Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Joe Biden Antifa Azov Battalion Black Lives Matter BLM Ukraine Russia Vladimir Putin Political Editorial Cartoon

Joe Biden Antifa Azov Battalion Black Lives Matter BLM Ukraine Russia Vladimir Putin Political Editorial Cartoon

Joe Biden Antifa Azov Battalion  Black Lives Matter BLM Ukraine Russia Vladimir Putin Political Editorial Cartoon post thumbnail image
Joe Biden Ukraine Azov Political Cartoon
So they are being used.. the civilians.. as Shields?
Azov the musical 🎼


Yes..maybe uses uranium…a combustible..a nuclear device..

.. the bottom pipe is where the laser fire burning stuff would come out of
It can decimate.

Hamilton had one


it’s been scrubbed from all of our ancient texts whatever it is it’s top secret
it’s been scrubbed from all of our ancient texts whatever it is it’s top secret and no… it does not the represent anything.. like a bundle of sticks tied together.. I mean.. Unity without each stick we have nothing’s doesn’t mean that.

I’m sorry but if you’re going to have a war and you dont have fasces as’s not really a war.’s boring.

The Romans may have used it also but it is not Roman it is far more ancient


GET THOSE WHITE RUSSIANS AZOV. 😆 Imagine a white supremacist group going after whites. Imagine a REAL white supremacist group.. protecting Zelensky…which he definitely isn’t white.. you know what he is.

Check out this this light show in Germany in the 1930s since we’re talking about AZOV Battalion..

now this looks like a Cathedral of light

..too bad it’s not azov.

Now to compare it to azov battalion light show…which is very weak. This just needs work guys..

it’s not really a Cathedral of light is it?

.. to azov battalion…so when you get all this money from Joe Biden.. you know what you have to spend your money on.. it has to be the best light show ever or else you guys aren’t really an an army.

..and take a look at the structures Germany that all got carpet bombed by the allies…cry about it…then….

.. look who you guys are working for?

I know it hurts …but you really have to look at yourselves …. and ask is my organization AZOV BATTALION…real or is it as fake.. as antifa and black lives matter? AM I Used by the very people ..I say I am against?

are you guys even White supremacists

..defending..Zelensky. Look up his nationality. Who do you think created and funded you guys? You think whites did?

I call out this hypocrisy a mile away and if I can see… it .you can see it your heart. You know you are phony.

..and to all the Democrats who for years have been against white privilege.. and black lives matter saying white silence is violence.. and here you guys are supporting Ukraine white supremacists admitted..official neo nazis..wannabes. I mean I couldn’t write a better screenplay this movie is so good. 🔥..

…on the same team as John Sullivan.

All American creation. You are being used. This is not AZOV’S war or AZOV UPRISING…they are JUST using you FOR THE MEDIA. And you think you are getting all this money from America? Over 80 million dollars that was raised for black lives matter ..didn’t go to any of its members..or causes.. it just disappeared!
👋 Yo antifa!.. there’s the Nazi youth !
Now the Democrats want to fund you?
You guys know what zelensky is right?
Ok. Just checking.

but remember so was George Soros

Now this was on TV and everybody saw his Iron Cross but when they panned back to the reporter …and then they panned back to him… his Iron Cross was gone ..from his shirt so they had edited it out on TV everyone saw the cut.

..but …socialist white nationalists…this is your leader? Wow extremely risky. I’m being kind by letting you know that this is not your show.

Fighing for his hero Zelensky
HER grandfather owned the nazi newspaper in Ukraine .

I get it!..yes.. she’s the leader of the Asov battalion!

Nato flag? I’m pretty sure Nato rejected them. Where is the EU flag?
I can’t wait to see David Hogg join up. Maybe John Sullivan can just be lucky and get that $30,000 cell phone footage in Ukraine.
..this was obviously filmed by the CIA or military why are they playing Jefferson Airplane? Lol 😆.. Yes.. is this Apocalypse Now movie? 😳 or is this Vietnam?. 100% CIA FBI MILITARY created.. 🪖 they found a few skinheads in Ukraine and created an army ” for tv” with all the funding. I’m sorry I call phony. First of all none of these neo-nazis in Ukraine have access to military equipment this is US military equipment those are not neo-nazis filled with tattoos all cracked out missing teeth those are American soldiers I don’t know what’s going on here.. see above.
Real Nazis with wooden guns?
Is Azov the new Antifa…or BLM? What’s A308 a code for ? Reminds me of ACAB? 👍 right? Yes? All Cops are Bastards. Wow. So similar.
but for the first time ..not in this case..’s almost as if we were set up so then when we say ” They are Nazis”..No One Believes it anymore because it’s been such a common thing with Antifa accusing everyone about it..

YES..what a show!..
.so I take it the Azov Battalion are the NEW bad guys for Republicans.. and they are the good guys for Democrats. Thank you.. for making our big movie ..for our entertainment. Reality really delivered this time. 👏

… but I have to ask what is this new world order script being over .. is just a script ..meaning we are being played the end of the New World Order.. but it’s just something for our entertainment to believe it …it’s over.. it’s the same bright “starlight” idea out there.. I’m just saying Alex Jones will finally be happy if it is played out that it is over once and for all? where do you think he will retire? ONCE the new world order is vanquished? Or do you think the job of keeping the new world order out.. is something to be continued into the new world ..of no world order…no new world order for good?

They are just like antifa and BLM.

Seriously if he means then like it’s really serious and it’s for Keeps . If this isn’t a script by them. I just really have to question reality. How exactly is this going to happen? .. it’s okay you know what I really really believe.. that is absolutely right if he means it. It’s like Matt from Quantum Conscience on youtube says…I’m stuck in another elevator here with Ukraine . and it’s very interesting and I am addicted to the information and it’s just like chocolate.. but you know what it’s not really chocolate.. it’s a dopamine hit. Reality is manufactured for us ..guys. reality is entertainment .

I’m looking at communism..the revolutions.. in the past and some of them.. have been very long for like 25 years. That’s a long time to have evil play around ..when they’ve been playing around for a long time already now.. and getting away with everything. We just need a pause and we need to tell reality what we want and we definitely want Trump back. He can “warp speed ” back also. I’m an American of the old world order..and a sovereign too..and I give him permission! First we must show the world how to do a revolution through ideas. I am a daughter of the most high. Don’t the Beloved people of America..get a warp speed too?

🍑 Believe me you don’t want a …new world order religion… the Ancients did everything so much better..

.Yes..we just have to follow where we came from ..and find out where we came from ..and that’s why I use my imagination.. in these short stories.. I’m just running my mind..

Anyways Matt says such mean things to all people who think that Trump is coming back. He laughs. But I say he’s stuck in the Sade cherish the light elevator. Leave me alone in mine.

I’m a short story writer.