Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Inktober day 24 25 2020 political cartoons Dig Buddy James O’Keefe project veritas Joe Biden poroshenko Ukraine scandal

Inktober day 24 25 2020 political cartoons Dig Buddy James O’Keefe project veritas Joe Biden poroshenko Ukraine scandal

Inktober day 24 25 2020 political cartoons Dig Buddy James O’Keefe project veritas Joe Biden poroshenko Ukraine scandal post thumbnail image
I drew this for inktober day 24 Day gifts a political cartoon of James O’Keefe dancing Thriller project veritas
there is my Tick Tock I did showing you how I drew his face and then the prompt below is dig for day 24 and cobra
A little collection on Tik-Tok I did the song is Bambi by Tokyo Police Club
So when I found out inktober’s prompt was buddy I thought of Hunter Biden buddy prescient Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ poroshenko at the time. and when you Google buddy with Joe Biden only the story comes up on Twitter
so basically I wrote the conversation what was written in the tapes using highlighting the word buddy for the inktober prompt and then as a little joke I don’t think you got it hang in there buddy is reference to you no treason hanging and I made him a Ukrainian accent and they’re eating a borscht so that’s the number one dish and Ukraine is borscht it’s like the soup so I drew that
joe biden petor poroshenko buddy
His name is Weyland brundle
Her name is Cabell Butler
here is Hunter Biden I don’t know what he’s doing I only think he’s doing like a topical I don’t know maybe some morphine I don’t know that’s all I can think
look at that face and by the way it was the most boring a s** tape on GTV I have the link but when I post it and when I share it I get this message even when I’m doing Direct Message
that was popped up in messenger when I tried sharing it with my friend
I need some rose quartz rosary beads I actually mentioned this to someone on Facebook and they’re sending it to me in the mail there they bought it for me I thought that was so sweet I’ll post it when it comes. I gave them my address it’s a retired La Sheriff.
dark winter yes dark winter so it’s like we’re playing a video game or something but those of us who don’t want to roleplay this kind of stuff should be able to opt out and those who want to roleplay oh you know like Resident Evil type stuff Raccoon City they can go ahead and role-play play all they want and we can watch them

Or you can play along with a parasites and see what happens here are the parasites in Cuba

yeah and the test kit for it is a Q-tip
this is an ancient structure from before we came I don’t care who claim they built it definitely wasn’t built in the eighteen hundreds look at the doorway it’s really for a taller person it’s definitely ancient still around it’s what they call a living ruin it’s been remodeled the old infrastructure and then falsely attributed to the new infrastructure all of the stuff was in America before we arrived I think the people of that time. 1800 so they could just build log cabins that’s it they couldn’t quarry stone and bring it on wagon carts and why they build Lanes 10 lanes wide I mean it doesn’t make sense and when you look at the old pictures it’s like completely empty and there’s nobody and there’s just this huge structures there and people think that I owe you could just throw something like this up in a year
airships form of free energy definitely cheaper than airplanes and docking stations are on top of Empire State building Eiffel Tower so stuff like that and you get out through the top little by the point there’s like a door and screw these are line agencies they’re terrible and they don’t like to be honest with the people about how cheap the flight actually is and they charge people $500 for something that should cost $50 at the most and they lie about the technology it’s mostly air compression besides take off and lift off.. the landing
so this may be Titans walking around or it could be a child but I’m not sure but I’m just posting it anyway cuz I collect these pictures
hi sexy want me to come over
he’s sharing a toy with another woman whose butt is on his if you get what I’m saying
Hunter you’re so sexy I can’t stand it just give me some more crack and I’ll do anything you want
so sad I actually feel sad for them don’t you feel sad for Bon Jovi
I didn’t see the footjob video but I know that was something going on I just I didn’t watch the whole thing and before you know it was gone
she used to have long blond hair and she got kicked out of Australia with Stefan molyneux her name is Lauren Southern she’s absolutely beautiful here
beautiful 😍
I sent this to my friend and she cried when she read it

I told you about the fruitarian diet for years now readers
now I’ve been saying over and over again in my block every single city in America used to look like the Vatican and it’s all been blown up every single one but this I haven’t seen before I mean I focused on almost every city look like this and it was blown up demolished and the official story is if you looked up on Google is that all of this was only Built for a little Festival a little fair and then they demolished it right afterwards on Day of the Dead all of them every city in America looks like this and all the technology work there was free energy The Fountains worth the buildings illuminated at night and it was moving sidewalks and all the plumbing and one thing in common with everything is everything was built as if they were the structures of Giants and there were statues of Titans everywhere to this wasn’t built in the 1800 this is ancient this is before we arrived and they had to demolish it because it didn’t fit the colonial narrative the Cowboys and Indians Story the founding fathers I’m in American history when you look down this rabbit hole and I mean really I mean almost everything in the library stems out of what the Encyclopedia Britannica brought us that’s history world history that’s all we know about the world and it’s all wrong
I do this two years ago and I hope he liked it
now why is this funny why is this missing contacts thing funny it’s the first of its kind ice now just imagine every meme has something like this on it every drawing you do every cartoon you do has this on it just like who judges this is there someone who goes to meme school or political cartoon studies knowledgeable about whether a meme is missing its contacts no just really pay attention this is real I took this I took the screenshots that was real
Trump is writing a coyote all the way to 20 20 imagine that having something on it saying missing context
David Hogg just won’t go away little brat the little brat the little pig brat I mean really George Soros little pot belly pig
why I took that screenshot oh my God it was so boring it was so boring it was so boring and like slovenly and he’s just so full of himself looking in the mirror with a crack pipe with scabs all over his face I mean yuck
please Trump save us let us Post we just love our country and we just love you that’s it why is that a crime aren’t you supposed to be loved you’re the president you’re the leader of course you’re supposed to be beloved by your people
pay attention to Matt gaetz what he said in that first sentence because I think you know what I’m thinking you got to know who’s on your side that’s what 20/20 is all about
Now this looks like to me a giant woman getting a tooth pulled by two hour size humans and that would make sense with all the ancient buildings because all these ancient buildings that every civilization claims they built were actually built by Giants it’s obvious it’s has to be solid Stone and we’re told they were all built in the eighteen hundreds just to copy Rome everything in America that’s been blown up and the only thing left is City Hall’s libraries post offices stuff like that and just because you put a ground Stone in them doesn’t mean it was built that year it was just founded it was found and then it was founded so it’s all reconstructions no blueprints exist no construction photos that are horrible horrible Photoshop of Victorian age they did it with double exposures and they white it out the sky and places and Vanilla Sky is actually a phenomenon in all old black and white pictures of America because they’re awaiting out the airships in the sky cuz that was the way of travel back then and the globalist staged this huge Led Zeppelin type explosion just to scare you away from the technology

well known flat earther..acknowledges me..conspiracy side of it he did an 11-hour stream I fell asleep to. Talking about past resets. The reason I remember him is I was on a live chat with a bunch of flat earthers who are attacking me telling me Trump was a globalist and then he , Fpv Angel got on the line and he set them all straight and he supported Trump .beautifully..and everyone was blown away and they were forced to agree with me

something happened to Mitch McConnell and I’ve noted it I don’t know what it is it’s absolutely cruel it looks like he fought off an acid attack or something but of course these people will never ever admit this especially to the Press they keep the stuff secret all the time even when President Trump was poisoned and he went to the hospital he just made it out like it was a check-up or covid coronavirus flying unicorn demon germ but these people are actually being physically attacked poisoned in always and nobody knows about it but you can see hints of it here and there that’s definitely not something contagious that’s this is a bruise either he was poisoned or he fought off an attacker
what a freak going to work lying to people you know this astronaut has a twin yeah so when he’s up in the in space his twin is like hanging around and then when he comes back his twin goes into space it’s just the ultimate mind control trick magic trick you know
I love this President Trump is the lion that’s the symbol of our trumplican party which wants Trump to have a life term that’s what the trumplican party is what else did you think it was
so funny so depressed
yes people think Trump meant literal coyotes at the debate
I’ll when I saw this I just exploded you know what almost Nobody Knows the story and it’s I think it’s the biggest one is the one that means the most to Hunter it’s his illuminati sacrifice kind of like Anderson Cooper and River Phoenix and then their brothers just took their places it’s just how it’s done and you’re terrified for the entire life not to disobey these people and you don’t want your brother’s death to go to waste right so you really try to take his place and do a good job in Hunter’s case he did a horrible job and when he was supposed to take Bo’s place I don’t think it meant to sleep with his wife and his niece
this is one of my favorite quotes from the debate part 3
Boykin the right meme I mean really
it’s true the right to meme and make it funny is a God’s gift
oh my God yes oh my God yes oh my God yes and that’s not making fun of trump it’s just kind of making fun of the masses in a way because President Trump he’s definitely doing some operations but he has two dum-dums himself down and he only does it because he loves America

this is orgasmic this is a mask-tard getting hit with a pie in the face by someone dressed up like The Joker

what do you think the coronavirus is??
πŸ› it’s a computer-generated image
it looks like it came back though but I don’t know if you’ve locked out it came back though I was so disappointed when I couldn’t find it anymore and then Infowars band group got banned at that was the one I nurture the most with all the posts and stuff and I feel like you know that took a lot out of me too because we’re all Infowars really and another group I forget another Infowars group was erased nothing no message nothing to appeal nothing it’s criminal it really is it’s abusive clients fraud those aren’t the rules we signed up for they can’t hold our content hostage I don’t care what they make us click it doesn’t mean we give them free will to do that
yeah you better Fight for Your Life rally
wow I feel like this is me
I’m an expert I understand it very well you could even do it on yourself without the torture you could do it by watching Hollywood movies and listening to their music and being traumatized by the events in the news that are just strictly imaginary but you believe they are real just cuz the news said so.. and then you could be traumatized by the mocking you for thinking for yourself over and over again and laughing at u in their newspapers
yup there it is why wouldn’t that be authentic
it took me a while to get this one
just mere mortals

laugh so hard
I wonder if this is still around.. they probably demolish that too ..but yes this is ancient this wasn’t built Romanesque like every architect just wanted to copy Rome how can you believe that how can you believe that about all the buildings in all of our cities that look like this that we just all wanted to copy Rome because it’s the only thing that’s where life came from really like the Vatican that’s it’s just ridiculous it’s ridiculous like slap yourself this is the real thing this was built at the same time that the Vatican was built and the pyramids it was the old world order all of the stuff is proof of the One World Empire cuz it’s shared the same architecture all over from Peru to China to everywhere Australia Australia is not new not at all yeah they put prisoners on a ship to repopulate Australia but then they dumped them all overboard at the whole story is just a phony it’s a fairytale it was the one world order all over the world and guess who was at the top we were that’s why they hate America and that’s why they don’t want you to know your history and that’s why they put Christianity our world savior in the Middle East somewhere cuz they hate us that’s why… you believe it’s sprouted it out of another religion ? when .. Christianity is the oldest religion the life story is in the Stars.

It’s just these are the people that hate you they want to take everything from you including history

yeah yeah I mean this with his this would drive you to Insanity it really would especially if you try to reason with these people like you know you just can’t sometimes and then you feel alone when are The Crazy Ones and they’re injuring you with their Insanity that’s what Alex Jones said he says these people are injuring you with their Insanity they are wounding you with their insanity
my Tik Tok dancing with President Trump is gone..deleted!!
it’s gone and as you can see I was doing a duet with the original poster and my reason for being striked is that it said it was copyrighted material but the original is still there so just I was being striked for wearing a tight pink dress I guess when I all I was doing was dancing along with him and you know the Trump dancing video I don’t understand why that would be copyrighted strike

I did a tarot reading for Tom fitton he asks 🦁does China have Hillary Clinton’s classified emails?

what do you say you might see something different also that you can add to this just look at it does China have Hillary Clinton’s classified emails yes or no and you just look at this you might see something in it

but this is what the card reads.. and I’m really really good at picking these cards …but I always ask you might see something different..
I imagine China is the guy on the horse and he’s holding it up like a victory like a trophy..the wreath of laurels. could it be that China has them?..πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί to me I see the guy on the horse as China Victorious and holding up the wreath.. which would be the classified emails if it’s like a trophy and who knows China might be the only one to have them and they might want to make a deal and I’m just saying this is something they’re very proud of and it seems to be like they’re Victorious and I know Mike Pompeo says we have them but he could just be bluffing.

the reason why I say this is this card shows that they might be the only one to have it because look how high up on the horse the guy is and everybody else is standing so this card revealed to me that they might be.. be the only ones.. to have them and boy are they proud of it.

If you want a political Tarot reader?

Im 😏 your lady . I will out-qualify everybody else

you may not believe in the tarot but a lot of people do.

The buildings have a purpose that we are not told about

Shaun king

things are just not what they appear to be

The law of perspective like a railroad track you don’t you see a point of the railroad track and then it extends down underneath your feet same thing in the sky is something far away but when you get a telescope a strong telescope after the boat has disappeared you can bring in full Focus the boat again so it’s your eyes aren’t that strong I don’t think

Right now the dark side controls Flat Earth and has for a long time that’s because conservative conservatives won’t touch it just a few people but not enough and because of that the left control it and they only allow these transgendered flat-earthers who make it look really bad and they dress up in costumes and they talked about it and they show the photo shops and they make it look really bad because they pretend they’re serious about it and you know they’re just play-acting you know it especially if you know you know what’s going on they’re only allowing the weirdos online about the stuff the ones that are heavily controlled groups just filled with trolls asking stupid questions talking about lsdYahweh or making everything look really bad or cube earth stuff like that weird. And sometimes conservatives invite these people on their shows and it just looks ridiculous there’s plenty of college-educated people out there .. and really smart people some of them have contracted serious diseases and are laptops been stolen their homes have been burned down they won’t allow rational people in this culture there’s plenty of experiments worldwide every country and all you see on Google is the devil worshipping crap crap and they disavow Jesus and stuff like that that’s why the right has to control this narrative because of the numbers.

Just looking into what I’m saying and please don’t laugh because the flat-earthers they do know something I really it’s strictly word-of-mouth who to follow and it’s extremely nerdy. Nobody has time for that but I’ve thoroughly gone through it all can you could just follow my notes and I do collect memes over the years I am team 2015.

No flat earther has Coronavirus just like the Amish

What the flat-earthers know about the gold they may not know it yet but they’re leading right to it the stolen gold of the world I think that’s important they also know something about a certain government agency nobody will touch and everybody believes is science or something

just remember the only time Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler EVER ever stood up and clapped for Donald Trump is when he spoke to CONGRESS..AND he mentioned Mars

His speech to the United Nations went like this

..”.. on our magnificent Planet it’s plain ( plane ) to see”


eating their own crap
the lucifer falls or is he trafficking in that area little kids??
yes ❀️
thats how I get the stream every day..i get tagged only for works for me. and only work 3 minutes then I get an x.
the buildings Illuminate. free energy. no light bulbs. the little people there are not capable of building this. but they take credit in order to control the structures and demolish them..or use them . Strasburg. the structures in the USA did same thing. electricity is free. you are paying for something thats free. atmospheric

Hope u liked my short story.

and they show u a ball.

a past phony pandemic…

If you really want to be America first then you got to know where we live

I love him. it starts at 2:00 do not let his intro fool you’s just something that really smart people do when they’re sharing such incredible information there’s a price to pay for the information. you won’t get someone you know like a TV newscaster on conservative TV you will get someone a little different a little introverted it’s all about the information it’s not about looking fabulous.

Those fabulous people on conservative TV those are not their ideas..the cutting edge ideas.. the ideas are pulled from the underground’s. These fabulous people spend most of their time looking fabulous other people put everything into their research ignore other parts of their lives and this is their baby this is their wife is their mind and it’s all they have.. so they do not have fabulous movie star personalities but that doesn’t mean that they do not hold the key.

So what they make up for instead of being fabulous is they are really cutting edge and in life you want to listen to what these people have to say if you want to learn anything you don’t want to be like everyone else you want to have the edge too so why not get the information from those who have strayed so far from The Herd that they can create something new in our Human Experience

The point is it’s about the Mississippi River which could be the Nile River in the Bible I’m just saying everything matches up there’s little Egypt there’s the Red Sea that’s really red and not imaginary I mean I’m just I’m just musing I’m just you know I’ve got years of looking into this and I just so much I found and I mean this kind of stuff happened so long ago it happened so long ago nobody knows where any of the stuff happened and you can fool a millennia of people you could these globalists have you can easily move these locations anywhere you want them there’s Troy Ithaca. Ny. But ancient ruins you say well what if I told you they were all here they’ve all been bombed or we are still using them and nobody even notices I mean it’s a rabbit hole I’m telling u.. I’m not really sure I’m ready to go down it but I’ve mentioned a little bit in the past.

and I am not the only one. But this video is just a little Smoking Gun to add to the collection that I’m working on he just have to feel a little sorry for John Levi in the beginning but just hang in there he’s really A Gentle Spirit and he’s done so much and he’s caused a lot of people to be upset he’s creating a Ruckus with his research

That’s what I want you to focus on is he’s onto something

I can do what Jon Levi does also after all I am human
he’s the weaker brother and that’s why he’s had to replace the stronger one

alex jones as the hulk

and me in star wars

You are looking at the real thing you are looking at the real thing you are looking at a really ancient building and it wasn’t 1700 when it was built it was already here many cultures have used the same building APD white-washed statues can be replaced stories phony construction photos tall tales but you’re looking at the real thing that’s how great America is we have just the rich culture as Europe and even Europe lies about their culture it’s even older than they are

Back to South Carolina if you scroll up you’ll see the photograph where I talked about how all of our cities in America used to look like the Vatican and they’ve all been blown up and replace with Parks because didn’t fit the colonial narrative The History of the United States isn’t what you think it is ETC you can scroll up but I want to elaborate on it and this is South Carolina and this is the first time I’m seeing these pictures and the official story is that they were just throwing up for a fair only to be demolished and I think everybody has eyes and these past four years I’ve been proving that these were actually structures from the old world order that was a one-world old order and it was probably around the 1800 we started up again and we have no idea how long time passed between the old world order and us the thing is we’re not even on the right timeline they give us we kind of just picked up where we left off and it’s such a long story anyway take a look at what was in South Carolina and you’ll see why it had to be destroyed this the same with all of our American cities they all look like this all of them and they were bombed now people in the 1800 did not have the technology to build this and another thing the structures themselves illuminated at night with free energy atmospheric energy these aren’t light bulbs it’s you know I’ve done research into this way you zoom into to the buildings and it’s actually the stone itself is lighting up at night and the statues in the water and there’s no light bulbs there like little knobs that you know all the cathedrals have on them to their supposed to light up at night with this free energy and the structures are the key here that’s why they had to demolish them because they don’t want you to have anything free they want to charge you for something that is free electricity is free it’s from the air and these old structures in America had them that’s why they had to blow them all up

and the globalists gave all of these buildings cool names kind of like they renamed the Colossus of Rhodes into the Statue of Liberty that kind of stuff and then they told the people I came on a boat that is such a joke that’s so funny and they give you such bad construction photos you’re like it’s totally out of perspective it looks like they just erased the sky out or something
all of our American cities head Palace is like this every single one because America is not new okay it’s not new at all it’s actually ancient as old as the oldest European as old as the pyramids as old it was the one world Empire the most beautiful people ever it was even before Apollo even before Jesus even before Zeus listen to these are the structures of Titans and Giants and they had free energy and once you know this you’ll see it everywhere when you look at history you’ll see it everywhere and you’re like how come I’ve been looking at this painting and art class my whole life but I never noticed the technology in it you know equipment worked without chords nobody had to pay electricity for anybody things lit up buildings lit up Obelisk what do you think obelisks are for they light up they light up the sky at night for free instead were told they were monuments built to honor presidents of course we would do that because it’s the eagle of rulers
all these magnificent buildings Plumbing still intact self-heating through geothermal steam just sitting around in the middle of nowhere with nobody around that’s how America was okay and they had to bring in people so they stole the children of all the people that were killed in the phony pandemics of the past that’s why they got the children to repopulate these cities who had no pass no history who just took on the genealogy of their parents so all of us most of us are descended from the orphan trains and you don’t even know it you just thought you knew your family came on a boat it’s such a wicked story and you know these things Time Will Reveal all secrets so they know that people will eventually find this out
can you imagine flying to South Carolina to hang out in this area here and maybe have dinner or tea and have women swooned when they see the beautiful structure and you can have weddings here I made this is what the globalist took from us salt water baths running after Millennia of being abandoned by a past reset
even Buffalo New York head gondolas Chicago had them and I guess South Carolina did to

You don’t see any people do you that’s because all of our American cities were empty when we arrived we found all of this and apparently we blew it all up cuz that’s what civilizations do they have to get rid of the old to make way for the new and they definitely don’t want you have the old texts and anything that they still have around they control and whoever controls these buildings controls the world they turned him into a hand-me-down religious churches they but these are ancient these are prehistoric these are ancient ruins as old as the shittiest ones in Rome Italy or as beautiful as the Vatican all of our American cities look like this in fact all cities look like this until the men of Secrets came around … was masonry everywhere it was free for the robbing

here’s a little secret those aren’t flagpoles they are antennas
and take a guess what they found inside of those domes red mercury okay red mercury and lots of gold and the gold isn’t so precious because it’s precious the gold is precious because it’s the secret to free energy imagine not paying for electricity ever again okay
look at this why is this same style of architecture all over the world and if you ask a history a high priest of History man he’ll tell you that all of these buildings were built to copy Rome as if Americans were just copiers we couldn’t invent anything of our own and somehow we poured all the stone we built all this done with wimpy cranes that’s the official story
domes Towers to The Domes in Spanish architecture maybe it’s not Spanish architecture maybe it’s American
imagine walking under here this is what they took from us the energy that must be here you must feel like a king or a queen just walking under this
and this is a secret this is why I had to be destroyed how was just powered where are the plugs where are the light bulbs there are none how is the sliding up
why do they call it a luminations it’s the stone itself
all of this blown up in South Carolina
organs this is ancient as old as the Phoenicians even older older than Jesus this was here this is ancient and you know just because you go into Europe inside of a church and you see capital J 500 written on it that does not mean it was built in the 50s that just mean the people of that time claimed that they built it but it’s even older than all of us nobody can build this this is this technology we’re not capable of ever notice why the churches have to be destroyed it’s because the frequency of these organs heal people
now what is she holding in her hand is it a torch or is it a facses? It’s a free energy weapon of War I’m just telling you I’ve got tons of these images are even on the back of our old dimes all over the Senate White House all American stuff it’s constantly see it once you know what it is
the sun is beautiful white light it’s not hot magma Sun at all it’s not at all and you can look at it especially when it says it won’t hurt you it’s good for you and there’s no like volcano eruptions on it it’s not like we’re taught it is it’s just a beautiful white light
and it works in a perfect calendar to the minute to the second probably it’s got its own for all time it’s the same the same schedule and It Moves In A Perfect Circle follows the moon in a perfect circle and the sun tracking experiment I took part in with the entire world we found out it moves in a straight Circle around the Earth and the guy who led the research he’s dying of this mysterious disease he’s gotten so skinny and they gave him cancer somehow and you don’t get any more proof than that it follows the moon like yin and yang and then in The Season’s it moves out words and then I moved back for the spring again. Every question you have can be explained away and it’s usually the easiest answer that works instead of the more complicated one but just remember these people they know word Wizardry they know how to mock they got a lot of money they got a lot of control they profit off all of this deception they profit off of it they teach your kids this there it’s not even a theory it’s just a why they teach it cuz they don’t want you to know where you live you live in Paradise

For example the medieval vials I have so many screenshots of this I’ve collected and this is exactly what it is it’s sonoluminescence and you can see people in Europe experimenting with this as if they’ve invented it but you take a vial and you run a frequency through it and you can create light and the theory is that they’re creating things inside of these vials when they shoot a frequency through it

now it could be silly you say or it could be like a mad scientist but know when you look at everything together you’ll think differently for example these vials used to be shown off in City centres all over Europe you can see paintings of this so many you can see like what looks like and it definitely had something to do with sun Heat there’s whole videos explaining this Theory from a modern perspective and call it sonoluminescence. You know you can create lice I think the being has to be in water it has to be in water you have to run a frequency through it when scientists do it today their act actually create light and it sounds beautiful like you’ve ever seen. It was a technology you see it over and over and over again people watching movies I mean people Skyping each other and I’m sure someone who can read Alchemy or something can figure this out this is not a good example at all but I’m just showing you to add to my collection

Some other technology know there’s something in these balls the Royal orbs with the crosses on top the antennas no these do something you know things that were taught are myths you know like people flying to the sun with golden shoes it’s actually a technology it’s actually something they put on their feet and maybe they held something like gold or red mercury which it has qualities where it can repel or can attract like crazy it’s a long story and no the Cannons are not hand-me-down weapons they’re actually electrical equipment it’s like I said American history it’s all its fiction the joke’s on us

the sky spinning but we’re not for all all-time in order like a clock and I just want to ask you does it feel like we are moving has it ever felt like we are moving anywhere and ever noticed that planes fly flat sometimes 12 hours at a time completely flat and you don’t see the pilot in fact they’re on autopilot you don’t see the pilot like adjusting for anything you don’t never and uncertain Maps flights fly straight to the destination but on these ball Maps it doesn’t make sense like they go all over and curves and stuff and you know what same thing with the weather the weather maps you know like the heat maps of the world when you’re looking at it on the map they usually give us it doesn’t make sense like it’s just all over like Reds are like all over like curving and waving but when you look on a certain map it’s in a perfect circle I don’t know I’m just saying it’s things seem to be more things seem to work better on a certain map then you know the ball we are given. No I’m just talkin about certain points that you know you need to look at cuz you know you really got to think for yourself you know if the whole whole world is making fun of you that doesn’t mean you’re wrong

there’s something about a lie so big that it’s believable like as fact let’s just say it’s the best thing an evil person can do is pull one off and he gets really admired by his peers and boy do they outdo each other every year guess what I’m not scared to look at these things I’m not scared not scared you know why because I think I want to know who these globalists really are.

And I see the potential that this will be something that will overtake all the globalists over once and for all nobody will ever trust in this is something that the entire world wake up to because it transcends all languages and if America was the one to light up this torch I’m telling you the world will follow these globalists will never be allowed to teach again anything about history or the world ever again and it will not profit us profit off of us anymore and I do this for Trump because this is Trump’s worst enemy globalism

As for the gravity question its density it’s called density we aren’t allowed to go above a certain level definitely not to space I mean if God wouldn’t let us build a tower to the skies why would he let us go to Mars why would Icarus melt why does the Bible talk about a firmament and the four corners of the Earth stuff like that like were they dumb and we’re just smarter or do we just leave everything on the TV and from our first grade teacher and universities I mean you know what the universities are now why would they be any different when we went why would anything be different you think things were good back then but evil right now no it’s always been evil for a long long time

There is a rumor that Hunter Biden is dead

Well it’s Hunters dead tomorrow I call it first that he just got a new identity there’s no way people around him would let him die of a heroin overdose he would be the most watched man on Earth he may even be a witness

And don’t forget last year on Halloween Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment so these people have something really evil planned you can’t trust anything they say and don’t feel sorry he was a monster he is a monster what am I saying you know just because the fake news announces someone’s dead doesn’t mean they’re dead just remember that

they can blame this on the Republicans that oh my God we drove him to Suicide there is no way he would be left alone for even a second he’s way too important all eyes are on him there’s no way I’m going to there’s no way why would they murder him why would they murder him to terrify Joe no they wouldn’t do that they would give him a new identity or he could be a witness he could be working for us I don’t know there’s just so many options maybe I’ll Focus in the.. in the morning I’ll do a tarot reading

I don’t know anything I’m just being entertained I am you know I may post some hoaxes I may but you know what just look at it as entertainment if it is because I’m just posting what’s going around and it’s very entertaining it’s like fiction nobody knows what’s real but you know I do have thoughts about certain things and that’s it I’m just not sure about this cuz it’s just so breaking

Don’t believe anything these people tell you and sometimes they can’t tell you the truth even though you’re on the same side they can’t these things you must hit from the back you can’t show your hand so just know that we are loved and it’s up to us to suss out what’s going on using our intuition

Just stop you know maybe the way I am the way I’m is because I’ve never ever pay for cable TV I think I did maybe one I got a three-month free trial or something and I only did it for someone else. There’s also about 3 years I only read French literature an English literature and Russian literature I did not even have a radio I knew nothing never read a newspaper I didn’t know anything so I’m just not susceptible I can’t even enjoy movie because all I see is subliminals.

Thank you Cassandra it must be more intense maybe something bigger

I don’t know it just seems like this story wouldn’t be broken like this I know it’s hard to believe something’s not real unless the mainstream media covers it but you know you can look at these memes as operations and how these things get started and you know just look at all of this like fiction It’s Entertainment it’s you know and sometimes I ramble on and on and on and I don’t know what I’m talking about I’m just this blog is semi-autobiographical and I look at it as just short stories I don’t I can’t vouch for anything and I might change my mind tomorrow and it some of these means maybe all that don’t know it’s just entertainment. And even if I’m wrong you know some things are worth looking at anyways potentials leads you know especially if people are talking about it

What is going on

Hey what happened to antifa

oh boy? all caps?

No it would not put me in the hospital at all definitely wouldn’t I probably very unique and I work better under high stress and it would heal a lot of people because the secrecy of this is just ruining our country the goodness of Americans the Innocents they would allow us to keep going they would never see it again they would never be afraid of it they wouldn’t believe it it’s all just a rumor until you’ve seen it for yourself and edited out maybe cropped but something needs to be shown I can definitely see it without going into the hospital we are all adults now and I think it will be the time for the world to unite against these globe a lists it’s the only way the light when I’m by the light you can’t keep this in the dark it’s not up to you it’s not up to you who decides who decides