Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized E. Jean Carroll for President Donald Trump Political Cartoon NFT

E. Jean Carroll for President Donald Trump Political Cartoon NFT

E. Jean Carroll for President Donald Trump Political Cartoon NFT post thumbnail image
Proof of work proof of stake.

Many individuals harbor dreams and visions, believing they can mold men with the words, “Behold my impressive APE husband.” Who introduces their husband like an APE? SWINGERS DO.. Yet, this approach does not always yield success. Those who possess a penchant for sharing partners, may lack loyalty towards their partners. You cannot trust them. It is obvious Jean E Carroll has a penchant for sex, sexual innuendos.

” My ape husband”? What does that mean in CUCKOLDRY. It means a big black thing. Its like a secret code for swingers.

I have safe search on but you can look up what APE is code for in cuckoldry.

Many individuals harbor dreams and visions, believing they can shape others with mere words like, “Behold my impressive spouse, he is an APE in the bedroom!” However, this approach doesn’t always yield success. Those who excessively indulge in sharing often lack loyalty to themselves.

She tried, got denied and made a story up wrote a book with an elaborate tale that TRUMP raped her in a bathroom at a party, and in book she said RAPE IS SEXY, usually, but this wasn’t sexy. Excuse me, but were there other people there? Scream? And then u forget? GET OUTTA HERE CRAZY CAT LADY.. go pour some honey on yourself and have fun with your cat! Stop trying to kill a mockingbird.. in your woman-pocket.

Calling a cat VAGINA is a pick up line she uses with men. They go, why do you call your cat vagina? And she smiles. Wanna see she says? Holding a bottle of honey. THEY SAY HELL NO. But what about my APE husband? Wanna see him and me? And the guy is like GET OUT OF HERE -GROSS. But some men, Democrats, low level, LOVE THAT STUFF..( high level is another ballgame) and will do anything for it. They wanna see her cat named Vagina so bad. And she has had success in the downfall of many good men that way..

So she uses it on Trump, thinking he is like that. He is not. He was gracious and forgot about it, never mentioned it to anyone. Until now. She disgraced herself. KEEP YOUR SONS AWAY FROM HER if you know she is present. Old crones can weave sex spells at any age.

She has no proof. None. JUST WORDS. That is it! And we have an insane JUDGE who is a DEMOCRAT who does not want him to run! They are USING her fantasy. She had a ghostwriter from Fiverr write her book.

DEMOCRATS want DESANTIS to run. GET IT? She is being used, and will be thrown out after gratification, with no cab fare.

The E. In E. Jean Carrol stand for.. EROTIC. I know NYMPHO eyes. Its zoloft. Has to be!


( Protection fence)


I am selling it real cheap… I don’t want to see her ugly face in my NFT feed. If you want, you can have at discount! She looks CRAZY, she has those crazy eyes and her inner top under-eyelid is so big, you cant see her eyes, just a white stripe.. and the pupils shine like a madman. I think she is on ZOLOFT which makes women nymphos. Only explanation. I don’t introduce people at parties, to my date, as a big black ape. I do not sexually abuse animals either. GROSS Beastiality. It is not sexy and RAPE, I have never thought of rape as sexy. MISSUS.