Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Elon Musk Alex Jones Political Cartoon

Elon Musk Alex Jones Political Cartoon

Elon Musk Alex Jones Political Cartoon post thumbnail image
Elon Musk Alex Jones Political Cartoon

Gen x working it out. So Elon Musk is going to save.. pardoning Alex Jones.. and giving him back his Twitter account.. he is going to use that as a weapon. If any monster or dragon says anything or attacks Elon in any way he will release his secret weapon. The Secret weapon is the freedom of speech of Alex Jones. It is what the enemy fears the most.

I handle that without any rulers or any guides which I really should have used for the arcs or for the table.. for man made things you really need to use tools like square rulers. or the curve tool to make perfect arches..but I drew everything by hand.

The font is what the computer came with. I drew this using Corel painter 4.. the oil brushes. Drawn in an hour. Wish I could spend more time on my cartoons ..but I can only afford one hour. I would love to have my own office.. and be able to have 4 hours undisturbed. I could really think of of some genius cartoons then ..but until then at least I get one out.. and it’s like practice.. and it’s like you know. just doing the best I can. I have no Internet at all.. so I can’t really upload to truth social or gettr or to gab ..I can only do like the basics which is my blog here.. or Twitter and maybe I’ll post it to Instagram..all I have for internet is a cell phone. I used 300 gb hotspot so far. After 50 they throttle you. I’m only using a cellphone.. I have no laptop. The laptop I’m drawing on.. is broken… the Screen is broken ..but I plugged it into a monitor so I can use it that…with a second fine with an old art program.. the graphics cannot handle it on that computer.. so it takes me 3 or 4 strokes to make sure the inkline even comes on.

I need more supplies in this war… I need a special delivery. I need my editor to tell me what to do next. I have 13 cents in my bank account and if it goes under ..for long..I will lose my bank account.

Lets see what I can come up with today under these circumstances.

Yes the art of repopulating after a great reset.

. 1850s…You see the people in Usa.. haven’t really arrived yet.. You need a whole generation of children who have no past. Not just America but the entire world we all showed up at the same time with all these inherited giant structures and we just claimed we built them all… And we believed it because that’s what the kids were taught. Remember the orphans had no history.

from other source:

Both of these postcards mention repopulation 😌. In the cabbage patch kids mystery. There’s other videos showing that this was presented at the world’s fairs..incubators..babies thru mail.. and as you can tell it’s like there were so many babies so many children so many orphan trains.
Cabbage patch kids for sale. If you need workers for your farm.

The 2nd video you can fast forward to through the odd fellows boring parts.. go to the middle of video..but after that.. there’s some important points about these children. And the missing PEOPLE. and abandoned palaces.

There’s too many images to share with you it’s quite the mystery.

They were sold as cabbage patch kids like they were born in a cabbage patch.
This was what the baby incubator thing was about also. It was all over The world including Paris too especially the United States.
This is white slavery. You could buy as many kids as you wanted you could take them to work in the mines or the cotton fields there were so many and nobody knows where they came from.

Nobody was the United States all the cities were completely empty and all the buildings were always there way before we arrived.

They were called the FOUNDLINGS of America. Before them the Midwest was completely empty.. They took on their parents lineage they were delivered through the mail in Post Office bags they were brought in on trains completely filled to the brim with children.

Born in cabbage
Twilight zone. What could go wrong. Babies for sale in mass. These are from Paris but there’s many in America too there’s just too many to show.
Is this what the orphan asylums produced?
” produced”
So sorry.
In French it says the gardens of war meaning these were probably children captured in wartime also because of the world wars there was a program in England I documented the whole program to Move these children to the new world. They had official program names and everything was I saw all the paperwork it was a real thing it was stealing children.
The scale of the trafficking of children was far surpassing anything else. These children were brought up in the orphanages and re educated and they had no past and it seems like the city’s were empty so these were the future inhabitants without a past they knew nothing of the civilization that lived in the United States before we came along which was called America.
What could possibly go wrong.
Babies for sale that were born in a cabbage patch hmmm It was so popular but history has forgotten this no one was taught this.
They say that Jeffrey Seinfeld…. he said it in an interview that His grandfather was an incubator baby in Coney island. I documented that video and hear somewhere in this blog somewhere.
Wtf!! This is human traffic king this is white slavery

exhibited at fairs
so..many postcards of babies in cabbage patches. This was the main attraction at wotld fairs. There’s a reason you never heard of them.

I just can’t show them all to you. History has forgotten about them

“The fiancees.”? OK. We are all adults here. We know
They have always..trafficked children. The devils currency.
roses cabbages and child weddings?

kids for sale. So many. And I’ve looked into them madams that sold these children and they were usually men in drag.

Do you know how many orphan asylums were in the United States and probably in Paris too and I suspect that these hospitals for orphans produced these children. So America was repopulated after the last great predators…and kids. Easiest answer. Paris too.

Cabbage patch kids. Now we know why these were pushed so hard and the eighties the little dolls because there’s a story behind it.
babies for women ? Whenever?
A new year’s gift? You can do whatever.?
Mucha lookalike
Alice Guy. Alot of these madams were drag. Not sure about this one. But her last name. ! Like James Alefantis J’aime les enfants.. or Rachel chandler. Child handler.

Babies for Sale!

babies for sale!!

For Sale.

growing babies on a baby farm!! πŸ‘Ά
getting babies drunk
Explain…a sideshow of babies..for sale. I am so sick of these sick people
Creepy director involved

Alice “Guy” was involved in these films! Man in drag?

and this too..involved in.

You can’t see the original metropolis. HEAVILY EDITED. Alice Guy was involved in this too. Whole parts taken out lost forever. BIG PARTS REMOVED. Once considered lost.

Alice Guy made 100 films ALL LOST..Isnt..that suspicious. What. On earth. All 100??

Retouched..She was a man in drag! I bet.
Moving. Taped down?

Selling Babies! To anyone!

merchant..of babies πŸ‘Ά Alice Guy.

Electric festival. Poster. Babies exhibited for sale.
First film ever made for our civilization. She puts babies in the floor. Out of cabbages. Drops them naked on floor. Was this movie..shown to the orphans?? The cabbage fairy movie?
I knew it. The orphan asylums were producing these babies. All born premature. Sound familiar? Epstein island stuff?
it’s been remade. Many times. The original lost. What don’t they want us to see?

I remember ..

A big …wtf. cabbage patch kids. RL. Stine.

Every American city has a great reset process every single city you can look it up for Buffalo I’ve looked it up there was a great flood in the 1850s and they also blew up with dynamite the ancient structures like the ” Pylons of Buffalo”. It looked like Venice Rome there was gondolas a few of the pieces still exist they’ve turned them into art galleries and banks but the majority of them have been blown up with dynamite and they were painted white because the architects of that time took the credit for building them when they’re actually there probably since the Pyramids.

We’re not even on the right time line.

Haven’t you ever wondered why all the architects of the 1850s built buildings castles city hall’s all imitating ancient Rome like they just wanted a copy of ancient Rome like it wasn’t the real thing it was just an architect in the 1850s trying to build like ancient copiers..all at once same time..same style. Perfection. Yet they had wagon carts and unpaved roads..log cabin tech.. I mean really that is such a crazy story. No. The real thing. They go to great lengths to say that they built these structures all over the Americas when you know.. just because something has a foundation stone with a date on it.. doesn’t mean that was the date it was actually built ..and they used the terms established or erected or founded.. like they found something’s never ..I built this.. it’s established or founded on.

There was no cowboys and Indians there was no colonials I mean. The Romans just showed up and lived in the structures and didn’t pay the rent doesn’t mean they built it. It’s impossible for small people to build such Mega stone structures. No the king of India didn’t build the Taj Mahal for his wife and no Caesar didn’t deliver an obelisk on a boat down the Nile.. Calling the ego of rulers… What do you do when you take over a nation you take down the statues 1st you burn the past you destroy the structures because you don’t want anyone to remember the past that’s what antifa did when they took down all those statues and broke all those obelisks. And what about the grand palaces and mansions well you simply say you commissioned it or you built it or you put a tarp over the house for a year and then take it off and say voila. How do you loot all the gold and treasures and ancient statues inside to send them to Queen Victoria.. You start the Civil War. Secret handshake’s secret photos.. The truth is right there when you look. MASONRY was everywhere and it was FREE for the looting.

When you find out how grand America is you’ll never want to let her go’ll never.. you will all want to throw the United States of America in the garbage.. compared to how powerful America was in the old world order.. It’s the promised land. Little Egypt. Rome. Cairo. The Mississippi Nile Delta..the redwoods..cedars of Lebanon. Hollywood babylon.. we have a sea thats REALLY RED..the colorados..we got the pyramids.. The star forts .. most of them were blown up by the military in the desert in the 1950s people thought they were nuke tests..The ruins are there in the desert when they got rid of the movie sets they just buried them all in sand..The land of mythological beings. Blessed by Christianity.. the oldest religion in the world. The life story in the stars. Oh how they hate God. They will take the world savior and put him in the worst place on Earth in the Middle East just to spite you they’ll say that they created you they’ll say lots of things… Every year there’s a new copyright on Christianity and it’s still not dead. Because you can’t kill it. Without it you’d be dead. It’s the reason for the season. And the reason for you being alive. And boy do christians put up with a lot because they are so innocent. They are busy being productive. After all this you still can’t kill Christianity. You can’t own it you can’t say it grew out of something else. Because it’s the words of The Bible the most ancient writings since like the beginning of time back when people were titans and giants. That’s where we came from we didn’t come from dinosaurs. A man invented that in the 1850s. Most everything you know about reality is wrong. In The Bible it is the most correct version of how life is.. and don’t forget The Bible mentions the firmament 700 times. The people that wrote The Bible weren’t walking around in sandals.. in the desert they were living in palaces and the domes of gold ..and pillars..pyramids.. and lots of senate buildings.. and every building.. every city.. had a city hall but like a giant’s version.. like a king Solomon’s version..castles..chalets estates…syatues art gold… DC used to be called Norumberga and people said that there were domes.. just of gold and pillars of gold.. can you imagine our senate building covered in gold ..that’s what it looked like in the 14th 13th century..they were way more advanced than we are now ..we have been lied to.. about where we live ..

From the year 638. As you read in Genesis, God separated the water into upper and lower portions
( the firmament) so land could appear. This is removed from current modern bibles… Enjoy the 384 year old read . Why are they hiding this?
That is not the year 1638. The 1 is a J with a hook on the bottom.its a character no longer used. That is the year J 638. We have a problem Houston. You’re gonna see this everywhere and in some places it will be an obvious J and in other places it will be like an I but with that weird hook at the bottom like a boot. We are not on the timeline they say we are on.

YOU can believe me. Or get your knowledge from these guys:

OK I’ll prove it to you that the ancients were more advanced than we are.. when you read a book at night.. would you rather have a cell phone light.. To light up your pages.. but you have to make sure that the phone is charged.. Or would you rather have light coming out of your head. Meaning light emanates from your head. That way you could read the book better right.. So yes the ancients ..their heads.. lit up like light πŸ’‘

..they called them halos.

Or you can choose something you have to buy from China that you have to plug in a wall every few hours it’s so annoying no …they… were far more advanced than we are.


No..we live in like cardboard boxes now compared… We actually pay people… for electricity which is free. The ancients used free energy electricity look at the city layouts what do you think those nobby things are on the cathedral what do you think the obvious car they reflected light that came from the atmosphere using free energy.. There was balloons back then blimps Zeppelin’s giant luxurious quiet so very cheap..We have to pay for water they poison..we have to pay for heating in our home when we can’t use steam geothermal? We are the ones that are like the caveman.. the caveman is actually the man of the future not the past. We pay $500 for something that costs the airlines literally $20. And back then they were flying to each other’s homes on blimps and belfries. All of that has been erased in the old pictures all of the blimps have been erased in the sky that’s why the skies never have any clouds in the old pictures. Imagine going to your friend’s house in a little air balloon. Landing on top of a church I mean there’s nothing more free energy than that. Helium. Hot air. Tell me again who’s more civilized.


They will try their hardest to set a fire to the White House over and over again to remodel it over and over again To lie to the new civilization.. And after they’re done they say we built it.. Nobody will be around to question it it will be the reset…They might even Paint Joe Biden on the wall and put him in Roman garb… Or they’ll tell school kids that the statue of liberty was given to Joe Biden by Emanuel macron who flew it over in little pieces.These are the inventors of history.

Depending on who wins Trump may be the most evil man that’s ever lived far surpassing Hitler you don’t understand the media machine. Of course hes not but these people they control history.

.it’s been burnt the White House..but the stone is where the magic is.. They used to call the White House the mud house because it was buried halfway in mud when they found it.. Founded it.

Then the new builder said they build the whole thing.. like our senate. The greatest architects who never ever built anything before.. Look at their portraits.. Look for the hand signs.. And all you get is the worst photoshop proof of construction ever.. They’ll put up a ladder next to the senate building and say just finishing up.. or they’ll erase a part of the top out backed up to a white sky with no clouds..And the statue of liberty would be way too heavy to carry on a boat and there’s no construction photos all you get is photoshopped erased parts of the building out back to a vanilla sky with no clouds. Forgeries. Have you seen the construction drawings of the statue of liberty people hanging by ropes..AS IF. And in the photographs there’s not one worker in sight maybe 1 man in a dark hat or something that’s it. Erased double exposures toy models. But they did it so poorly the dimensions are all wrong. Your entire life you’ve been lied to about world history in fact all world history comes from the Encyclopedia Britannica. Those who promote it profit. Everything you know about world history comes from that.. That’s where it all comes from. Where history is invented.

Those people who believe in the myth of the museums and believe they’re looking at real objects and not reproductions mass looting lying about objects making them newer than they actually are as to not upset countries. Remember these people can do what they did on 911 or the coronavirus vaccine they can do this to art they can do this to everything you believed in ..they can ..since birth ..get you to believe something ..that they made up. They have the resources and lust for information . And they teach you little pranks. Mischievous little things in large groups all throughout time. The darkbringers.

There is a lot a lot more. But I can only show you the doorway a little tiny doorway you’ve taken the drink that made you so small and I’m telling you this doorway is so tiny it’s so tiny it’s but if you can go through it go ahead.

We Know nothing Obviously we know nothing when are you gonna admit it.. we know nothing.. I mean look around you many people have taken the jab ..I rest my case ..we know nothing. Not a thing. So I ask ..forget everything you learned in 1st grade. What good is a library if it just is like the CNN of the olden days. The real mysteries are for everybody and they’re out in the open and it’s the ancient structures and they’re all around us still they demolish them every year every church and nobody cares because they think of they can just build another church because after all it was Built-in the 1850s by paying homeless people 10 cents A-day right. Let’s tear down the city hall and in its place will put up a big modern building. Well what happens is they actually loot the bases because there’s so much treasure from the old world underneath all those ancient structures there’s actually undergrounds because all the buildings are kind of half buried in mud. Since I told you this you’ll see it everywhere especially downtown.

Windows underneath the ground. Doorways rebuilt new stairways built around. Excavation sometimes 6 stories down like Victor Hugo wrote about Notre Dame… And it breaks the narrative of it being Built-in the 1850s. The mormon church is a good example. The construction photo for the mormon church is hilarious it’s just a bunch of guys sitting round a pile of rocks..sticks. 10 guys built the mormon church out of sticks and stones laying around with their hands.

Utah was Judah. Biblical. Sounds similar. The mountain that Moses sat on is right there too mount nemo. Other cities. Same names. There’s just so much more.

Ask yourself why do they hate America so much Why are we told we have no history when the rest of the world is rich in their culture what happened to all of our treasures Our stories our statues..

Ancient. America as an empire as old as the pyramids. You know the stories but you attribute it to a s***** place in Greece. Stolen treasure stories legends myths everything.. Our religion stolen ..and said it sprouted out of another one.. stolen.

The names places and locations may change you know the tourist traps.. But one thing is certain America is a Christian nation and Christianity is ancient it’s not new it’s not oh a 1000 years ago it’s the oldest religion in the world. Christ comes back to save you every single morning.. without him would be dead he is risen he is the light. The Virgin constellation..and the Orion belt the ..3 kings ..of orions belt all match up perfectly on Christmas morning.. in a straight line and it rises in a straight line ..and then for the finale. the sun comes up at the bottom of the line.. so it’s like a straight line every Christmas. A magical event that nobody knows about. The entire life story of Jesus is in the stars every year we live it. Around this time he was bitten by the scorpion.. The sun bit by the scorpion’s constellation that’s Judas… A great betrayer. Easter is risen again he woke up from the dead. And on and on it’s ancient it’s eternal and it’s the original religion of all humans. Which is Christ’s life story in the stars. No one can ever take that away from us. There’ll be new forms of Christianity every power structure will remake it and in it’s own councils of know sometimes with mockery maybe next time they’ll put the world savior in Africa I don’t know….get Agatha Christie to ride a train to somewhere in Africa and boom overnight it will be a tourist trap. This is where your world savior belongs they will say. Every year a new copyright of The Bible comes out ..and every year they remind us that there are 17 books in The Bible that they didn’t put in ..ever let us have..

..and I did a lot of research on early Christian characters and there’s a lot of stories you have not heard.. There are so many stores in Christianity that are so amazing so powerful I know them all and there’s so many more that people don’t even know about..

..and a lot of people famous in Christianity that many generations have never heard of that are pictured walking along Jesus. Moses having horns .The mysterious woman covered in hair that many say is Mary Magdalene.. Coming out of the tomb.. with him..And the dog headed people.. And it’s amazing how everything the ancients dead was blended with nature and astrology and life itself.

… And how this Sphinx.. used to be a statue of anubis..staring at a star.. You know annubus hes a jackal sitting on his haunches..but since it’s been buried to the neck.. the new people came and carved out Anubis’s head and put in there a ..queen pharaohs ..head. This is what the ego of rulers is all about they destroy history and make it all about them.

Giants. Titans. Lions as pets.

They’ll take ancient writings and all attribute all of them to one man as if 1 man could do all that. and say all that .. ..but they only lie about that they can control the information ..make it ” theirs” claim it was commissioned..blah you understand. They own the works. Theyll translate it too. Did you know in Gilgamesh they edited out all references to ancient free energy war weapons?

The plays of giants and titans have been turned into some ugly little man with a bald head named if he wrote everything… same thing with classical musicians.. Did they create the music or did they actually back engineer it.. And it’s usually one man with so many masterpieces it would be literally impossible.. But they do this to control the narrative.. same things with ancient writings like the Iliad.. Everyone says oh Homer wrote it.. No Homer is just the dudes face.. they use to control all of it. Make theirs… own it…. All you have to do is look for the hand signals. Kind of like every time they find a mummy in the desert it’s always a Queen or a princess.

Sometimes the definitions of things change also.. Are we looking at a Saint or.. are we looking at an archangel ..are we looking at a guy hitting a dragon with an arrow ..or a sword ..or a bat.. or is it all the same guy Apollo..?

When you hear the word Apollo how do you feel. Because the luciferians have taken that as a conquest. One day they will take Jesus Christ as a conquest and when you hear the word Jesus Christ instantly you will think of baphomet.. because they will associate Jesus Christ with lucifer. They can do that that’s the next thing every world savior that has come along they have turned into a luciferian deity. Every Christ that has come along many different names all over the world… Every Christ world savior type..that has come along they have turned into a demonic entity.. A pagan God if you will.

Every great story they have ruined.. every great movie sequel they have destroyed. That’s what they do. So My guess is in the future seeing what they’ve done so many times in the past is they will turn Jesus into something satanic. After the great depopulation.. They can only have kids with no history… They will teach the future generations… They’ve done it before why wouldn’t they again. They gotten away with the depopulation so many times why wouldn’t they do it again using the same exact modus operandi.


Watch..because that’s what they do they destroy everything. They will get you so down in the dumps about who you are. But they’ll never be able to kill Christianity ever and as it lays there on the slab.. God will say wait a minute ..I have “chosen” some new people here.

And I don’t think king James was a nice man either. When you look into his history no no no. We want to see all the books we want to hear all the stories as they were told. We want direct translations we want the English translations and everything redone with expert eyes.

The Lords Prayer translated. πŸ§‰Not the rhyming one translated from 3 different languages. ..But a direct translation. Snopes will laugh at you. Don’t ask them about it.. But it is..a very pretty the Christian God. Our Father.


β€œO cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration, soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide.

Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission.

Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish.

Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power, and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again.

And So It Is!”


I really like these prayers. I was studying with the Essenes.. Learning to heal people sometimes stage four cancer and full recovery and cure of diabetes and stuff like that ..using raw foods and prayer..And they had a version of “our mother” who art on Earth ..kind of like our father who art in heaven.. well there’s another prayer our mother who art on Earth.. that’s very nice and sweet prayer.. and it’s translated from the essene scrolls. Ancient. So it’s still our history. Just bits and pieces we don’t know or use anymore. Maybe. Maybe not. But it’s very curious indeed.


Our Mother which art upon earth, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, and thy will be done in us, as it is in thee.  As thou sendest every day thy angels, send them to us also.  Forgive us our sins, as we atone all our sins against thee. And lead us not into sickness, but deliver us from all evil, for thine is the earth, the body, and the health. Amen.

It’s a beautiful prayer to say to God… Our father.. And it’s kind of like the blue boy painting has a pink girl painting that goes with it in a set ..but people don’t know about the pink girl.. they just know the blue boy painting.. There meant to go together to be said together.

But you only remembered the blue boy.

Today that would be replaced with Hail Mary I think. Which is one of my favorite prayers. But that’s a cute nice sweet innocent prayer to say after our father you know if you’re a female and you kind of wanna get in touch with you know the mother spirit you know Christianity we just have mother Mary but I feel like there should be more influence besides Ruth and Esther. After all does God have a wife or a mother. Was he a little baby boy once. Many many questions.. Of course Christ the perfect man has a perfect wife ..moonlike maiden? I mean really think about it why aren’t we allowed to know this stuff. Because all history is mythology probably I don’t know. Just asking.. There are amazing stories and I read The Bible the whole thing twice it was no easy feat. And I just want more stories I want more legends and I want more characters I want more and more. It’s such a great epic book.


Blush! The greatest. Retweeted moi. He remembers my 20 dollar Superchats . I love his livestreams. That’s how my pictures come up on Twitter I have to click on it to see it and it never used to be that way.

Hope you like my short story. My college professor ..had a meeting with me ..alone in her office.. where she thought a long time.. and she came out and said ..Maria your writings are really incendiary.

I really love political horror mixing religion stuff I love it I love writing kind of like science fiction but I don’t mean to offend I just like the spectacular. It’s fiction it’s like whatever comes out. It’s like daily writing I don’t know what I’m going to say next. I really like the excitement of pushing limits so I’m sorry. I never go back and read my old old blogs literally I’m writing everything for you I’m just weaving tales I’m testing mythologies I’m crossing boundaries I know it’s just my style I can’t help it I’ve always been this way and I don’t wanna be this way I want to write things that will make everyone happy all the time and positive things about Bunny rabbits and sunshine and stuff like that I want to write like that but I have such a curiosity of the world. And I love history and I think there’s many secrets and I made up my mind when I was young girl that I would figure out all The Secret society secrets so that’s my claim to fame. Imagination. The stories I could write that novels I could weave the political cartoons … I’ve got so many good project ideas. I just lack the time. That’s it.

I don’t have any problems with any other religions.. Besides the female mutilation muslim..stuff but democrats are doing that really really bad.. With the transgender agenda. The only problem I have with Jewish people is their moms ..won’t let me marry them. ..

I do feel like luciferians are the weakest and I’m disappointed. They claim to be light bringers but everybody’s got up electric bills to pay. When electricities free. They’re really good at inverting things but why would you want to invert something that’s so beautiful. Why would you want to make yourself ugly. Why would you fall for the beginning of time scam of immortality because that’s how you control rulers is through immortality it’s fake it’s a lie you’ll never ever Get it. And the populaces fall from the beginning of time.. scam of threat from the weather ..threat from above.. threat from below ..threat from inside.. it’s the same playbook the ancients used.. to control populations. Very disappointed ..because they aren’t creative and it’s boring and you kind of like know what they’re doing there’s no surprises.

You would really think that somebody who’s like a Freemason would have all sorts of a cultic esoteric knowledge you would think they were like really smart and know things about the world in reality but the higher you go the dumber you are it’s like God takes that gift away from you you become very dumb you rely on cheating you cannot do things the right way everything has to be a prank a funny joke and you know what you lie so much that you cannot tell when someone is lying to you and you are the easiest person to scam I’m very disappointed in the Freemasons… The whole thing is actually pretty gay. Do you see how they envy women. They want to wear their skin. All these men are married to other men ..who dress up like women ..why do you think they call them drag queens.. why is the word queen there.. because they’re ugly men they’re not women.. they’ll never be women .and women know this know this. They love to dress up like women it sounds pretty gay to me. There’s a reason they call them nimrods… they’re idiots they’re nimrods ..that’s what they call them “Nimrods”.

Sometimes I think that when religion is too male centered kind of lose a little of your grounding..and then you get caught up in this gay stuff… That is why females need more representation in Christianity. And if you look you will find it. There’s many females in Christianity…

Christians say they hate devil worshippers but the 2 go hand-in-hand together .. You just can’t have one without the other it’s like they’re attracted to 1 another. You can’t be like oh I’m a Christian let’s get rid of plagues no plagues will come the angel of death will come to your door Once in a lifetime like with this Corona virus vaccine. You have to know the signs you have to learn about the mark of the beast it’s common education christians know about the mark of the beast that’s why they stayed away from this vaccine. But you can’t erase plagues because it’s part of our history and culture there’s always going to be a plague there’s always going to be stones coming from the sky falling on the city of sodomites. It’s part of our theme. It’s the original two party system. The Roman way… You want to get rid of these adrenochrome baal molech worshippers ?… have to get rid of the whole thing…

The devil worshippers the satanists the moloch and baal worshippers …where do you think they get their religion from? They follow The Bible to A T. it’s their bible it’s their playbook they’re just on the bad side on the bad team they’re like on the democrats team. The Bible is their orders it’s their mission..

. You didn’t think the satanists had a Bible did you? No they don’t.. they don’t and the anton lavey one it’s plagiarized.. like word-for-word from another book I forget the name it’s like.. to be mighty as strong.. by ragnar red beard or something like that.

The satanists..don’t follow that Bible that’s just camp it’s for show it’s like rocky horror picture show.

The Bible is also their book..the baddies.. when they take the blood sacrifices they look at the blood that they’re drinking is Christ’s blood because a child’s blood is the most innocent the most powerful so they’re actually doing the same rituals christians do it’s just inverted. They feel they’re drinking the blood of Christ a young boy and the wafer would be baby meat which would literally be..the flesh of the purest of man.. a baby. To them. So they’re just like part of the religion.

Everything that you see going on in the world is actually a biblical script they are following.. the evil ones.. They are the designated villains and when all is said and done nobody gets in trouble.. Because they’re just actors and they play off each other they need each other they need the villains and they need the heroes.. they are following the plague.. they’ve made up the plague ..they are following with famine .

The Satans follow the Bible.. They love. revelations or horsemen of the Apocalypse stuff like that. And that’s who they pretend to be the evil of The Bible. Look at their satanic holidays it’s Christian holidays the equinoxes.. Solstices. the seasons it’s the same holidays we celebrate.

If you really want to get rid of these evil people you gotta get rid of the 2 party system and the same thing with democrats and republicans you can’t govern a country putting evil on the same playing field as good because they are not equals not even a little. The republicans are not on the side of God and the democrats are on the side of the devil that is foolish. But that’s where it winds up always it’s the battle between good and evil it’s the battle of The Bible..

it’s like Caesar being stabbed 23 times over and over again… counting each stab to make sure it’s 23. The problem is with the 2 party system you cannot govern a country with the 2 party system ..the 2 parties will just destroy each other …one of them will win.. or maybe neither will win ..and they’ll fight forever. and they’ll never ever get along.. and it’ll be lots of suffering from many many generations while the country just falls into disrepair.

The 2 party system of evil you have to look at it and it’s just not balanced. God and good is everything ..evil is not equals to good. Without the 2 party system evil would never work its way up there in politics. All would be good all would be one. When you leave people alone they are productive and good. Even in our lives we have a devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other. We see this war reflected in our minds and we argue with ourselves.

You wanna get rid of evil… get rid of the 2 party system. It would be nice to wake up and not constantly have eggs thrown at you by democrats. Imagine the things you can build. Conflict with each other does not make us better. Winning for keeps does and when I say winning for keeps I mean whoever side wins wins the whole game the whole future of humanity. There has to be a timeline a time period and then the points have to be tallied up and that’s it it has to be honest and there cannot be no cheating.

Unless you like the evil hanging around because it makes you look more angelic. That’s why if you get rid of Nancy Pelosi you’ll get rid of the McCarthy’s… Because good needs evil to work off from and make each other look good. There’s people out there that like to be bad they don’t they’re not confused.. and think that theyre misunderstood. no they understand that they are playing the villain ..and they are hamming it up. If you take someone off the team.. you have to balance it on the other side.. do you understand .because you’re setting up the chess pieces. you’re not just playing the game honestly …you’re setting up your positions to start playing it’s kind of like you gotta make it even ..on both sides. That’s a mystery about politics is it’s almost like both teams are working it out together and it’s not really one team versus another it’s the same game over and over for our entire lives. No.. politics cannot be like this… it has to be a fight to the death .and whoever wins takes everything.

But it’s not gonna happen it’s not it’s the greatest religion ever and it’s got everything in it the only mistake people make is thinking that those who wrote The Bible were less advanced than we are they were actually way more advanced and they had electrical equipment that you don’t have to plug into a wall that just worked OK. Like black mirror skyping. They had the Cities of towers with giant walls and moats around their cities.. castles that u would not believe that reached heaven. The entire city had a great giant great wall around it for each city.. Fresh Spring water flowed in each of their homes they didn’t have to pay the city for water.. Electricity came from the atmosphere and the ancient structures lit up on their own…Titans with lions as pets. Seductresses evil women jezebels and bathshebas. It’s so rich in history and culture and there’s so much more that we have never read yet… And king Solomon’s jewels… His throne itself was the most amazing throne it was like the throne in the Vatican but 10 times bigger. Imagine the Vatican 10 times bigger. That’s what cities used to look like all with irrigation and power centers wireless technology. Look at the ancient maps of every American city the oldest map you can find and you’ll see streets so straight it looks like a laser cut it. That was so the electricity could travel down to. And it when down your fireplace that’s why the 2 balls are always in the old old fireplaces you know like the Vanderbilt mansion or stuff like that they just stole the building they didn’t build it they just looted what was already there and that’s how they got electricity and on ledges you’ll see these balls everywhere in the ancient photos from 1850s those all lit up with free energy and the nobbies on the church like Notre Dame it all lit up with light at night like glowing stone. You’ve seen pictures of the old illustrations of they called it illuminations. There’s some modern day buildings that will still light up under the right circumstances you can find videos I’ve posted them all here before. obelisks lit up the sky. You can do graffiti on them hieroglyphics but that doesn’t make them Egyptian. San Francisco was the most beautiful city ever before they blew it up with dynamite there’s pictures of them doing it pictures of them walking away smiling men in black. They blame it on earthquakes. Entire palaces of glass crystal blown up. There’s beaches of just colored glass because they blew up the cathedrals there most of the most important ancient structures that were blown up we’re all on military forts across the United States and each one of them has a star Fort. Star forts are as ancient as they come it’s inexplicable. We have them all over the United States ..president trump went to a few to give a few speeches no one noticed but me and him. The statue of liberty is under a star Fort AKA the Colossus of Rhodes as in Rhode Island. All of our mythologies all of our stories all of our legends are moved over to a s***** place called Greece.

They tore down demolished our most beautiful sculptures and blew them up was of solid gold in Chicago they called it the goddess of America.. or something like that but actually I think it was Columbia the goddess Columbia.. she’s the goddess of the United States. You know like District of Columbia or Columbia Pictures.. They rename the goddesses they make the goddess of liberty or the statue of liberty or the liberty goddess whatever name and b******* story they want to give you. Americans once WORE THE PHRYGIAN CAP. It was America that held the fasces the ancient weapon of A-war that could decimate a whole city using free energy. It’s on our dime. George Washington and Cincinnati George Washington and King george look into those both.

And there were the Hebrews which was an original man descended from Adam …Hebrew means human …

..and then there were the gentiles.. who were genetically modified ..and boy were they not human..

Some of the gentiles ..their legs were made out of bronze and iron. And they were titans..

..they were growing humans… into titans..using electricity kind of like they grow giant cabbages with the electrical copperwires hooked up to them. When you read The Bible you’ll see a lot of these gentiles some of their bodies were made of metal. They were far more advanced…

When Moses wanted to give an entire city the plague ..he would blow a black dust upon the city into the winds ..and everybody would get sick ..under it. Makes you wonder how big he was..I wonder what that black dust was it’s talked about in The Bible.. It’s all in The Bible and all in the 17 lost books of The Bible that no one ever read also. .imagine all the stories were missing about these genetically modified titans.. They were called the gentiles and you avoided them… God wiped him all out God destroyed them..They were using sound frequencies Possibly graphene. Alchemists grew little people inside of these vases using sunlight moonlight a distiller under it and some sort of sound moving through it. They’ve drawn so many diagrams but nobody can see it. Just last year scientists did the same exact thing they created a spark of light in a totally dark room by shooting sound through water in darkness. I forget the name of the technique but I’ve posted in my blog here.

I mean if you these people these dorks like Bill Gates are somehow technologically advanced because they stuck a failed coronavirus vaccine Thinking they were gonna create immortal hydras … You are wrong.. the ancients did everything far more better than we do today.. in fact the caveman the man of the future ..compared to the technology.. the ancients had.. and the way they lived.That is why The Bible.. it’s everything it’s our political system it’s everything it’s where we live it’s our history it’s everything it should be trusted way more than a textbook today. But every year there’s a new copyright you have to get the original and I don’t even like king James he was a bad dude.. you have to get even before that and then you have to get the original translations …and then you have to get the missing books.. and you need to open the basement of the Vatican for that. And remember Christianity was worldwide in the old world .. there’s many books that include The Bible ..from many different languages that are totally different also ..that are ancient that you can’t even get translations or clear copies of. It’s way older than the council of nicea..the writings . And they may be falsely attributed to people that didn’t write them they’re just ancient writings but to control the information you have to own the author..they just assembled what was already there and humanized the story a little. And this happens over and over with The Bible. It’s been used… Many cultures over.

How is it possible for somebody like us to write something as beautiful as. . Job… the greatest poet ever.. It’s impossible for a man to write something as beautiful as that do you understand this is definitely the language of titans or something I don’t know the writing is so beautiful it’s almost impossible for someone like us to write almost like when you read Shakespeare you’re like people of that time period didn’t even talk like that people in shakespeare’s time period didn’t even talk like that I mean it’s totally an other worldly language. And it feels like it’s better for the brain. There’s no way a human like you or me wrote the book of job in The Bible it’s impossible it is it’s so beautiful it’s almost supernatural.


I am creative I’m an artist I love to write horror fiction or political science fiction or historical futuristic stories. I love the art of the political cartoon. I love mixing with the foundation of the past the real past that I know. I love to use symbolism. And I’m only writing for you I’m literally only writing for you the reader someone who just wants to think about things or imagine a tale of fantastical story I’m here I’m not writing for myself I’m writing for you. You probably have a little time to spare so I’m grateful to share a little short story with you.

I got so much cool pictures to look at to discuss but I don’t have any space on this blog anymore so I can only limit it to my political cartoons but have a lot of interesting things I’ve saved. That add on to the other research I have done that adds on more truth because when something’s true you’ll never ever run out of evidence it’ll constantly come like everyday new things and that’s what I’m finding when something is true you will see it everywhere and you know for 5 years straight I could see it every day and they’ll be more new stuff because it’s true. I feel bad because I should be posting new proof Because it’s evidence and you know if I could say a bunch of incendiary things I’d better back it up with proof right.

Take anything I’ve mentioned in here and look around and you will see it too you’ll see it everywhere and you’ll see it for years after reading it here you will see it everywhere. Everything I’ve ever written in this blog if you’ve read everything… Things will start to make a little more sense.