Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Hillary Clinton Spousal Abuse Bill Clinton Political Cartoon Domestic Violence

Hillary Clinton Spousal Abuse Bill Clinton Political Cartoon Domestic Violence

Hillary Clinton Spousal Abuse Bill Clinton Political Cartoon Domestic Violence post thumbnail image

I just finished this cartoon. One a day for TRUMP. With my special humor.

Mark Dice gave me the idea for this cartoon. Watch the video
Bill wasnt scared of the women Mark Dice, he was scared of what Hillary Clinton would do to him later.  SHE ABUSES HIM PHYSICALLY. I read the GARY BYRNE BOOK, the secret service man, the Monica Lewinsky witness, and HE KNOWS Hillary abused Bill PHYSICALLY. So also said CLINTONS WAR ON WOMEN book. By Roger Stone One of my favorite books. 

He is scared of HILLARY CLINTON and displeasing her. She gives him black eyes. This man is a rapist. He cant rape her. She has him. I bet she withheld sex for many years now.  HE WILL DO WHAT SHE WANTS.