Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Justin Trudeau Political Cartoon Covid-19 Coronavirus

Justin Trudeau Political Cartoon Covid-19 Coronavirus

Justin Trudeau Political Cartoon Covid-19 Coronavirus post thumbnail image
Justin Trudeau Political Cartoon. We all know he likes to dress up.
baby 👶 face. Now we know why.
I heard it first on Infowars
I researched this one day🧣 and there are like 50 costumes he dresses up in.👗 He loves it. 🦺His greatest costume is a politician. 👔

I was going to design socks but its not the right design👜
But I will design socks one day. 💻You can order this pouch to keep your masks in

Notable screen shots

my subscription to the Epoch Times 😇I really enjoyed its really got good stuff😚 it’s better than watching YouTube🍒 the articles are so good 💜anyways I thought that this quote on the front page was pretty interesting😬 it’s by the founder of the spiritual practice Falon gong 🍒what he says about what’s going on about the election.😅
that’s definitely my girl 😗you know she won by A Lot 2🤭 and they stole it from her too 😗I really like this hat😛 she was wearing and 😍 the dark hair💟 it reminds me of the witch’s hat 💥but in the cooler way..very goth. love her 💘
well I like this quote👋 because if you look at the designs of how people used to build like below🖕 look at that design🤍 it’s just amazing👌 it seems like we’re just becoming caveman instead of we came from a caveman 💔I think that’s the big fraud hoax is💥 that we actually came from absolute genius Angel titan Giants
look perfection
notable👙 my new favorite color is dead salmon 👋I think that is so funny
he did.

Okay there’s this theory that all the ancient statues that have been falsely attributed to the 18th century are actually ancient🧥 and this is definitely short story 👚so there are statues that when you X-ray them you can see a skeleton inside👗 and all the statues in museums they are all reproductions 🧦all of them🎓 and they’ll never let you have the original👙 solid marble from the ancient world definitely not 18th century as it’s attributed to🥾 a lot of cultures even before that said that they made the statues also👚 it’s just how it’s done 👠when you are a ruler you tell everyone you built everything👗 and you have stories 🎩anyway so the theory is that all these ancient statues no one can explain how they are carved👚 they’re just so perfect 👠and people are thinking something like a laser printer🥾 or possibly they’re dead people inside the statues👑 and then they just redo the 🙎‍♀️ might make the curls👚 this crazy Theory anyways🎓 I was looking at picture🎩 and it’s kind of interesting to look at pictures anyways🩰 what do you think

I don’t think that’s part of a stomach but it’s interesting the way the if flesh wood petrify what it would look like

I don’t know who those look like Teeth🖍 I don’t know but it’s interesting to look at this🗑 because if something’s true🗃 you never run out of evidence and I’ve been finding stuff like this for years and I’ve been posting here on my blog📋 it’s just a curiosity a..short story it’s interesting .📮

Okay so this lady is saying that to drain the brain fluid on mummies they have a hole under their ear🕶 and the Sphinx apparently has one🥿 but I don’t know 🎩and we weren’t around back then 🧢so it’s really hard to tell but it’s just something to keep in mind in case you see it again🦺 titans?

I don’t know what that is something between the eyes🧥 I don’t know 👒it’s interesting anyway these aren’t really good examples🎩 but I have had many good examples if you read in to my blog👙 I had really gorgeous statues 🎩that they’ve x-rayed and there’s a skeleton inside 🥾there’s a Buddha that there’s a skeleton inside 🩱and it’s very interesting how these old statues were made 👟and I don’t believe they were made in the 18th century I think they were prehistoric ancient. And never believe the stories of painters👚 there’s so many men of Secrets hoaxes 📍they were definitely painting over paintings🔫 to make them belong to the culture that inherited them 👙 with wild Tales to satisfy the public🩱

I’m not sure if I see ribs👛 I can’t believe I’m looking at this stuff 👗but it’s really interesting🧦

I’ve done two political cartoons today👚 and I’m lying in bed🥾 just looking at Reddit some forums in some groups🏮 and my power just went out 🏷and there’s a storm💵 and there’s this strange noise I hear outside very creepy it’s almost like an engine📒 like it it sounds like there’s a car pulling in my driveway 💵but it’s not it’s just the wind 🔖and I don’t know what’s making that sound 📰I think it’s like maybe an old tree💶 but it’s been really freaking me out all night. 💷 So thanks for keeping me company.🧽

So I was looking at Canton Ohio in the United States🛏 and I want you to look at these buildings

I’m just looking at the stonework⛑ and these are old pictures because they don’t exist anymore👘 they’ve been demolished🛍 but they don’t look like they were built in the eighteen hundreds or the early nineteen hundreds👡 just look👖 they look worn in these old pictures👗 these buildings look weathered🧣 like they’ve been here before we came along🧢 and we just told our people that we built it 👡or some architect remodeled it and claimed he built the whole thing 📿it’s just what rulers civilizations and secret societies do👠 I mean this masonry is impossible to build 👟with people with wagon carts and where did they Quarry👒 no construction photos exist no Blueprints ⛑and if they do it’s really bad old fashioned Photoshop jobs📿
and like it’s like they’re repurposed as churches 👒or something in the New World but these are actually from the old world🧢 I don’t know I’m just telling a short story📿 I’m just using my imagination 🧢I really don’t know🩳 but I’m you know I don’t really believe the narrative we are taught in school about America🏮 I think it’s actually pretty ancient📒 and the proof is in front of us 📘you just can’t believe what you’re told about these structures📚 I don’t believe decadent men who never built anything built everything in the style of Ancient Rome or to COPY EUROPE 🇪🇺 up or something
No I did a whole blog posts of this tomb here and I really analyzed it including all the stories of the construction and there’s just so many holes📑 McKinley May rest here but this structure wasn’t built for his tomb 🔭it was already there🩸 do you get what I’m saying 🧹Maybe not 🧹maybe it wasn’t 🧻but just look at it 🔗and you know when you look at the construction drawings 🧺they’re just drawings and it’s really bad Photoshop you can tell something’s weird⚙
notice the antennas on top of the structures that’s definitely a sign of ancient free energy 👝and look at the doorways 👝the doorways look like they’re built for bigger people🧢 I don’t know the windows look really high 🎓and sometimes inside of these old structures and the mirrors are so high you can’t see yourself in 🎩and you never believe the construction stories never believed construction stories 👠that’s one of the men of secret hoaxes ⛑these buildings were found not founded🩰 I think I’m just telling a story⛑ not trying to be weird🩰 I’m just you know being patriotic and learning about America🛍
I mean come on people in bicycles📡 no cars no paved roads 🩸they built this🚪 how did they build this 🧻all of these structures are stone blocks ⚱real sometimes there’s like marble and fountains that restructure water⚰ it’s kind of hard to explain how people in bicycles built.⚗
I mean really look at that look at those statues ⛑why would people of our time 🎩want a copy Ancient Art 📿we don’t do it now 🧢what if that’s the real thing 🧢and we’re just not told📿 I mean I’m just telling a short story 🧢I love to look at old pictures 🎒just analyze things🥾 in a way that we’ve never been told or taught or even had the thought before🩲

Here is a picture of Chicago 🧥and just look at all that dirt 🥾you get what I’m saying this is not normal people at that time 🥼..could be roman times .. Been older 🧢maybe the Romans didn’t build any of that stuff either 🩱maybe they were just the renters as well🎩 and maybe they told their people they built all that too 🧦but then demolished 🥿that it’s 🛍been blown up with dynamite

And don’t tell me that’s a construction site 👕because it’s not 👖there’s no workers 👟there’s nobody⛑ that’s not even how you build something 👓

The people of that era.. look bedraggled.. and they don’t match up to the magnificence of these buildings.. the people of that time look like homeless people ..and they are capable of log cabins and so I don’t know how they built this..

Now this is an Italy 🎩and I’m just showing you to compare the statue work with the statues in Canton Ohio with the trumpets
He just took what was there like the Arc de Triomphe and told his people that he built it to memorialize and soldiers or something 🦄but it was already there 🐗they just remodeled it 🐯he inherited all that stuff 🐫he didn’t build any of it 🐫that’s what I think. The prick Napoleon 🐄I don’t even know if this is an authentic picture 🐫because he’s a man of Secrets 🦒you can just follow the hand signals 🐘 whenever there’s hand signals🐘 there’s usually a man who takes credit for something from the ancient world 🦒and that’s what it’s all about🐯

Paintings and drawings

I mean how would we know we just have to look with our eyes and forget what we’ve been taught

He said history is a bunch of Lies everybody agrees upon so you know he’s giving advice

Now to compare 🥀this is Chicago💮 and all of this was demolished 🦟Obama build his library on one of the demolished sites of biggest palace🐝 they’re all made of stone 🦒moving sidewalks 🐘self-heating geothermal Steam 🐃and all the buildings illuminated at night 🦙without cords without paying electric bill 🐫it was static electricity🦙 things were different in prehistoric times we were not cavemen..but very advanced🐏

you won’t find the truth on Google🐮 Wikipedia says all of this was just plaster burlap bags 🐷and it was just thrown up by a bunch of Architects🐒 just for a fair 🐵but the truth was nobody was there 🐩in America all the cities were empty and after the 1920 flu fake pandemic 🐷and all the people were killed murdered by ..well doctors.. 🐪children were brought in from all over the world🦒 on these orphan trains 🐯and they populated all these EMPTY American cities 🦙and the official narrative is b******* it’s the numbers are just VERY UNSETTLING. Look I’m just telling a short story I’m just imagining just daydreaming.🦏

The horse carts and even the cars of the early American days don’t match up to the magnificence of these buildings

And where is everyone

I mean if Rome really existed it parallels what happened in America also . 😳 What if America was even greater than a shity place in Italy?🌲

giant pipe how interesting
🐒 🙈 🐒 🙈 🐒 🙈 monkeys? dogs 🐕 🐶 🌭 lions ?
So these patients you see on TV may not be patients they may just be actors🦝
taking on them globalists mad scientist doctors

just dummies on the news.🐴 Because they can’t find anyone sick to act upon 🐽not even the doctors themselves want to pretend?🦮

before and after..the globalists

Now that’s below ground level 🥀 and all of the stone buildings in all of our American cities🐛 it’s the same story ⚘even the White House and Capitol Building 🌲they go under🍁 the the building actually goes under ☘sometimes six floors under the ground🌿 BURIED 🐅in all of our cities ☘the stone buildings that usually in the downtown area🍀 the ones that are still left ☘but most of the grand palaces 🌴 all of our American cities🌳 have been blown up 🌻with dynamite☘ and in New York City when they do excavations 🍀they find ancient pipes steam pipes 🌿cuz all these buildings are self-heating 🌾with geothermal and steam 🌼you don’t have to pay an electric bill 🍁very interesting isn’t it🍁

fire power !

Colorized photo from 1901 in Ireland very pretty isn’t it

Yes these still exist but wait till you see the ones that New York City demolished 🐴like the victory Arch🦄 the “victory arch” definitely wasn’t its real name 🐺 far bigger and these arcs here have tales🐈 fantasy Tales🐕‍🦺 of why they were built🐄 and who they were built for🐂 and when they were built🐈 it’s all fiction🐗 no construction photos nothing⁹ and boy have these been whitewashed 🐆statues replaced🐏 you name it 🐄to fit our culture🐄 falsely attributed to our culture 🐩when it’s an old world order infrastructure of Unknown Origin

I hope you like my short stories

mystery. what do u think.

orphan children?🌸 Do they look like the parents.🦂. it’s family like these who occupied the Magnificent palaces in America. 🌱Stay with me because I’ve got a bunch of these pictures on my blog that I’m trying to point something out that there’s just something really weird with children in the orphans and “the foundlings of America”

Now you know that’s not a woman🦓 that’s definitely a man🦌

And it’s not just that picture🐗 a lot of the old pictures are like that 🐽it’s a very creepy 🐏

I hope you like my short story🐗 I hope I’m entertaining you 🦁I just don’t want you to think I’m weird🐷 I just I like to just go over these old pictures if you don’t mind🦌

hundreds of thousands of Orphans populating America 🦧nobody knows where they came from🦄 now if you look this up on Google Wikipedia will tell you that they were homeless kids in New York City🐪 moved to the Midwest 🦓but the numbers just don’t add up🐄 and they were brought by trains filled with kids around the clock 🐎all unaccounted for 🐯even the postmaster delivered babies 🐄and they had prizes where they would give away kids 🦙and sometimes they would give three kids up to anybody who wanted them🐷 and that’s how farmers got their labor from 🐄and that’s where people got slaves🐂 if it was what it was🐺 white slavery 🐷in America 💮that we never were taught about🐏 and what happened to the parents🐐 I’m definitely thinking the fake pandemics of the past🦓 this is how they take the children from the parents 🦄that the doctor’s murder you know like the Spanish Flu 1920 or 1820 cholera 🦌or the black plague 1720… very similar to The Great reset they want right now with the Coronavirus🐽 2020..🐏 and even Wars 🐴where hundreds of thousands of children are taken to other countries and they populate empty cities very interesting Just My Imagination🦏
black orphan. So what happened to slavery

Americans🐝 this is where you are descended from🦟 and naturally the orphans took on the genealogy of their adopted parents🦠 so most of us are descended from the foundlings of America and we don’t even know it🌹

You know I asked my dad about this🦓 we come from German family immigrants from Kansas🦓 but I asked him to look at the birth certificates 🐯nobody in the world can find past like you know around the 1850s nobody🐄 unless they’re lying 🐷and I asked him🐂 and he looked into it and he says no two birth certificates looked alike🦌 and there was even my grandfather had a name change he used to be Valentine 🐯and now he’s a different name..a German Veldon.. so we don’t even know if my dad is German Russian 🐮he could be Irish 🐖he could be one of the orphans 🐴on the orphan trains he could be. 🐯Remember birth certificates back then in America were passed out like candy and there were entire hospitals filled with infants Packed and they raffle them off at Fairs. 🐏I’ve documented this so much on my blog over the years🐩 you can look back at all the advertisements they were literally giving kids away for nothing🐪 and there was a surplus🐃 and that’s how they populated America. 🦌It was funded by the Catholic church 🐺I don’t know 🐺can you say child trafficking🐮 can you say parenticide? Postmasters used to deliver babies to the Midwest in their postal bags and there’s plenty of photographs of this🐮

And all the world wars 🌸that we have had there have been so many military programs where they transport🦠 we’re talking hundreds of thousands of children around the world 🌳and it’s obvious they’re repopulating these ghost cities or something.🌳 Remember we are in a great reset right now and there’s plenty of ghost cities in China okay?

I documented a lot of the operations here in this blog with photos videos and the false narratives that I can easily Pick A Part

Look I’m just writing a short story 🏵I’m just imagining 🍁I’m just talkin about this 🦟I’ve been working on .☘.I don’t want things to get too heavy so just relax🐡

That’s not a woman is it🐞 . It’s like we’re in the room 237🌻 in the movie The Shining🦂

Maybe this is like a humiliation ritual 🦄I don’t know. 🐄You could say these are photoshopped 🌻they definitely did it back then🌱 and they do it now🌷 but I’ve seen so many of these 🌴 I can’t even 🌸when something is true ⚘you you don’t run out of evidence🍀 and I’m still finding things like this today 🌲and believe me the Civil War pictures are the creepiest when you really look at them the portraits🕸 oh they are weird!!!

men dressed as women

You know who else were obviously men dressed in women’s clothes? 🦓 were the women that gave up the children for adoption🐃 the owners of Orphan hospitals and stuff they were men for sure.🐶

It’s not just that pedophiles rule the world now 💃they always have ruled the world ..👯‍♀️.until now. ⛹‍♀️Trump is the first of his kind. He is NOT. 🤺Why do you think they call them queens ⛷why do you think they called drag queens ?Queens 🧎‍♀️very simple🕴 because most Queens AND most first ladies have been men 😇and I mean our most famous first ladies.

By the way I’m a hundred percent sure Jacqueline Onassis shot a second bullet into JFK when you watch it again remember me 🤍and you’ll see it. I do not believe JFK was a pedophile.💚 I do not believe Jackie o. was a man either💫 but she was definitely somebody 💫I don’t know like MK Ultra. No one on that grassy knoll was quick enough or close enough..💙and the depository was just too far.💞 No woman on Earth would be as graceful as she was her entire life when all this stuff was happening💚 and you can tell JfK really did not like her that much 💨just like Ronald Reagan didn’t like his VP. sorry. 💯

So I see the blacks were dressed just like the whites ☺so what’s this we were taught about slavery 🤐 I’m not trying to be incendiary I’m just looking at the photographs🤫

My college professor sat me down once and said 👄Maria your writings are incendiary .🤑 and I’ve really felt ashamed👉 so please forgive me☝ I don’t mean to come across as that I just really like nerdy stuff like this and I’ve always been like this my whole life 😉I ruined my eyesight because I was reading books when I was really young😚 until I got my LASIK surgery ❣and now I can see 20 10-20 15 💚that’s even better than 20/20 I can see things most people can’t 😗so there

And all those books I read growing up I found out later it was all wrong🤪 it was all fake history 😒all of it 😃most things in a library😝 are written by the controllers 🤑they profit off of us and profit..get fake history 😊 one has to look with their own eyes😗. Unless you were there you know nothing😗

So how could bedraggled

people in America💟 in the 1880s 👹build buildings like this 💖 I mean you just look with your own eyes🙀

demolished BTW🙃

to hide? to hide tech? 😜

So the caveman is the man of the future that’s what I’m saying🙃

We..are idiocracy…🚶‍♀️compared to Ancient Americans. We don’t even know where we live👩‍🦯 we don’t even know the story of our country👯‍♀️ we’ve all been in the grinder since birth. We foolishly think that things are really bad now but they were good in the past😊 we think all these universities used to be good when we went to them but now they are evil…💘

We believe everything these doctors say🍫 they are the worst of them all🍻 it’s those damn infomercials🍽 and ads on the news ☕ soap operas..🌶and we just trust doctors 🧅it’s completely insane🥑 first grade teacher 🥖it’s Hollywood🍄 everything is just smoke and mirrors and when you step back you can see it🥭 for example of never paid for cable TV in my entire life 🍼and I can see it Crystal Clearly. And I’m immune to the scam. They know nothing about you and they don’t care all they want is to farm your insurance for life🥒 they are not good people the only good nurses and doctors are the ones that are speaking up about this coronavirus fraud and all the people there killing in the hospitals🍐 and if you think they just started killing people in nursing homes 🌽they’ve been doing it the entire time it’s like a year and a half is the longest Grandma will be in there🍐

The only time Doctors Cure anyone 🥑is in a Hollywood movie🍑 or in the soap opera🍄 or in a commercial or on TV🧄 and then you got the masses who believed🍊 the power of belief 🍄and it’s like a form of voodoo 🧅 and these viruses their equivalent is you know like pombero in Paraguay or Krampus in Germany 🥕they’re just folklore .. for example Ebola is the devil’s signature in an old ancient witchcraft book 🥕 it’s not real none of it’s real ..😈 viruses are…demons 😈 it’s for superstitious people🍐 they’re not real 🥒none of the images of the coronavirus are real🧄 they’re all computer art🍓

America is far greater than we’ve been taught.. We’re far greater🍏 I mean everything in mythology 🍉everything in the Bible🥝 everything it all happened here🧄 we were the light of the world we were the biggest empire. 🍒And now we believe that the Statue of Liberty was brought over on a boat from France 🍐isn’t that hilarious we don’t even know our own country we don’t even know that our Statue of Liberty has never moved. 🍇 and that’s not even its real name ..And it was there way before we arrived 🥔 and it used to illuminate on its own without paying anyone for electricity it was the way the structures were built they harnessed atmospheric electricity 🥔why do you think all the crosses on the churches are for ? Antennaes. free. 🍶And electricity is completely free🍹 so you are being charged for something that is free🍭 and you’ve never knew it 🥢you never even thought about it.. 🍧you think if you get your own electricity or your own Wi-Fi🍨 that you’re stealing it 🍰you’re not stealing it it’s free it’s in the air..🍆 and it’s not how the prehistoric ancients lived they were far more advanced than we are🍑

No one is riding a bicycle for your electricity 🍏 and they torture you🥑 these globalists 🌰they torture the hell out of you 🥥they throttle your Wi-Fi🍌 I mean you can’t live without paying them🧄 every month🍍 you can’t live🍋. You are very lucky the globalists even let you have electricity 🥑you’re very lucky cuz they don’t want you to have it at all.🍝

many past cultures in America using our same cities 🥔 our 🇺🇸 City’s are ancient 🌶even the city layouts the names have been changed so many times.🍅 the biggest buildings that haven’t been demolished..they were here long before we came🍋 all the submarines giant ships🍇 previous culture use them and our new infrastructure was built on the old infrastructure falsely attributed to the new one…

Sorry someone has to tell you and I’m glad that person is me… Google won’t tell you Google will mock you … make fun of you.. you search any of this ..they will put the most outrageous craziest worst Photoshop up there first thing’ll never see it ..they will take any group that is getting anywhere and fill it with Spam and it’s the kind of spam you don’t know it’s spam you just think people are really crazy or that they’re really nuts or super religious they just make up s***

That is why the conservative movement needs to get their foot in all this research🥑 because the left they’re controlling the narrative 🥔and turning everything anti Trump 🥑and believe me 🥕all of this research helps Trump 🥯 helps America 🥜because if we can bring free energy back to America🍉 it will be the torch that lights up the world. again.

In the secrets hold the key and secrets are structures ..the building the infrastructure ..the historic monuments and buildings Act … you didn’t think Trump bought the Washington DC post office to turn it into a hotel …he was saving it …was on the menu for Destruction ..and it never was a post office ..I mean it was a post office.. but it wasn’t built for mail ..a building that magnificent a palace people just don’t build that stuff for mail.. think about it. The globalists have been working for centuries🍉 destroying all of the structures everywhere they can find them but they have to populate them first with children with no past🍏 kids don’t ask questions and kids believe what they are taught.🍉 but in order to get the children you have to kill the parents with fake pandemics they do every hundred years…🍒

Whoever controls the structures controls the world but the globalists they wind up destroying them if they can’t charge you for it.

How could people like this build a bridge like that I mean look at those wires 🍫have you seen the construction photos of bridges in America🍩 they’re hilarious 🍺all they do is they erase the bridge 🍰like white out the Sky🔪 called Vanilla Sky 🥂the technique is called Vanilla Sky 🍭where you just erase the sky🥛 and you erased half the bridge 🍄and then you say that that’s a construction photo.. boy.. did the victorians know how to do Photoshop ..called double exposure

and I love how they take a basket ..they took a basket and super double exposed imposed..🥒it on to the Capitol Building in DC.. ( Nurembega its called… Washington DC’s real name is Nurembega) and said that that’s a construction photo ! 😆 no workers in sight..

🥒supposedly like ten men built this bridge🥑 according to the construction photos🥝 and they’re always like weird men dressed in black🍒 throwing hand signals every way they can🍑

Look at this mess of a man 🍐and then look at the buildings behind him ☕ and tell me he built that 🍍. I’ll wait.
look at the state of these people 🍓and tell me that they built these structures in America 🍊 like our city halls and our libraries and our federal courthouses …go ahead I’ll wait
you know you jog your memory🍈 and you remember all these photographs you seen 🍒of the skyline in New York and these workers eating lunches.. leaning on a crane.. but just remember thats just a photograph 🍅and they’re not actually building anything🍐 they’re just posing☕

If you really are a builder .. you take photographs of everything .. you are definitely not a man of Secrets ..and you are definitely not an aristocrat .and you are definitely not an industrialist ..

if you make buildings as beautiful as these Magnificent buildings you see in of our American cities..

that are still left . actually show how it’s built ..and I’m not saying the Builders of today are bad know with the steel beams and whatever …but we’re talkin solid stone structures of the past…that harness static electricity and some of them are docking stations for blimps and I’m sure you’ve heard of blimps.. that was how the old world order before us traveled and the skies were filled with them. And of course we back engineered it.. only to have the globalist take it away from us. Because blimps is free energy it cost nearly nothing.

But they do a false flag with the Hindenburg.. you know a Led Zeppelin.. and it scares you away from the technology forever ..and then you wind up paying these assholes on Spirit Airlines.. five hundred bucks… only to have them kick you off for wearing a trump shirt 👕 or not wearing your stupid mask ..touching you…taking your liquid items..searching you…and you have to pay for meals???? How 🤔 ❓ did we get here

I hope I hope you like my short story I’m just warming up.

look at the size of the buildings

Every culture that comes along claims these structures and puts their own graffiti on it . 🥭Why do you think antifa want to take down all the statues and..the obelisks.. 🍎because to conquer a nation you have to do that ☕you have to erase the old world to make a new world🍶 and you can take down statues 🍎every culture can take down the statues 🍆but they always leave the base 🥭and that’s where all the secrets are…

you can’t even see the people cuz they’re so tiny and you can see the little cabin at the bottom that’s what we were capable of we were capable of those little shacks…back then

All I’m doing in my short story is asking you to see with your eyes 🍑 if you don’t believe me look look up the construction photos & you will die laughing and please remember me🍋 because with your new eyes🥔 it’s going to be hilarious 🧄and if you want to look up the construction photos 🍐you can read my blog because I’ve analyzed them🍉 and I’m still doing it today.

Look at that it’s so perfect 🥝you tell me how they could build that 🍆it’s just absolute perfection 🌰how how could these little wee people build that 🥒think about it I mean I’m asking you 🍐

President Trump 🍬I’m asking you🍭 I do not want my children to grow up in China🧁 please please save the world 🍷I’m asking you from the bottom of my heart ❤ you can never ever concede🍪 I don’t care what they say🍦 you just can’t🎂. And I’m 100% sure you won’t🍴 I just don’t think Patriots and Republicans and Trumplicans know what’s at stake 🐚and that’s why this information is so important🦂

How else are you going to get the entire world to rise up against the globalists 🐎how else 🐗it’s the only way the conservative movement has to take control of This research🐱 I mean I know you have to battle fake news 🦊you’ve done that🐂 you have to battle big medical🐩 and you’re doing that 🦍you have to battle fake history 🐩you’re going to do that 🐋and fake space 🐋fake science🐬 fake reality 🦋you have to conquer all of this 🐯President Trump🐝 if you want to save the world🐶

Let me remind you lest you forget🦁 that these images are created on a computer🦝 they are art with the glow tool 🐯I could even make a scarier fake demon flying unicorn bug germ🐆 it’s not real

tell me again that this building was built just for mail?⭐

Now look at this building that is below ground level🌔 and there are windows 🌔and if you dug deeper 🌘there would be Windows under that🕙 and if you dug deeper there will be more windows under that 🌤 do you understand what I’m saying these buildings are half buried 🌡and they weren’t built by who we think they were built by🧭 they are much more important🏟 and they need to be saved at all costs and I’m talkin all costs🏛

antifa want you to think these structures they can just be rebuilt🧱 and they say oh what’s more important the building or the people🏕 what’s more important a building or a person 🏢they say that the building can just be rebuilt 🏚no ..they can’t and we will be lost forever.. and children will not enjoy them never again.. so yes these structures are more important than a human life. And I’ve thoroughly exhausted this I talked about it many times and I’ve given many reasons🗻 most important is the inheritance we will leave to the future 🙏

And ask yourself what did these buildings previously look like 🏗 before us? 🏟were they covered in gold 🏤why do so many domes have red mercury in them and gold? free electricity…is the answer.🍄 The only thing I can compare it to is a motherboard.🍇 The Structures are key..and necessary… 🥥they are the generators..🌽Cathedrals are cathodes. 🥦How else is your head going to light up like a light bulb..haloes were real tech. 🍈We are electrical beings and this is an electric universe 🥜and God is in electricity🌰 and it’s completely free… 🥑and don’t get me started on weapons of war 🤔 would you like lightning bolts in your hand..❓ but for now I think not having to pay an electric bill will be a relief upon the greatest relief you could ever give Americans..🍌 and free Wi-Fi definitely isn’t too much to ask.🥒 It’s not anti-capitalism at all 🥦these people are cheating you and lying to you and scamming you and charging you for something that is absolutely free🥜. Nobody owns lightning nobody owns Niagara Falls.. nobody owns Steam.. 🌈just imagine the capitalism that can happen when we don’t have to pay these monthly bills anymore🌀 just to live🌟 and we don’t have to pay for water ⛈we could have fresh spring water structured charged water in the most beautiful fountains in the middle of all of our cities ☁️ we’re talking Waters that heal people 🏕and all those water towers that have been cemented over we can reopen and we can pump fresh spring water to all of our homes 🏢just like the Ancients did🚘

so how did these people build these buildings with rope or something 🧱you tell America 🇺🇸 and I’m not asking for a smartass reply when you really don’t know🏗 the doors The Arches the windows everything the plumbing it’s all too big for us

Do these people look happy to you

Now compare America to this building in Russia and you could see the Arches the doorways large…and how a previous ancient culture built the doorways smaller ..but it’s still too large for us.🕜

And the style it’s too similar to the structures in America 🏛and I know what you’re thinking you’re saying oh it’s Romanesque🏛 so you’re telling me the entire world copied the Romans 🏛and all of our city Hall’s courthouses libraries palaces mansions all of them were built to copy ancient Rome🏛 that is such joke 🏛it’s really funny that people believe that all the government buildings in England they were copying Romans too right because? 😆 because we are taught civilization started with the Romans when it didn’t..

Civilization is 100% American

Now that’s well-preserved🥝 but it definitely wasn’t first opened in 1907 🍑I can promise you a hundred percent 🥔that that is ancient ruins 🥒living ruins 🍄its Majesty🥝 it’s Beauty🥔 its perfection 🥑that is how we are all supposed to be living🍅

we are talkin an Old World Order 🏤that built in the same style in our entire world 🗼from Peru to Thailand to DC to San Francisco Italy to the Vatican Russia to Australia🗽 same exact Style 🏭pyramid and the columns 🚍and the pillars and some of them like the Parthenon in Nashville ..which is100 percent 🌨 prehistoric…the entire column is solid Stone…. and sometimes these pillars are solid marble 🏖okay explain that.

And the globalist give you fake Stonehenge they tell you that is old .🚈.and everything else is new’s so inverted.. or they give you shity ruins in a shity place called Greece..🛣and tell you that’s where all the mythology came from ..which is a lie came from here..🏍 you can do forensics on this 🚑but I’ve been doing it for years🏎 you could just read what I’ve sussed out🛤 and if you remember me🏝 you will figure this out on your own🏔 just as I have🏞

Sometimes the easiest answer is the right one💒 . The globalists have committed crimes beyond all bounds.🕌.. and it doesn’t seem to be stopping 🏯and things have never been innocent 🧭things have never been good.. 🚧they need to be punished. 🚦And me saying that isn’t cruel🚥 because I think we’ve all suffered so much because of the globalist🛸 our entire lives almost 🛫everything we believe🦽 as truth🛑 is a lie 🏎complete fantasy🚁 what they do is cruel 🚓and no one’s ever stuck up for us 🎢but President Trump ♨️nobody

🕘and the entire world feels the same way 🕥you think President Trump is a big deal here in America?? 🕰he’s like a deity outside this country 🌜people worship Him 🕦you know people died when they found out he had the phony coronavirus diagnosis🌖 that lie killed people 🕢that’s how much he is beloved🕚 people died from grief it’s recorded.. I don’t think Americans understand what’s at stake🏍 Americans are like Lambs 🚗unable to comprehend evil🚨 gentle loving people 🛹they are the innocence of the world🚔

People assume it’s from the 19th century..
Coin operated cafeteria 1902 Philadelphia🥔 I’m not looking at the food 🥜I’m not looking at the people🌰 I’m looking at the building 🌽and you know what I’m thinking

Now I don’t think this was built in the fifteenth Century🥛 I mean it’s the same thing🍽 how the hell did those little people with nothing build that 🍉you see what I’m saying 🍆it’s even older than that🥝 but my point is here🍎 that this is a castle 🧇and there are castles All Over America🧅 they make them into armories..🧁they make them into hospitals🎂 they make them into psych wards..🍾 and the grandest ones have been demolished ..but a lot of these castles in America still exist.. and this one is in Sweden . I’m just showing you what a regular Castle looks like.

Now just because you put William Penn on top of the Philadelphia city hall doesn’t mean William Penn built it 🍝the question is what was taken down and what was put up in its place 🥡and have you ever noticed that the bricks look differently as if a previous culture.. that definitely wasn’t us who remodeled the top..🥣 but I’m pretty sure it was us who put William Penn up there🍝 that was our touch🍜

And why was the top put on later ? I don’t know ..did rulers of the past..set it on fire just like Notre Dame and then rebuild the part of it? 🍣The only reason that still around is because it was too expensive to demolish🥔 but that was on the menu for demolition🥥 but they decided against it because it would be way too expensive 🍞and pretty much impossible for the time people were already in Philadelphia early on 🥔 it’s enormous so they just lied and said that they built it. 🥟Philadelphia city hall is a structure for Titans have you ever walked through it?

The same thing with ancient “cathedrals” they take down the statues and replace the statues with the Pope ..and all of a sudden it’s a church! 🍆and all of a sudden Christianity built it ! 🍄that’s how the story goes.. but it’s not true ..whoever controls these buildings.. controls the world. And whoever says that they built it ..wows the populace.. and earns the power.. the ego of rulers 🥑they claim they built structures like this🍓 as gift to wives 🍑I mean it’s hilarious🧅 the egos of rulers.

Just because just because you see a ground Stone in a church 🥑that says it was built in 1900🥜 doesn’t mean it was built in 1900 🧇it just means someone put a ground stone with a number on it 1900..🍞do you understand?

Everything beautiful you ever thought about the ancient world🥝 it’s all been around us since birth 🍞 all our lives here in America

and nobody can see it🧄 so when antifa dismantled and ancient Obelisk 🧄from the old world order 🥬 in Usa..nobody ❤ cares. 🍆because they think well we can just throw another one up …but that’s not so.. when one building is gone..its forever!!!

And what no one has noticed but I’ve been documenting is a bunch of City Hall’s have been set on fire and they call it a garage fire or someone tipped over a candle and it’ accident! 🍆 But its 100% globalist or definitely antifa related ..but you’re not hearing any of this’re not hearing about any of the churches that are being burned down right now.. you’re just not hearing about it .. and if you did hear about it🥮 you probably don’t care🍥 because you do not have this knowledge 🍨that is why this knowledge is so important🍘 because we have to take care of our infrastructure 🍦…but I definitely pay attention and I hope you can help me 🥦wherever you are🥕 wherever you are reading this 🥑pay attention 🌰and God will show you the way

It’s what they call secrets in plain sight 🍵meaning you’re looking at it 🍺but nothing registers 🥨until someone tells you🍹 which I’m telling you

🍧 never forget🍵 the caveman is the future man🍷 the caveman is the future of men🍴 we’ve never came from a caveman 🍻we’re going to be a caveman 🥤if we don’t do something

Only President Trump can save us

God Bless America

God bless our President Donald Trump