Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Dr Anthony Fauci politics political cartoon coronavirus Covid-19 protest protesters political cartoon #donaldtrump #CoronaVirus #covid19 #savethestatues #politicalcartoon #protest #protesters #n95 #masks kellyanne conway Harris Faulkner fox News political cartoon save the statues #harrisfaulkner Anarchists Antifa Blm #kellyanneconway #savethestatue #foxnews #whitehouse #trump

Dr Anthony Fauci politics political cartoon coronavirus Covid-19 protest protesters political cartoon #donaldtrump #CoronaVirus #covid19 #savethestatues #politicalcartoon #protest #protesters #n95 #masks kellyanne conway Harris Faulkner fox News political cartoon save the statues #harrisfaulkner Anarchists Antifa Blm #kellyanneconway #savethestatue #foxnews #whitehouse #trump

Dr Anthony Fauci politics political cartoon coronavirus Covid-19 protest protesters political cartoon #donaldtrump #CoronaVirus #covid19 #savethestatues #politicalcartoon #protest #protesters #n95 #masks kellyanne conway Harris Faulkner fox News political cartoon save the statues #harrisfaulkner Anarchists Antifa Blm #kellyanneconway #savethestatue #foxnews #whitehouse #trump post thumbnail image
this was the picture on all the headlines and I thought it was a clear picture of him so I drew it no tracing I tried to do a cricketer but it’s hard for me I’m learning and he wants to arrest the protestors because they’re tearing down the statues with the coronavirus and vandalizing it and calling it take so also it’s why is the Trump rallies dangerous what the antifa Seattle from Lourdes why is that okay this is a communist takeover and I think people can understand that especially older Generations usually the older Generations it’s hard to convince of everything but they grew up with the Connie threat so they know when you tell them that first they might think you’re paranoid but then when they sit back and watch the news they might say you know what it makes sense maybe the media isn’t telling us what’s going on chief meteorologist
because I drew this all day I could not get kellyanne Conway I couldn’t draw her she’s very hard for me to read it took me hours and hours and I threw out like I must have done 20 caricatures..that didn’t work and I couldn’t capture her for some reason and I felt like she’s protected so I asked God please please let me capture her and I wound up doing this at 3 in the morning and I finally got her face right she’s just a very protected lady and she has lots of forces around her praying and blocking anybody so you kind of had.. I kind of felt like I had to ask permission to draw her face I don’t know usually I can read people but I could not read her and that’s very good because that means there’s a force field around her

Harris Faulkner I do that in 20 minutes it was pretty easy to draw her an open book
I tried explaining this to my neighbor that their Conquering the buildings that has nothing to do with racism and he listened to me but then later on he asked my daughter he said I think your mom’s paranoid does this have an effect on you and my daughter said no my mom’s a good mom I don’t talk to my kids about politics but like I said people just don’t know about the things I speak about because they just I mean how can you be into the Democrats when you go hunting every day like my neighbors they go hunting all the time so how can you be a Democrat and be into them when you know they want to take away rights most people just don’t follow politics they just vote whatever party they grew up with

My neighbor is had no idea what’s going on they try to tell me antifa was just like a farmer’s market and I said oh no oh no not at all but you know what old people can definitely understand what communism is they can definitely get it…
this was the interview I drew from and I really loved how kellyanne Conway speaks up because she’s talking to the American people she’s not talkin to Harris Faulkner in a conversation she needs to get as much in to the public as possible..
it’s exactly what it is and don’t forget I told you first..
basement Joe pretending he’s running for president very interesting hoping antifa will save them he’ll be the first person they vandalize if they find out where he is
who is this beloved character I made a video with a big gallery of these pictures but these are new images this is from our Christian history this was someone very important but I have a feeling a lot of painting his face has been painted over by the men of Secrets paintersI
he was definitely known around the world
I’ve actually made a video on YouTube about this strange dog-like creature in our Christian history it’s in our Christian history and I’ve never heard of it and I have to go to Bible school I have a grandfather Pastor I never heard of a dog face character it’s like a race…thays been erased..from our history but he’s everywhere and these pictures I’ve never seen …are not in my video they’re new… so I’m collecting them so I just put them here I have a feeling it’s kind of important in our Christian Heritage history..

Very. Like I’ve been saying for years we have to raid the Vatican to find out and to get our real Bible back
what is that staff what is it is it some form of ancient technology in electrical weapon
there are many paintings where he’s in it many churches Cathedrals and he’s even painted with Jesus at some point
I have a feeling his dog face has been painted over many times also but who was this beloved creature in many cultures who was this I mean everybody has an opinion like they have an a****** so I really don’t trust the high priest history I don’t think anyone can know truly
everyone is reporting this and this is different from you know sometimes you see a circle in the sky this is not what that is this is not a son discour this is not that this is different I’ve never seen it before and believe me I’m in with the flat-earthers for years and I don’t even think they’ve seen this I’ve never seen this around before
no this is something new this is definitely something new and don’t forget there’s supposed to be some sort of event in a few days and I don’t know some sort of something and all the devil worshippers all over the world are going to have their event there protests they’re going to come out and you know how they do things and many kids are being reported missing I’m seeing video footage of people trying to rob kids right now during the protest very disturbing I think I’ve shared them but I didn’t save them to my phone
what is this strange sighting all over the world right now I mean I’m sure it’s been seen before but everyone is seeing it everywhere from England to USA
there’s your satanic man you know about 20 years ago when her Diaries were released she was a very miserable woman and she hated her job she really hated poor people that was in her own words and her daughter is so I definitely believe this
has nothing to do with the statues it’s about conquering America everybody knows this now and believe me the intellectuals are who people listen to and all the intellectuals have figured this out already it’s just the people at the top they hear and see everything they know this too it’s just there’s something about the mainstream media that holds the masses in hypnosis and maybe the masses will never waking up so maybe this is just our job
I think this is really funny meme it’s true I mean to conquer a country you have to conquer whoever protects us and President Trump today gave a beautiful beautiful speach I was so impressed

same thing with all of our buildings
I love to statues I love her statues I want them but they have to be replaced well why can’t we get statues of our President Trump Matt gaetz Devin Nunes Ron DeSantis Richard grenell and all of our greats Mike cernovich Jack was sobiech let’s get those statues up you know and if Democrats are taking cities hostage we can conquer cities also from the Democrats.lock them out. Live in grandeur compared…
all these pictures were all in America and demolished these are just different photos from different angles
there were gondolas in Chicago Buffalo Ohio etcetera and they’ve all been dynamited and blown up demolished didn’t fit the colonial narrative definitely the old world America everything was here … it’s all been taken from us our history by the parasites the same people today controlling us
bflo. You thought we were a new country didn’t you you thought we were the first here that’s really really funny when the evidence is in front of you you can’t even see it
the beautiful John Levy every time I see him I get really excited I just think he’s such a beautiful man a loner a nerd a Vanguard in research about the past things we never knew he’s showing you passports from the World’s Fair all over the United States and their very very strange

Satanic cannibal Feast of the elites by Botticelli in four pieces if you look close you can see exactly what’s going on

these are such posers they’re like wannabes no really they’re like so many generations into it there retarded
I collect pictures of giants and I’m always finding new ones
so it’s worse than that we were the we were the rulers in the Old World Order nobody has a clue how important we were in the old world it’s all been erased everything we know about reality comes from Europe in the Middle East and history I think that’s so funny when it all happened here
Nancy Pelosi cyanide bracelet she was also talking in code talking about taking them out and then she would touch her bracelet
the Alamo the Alamo the Alamo if you knew how important that was and it has nothing to do with the fairy tale we’ve been taught it’s much more important than that
I thought this was really beautiful
on parler I tried signing into my account on parlay today and I couldn’t sign in because I had to update the app and then I had to sign in again and I lost my phone number and I use my email to get a passcode or whatever and I never got the email so maybe I’ll get it or maybe not but it’s not working I also noticed Roblox was not working all day today and I thought it was my computer but I had Wi-Fi and people are reporting outages everywhere power outages and phone outages oh well why we need free energy this is why President Trump needs to give everybody free electricity free Wi-Fi and the stuff is free it can’t be patented it can’t charge people for it and it would bankrupt the globalists cuz they feed off was like vampires they make us pay for something that’s free

feel like it’s my job to go to the deepest for this reaches of the public internet so if I post things on here that seem strange it’s just because I’m posting what’s interesting in all those areas so please don’t judge me and believe me I’m spreading Trump truth everywhere because a lot of these subcultures they are there’s a lot of misled people
entire hospitals entire hospitals filled with incubators and babies in them packed and they were raffling them off and just giving them away for free very interesting now for those of you who think this is humanitarian purposes just remember Hillary Clinton went to Haiti for humanitarian purposes
the orphan trains white slavery

I was once an anarchist

the year was 1990 and I was bleaching my eyebrows pink and that was 1990

there’s a lot I know about anarchists… 1990

I was at the George Bush protest in San Francisco 1991 .
Look it up it was half a million people there I was one of them I was there it was a dinner he gave $2,000 a plate or something George Bush Senior .

I worked in an anarchist bookstore and I had a little zine..called Brat Squat and I had a Chelsea haircut.

I work at an anarchist bookstore in New York City too. My job there was to hand out flyers at protests .. wherever I went I was welcome to people couldn’t believe how young I was and that I was emancipated legally that was a big deal that was really impressive that impressed a lot of people and I got hired because I could legally work I was an adult I had the paperwork

I work at an anarchist bookstore in San Francisco and also an aids clinic I was what they called the peer counselor… my job was to walk up and down and give out 🎒 bags of dental dams…condoms to teenage prostitutes in San Francisco and then convince them to come to the AIDS clinic and get tested and every Wednesday we had like a group therapy.. and I didn’t really understand what I was doing also… passing out dental dams to strung out kids I would specifically look for 15 or 16 year old prostitutes and pass them a bag of condoms and then invite them for an appointment or for a group therapy to get tested up and down Polk Street sometimes Valencia. The clinic was Haight Street and Page. Very…fancy.
We invited them Wednesdays to have group therapy about how to be safe and protect yourself against stds..drugs.. and stuff like that and they were free to come and go and we fed them food real food.

I was in charge of the underaged prostitutes and I worked with agencies like diamond Youth Shelter if they wanted to live there that was a shelter for underaged runaways and they didn’t turn them into the police they help them connect back with their families or get jobs or give them access to free art studios and took him on trips camping stuff like that so I know I did good work and I probably saved a lot of kids on the streets literally hanging out at night on the streets looking to get picked up by cars just for some money. And believe me when I walked up and down Polk Street they knew who I was and I gave them free stuff sometimes food if I had it and I convinced them to come and get tested and see a doctor and sometimes a lot of them had scabies and stuff that we got the medication for and then we let them back out if they wanted it was free will. I was called a peer counselor because sometimes in these situations children don’t trust adults and when you have someone their age looking out for them they’re more willing to take it the advice and come down to the clinic. It was on the corner of Haight and Page Street upstairs so it was a very trendy area and beneath us we had a clothing store thrift shop where they could get clothes so it wasn’t hard to get them to come

I also worked for National Organization for women.. when I thought I was lesbian for a short while I was really messed up young adult. I thank God for getting turned on to conservatism but not till later on in my life.
I was there 8 months..
It wasn’t for a long time but when you’re a kid 8 months is
a long time..
I lived..a Summer of Love and I came back home of course and finished school .. believe me colleges very fun it’s much funner than being on your own and working for a living at such a young age I was happy to come back home and get back into school I was really happy I loved reading novels and French literature and all that and painting photography film class

but I know exactly what anarchists are because I was one of them ..

I worked at food not bombs ..THE ORIGINAL..also and I serve food in front of City Hall in San Francisco and I also catered an event where Jello Biafra from the Dead Kennedys was speaking at an event .. I even remember the belt buckle he was wearing the state of Texas he admire Texas and I don’t understand why he doesn’t admire Texas today and the people in it fighting for Liberty and freedom today. In his speech he spoke about his belt buckle so that’s how I know don’t get me wrong

I remember his speech and I spoke with him ..and it was sex workers a sex worker political meeting.. you know very famous rebellious women in history..not the dumbest…. there I was 17 years old catering a sex workers political meeting can you believe that I’ve never admitted this openly here I am I’m confessing and I’m sorry I just didn’t know any better and I can’t change the past but I can bring my knowledge to the table ..

a..political movement going back in 1990 and I catered that event when I work for food not bombs and like I said I was an artist and I did drawings for a zine and I had my own little comic strip called brat squat..
Squatter’s rights were really big back then..

I’ve hid…this about me ..I’ve had a lifelong friends that do not know this about me …but you know what I can definitely tell you… that I didn’t know what was going on..

I mean I was 15. 16 I was legally emancipated I had no idea what was going on I really didn’t I was just in it for music and I really like punk music. and I like to know the idea of Anarchy I like the Sex Pistols ..

So in saying that I can understand the psychology of these anarchists that it’s not about politics for them it’s really about having a family that they don’t feel they have in their home environment you know the Yuppie Revolution. That Generation all the kids were Poisoned With medications by force I was really against that to really screwed up a lot of children

and I really didn’t know anything and I remember being in it..for social reasons.

San Francisco at the protest 1991 George Bush Senior and I remember the square was locked down and I remember running from the riot police.. it was one of the most terrifying things ever because I started running away when I saw a lot of people throwing bags of fake blood at the president’s limo and it terrified me… that really was my last event and my last Waltz with the anarchists I was so scared of that event it was so violent …

so I ran away and I ran down an empty Street ..5 lanes alone…face to face…right up to the riot police in line walking towards me marching and I just panicked . riot police we’re a serious serious thing back then they were very intimidating to be marching towards you..

I..saw them up front and

Before that..I was ALSO SITTING..on a street sign. I climbed up..Front row… sitting up there and I started seeing people throwing bags of fake blood at the president’s car and that’s what really scared me so I got down…tried to leave but Macy’s had locked all the stores had locked so we were boxed in and then when the riot police came I escaped I said I had to use the bathroom somewhere.. and I missed the deadline by a few minutes of all the doors was a bloodbath…I later found out…

and I escaped but it was very scary and I really didn’t understand politics like I said I was just in it for belonging and I have no idea what I was doing so I can safely say that these anarchists have no idea what they’re doing they’re really in it just for party and to be with one another and they really don’t know what to believe so the people that are running the show are the activists at the top you get rid of them and the mass..aren’t going to do anything ..

I didn’t even really know what Anarchy meant then..but I do know…but I know what’s going on now…today.. has nothing to do with Anarchy this is communism… anarchists would never go for communism because it’s the worst form of government.

The worst… and I have a lot of insight about this because like I said I was one of them a long long time ago and I don’t regret it and I finally am okay with speaking about it because I used to be ashamed of this part of my life I was just rebellious and I was in a car accident and I wasn’t really thinking clearly and I didn’t really have a family.. I had legally emancipated myself run away but you know what in a few months I came crying back I think eight months altogether with New York City and San Francisco..

I really like working at food not bombs I love the food I absolutely I remember the taste in my mouth it was vegan food it was delicious and I remember the soups all they were so good I wasn’t a cook but I serve the food outside of City Hall in San Francisco and that’s where I met a lot of punk people and it was very fun .. so you know maybe I let a boyfriend convince me or something. And believe me the best of them all look up to me
Like I said I’m innocent I had no idea what I was involved with honestly..

was just a network of people that connected me with these jobs and it’s how I made friends and it was a lot of fun I met a lot of people and it wasn’t an easy crowd to get in with but I was definitely in and I had many friends that are famous today many famous musicians that I knew back then that were nobodies over my life I’ve seen all those people on TV and I used to be friends with them.

I just want to say conservatism saved my soul President Trump saved my soul I mean I think what I bring to the table is I’m really good with subcultures and I convince can convince a lot of people that our.
President truly is punk rock I mean conservatism is punk rock

and it’s just a doorway could I can show people that you don’t have to be rebellious and the into this garbage what’s going on today you don’t have to you can be whoever you are and have a place in the conservative movement it’s just not cookie-cutter Trump supporters there’s many different flavors that can bring something new because a lot of sub cultures are very popular and they bring in a lot of people to groups and..forums and all that and I can truly say like honestly from the bottom of my heart a lot of these subcultures like Flat Earth and mud flood because of me I’ve turned a lot of their leaders on to the Trump movement and now they’re making videos supporting our president. Because of me.

Capitalism is truly what all of these lost kids really need the freedom to be an individual it’s what’s important communism is just not the answer it’s not what they want and I know it

MY goddess isis necklace.

I had what they called a Chelsea haircut… no I was not a skinhead it was just a style .. but I knew a lot of non racial skinheads they were called sharp skinheads and they didn’t believe in the Nazis ..the Nazi skinheads were really bad they were all over the place. and they were really evil and I guess the sharp skinheads were of all colors and we were Against Racism it’s not the same thing as today it was totally different what you see today they’re just poseurs
I knew a lot of famous people a lot of famous musicians back when they were the same age as me 16 17 I mean big names I don’t want to put the big names here because they’ll Google me here. they’ll get me on Google alerts or something and I’m kind of embarrassed but I was known as hardcore Maria. I was the only girl who would be in the mosh pit the only one

I was personal friends with big shots in that scene. I lived with them I dated them I went on tours and it’s a very small community it was very popular and all of those kids grew up to go into the military and they were the original Frank Castle you know the Punisher Followers + all of them grew up in the Trump movement I’m friends with a lot of them ..

still it’s only the Nazis that grew up to be Democrats and antifa. and I can prove this you can prove it and I’ve been looking for it a lot and the Nazis of Our Generation grew up to be antifa
I had a comic strip that was sold and all of the punk…record stores and Anarchist bookstores .. even some hardcore Butch stores in the Valencia District . Carried the zines that I drew for and there was a network from New York to San Francisco. There was a place I can’t remember the names but I’m sure it’ll come back to me very famous record stores all over. Can you imagine a record store with free food showers and meetings the anarchists movement was very big back then

And I always got the job that I wanted and me being so young I was very important. Emancipated legally I could earn money.

A few times I’ve been in libraries and I’ve looked up that scene and I’ve seen pictures of all my friends that I worked with I remember names I remember events I remember protests in New York City that I passed out flyers to but like I said I really didn’t know it was going on it was just a way to make new friends it wasn’t like I cared about politics or anything but I remember all of the artwork the political artwork the anarchist artwork of the time there were many famous artists and I really liked the artwork and my comic strip was mostly about squatters rights .

And I don’t feel guilty because you know what George Bush Senior he was really really evil I mean he was really evil

WHAT I want to say to anarchists is

Trump is against the New World Order


and anarchists have always been against the New World Order the New World Order hate our President Trump ..

and I know deep down inside capitalism is what will fit you..make u free

because if you think about it are confusing corporatism with capitalism ..

and it’s just not the same thing corporations that’s not capitalism..

capitalism it means the individual freedom to do whatever it is you want as long as it doesn’t hurt the Free Will of others.. meaning you don’t enslave anybody !

Yes..capitalism means individual rights freedom from government freedom from control of other man and being forced to do things you don’t want to do and slavery..

Yes now a bunch of anarchists don’t like control and you are not going to like communism..

the Communists are using you right now and you’re confusing President Trump with Corporation politics ..and that’s just not who he is.. he is for the people.

Yes in fact not one Corporation donated to him during his election he truly is the people’s president if that’s what you’re all about ..

you have to hear my argument I really believe that if you look at capitalism what it truly is its freedom from other man that’s what capitalism is it is not mean corporations and George Bush stuff .’s not President Trump is against all that. everybody that you hate ..our President hates too.. he is ..their Necromancer. Your enemy. The globalists. Please I know what I’m talkin about how many anarchists Punk groups have written songs against the New World Order?

Well will you then…guess who the New World Order’s number one enemy is …our President Trump!

Trump he truly is the ” people’s president ” and he’s looking for individual rights rather than the collective and BLM all this stuff that’s collectivist that’s everything you guys stand against. Antifa etc.

President Trump has fought the ” fascist Banks ” you all hate. Also. Big battles. For…you guys.

Just… you’re fighting a war for the Communists..who… all they are good at is lying..

and you guys will be the first one they kill off because they do not want you they do not want unruly punks what they want is the producers at home .. they will kill you guys.. and have you believe that they didn’t do it even when it’s right in your face.

I definitely have experience with this.. I know.. this ..I was one of them.. I know what I’m talking about ..our President Trump truly is the new punk rock.

You say you hate the status quo but why are you believing everything on the mainstream news think about it . U r not supposed to b falling for 33 hoaxes… in the name of racism I mean think about it.

Blm is collectivist fraud. I thought you guys were against racists. Most of u..”ain’t black ” have you read BLM literature it’s to enslave white people that’s what it’s about slavery that’s what you guys are against you’re supposed to take the fall for them when they light fires they’ll take a photo of you doing it and then set you up as the perp..u will go yo jail.. and you’re supposed to do it in order to be a white Ally That’s not Liberation that’s not Anarchy

Our President Trump is not like Bush or Clinton or any of those people you hate in fact they are his enemies and what President Trump built is his own work with his own hands his own time there’s no corruption there he did it all honestly. He treated people well. He hired individuals. Of all flavors.

I understand there’s a propaganda war and you may believe the lies that your enemies feed you because that’s what they’re good at they’re good at Deception that’s the only Talent they have is deception and they’re using your movement and they have been for a long time and they really got you thinking you’re on the side of freedom

And don’t you guys want to be free

from slavery of having to pay your electric bills Wi-Fi ..heat..bills

well..I have a feeling our President Trump just by the things he’s doing he eventually is going to give Americans free energy ..which nobody owns it’s free nobody owns Niagara Falls nobody owns electricity nobody owns that stuff you can’t patent it . Nobody owns geothermal steam…but it’s the collectivists that have enslaved you the corporation mob tyranny that have enslaved you. They charge you. They steal technology away from you and don’t you believe that everybody should have access to free energy?

Wouldn’t that liberate everyone from oppression ?

Anarchists you think capitalism means corporatism that’s wrong it means individual liberty and that’s what you guys are all about that’s what you guys scream.

Are you anarchists aware that children are being hurt by the Democratic Communists ..

Do you remember Johnny Lydon from The Sex Pistols in 1978 went on the BBC and said he would like to kill Jimmy Savile .. so why are you fighting for the pedophiles today ?

There’s no such thing as pedophile rights.. children don’t have free will when they’re taken care of by adults… you’ve been mind-controlled you’ve co-opted of movement that came way before you.. that you know nothing about… so like …yes…you guys are just poseurs ..wannabes.. but you don’t even know what you guys are supposed to be doing you have been taking over used manipulated..

The one world order communism “naxis” #notzis…that have infiltrated the Democratic party why are you fighting their Wars for them ? are enslaving yourself . They got you on the front lines taking the fall and you will be arrested and go to jail and they can bail a few of you out to make an example but they’re not going to bail all… out ..there’s just too many of you.. all of the stuff you hear is just for show…false confidence. And try being an anarchist in prison you won’t survive.

.. I would love to see a bunch of anarchists move to China and see the political system they are fighting for now here…if they like it ! guys will be the first ones they kill just remember that you will be the first ones they enslave. They using you.. it’s mind control and if you truly are who you say you are then you would think about what I am saying.

You are literally fighting. For.. the evil establishment you are fighting their their War for them the war for decades anarchists have been against…

But I understand it’s just ignorance you don’t know you don’t have the right information and it’s not your fault but when you learn …u will find our. How to become a better person a better freedom fighter.

Our President Trump truly is not one of them he loves architecture he’s a master architect he loves gold isn’t that what you guys hate paper money the Federal Reserve all that will look at what President Trump has done he’s taking control of them and he’s working it out so they cannot control us anymore and he will probably bring back the gold standard.

And if you guys do not want a job… well in Trump’s America more Charities will spring up..

Communism kills…Charities..because when the government takes over of that stuff oh it’s terrible what they do to you though… it’s terrible the experiments they do on you.. no…you truly want to be free. In a free Society nobody abuses anyone anymore because it’s not in man’s nature to be evil and once we can protect the individual there will be no crime.

Noone will be a servant. Capitalism also means your house or apartment if you own it …it’s yours nobody can take that away from you.. it’s called private property. you won’t have the stupid taxes to make government even bigger can do nothing all day if you want in Paradise

Communism means that you will live in squalor …and have people show up as new roommates that you do not want and you will be forced to share your things. And you will be shot on sight if you disobey.

So don’t kid yourself don’t kid yourself.

Each of you have dreams whether it’s art Reading literature being a mechanic helping people who have problems with their plumbing system whatever it is you like inventing things…teaching…learning…building…

And capitalism you will live better if you choose not to work and be a bum you will live better under capitalism then if.. you live under will just be shot on the streets .

More Charities will spring up under capitalism under people’s free will rather than this being a burden on the government because you know damn well government people will sell you out for money

I understand rents are high and you have to pay bills but energy should be free that’s what Liberation means free energy and that’s Secret.

Freedom from other men.

Freedom from Big medical tyranny with their suicide pills freedom from agricultural tyranny where they poison your food and only give you one variety of each fruits vegetables nuts it’s Freedom it’s what you guys want capitalism is what you guys want.

You don’t believe in forced vaccinations do you that’s not Anarchy so why are you fighting for these people that want that? Do not believe everything you hear in the news do not.

Have you ever read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand ?

Howard Roark is the ultimate Punk he goes against the entire world who fight him.. and what he wants to do and in the end he fulfills his dream and he went Against All Odds even the woman he loved was against him and try to ruin him. the media lied about him his competition did awful things nobody was on your side and in the end he was true to himself and he accomplished his dream

I know you and I know who you are inside and I know you want to be loved and appreciated and admired and I know you have skills and dreams. People will flock around you if they say you have a talent or skill you will have more friends than ever and maybe it’s just a family you want maybe you were raised in a family that you feel didn’t love you so you are looking for another family and you will have a family in the capitalism model because after all you can’t help anyone unless you can help yourself first and you have to be set free from other men and tyranny in order to do so you have to be set free from slavery being a slave to these bills and taxes…under capitalism…

True capitalism there is no taxes unless it’s voluntary. But where there is a need for something people will find a way to create when they have the freedom to instead of being forced.

But. in order for capitalism to be protected we do need a system similar to very small limited government in order to protect those freedoms because evil people will try to get in however way they can do deception and trickery so the courts are very important and we do need a leader to protect us because the world is evil I’m sorry the world is an evil place you tried going to a different country and you will be shot on sight kidnapped because the world is evil….

Don’t work for China look at how their people suffer…holiday in Cambodia…take one.

.. and if and if you have a lot of vented anger and frustration at the world you can use that in the Trump movement against our enemies believe me there is a place for you I’m just saying if but it won’t be for a long time you will find happiness and peace and freedom…

The Trump movement is about inclusion and we want you . the New World Order is the ultimate Evil and oppression.

Joe Biden Hillary Clinton the Bush family the Mitt Romney’s..Pelosis of the world

Are your enemy.

You don’t even have to be open about it or tell anybody and if you have information you are extremely valuable you can do undercover video work you can expose plots you don’t even have to be out in the open you can work from within your group.

I mean there’s introvert work and there’s extrovert work and both are equally valuable and they’re both wanted . You could do a lot of good. and I promise you I promise you it’s solid gold what you going to get back