Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Elon Musk Political Cartoon NFT

Elon Musk Political Cartoon NFT

Elon Musk Political Cartoon NFT post thumbnail image

Flat Earthers love this post by Donald Trump. They know what a fraud Elon Musk is.

The Link to the NFT

I’ve just created “Donald Trump Elon Musk political cartoon” NFT collectible! #donaldtrump #elonmusk #nfts #politicalcartoon #flatearth #spacex

#rarible #ethereum #nonfungible #digitalasset #nft via #rarible

Eric Adams Mayor of NYC political Cartoon

I am deleting my FIVERR account and my Upwork account so I can have more time for these cartoons. I can have hyper focus then! I got so many people riding me begging me to let them hire me and I just so much work and so many words and so many hours and it takes away from my drawing so I’m going to quit I’m really terrified of doing it because it’s like my only source of income but I got to make the move I got to make sacrifices for my political cartoon art and I learned a lot with those accounts because I learned how to research and write reports and stuff like that and I did lots of political cartoons for other people that I would have never had done that I really enjoy conservative ones and I’m just I just can’t do it anymore I mean I’m just going to focus the only way I’m going to make money is through crypto and nfts.. I’ve seen it’s the easiest way for me I just draw and post it that’s it contact free customer service so simple I already sold three so I know how to do it it’s just I need more time and I need to pump out a cartoon maybe 2 cartoons everyday

He cut off all his hair after he saw my last cartoon
antifa new right political cartoon I just was pointing out that Roman way to party system how we need new villains and we need new Heroes and what a better matchup I mean people are sick of the Boomer Democrats and the rhinos
there’s a maga fairy from 2017
Joe Biden Off to the Races

My drawing of James O’Keefe video is blocked..

I’m not even going to bother to appeal because the last time I appealed instead of getting 7 days I got 28 days just for appealing..on Facebook. And they are related Instagram I am so invested I just can’t quit you know I got a big collection there I just want to complete it and it’s not even all my cartoons a lot of them though..

If you need any work done contact me through my email political cartoon at I’m so looking for work and I’m so