Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Jack Dorsey Twitter President Trump inktober 2020 day 27 28 float and music 🎶 #INKTOBER #inktober2020 political cartoon

Jack Dorsey Twitter President Trump inktober 2020 day 27 28 float and music 🎶 #INKTOBER #inktober2020 political cartoon

Jack Dorsey Twitter President Trump inktober 2020 day 27 28 float and music 🎶 #INKTOBER #inktober2020 political cartoon post thumbnail image
Jack Dorsey of Twitter Senate Commerce meeting appearance political cartoon know when I seen his picture I imagine him to be Howard Hughes when he just isolated himself grew his nails didn’t even want to get up just eight bags of candy filled bottles of pee and just sat on his couch and watched old movies
Jack Dorsey editorial cartoon with a Twitter bird tattoo and nipple rings pierced and a long beard
Pamela Pamela Geller knows what I’m thinking she does she saw the same thing and I do my cartoon before I saw her post
Infowars post about Jack Dorsey the first time I heard about it and Ted Cruz he did such a good job Senator Ted Cruz
Senator Ted Cruz’s tweet about Jack Dorsey and his Twitter company censoring only conservatives it’s unfair
that is what he looked like he look really Stone really high he talked really slow spaced out
political cartoon Donald Trump Peggy Lee is that all there is song I listen to it that’s his favorite song and it’s really funny I totally get it and you know like everything’s not good enough for her no matter how big it is and it’s kind of funny and he would relate he would get it I didn’t mean to put him down but I made the crowd really big and they helicopter and all the fans loving him and I even put life term on one of the hats
I listen to the song maybe 10 times today

Here are some screenshots off my phone I thought were notable this is the niece that’s in Hunter Biden’s emails all naked and stuff

there’s the map on his back Hunter Biden how come everything it’s like so many people use the stripes it’s also the Sailor Stripes I don’t know maybe but these people it just too many connections
here are some screenshots I thought were funny about the riots and Scott Adams made me laugh
so you know I’ve been censored almost everyday now on Facebook but I’m surprised they don’t delete everything I’m really scared cuz I’ve invested decades and my family is on there and I I got so much pictures on there and being tagged and you know I just don’t have those photos in a photo album and it’d be really sad you know all those years of me putting in Daily and then to have them all disappear so I’m thinking of getting off Facebook permanently and just putting a post saying I moved over and I’m very sorry I worked really hard I just I don’t want to deal with you know the bad juju of being censored because I do send the bad energy back to the sender I do oh yeah I am not your average person I know exactly how to do that kind of work and I don’t like it I really don’t like it I just want people to appreciate me maybe I’ll just go on gab or parler
look at that I can’t believe I got censored for that I mean really I feel so bad I’m such a good person I just thought his tattoo was interesting look at the cool tat I didn’t say anything in my post I didn’t even do the circling I just kind of like cut and paste that and it was only for my friends and family I don’t understand why they following me why do I have a spy it makes me feel paranoid I don’t know I just don’t like it why would anyone want to use a service like that it’s just not worth it
ye Jami Deluxe like the comment I love his videos
so I shared this and it’s like written on paper and handwriting it’s not even I don’t even I don’t even understand how the AI is reading that someone must be following me so I figured I’d mess around with them and post some really obscure post that have nothing to do with politics cuz they’re paying somebody to waste their time censoring me so why not waste sensors time
so I do collect a lot of pictures of giants and a lot of people are reasoning that some of these old mansions in old houses were probably built not by the people that said they were built by but actually inherited and handed down
yeah that doorway is not for people are size it’s really a mystery

you got to watch that UAP video it’s hilarious you will die laughing no really you will die laughing it is so funny I mean I couldn’t believe it
I don’t agree with everything he says but still you got to give him a listen and it gets better and better and there might be a little slow part in the beginning but you just got to hang in there because it’ll make you laugh it’s just his sense of humor and who cares what he thinks he’s funny about something we can agree upon that no this coronavirus is stupid
very interesting perspective
do you see the little people next to this huge doorways which is why I’m saying you know this old infrastructure the new infrastructure was built on top of and attributed to the new when it could have been all here before we arrived do you understand and look at the building it looks half buried in mud so who really did build America
yes this would look like a place for Titans 2 interesting really I’m sure all rulers that if ever ruled here have claimed they built it
look at the size of the doors and there’s the triangle and the pillars and all that glass who built that glass and I bet you this was demolished but just look at how small the people are it’s beautiful actually I’ll miss talking about this kind of stuff but it’s been a long time years that I’ve been talking about this kind of theory and I just want to move on and I really want to be a political cartoonist but a lot of things hold me back like this kind of research and people come to my site looking for political cartoons and here I am talking about Giants and it may turn people off and it might embarrass them to share it so I’m just going to focus and be really professional and I’m going to do my website all over again to to just be clean and not going to ask anybody for money ever again it’s just this is something I do for love

My trump 20/20 resolutions this year

  • No more talking about Flat Earth
  • No more talking about mystery histories
  • No more posting to Twitter and Facebook is just bad juju and I’m going to only go on parler and gab and maybe LinkedIn and my blog I’m going to give up patreon to just all the censorship it’s just really bad energy and I get really sad when I get censored and I just don’t feel like fighting I just feel like focusing on feeling safe you know like not being bullied and not feeling like I’m an outcast or it’s like high school all over again I don’t like that feeling so I’d rather just go where I feel safe and I do feel safe at gab and I do feel safe at parler
  • Fruitarian diet raw vegan diet vegetables fruits nuts
  • All my posts are going to be professional like little articles and I’m only going to talk about my cartoons and the News around it and that will save on a lot of time I waste via watching other things and Screen saving everything when I should just focus on my art..the news..trump. and what I’m working on.
  • Just really professional behavior I’m not going to talk about personal feelings I’m just going to exhibit my art in the best way that will appeal to you know the whole conservative movement and President Trump lifestyle
  • No smoking anyting no taking anything but CBD maybe some cannabis that’s it
  • I’m going to try to give up sugar honey all that and I can always use raisins
  • At night I’m only going to listen to good things Christian things self-help things affirmation stuff meditation I’m going to focus on that
  • I’m going not to fight anything anymore because I’ll get sick I’m just going to go with the flow whatever 2020 will bring me
  • Is going to be a new me and all relationships I’m going to make other people happy because I really miss doing things for others I’m not going to do it as a chore but because I really want to
  • I will watch tutorials on digital art and caricaturists and cartooning and focus and do a lot of tracing work to do studies and do pen up app a lot of those tutorials on how to do digital art on my cell phone and maybe pay for a new class.
  • I will try to dress like a paralegal
  • I will be confident
  • I will write my blog as if my dad would read it meaning very clean professional easy no more personal stuff no more drawings of weird things just political cartoons no more selfies I’m done with that