Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Jack Posobiec Antifa political cartoon

Jack Posobiec Antifa political cartoon

Jack Posobiec Antifa political cartoon post thumbnail image
I was watching his video and he has a very important point that this isn’t going away this will be here all summer this is communist takeover it’s not a protest and he has some very good suggestions I really enjoyed his video please watch it

Please God protect our buildings

what a beauty that City Hall is in Madison Wisconsin oh they’re trying to take it over all they’re trying you can’t get you can’t lose control of these buildings that’s how Communists take power is they take control of these buildings or they burn them to the ground
boy is he smart he loves these buildings too I know it it’s not just this post he’s posted a lot about this stuff he knows

Do you see the f*** 12 on these for photos and I’ve seen them on a lot I just I can’t take screenshots of everything but I wonder if it’s a secret code or if it’s like a slogan or if that means these buildings are tagged for conquest or it could be vandalizers tag signature

Screenshot that I have on my phone this is not from the protest but they demolished the whole set of these but they only remained 1 here in the set and in all of our cities the story is the same these buildings are targeted for Destruction I wonder how this building is doing now

remember fire earthquakes floods do not do any damage to these buildings only demolition jobs do with bombs just remember that

These buildings are way more important than you know
these buildings were demolished I’ve looked into it and it wasn’t from the Civil War yes these are Civil War pictures but what kind of Destruction could do that these were not cannonballs .. men can take a cannonball to their stomach I mean these are stone structures these were bombed! Just look at that pillar yes around the same time all around our country these buildings were being destroyed to hide our past and it didn’t fit the colonial narrative it’s amazing and now they’re using this to burn them down this George Floyd protests the parasites hate us they don’t want us to have any beautiful buildings they don’t want us to feel good and these buildings hold the secret to free energy and their self heating with geothermal steam they’re absolutely amazing and you know antifa are just a little guys at the bottom the big boys at the top they want to conquer our buildings .
this is not from the George Floyd protests but this is what they want to do to our buildings just so you know and they’re doing it here turning in turning it into a parking lot
these were demolished
I had this screenshot on my phone because when you watch the NASA SpaceX launch they posted this and I thought it was funny I took a screenshot that’s not a human that’s a monkey I’m just making it clear. it’s a small detail and I find the I’m a speed reader and I find these things these things just stick out to me I look for these things there’s a lot of strange things I’ve noticed that I’m not going to post more..because it seems like I’m going against the grain.
I confess nobody likes a know-it-all nobody likes a know-it-all especially if it doesn’t go against you know the popular opinions and it’s very lonely my thoughts are very lonely and I feel like I’m the only one thinking these things sometimes and you know I’m alone I’m alone that’s what I feel like but I feel like the stuff is important and I really care and I care about the buildings I really love these buildings sometimes I think I love these buildings more than I love people . Buildings are forever and our American buildings were built to last these are solid Stone I mean incredible

One thing I know for sure is our President Donald Trump he feels the same way I know he does he’s a master architect a master builder I mean look at his hotel in Washington DC just look at it look it up okay

Have you ever noticed how the mainstream media whenever they have someone talking they always have one of these buildings in the background like on the news stations and it’s a subliminal it really is it’s a subliminal they hold great power

update I got it I’ve never heard this before

That’s what the spray paint on all of these buildings is do you see it

fuck 12

This is really interesting because I draw people and there are lines to the face..reilley method.. that you got to follow to get the likeness right and I’m looking at his cheekbones it’s a match brow it’s a match and the eyebrow on the right is a match and the nose is a match and the hairline is a match very interesting. Chin. Match.

I like to do things you know rub it in your face I think they’re their thing is they love symbolism and I haven’t gotten around to it but ever since I heard his name I thought you know one day I’m going to sit down and analyze his name because usually this happened so many times and false Flags they put their codes in their names I’m serious I’ve seen it a lot of times you know like Eric ciaramella is actually “la real CIA crime”
I paid an artist $5 to do my drawing of my face I can’t draw myself I just wanted to see what they would come up with
my new dress came in the mail it kind of matches the shirt I’m wearing in that caricature

Now to me” black out Tuesday ” doesn’t sound like oh let’s all change our profile photos to Black in solidarity to me it sounds like they’re going to go after power you know when you think of a blackout what do you think you think of power outages correct

this photograph is absolutely orgasmic this is what all of these buildings should look like they should be clean protected it just sends a message to the world that you don’t mess with our structures and you’re not going to take them over and you’re not going to Conquest them
I am absolutely devastated he used to like my cartoons all the time and just up to last week I was posting on his forum here’s an example of some of his work
update I knew blackout Tuesday this is what it meant wasnt I saying that this morning
the Korean War Memorial now that’s getting personal my grandfather fought in that war he was an Alamo Scout to this day it’s confidential top secret what they did nobody knows