Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Joe Biden Glitch Political cartoon Nft Gabby AI helped me make #getongab

Joe Biden Glitch Political cartoon Nft Gabby AI helped me make #getongab

Joe Biden Glitch Political cartoon Nft Gabby AI helped me make #getongab post thumbnail image

Joe Biden Political cartoon nft glitch


Joe Biden nft political cartoon editorial #joebiden #biden #politicalcartoon #nft #politics #theatre

I used Gabby AI. It helped me with my cartoon drawing here:


I used the TREND GAB headline and used that as a PROMPT in gabby ai
ok gabby ai
The bible says he is an android!

I might do this every cartoon, use gabby ai. This is just a test. True artists have to try everything. This beats google images for artists!

If there is a gabby ai pro I am sold! I did not trace. That’s like for beginners. I am advanced. But I traced and then copied it somewhere else. Like a clone. To get body contouring with my hands…But I was really drawing it.