Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized FJB Political Cartoon President Donald Trump Lindsey Graham

FJB Political Cartoon President Donald Trump Lindsey Graham

FJB Political Cartoon President Donald Trump Lindsey Graham post thumbnail image
Fuck Joe Biden Political Cartoon, the animal kingdom rises up

The NFT is here

President Donald Trump Lindsey Graham Political Cartoon
RINO Lindsey Graham Political Cartoon. He is a Democrat so he thinks just like one!

Link To NFT

I drew these two as Samples..JUST TO APPLY for a Job. He could be an actor. Or an opera singer.
Do not know who this is. But I tried. I had to draw her to apply for the job. Well it wasnt wasted. She could be anyone. Someone you are homesick for. Your last boss. Maybe your music teacher? Or organist at your church. Or editor of a newspaper.


I drew the BEST Political Cartoon of Marjorie Taylor Greene. She was hot, beautiful and holding PLUTO in her hand, the return of Pluto and she was announcing she was starting the America First Revival Party to welcome the return of Pluto. THEN MY DOG SIRIUS ripped out my plug and my laptop is so old, it dies without being plugged in, so I lost it. I tried for hours getting it back. Corel Painter lies about where to find crashed files. THEY LIE. Nothing worked. It was not anywhere. It is not fair. I fell into deep depression. I tried again, then could not draw her right, my hands were tired I tried 4 hours of it. SO that was for 2 22 22. I am so sad! I might try to draw it tomorrow, and just write it down like I drew it that day. Or I can think of another one for her. The first time I wanted to draw her this happened too, And I think I need to ask permission. She may have lots of prayers around her and I cannot see her in my mind because of it. Usually I read faces like a map. And everything is smooth like lines in cursive…but I have to ask permission. Universe, can I draw MTG tomorrow and make it like the best one I ever had? My cartoon I lost so good, she was wearing that beautiful shirt she wore on infowars. It is so FUNNY that I watched her interview again on BANNED.VIDEO and guess where my finger landed? The part where she was telling Alex Jones, I AM JUST A REGULAR PERSON. My heart jumped. I have been talking about THE REGULAR PERSON PARTY for a while now. That would be the America Revival Party. The Regular Person Party. No secret societies…no rituals, no bloodlines..just regular people leading regular people. Well, the best of us would lead, of course. No Light world order, no New World Order, no Black and White chess, no evil and good guys being on the same team..never any operation paperclip with us! True justice..equal. And to each man, his merit. And no leaders above us, but GOD !

Cluedo returning doesn’t feel very nice it doesn’t feel like it’s a rebirth it feels like it’s the beginning of something bad or something

Well I got hired to write an article about Ukraine so I guess I will learn a little more about it. It’s due in 11 hours . I’m so tired I think I will set my alarm for 3 hours before it’s due and then just write a real fast I write from a conservative point of view. 🍻 And I got hired by someone else they did, to draw a Ukraine Cartoon. I am glad I get to do some research before so I know how to draw my Political Cartoon. I notice NOBODY is talking on the news about fake covid anymore. Such a relief. Uncle Vlad can HAVE ANYTHING HE WANTS, for that gift.

So the LEFT tell us he is going to do a bunch of False Flags when we have never been accepted for using that term it was a conspiracy theory, and then the SHITTY West side of Ukraine bombs out a school to Blame on Putin. Hey war is deception. But he means business and he has GOT to DE Communize. He will bring Christ back to the world .. and not just God.. but Jesus because God could be anything ..He is the first one to make a move. And Vladimir Putin wears across his mama gave him I drew that political cartoon in 2017.

Then who is next..China, then Canada, then Australia, then United States? Best for last? The United States Corporation needs to go along with big pharma medical ..big farm, big drugs, fake education, all this stuff needs to go, we are bankrupt on is killing us, Hollywood is killing us, our science is killing us..Fake Space turning us into retards who are spinning…cant see the truth anymore, believe the fantastical..and not the simple.. also fake history is turning us into a culture WHO DOES NOT KNOW ITSELF.. Fake evolution, we came out of a monkey’s A**…all of this MKULTRA TV mind control.. it is so ugly. There is no more innocence. I watch a movie these days online randomly and its about a father daughter relationship..that kind.. no , must be transformed into something healthy. It is like a sick system. Needs to get a dose of anti parasite.. Reality needs Ivermectin.. Hey, if Iverectin is an anti parasite…then you know a PARASITE is in the VACC.. why credit them with fancy stuff.. they are liars..its all smoke and mirrors. Its poison ..and a Blended up parasite. The Hydra. All of mythology heroes and monsters are actually talking about what’s inside of you. People, are almost gone, soon, with all the injuries from the “shot” of the communists..there will be alot to inherit.

Noone will ever hear from this wicked age again. It will be forgotten, and we will warn people for centuries to come, in time capsules. Thing is, the INTERNET is SO FULL OF GARBAGE, all the MSM etc.. that it must be destroyed. Its untruth it is all lies, it is all false. The CNN stuff, is known to be lies. So it must be destroyed forever on the internet. All of it. Life will malfunction if you keep episodes of the Rachel Maddow Show, WHAT WOULD OUR GREAT GRANDCHILDREN THINK OF OUR TIMES? No, it all must start over. Without THEM. We cannot be there to explain to the future peoples..that they lied about everything and did double speak and say things opposite. AND NO we did not believe men could have babies!

Now what makes you think History is any better? What have we believed, that we thought was real, that we believed, that is like MSM is today, just repeated. Almost everything you believe, is false. About reality, even Dinosaurs never walked. It’s all on faith. Remember, they OWN EVERYTHING. Nothing you see in Museums is real, all reproductions. They are thieves in the night, and what they do not want you to know, they destroy. They do heists all the time, right in front of your eyes, and you cannot see them, because you are spinning so fast you believe anything. They call you bugs and treat you like animals they farm. They farm you, they farm insurance, they make laws to farm you more. And every month you have to pay them your slave wages. Heating Bill, Water Bill and ELECTRICITY which is all free, you got to pay them. You got to pay for everything. You cannot do a thing for free. You have lost the ability to be sovereign even. You got to pay them so you can own your house. That does not sound like Private property. Looks like we were jipped. How can you not notice what they have done to you and your ancestors? Because.. you are spinning.

You could have read every book in the library growing up, guess who wrote them? Guess who Profits? Only they get to write history. Only they. You may never know who you are or where we live if you read their BOOKS. Filled with hand signals and secret numbers. Men of mysteries authors.. which means, a GREAT DECEPTION . They are the creators of reality. And have always been. You know nothing. I knew nothing of WW2 growing up reading every war book I could find. I could go on forever reading and still feel it wasnt the truth. Because we are never allowed, to know the real truth. That is for them. The real truth, …would devastate you. You would never trust anything again. All it takes is for someone to tell you once. You know it when you hear it.

Every story you hear of famous families paying an artist to do a great work…is just a cover for theft. Same with authors. Same with philosophers, same with ancient literature. If you know who really wrote or painted them, and where they lived, you would kiss the ground under you. For Americans, HISTORY is something we do not have. Not compared to Britain or Europe or the Middle east. But, how much do you know about what was STOLEN from us, and who stole it? And how America was the greatest empire the world has ever seen.. before we showed up?

Almost every political cartoonist is drawing a Hitler Putin political cartoon.. it just feels like it’s way too easy and it’s just following the mainstream narrative. But it’s false because back then there was Stalin and Lenin and it’s obvious that Vladimir Putin hates them and in his last speech the night before Pluto’s return .. and there is just so much Mis history .. even history is as bad as the mainstream news. What the Bolsheviks did were the most evil acts humankind has ever experienced and it’s wiped clean away from our history books. I mean maybe in four hundred years President Trump could be like the most evil man that’s ever lived if you allow these lies to continue into the future.. that is why all mainstream Media stuff has to be wiped clean from the internet just deleted there’s just no truth in it.. men having babies and all that crap ..Putin rebuked Lenin and Bolsheviks… He said they were terrible and unofficial. And why do the globalists hate so much what Putin is doing?
she lives in a time of her own 🎶
How much of the hippie generation was really real .. ??.. Yes..if what we know about TV and Hollywood has always been that way ..and what did they really believe in.. and how has it helped them now? You see what the hippie generation has done to the Boomers it’s ruined them! The whole thing..was Rotten. How much of it was real and not TV and Hollywood? They grew up to be the worst people the world has ever seen and the most easily possessed… all we have of the hippies is what the mainstream media Left For Us..and Illuminatimusic industry…and..Hollywood. we were not there.. how much of it was real?
If photographs didn’t crumble to dust .we would be seeing photographs.. since the beginning of time.. of this place and every culture ..has a different construction story. 🚧 we are at the end of one now so I wonder who are the new fake Architects are going to be for the next civilization?

I did not draw this but this is exactly what’s going on the coronavirus is slowly going away and we will be so relieved and thank Putin for it!

.. if I drew a political cartoon like this I would get bored fast because all this is.. is ink and airbrush ..and where is the azimuthal map?.. I’m an artist I like to do many different things. 😌

Short Story

I think being vaccine injured as a child I could not connect with anyone who was not beautiful I could not read anything that wasn’t before 1900 and for 10 years.. I only listened to classical music…It took seven years of the raw food diet to detox from my vaccine injury as a child. ..And Lasik to heal my impaired Vision after my first grade shots. I remember the year it happened and I remember the vaccines. I just became blind. I’m not that way anymore..either shallow or of noble mind.. but I used to be. like I could only communicate and talk to the best in any situation .and the brightest best-dressed smartest and it’s like I could see the inner good of a person… and also my life went in phases ..if I ate healthy I rose up to the Heights .and if I ate bad .and I’ve always been allergic to cook food I prefer raw vegan food but I’ll definitely eat it any chance I get now I’m just saying when I was in control of my life I was eating raw vegan food and I felt the most beautiful and youngest and healthiest..I felt even better as I did as a child. If I ate bad I became very withdrawn. I’ve never been able to drink alcohol I just get really allergic like really bad things happen to me and my body breaks out in sores if I drink more than a few glasses of wine. I can’t eat things like starches and flour white flour I just can’t I’ll get really sick and start feeling like I have parasites or something.. I am..just very sensitive since my vaccine injury. The perfect diet for me would be fresh all u can drink…blended 🍉 watermelon juice Around the Clock.

One thing that I really regret is my parents as a child taking out my tonsils. I always felt like I’ve been missing something ever since and I never gave them permission to do it. I think they’ve done me wrong and really I should be compensated but I’m really too nice to ask. I feel that the tonsils that were taken from me did something very important in my body that I haven’t been able to do since it took a spiritual side of me or maybe it is something that connects my root my crown ..I don’t know ..but I have this constant feeling that everybody else can do things that I can’t because I do not have them.. and maybe all of these experiences that I wish for in life that I can’t quite seem to attain it’s because that part is missing.. nobody knows about the human body but God himself.

. now I am God.. is partly true ..because God is inside of us looking out.. but at the same time I am not God .because I did not create everything in the world.. but he who has.. lives through me… so ..I am not true..

..and I would have been watching this video about what a scam the law of attraction is.. and it’s true.. I’ve wasted like Decades of my life to that ..even though it puts me in a better mood I’ve never been able to manifest my Mansion.. I could find my notes from 20 years ago where I meditated .I meditated I meditated and I still don’t have these things like quarter million dollars in cash..but you know what.

.. if it doesn’t work out..Law of Attraction.. it’s always because you didn’t try hard enough ..and that’s where the scam is.. and I heard someone say that self-help is actually a form of procrastination.. it made me really sad because I felt like.. you know wow..they really got I know why Oprah was so important in that stuff like the secret.

..also the vaccine injury left me with a lifelong taste and smell disability like I’ve never been able to distinguish one thing from another I just can’t explain it but I don’t feel that way when I taste fresh fruit.. it’s like my tongue for sweet is heightened and it’s not like a sugar thing it’s natural fructose which is not the same as processed sugar this is fuel you need and it tastes so good it is what you crave.. a big bowl of blueberries yum yum yum has to be organic or else it won’t smell delicious. 😋

.. ever since my vaccine injury I’ve been able to entertain myself with volumes and volumes of books or in my case today social media I absorb so much of it so fast and everything I listen to is that twice the speed but it used to be really bad where I would read entire collections of books at a very early age… and in college and Boston I would have these roommates beautiful roommates that always threw parties and sometimes I would go to these parties and be so bored… and whatever and I’d go right back to my room and just read volumes and volumes of maupassant.. like I would party.. with books rare books.. I somehow lost touch with other people all around me and I just didn’t talk to anybody..

..after the tetanus shot I couldn’t walk for a few days I was bedridden and I couldn’t get up I would just fall to the floor… after the chickenpox vaccine I got chicken pox all over my body and when I went outside all the kids would just split town when they saw me… I was like an outcast.. I was the sickest child I knew of and it’s funny because these days I know children..who have never been vaxxed..and have never had a single childhood injury or disease! ..nothing that’s all the facts ..all the vaccinations do that.. it’s the source of every disease on Earth.. besides poison..

I always felt so betrayed as a child and having to take your clothes off and then get a needle in your butt …just like.. why didn’t my parents fight for me? Why were they cuckolds to the system? It’s like being raised in a satanic Cults know.. going to the doctors for your injections? was like the Hellraiser 🎬 house in the movie where Frank lived…lived… Dr.s office.. or something. I knew instinctively something was wrong with these people and if I could have melted into the wall I would have ..but I was a child and had no free will. ..I I knew when it was done ..that this was not with my permission.. I felt like I was violated and I wish I could get compensation for this ..but I’m really too nice to ask for it…

..why are these perverts and vampires so into blood? It doesn’t help us at all ..they don’t give anything back of value.. so why are we giving them our blood?..

I always.. around hideous people..felt like there were monsters always around ..the ugliest people.. and I was always ashamed of everybody but every now and then when someone was really beautiful.. it was like time Stood Still and music was playing.. and I felt such Bliss and happiness and just to look at that.. it was like the female version of Shallow Hal. I seen the world differently I really became attached to the music and books

-Short story hope u liked

I take this to mean Putin is beating him
The bottom is what a rino is ..and they’re everywhere Among Us.. it’s not just in politics but they walk among us everywhere and whenever anything is popular around.. they have to be front and Centre of it take the keys away. Notice how the classroom teacher doesn’t want to be anywhere near Mr. Eye Patch One-eye?

Why is it when you go up to these cell phone towers and you turn your phone on..up to it… you have like no bars? Why are they so many in a row and why is it covering so many areas? Why would cell phone towers be lined up on highways so close together? You could run a low-tech raygun using your microwave oven. If you knew how to build it. So what if the cell phone towers were like ray guns? But not low-tech? It would be like 300 microwave ovens power.. there are so many cables that run up the towers.. that powers it with Magatrons.. and it’s not for your cell phone..these towers it’s obvious.. it’s one of the highest powered things in the world. Do you remember Paradise California or Colorado that town that all the houses just incinerated and left green trees and rubber bottles intact? Imagine that happening to every single neighborhood in the United States? Within a few minutes. ..unless of. Course..covfefe ☕️ imagine if every nation in the world except for the United States just got anyways in California there was recording cell phone recordings of women in their bathrooms and all of the sudden their appliances hairdryers..just started bursting into flames 🔥 incinerated..everything and everybody? I remember the power company was responsible and paid out a settlement I think it was called PG&E or something some sort of energy they were responsible for the fires in California?.. and then you have paid antifa.. paid to just set some fires.. and get it on camera ..and make it like they were the ones ..setting the fires.. like a big distraction.. so no one knows ..what the secret weapon is.

Why do you think they’re digging in the undergroundS? You think they’re rescuing kids? Or are they putting 💣💣💣 down there ..kind of like what took down the World Trade Center ..all those chemical bombs ..they could be planting in there.. to just fry up all of our cities and blame it on something else….

.. I mean I know what carpet bombing is.. but bombs from the ceiling ..could not have done all the damage.. like it did to Germany.. people were literally melted incinerated.. in the streets.. it was so hot .so I think something else was going on ..the same thing with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. I think you have a plane dropping like a little bomb from the sky.. as a distraction and something else is going on that blew up those cities..maybe a secret weapon.. and then you have CIA come in and recreate memories and rewrite the history.. and you know mushroom clouds ..get started by piles of dynamite.. you can get a mushroom cloud from a pile of dynamite.. I mean I’m not saying it is but it could be I mean I think I know how bad history is ..but I I just use my imagination here . in my blog to think of other things ..just for fun.. I always got in trouble for asking questions especially in Bible class. Good student but talks too much …🍇 was always on my report cards if something bad is on the horizon ..don’t look at the water.. look at what’s underneath you and think of air ..water.. Fire.. Spirit and Earth.. and make sure you pay attention to your surroundings not just trusting what’s on the internet but what’s in your gut. You know there’s just too many people. There’s even too many Awakened people. .. it’s just an impossible feat. The chances of this actually happening to everybody equally is so rare.. the only thing that unites us …is being human..descendant of Adam… then we do have built-in power .. for when this happens.. we can survive .. and we can survive without the other and that is why we have to..make friends fast. ..

.. do you know what healed Ann Wigmore? When she was really sick.. she used to eat the grass shoots and you know what I have done that.. I have sat around and pulled out grass and then there’s like this tiny tender part in the bottom of it.. and I would bite the tip-off and it was really yummy ..we will always have grass shoots no matter where you go.. anyways if you’re going to survive you gotta know about lots of things that you could eat like dandelions they are such a great salad what you need add is

.A sweet…a fat…a sour..a salty.. 2 mellow the bitter taste. Sweet like honey or raisins or fat like olive oil or Blended nuts a sour like apple cider vinegar or lemon juice a salty like salt or seaweed or something.. and if you have all of this in your salad you will not taste the bitterness. After a while you will crave it..

.. these days I crave arugula I just eat it like nothing and before when I first had it at it was like too bitter to me. It goes on absolutely everything.

… just like kale.. arugula will grow in winter especially if you keep it warm.. and you don’t have to take care of it at all it just grows on its own it’s a very hearty plant.. and year after year it will keep giving.. lots of pizza restaurants put arugula on top of the 🍕 . Arugula goes with absolutely everything and it’s very addicting.

and what’s the best food storage? Raw nuts especially raw macadamia nuts from Hawaii organic.. I mean if you have 5 lb of fat..healthy live fat.. you are like living in luxury you can make so much stuff with that…

..if you like to eat meat well.. you better get good at a slingshot ..number one.. you got to make sure you are really good at the slingshot .. children in South America know how to do this especially when they’re hungry and they go and Chase birds and stuff like that. And cook it over an empty Flame.. that’s what the orphans do in Brazil.

.. oh also you need a moonshine still.. and not just for drinking alcohol …but for running a business.. and making sterilization alcohol.. and also getting cars to run on ethanol you can make your own fuel ..using whatever’s around on farms.. This is how people survive.. you can use the still to make essential oils because there’ll be no showers an apocalyptic situation.. I mean women will be wanting to do anything in the world just for a can of beans.. if you have a moonshine still.. imagine the gallons of hydrosol.. you will have that you can put in spray bottles and sell? And you can get a moonshine still and heat it up over an open flame.. it doesn’t have to be electric anymore.. in the case of a power outage… this is how you be able to feed your family and maybe get some more canned beans in exchange and maybe some fruit..

.. things like salt will be worth so much money.. people will do anything for salt if they don’t have it especially women.. and this is something we take for granted ..and it’s so cheap at the grocery store.. if u just buy a cases of salt could have a pretty nice business.. in the apocalypse.. it would be called crisis capitalism..

Here is Putin’s NFT. I MINTED THIS WITH ETHEREUM! My first mint!

BOTH OF THESE ARE MINTED WITH ETHEREUM. You do not have to pay gas fees on these. I did!
I minted this one too!

Buyer has to pay mint fees on this one with AOC.

Eric Trump Portrait nft

Eric Trump NFT link: