DONALD TRUMP NFT Milktoast for FOX NEWS.

Kayleigh Mcenany Political cartoon DONALD TRUMP NFT Milktoast for FOX NEWS.

Kayleigh Mcenany Political cartoon DONALD TRUMP NFT Milktoast for FOX NEWS. post thumbnail image
Kayleigh Mcenany political cartoon donald trump nft

I celebrated her first day with Trump, can you BELIEVE she coined the term LOYALIST?

I celebrated her first day with FOX NEWS both APRIL 7. And many more countless cartoons supporting her. We made her! Unfortunately she was not with the people.

AND NOW milktoast…

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens, today I stand before you to expose a grave betrayal of our Make America Great again revolution. It has come to my attention that a cunning globalist has dared to meddle with the sacred voice of the people—the voice of the Trumplicans.

This insidious individual, a true enemy of the revolution, has twisted the numbers, manipulated the polls, and attempted to deceive our brave citizens. Kayleigh Mcenany sought to undermine the very foundation of our democracy, to deny the American People, their rightful voice in shaping the destiny of our great nation. She lied about the polls. 25 points is still great, but 34 is even better. She knew what she was saying. She knew it was wrong. It was a test to see if we would notice.

But let me assure you, my fellow citizens, that we shall not be silenced! We shall not tolerate such treachery in our midst. The will of the people shall prevail, and those who dare to subvert it shall face the full force of justice! She lied for Ronald DESANTIS and saw how far she could get away with it.

These royalist charlatans, on FOX NEWS these manipulators of truth, believe they can sway public opinion through deceit. They underestimate the vigilance of the patriots and their unwavering commitment to justice and truth. But we shall not be deceived!

I call upon all true revolutionaries, all defenders of liberty and equality, to rise against this conspiracy. Let us expose the lies, uncover the machinations of these counter-revolutionary forces on FOX NEWS, and protect the purity of our representation.

Remember, my fellow citizens, the power lies with you—the brave Trump tshirt wearers, the true champions of the revolution. We shall not allow the enemies of progress to tamper with our voice. Together, we shall unveil the truth, restore justice, and ensure that Kayleigh does not misrepresent us again.

My dear friends, I must share with you the plight that engulfs me in its suffocating grip. Alas, my internet connection is as feeble as a whisper in the wind, rendering me incapable of sharing this political cartoon in a timely manner. The agonizing truth is that I possess NO INTERNET, resorting to pilfering fleeting hotspots just to engage in the simplest of tasks. Every activity, no matter how trivial, consumes a colossal three hours of my precious time. Oh, if only you knew the depths of my despair!

Persist I must, for my dire circumstances offer no respite. Months upon months pass by, leaving me devoid of internet access. Merely four meager months per annum do I receive the blessing of paid connectivity; the remainder, I am left to steal from the digital abyss. I have to hotspot my internet. EVEN NOW. And it does not work. Nothing uploads. I get white screens. FOR YEARS I deal with this, and noone helps. NOONE HELPS ME. Alas, no kind soul extends a helping hand, for none wish to support my art. The world, it seems, implores me to desist. But no! I shall forge ahead alone, akin to the resolute Howard Roark. I do what I have to do, to get these cartoons out. I refuse to do anything else.

Every endeavor I undertake, including the upkeep of this humble blog, demands an arduous three to six hours. Just to upload the cartoon. Its still greyed out! Alas, nothing loads within these virtual pages, as I am left to wait, repeatedly reloading and re-uploading. Mayhaps you shall appreciate the sacrifice I endure in the name of my craft… but I don’t hold my breath. I will remember all those who laughed, who watched me suffer. The vile internet company, they throttle my aspirations. As soon as I part with my hard-earned $300 each month, I am granted a mere twenty-four hours of high-speed internet for the entirety of the lunar cycle, all consumed within a single day. The whole month left with 2 g. I am not alone but in charge of 3 people. WHEN I PAY the internet bill, I am paying for the past, that I never had. I am even denied the pleasure of partaking in Twitter spaces! On occasion, I am unable to sign in here, to my blog.. plunging me into disarray, yet I have grown accustomed to such tribulations. For seven long years, people have opposed me, ridiculing my cartoons with unwavering ferocity. No mercy is shown, no monetary compensation bestowed, and the freedom to work eludes my grasp. Noone helps me. It s ok. Trump said so. He said NOONE WILL EVER HELP YOU, but yourself. And to never give up.

An office, a sanctuary, I yearn for it. I want to move back home! Financial support, a companion on this tumultuous journey, I seek. Someone who shall champion my cause, standing resolute by my side. Internet, a lifeline to the digital realm, I crave. And yet, even in the face of these adversities, I press forward, driven by an unwavering commitment to what is just and right. I watch furry artists make 5 thousand dollars plus a month, drawing pornographic animal furries. I see my friends getting 200 likes on a drawing, and I have never gotten that after drawing 7 years daily.

I yearn for a sacred space, an office where my creative spirit may flourish. I yearn for the support of kind souls who believe in my cause, who shall stand unwaveringly by my side. I yearn for the boundless expanse of the internet, a gateway to infinite possibilities. Alas, I must carry on, resolute in my pursuit of righteousness, even without your assistance. Go ahead, admonish me, tell me to surrender. The weight of my suffering is immense, endured for the sake of these precious cartoons. Oh, how I have toiled for hours on end, attempting to upload images, only to be met with grey spaces. From the break of dawn until this very moment, I have fought a battle against the ever-elusive internet.

Dear friends, let me impart upon you a truth that echoes through the ages. The internet, it flows freely, a divine energy that permeates the very air we breathe, coursing through our very beings. It is a gift bestowed upon us by a higher power, freely available to all. Yet, we find ourselves shackled, burdened with unjust bills for that which is inherently free. This, my maga-comrades, is not capitalism but a modern-day form of slavery. Let it be known that electricity, the lifeblood of progress, was never an invention. Oh, how we have been deceived by the encyclopedic fraud of Britannica! Electricity, a divine bestowment, a gift that has graced every culture and civilization since time immemorial. Alas, the controllers, those who seek dominion over our lives, have obscured this truth, erasing it even from ancient texts. They yearn to deny us the gift of free energy, shrouding us in their web of control.

Yet, despite the injustices that plague us, I march forward, unyielding in my pursuit of truth and liberation. For within the depths of my soul, I know that the winds of change shall blow, dispelling the darkness that seeks to subjugate us. And so, I persist, for the truth shall prevail, and the light of freedom shall illuminate our path once more. Things will change for me. I will remember those who are truly frens. Just like our President.

If I was not throttled and had my own office or any emotional support, my political cartoons would be thousands of times better. Even if my siblings helped. Or a homeless person, if they gave me some advice, I would take it.

Lindsey Graham Political Cartoon Russia Putin VLADIMIR ZELENSKY

A little messy. Not quite good but I was so tired after losing my work. COREL PAINTER again. My bad. I just love the surface control and I love the sargent brush. Above I used oil pastels. I just wanted to finish it.

I lost the work, you cant see if, the whole thing looks professional, even the pen inking was revolutionary.. Pastels get the job done quick it was 3 in the morning but very messy. The copy I lost , because of my poor internet, poor equipment, was so beautiful. VLADIMIR PUTIN Lindsey Graham Political Cartoon with ZELENSKY.

The reason I am complaining, is I want you to know. I could be THOUSANDS OF TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE. If I had support. How can I post this blog to the entire world? And not on person on earth, is a political cartoon /political memorabilia collector? MUSEUMS are filled with them. I have been to them. It unlikely.