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Donald Trump knows the proper function of US PRESIDENT

Donald Trump knows the proper function of GOVERNMENT. He knows about mans rights. 

Donald Trump’s government will be the one closest to the American IDEAL. He believes in Capitalism and the American Dream. He knows what Mans rights are, what they should be. He sees crystal clear things we normal people cannot see, for he is a high level moral businessman. Things we may miss in official stories, he sees right through it. 

Our American Constitution society is the RIGHT KIND OF SOCIETY. This paper is a value to man. It protects each one of us INDIVIDUALLY. 

 Philosophical politics, is needed, because all society conforms to the virtues of its society. Individual rights as yes, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Freedom of action is a right. WILL POWER. No one sets the terms. You use your own things BY RIGHTS. Not by permission of others. By Hillarys approval. 

 I ask you, has not god favored him above all the rest? When I say GOD I mean all that is good and right. Has not god favored DONALD TRUMP above all the rest? Has he not the biggest and best toys? Look at his family! Look at his buildings! Look at the work! Look at the real estate! Earned with his own mind? All his! His creation! Noone has done what he has done. For many centuries probably noone done anything as great. As uplifting to mankind. For living his dream, going after his dreams and treating people with so much love. He is the perfect man. He is the creator the master creator. The master architect. I say. 

His life reflects his morality. He is whole. You see his type of philosophy in action, in all his successful businesses and his reputation. Donald Trump is a man who lives by the supremacy of REASON. THE Laws of reality he lives by. Look what he creates.  His ideas when followed, are successful. That is proof. He has virtues higher than the rest, which leads him to man’s perfection. He is perfect man, I say, especially to lead our country. Everyone loves him. He has done noone wrong. He is only the mirror to Crooked Hillary. Constantly Trump gives her the chance to come clean to confess and to try to save herself. She is only strangling herself. 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is already conforming to his virtues and morality slowly. THEY WANT HIM. I WANT HIM. AMERICA WANTS HIM. Proof is in the pudding. We all acknowledge this in him. We grew up with him. In all the papers, all his accomplishments. I seen every episode every season of CELEBRITY APPRENTICE and boy was everything turned off and it was family quiet time. I just needed some of his philosophy. I sat quietly waiting for it. 
I know his character.

Hillary Clinton says your right to life is given by approval of her government. And she wants even your mom to kill you. She is fraudulent nominee for president. She wants you to be without material property. She wants the incompetent to own the competent. She wants to sell you off to criminal governments, she puts in, with their donation to CLINTON FOUNDATION. Or just give Poor Chelsea a fake job. She will change the laws for you. 

Trump is the leader for individual rights. Which translates as Our COUNTRY being one of a kind,  unique, the best and very important to him.  Populism for our country. 

 I seen Angela Merkel take a German Flag away from one of her minions disapprovingly. That is because the globalists hate their own countries they have sold out for greed. They have been promised positions of power in this new world order. The United Nations is the flat earth map divided into 33 sections. Maybe The Minions are promised one of the sections? Whatever they were promised, its so good, they have chosen to sit back and watch SUNNI invaders destroy their countries. 

They made a deal with them too. But they dont know these people some of them do not do deals, they lie and have their fingers crossed. So it will be interesting to see what evil will try to backstab who, there is no honor among thieves. But I wouldnt wish that on anyone. Its just nature.

Our Founding Fathers created a thing of beauty. And Trump is here to preserve and fix it. Make it better, make us richer. We lent our country to Obama and he did not follow the terms and he even changed the rules on us and really hurt our America. He hates it.

 We are laughing stock of the world and we do not even know it. When I first saw the sky scrapers in SHANGHAI I was ashamed, that I knew nothing about them. I had been brainwashed into thinking we were the best in everything. Maybe once we were. But why was this happening? Why are we falling apart, still thinking we are the best? Why are there no jobs. Why did Department of resources tell me I wasnt allowed to have a home business? 

Donald Trump is moral practical, he knows the proper relationships necessary, for an enterprise or business to run. He knows how to treat people. He knows we need to be set free in order to achieve our pursuit of happiness. He knows to be great we have to be FREE. Donald Trump knows he has a right to life and so do we all. According to our judgment we can live. We do not need approval or permission. 

He  knows we have to sustain and protect our INDIVIDUAL LIVES for survival. Our Individual rights. He wants the individual to be sovereign, as well as our country. From the octopus hands of the NWO. He asks, in his rallies, that he wants all government agencies to do away with over regulations that are just not necessary. He knows that for a man to succeed, NOONE SHOULD INTERFERE with ones dream. Noone should give you red tape. Make you apply and follow old outdated laws. 

These so called business regulators, Ask him questions, treat him as a child, as a potential terrorist or potential cheater. 
Donald Trump knows this in his heart. He knows when he builds a business what the proper functions of government should be….Donald Trump knows its his right to gain, keep and dispose of his own business, the way he sees fit. For he has a reputation. He is not a cheater. 

He is angry how he has been treated with constant auditing of his taxes. Which income tax, really is unconstitutional in the first place. He knows this. But he sees them taking advantage. Of American blindness. Thanks to the failing media. 

And he sees their evil power growing. The GLOBALISTS want to strangle every successful American because they are ROBBER BARRONS. Nothing they take from you is used for you. But for them. They want to destroy. They are liars and destroyers. 

Man survives by his mind. Judgment Will Intelligence. Man is productive. Man can live together without slaves.  Donald Trump is not threatened by other men. He is not ” kill or be killed”, like Killary is. He sees growth wealth and society getting along. Hillary serves entities outside America, she is a servant. 
DONALD TRUMP is sovereign. He is an emperor GOD in his soul!

Donald Trump knows a mans best welfare is really his “Purpose in life” . Every man has this ability inside to create.  To live for ones own dream. To create a business is mans right.  Noone should interfere. 

Self preservation also is a right. The founding fathers said these rights were self evident. That means not just because they are on some paper. YOU DO NOT NEED PERMISSION FROM HILLARY CLINTON to have a business. 

 You do not need APPROVAL from  Hillary Clinton to have the right to life. Its already yours. Or your business. Or your childs education. Or your childs health care. Or your health care. That funds her friends.  She wants to make it mandatory. That is a fatal thought. Donald Trump knows this. 

He is only running for president to save the country. Philosophical politics this is. Intervention. Trial by jury, AMERICA CHOOSES HIM. But they will rig the polls he knows this and only HE can fight them. 

He is set for life with all his accomplishments. But he is moral. He cannot sit back and see America get destroyed by vultures like George Soros. He is not greedy. He knows he can get in on these scams if he asked. He cannot. He is MORAL. So he HAD TO RUN.  Run away and RUN FOR PRESIDENT. He really is the word  savior and SUPERMAN. 

Hillary Clinton just does lip service. She is weak. No man cooperates with her, without a bribe. She violates mens rights! Noone likes her. But she wields a power, a sword. She has made a deal with mainstream media. She has something on THEM, make no mistake. They hate her, but have to get her in, because they too been promised magic sections of the world to govern over.  Greed blinds their common sense. And she tells them. If you dont get me in, all of you will be HUNG. 

Now DONALD TRUMP is not blinded. Men want to deal with him. He pursues happiness, and overcomes obstacles THEY put out for him, out there. THEY infringe on him every way they can. He can think rationally. He is free within his rights. EVERY man has the same rights. He knows. He knows the NWO plan is not a noble one, but one of theft and enslavement.  He knows who they are and their weakness. 

He has MASTERED it within his own soul. Why I think he is perfect to lead this country. He cannot be bought by blind promises. False gold. Foolish superstitions.  Donald Trump has mastered this in his own soul. Look at his accomplishments. Proof. He has not cheated anyone. His work is flawless. Look at his Service to others who have paid him. Hillary has no rights or claims over Trumps hand made goods either. This makes her jealous. She wants to consume by theft.  She wants to copy or to sell off. She cannot create. She is like a parasite to ALL MEN. 

She has no virtue  No actions to back any up. She wants “rights”, to be wielded by collective groups. Special rights of refugees for example.  Black Lives Matter. Or Transgendered which doesnt even show up in my google spell check…. Financial favors for special favors you know, for money. Masters and slaves. You pay her. Mob Rule she controls too.

 There can be no rights to tumors. 

Rights only belong to men. 

TRUMP knows this. 

Tumors can claim nothing on its person. 

Noone is sacrificed with DONALD TRUMP. 

Hillary is perverted when it comes to human sacrifices. 

What difference do they make she says. 

 She is like an animal. Animals live by the law of the jungle and thats what she is concerned with her SURVIVAL so she must establish dominance, taken by theft. She feeds on other men. She says you need to give me money so….that tree can live. Or you are racist. Its gangster.

 She inflicts pain on other men. People cannot think around Hillary Clinton, they are TOO SCARED.

The laws of the LOWER TYPES OF PEOPLE have a business philosophy. It is KILL OR BE KILLED, which is how KILLARY CLINTON conducts ALL her business enterprises. 

That makes for angry mobs. Look at Trumps satisfied customers. Look at hers. 

Freedom is a luxury. Americans need to wake up. See how the rest of the world LIVE. What we have is so special and important potent potential. Trump said over and over, the POTENTIAL for greatness is incredible. The POTENTIAL is INCREDIBLE with this country. 

He knows where there is greatness there are leaders, creators and also worker bees. Whatever one wants to be. If you want to work, for someone, there will be plenty of jobs, but lets say one day you want to create something new, you can too. Or one day you want to be a leader. This country is amazing. You can lead or be a worker bee. Whatever man desires, is the end. This is the enlightenment DONALD TRUMP presidency will bring I PROMISE. Liberty. No threats to your life. Protection of your rights. 

No COMPULSORY ANYTHING. That is not the means of freedom. Hillary wants all to be educated under COMMON CORE. She wants compulsory everything. She wants this because thats what the agenda is. She wants Obamacare. She wants you to be manadatory everything, even vaccinated probably too, all you. Anything goes with her. She has no mind of her own. 

We ARE SUPPOSED to have a right to PRIVATE property. Hillary wants to take your homes, sell the uranium under your home, to RUSSIA, they will take it,  and kick you off your land, heck even shoot out with you. 

Private Property is a right that is under siege too. Hillary believes gophers have “Animal” rights over your property rights. Hillary wants your homes to be taxed. She wants to control WHATS IN YOUR HOUSE too. Like what light bulbs or if you have a fire stove…She wants your house to be hers. She wants to seize your property. And monitor your doings. You are her little node.

She will say, knock knock I need your lunch money because of…Because of GLOBAL WARMING. ( Its a hoax no globe!) and she knows all about these lies, but she tells you to your face straight out, as if she were speaking the truth. Which is why I cannot stand her. LIAR. SHE LIES THE BEST.

 She has you live 
to serve her, 
so she can sell you off for a few million.  
And she thwarts all oaths…she makes off and doesnt serve…she is Hillary after all. 
This is self destructing behavior, she does it anyways. Hillary wants you to be a servant. A slave with no property. A home is only for the dwindling rich and those who obey Hillary. 

Political Freedom cannot exist without a free market, which Hillary kills off everyday. GUN RIGHTS, she wants those two. FOR HERSELF. She is crazy and everyone is scared for their lives who work for HER. because THE CLINTONS KILL PEOPLE.

 Trump does not have to do this. People work with him for life. VOLUNTARILY and for PROFIT and for GOOD. People want to work for him. They are proud. RICH TOO.

Look around, she has taken everything from you. She is in a gang of old senior citizen satanic cabal. They take turns. It is her turn now. SHE DEMANDS. She does not want you to have political freedom. She wants to monopolize power. IT HER TURN. You exist to serve her now, as you did her husband and her gang partners. They rob banks. On levels you cannot imagine. 

Hillary wants you to put the rights of the GLOBAL WARMING fake ball earth,  over the rights of you. Killary wants YOU to put the rights of people outside our country, over you. She places them FIRST. Their needs first. She is not a good mom. She wants to take your toys away, and give it to these savages. From alien governments, some that are SO fatal to its people. She favors syrian wahabist over you. She thinks they are so much more lovable than you. She is not a good mom. 

Donald Trump is a good father. He knows the functions of protecting the innocent. 

Hillarys moral evil of her laws. Her evil is FEAR. Her evil is THREAT. Men become irrational and injustice, when molested by fear. DONALD TRUMP REMAINS FREE. She does not scare him. He needs to banish her to protect our rights. I feel. AS AMERICANS we are all sovereign. Politically we have to act as such. 

Our tool for survival is voting TRUMP and only he. In your hearts. A is A. Its our nature. We will survive, we will die without Trump. We will. We will never see paradise. Its not going to happen. The guy who bends spoons, forecast TRUMP WIN. URI GELLAR. Spirituality is on his side. All that is good is Trump and you know it. Its easy to see if you look. 

Rights, derive from our existence. They are inalienable. There is no fine print. Absolutes they are. The US CONSTITUTION is. ABSOLUTE. Sanction. The US Constitution is an absolute for all of us. Nothing is above individual rights. NOthing. And nothing is higher than the USA. NOTHING IS. 

Hillary Clinton will destroy men, her collective COGS of society will fail. Evil is impotent in every field. Politics too.
Crooked Hillary is a dictatorship future 1984
Men  cannot think in Hillarys America. Men will not be able to think anymore. Noone will be doing right. Spiritual starvation. People will take refuge , where? Where can you go with oppressive ONE world government? GLOBAL COMMUNISM. George Soros face printed on the food tickets. Noone can think. Men will be destroyed. 

Trumps Government agency to protect rights. 

TRUMP Society will have the best citizens. Banish force and fraud. That is DONALD TRUMPS government. Proper society. Government will be the servers of the people. Our power will grow from the ground up. We will be great.

In Hillarys socialized America, terror, everywhere, peaceful coexistence impossible. Threats, murders, thefts, Men form packs. Gang wars. Mob Rule. Hillary’s America. She will have to call in the UN police.

 Whose mind is maintaining her America? HERS. Noone will have the freedom to think. and the products will disappear. 

In Donald Trump’s America men can get together peacefully. Men are free. SO they will produce. Autonomous entities have rights that are absolutes. Men can create a business. Sell where they want. Want what they want. Pay for. DO what they want. Earn a reputation. Maintain it. Trump has sound Values, good judgments, a solid consistent philosophy he has. TRUMP has Written MANY BOOKS. You can see them. Proof. 

Noone will have to carry a gun, like in Hillarys America. She hates  2nd ammendment so much. Men are fleeing for their lives from cities and starvation with her failed policies of Clintons and Obamas. Her policies are many that failed. EVERYTHING she touches turns bad. 

 Proof is in the pudding. Lunch Mobs, Loretta Lynch and Lynch Mobs. Men need her, she thinks, so she will make unfair gang laws. Thats how she gets paid. DISOBEDIENCE will arise. 

Unfair profits she has produced hersellf too. Where is the outrage? Another law she will make. Immunity. 

She does not care about the public welfare. Only for your votes. Your small donation is not worth it. She likes them big and illegal. Her wishes and whims change according to who is paying her. She discards her personal opinions after she gets paid. She thinks she is a master but she is a slave. She denies herself sometimes. She doesnt know what her opinions are anymore. It doesnt matter she just wants money. 

She doesnt care about stopping criminals. SHE NEEDS them to feed her friends who own private jails. She finds loopholes and violates rights. She gets child pedophiles off and brags about it, as if it would get her hired, in a job interview. Criminals she laughs at. She makes deals with. She says you pay me, I tell the world you are innocent. People admire me, because I am so evil, and I am a woman. And they do. They in awe of her evil. 

She wants united nations to take over our police. Black Lives matter. Not when you DANNEY WILLIAMS, the lost royal.  Black lives do not matter, when they chose CHELSEA over him.. Hillarys politics is UNREASON. She hates blacks. Who is she kidding? 

Nothing will work. All will fall. Hillary and the Nouveau LEFT.  They want gang warfare. 

Trump thinks and acts correctly. He is free to choose and act…not what Hillary authorizes him, but what HE THINKS to do. He wants man to be free too. OUR MINDS. He has a vision. A great AMERICA.

He also has beauty. He is gorgeous. DONALD TRUMP is soap opera hot..a Red head. Man in SUIT. GOLD FIXTURES, gold doors. He is beautiful and his buildings are works of art. Golden one. Master Architect.

Government, Donald Trump thinks protects you from thieves scammers swindlers and killers…I agree. We need courts. They need libel laws. THEY NEED TO BE ENFORCED. He knows. Also our Intellectual Property. Hillary Clinton wants your invention to go away to CHINA, for cheaper.