Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Christina Pushaw Political Cartoon Team Ron Desantis 2024 nft

Christina Pushaw Political Cartoon Team Ron Desantis 2024 nft

Christina Pushaw Political Cartoon Team Ron Desantis 2024 nft post thumbnail image
Christina Pushaw Political Cartoon nft team desantis

Here is inking.

This NFT artwork portrays a political cartoon depicting the embarrassing Twitter argument between Christina Pushaw, a high-ranking advisor on Team DeSantis, and a 16-year-old boy named GOP Josh. Pushaw is depicted as a caricature holding a smartphone with a Twitter app open. GOP Josh is shown as a mischievous teenager, also holding a smartphone. Above Pushaw’s head, a thought bubble contains her tweet questioning the boy’s internet activities, while a caption next to her quotes the boy’s witty response about her Botox funding. In the background, a wall displays Pushaw supporting Ukraine, another thought bubble includes Pushaw’s tweet dismissing the boy’s age, with a touch of irony. The artwork aims to expose Pushaw’s perceived hypocrisy and media bias. The inclusion of references to globalist billionaires and political figures suggests an ulterior motive behind DeSantis’ campaign.

Please read article, u see who GOP JOSH is.


Is Ron Desantis signaling by having her, on his team.. that he is friendly with UKRAINE if they help him out too? Maybe he can change laws for anyone in FLORIDA for the right kind of help? He supports UKRAINE by her hire. Noone likes her, she is ugly. That explanation, makes sense.

These deceitful GLOBALISTS, draped in the cloak of false generosity, attempt to corrupt and undermine the noble cause of the Maga Revolution. Their insidious offer of favors in exchange for support is a desperate attempt to revive the remnants of a decaying BUSH dynasty, behind him. He signals to fashion magazines he wants Casey in, aka JILL.. and he shows the world, that by ELON MUSK doing him a FAVOR with Twitter spaces… he now changes space x laws in Florida for him. So the magazines are all thinking, if they support him and put her on their cover, maybe Desantis will change laws for him too. RON seeks to manipulate and exploit the needs of the people for his own selfish gain, perpetuating the very injustices that the MAGA-Revolution seeks to eradicate. He copies Trump and does good, pretending to go after institutions that are already dead. Using the office of GOVERNOR to run for President, and using police officers to kick out people with Trump flags in public spaces. He gets the florida senate to change laws for him too, so he can use taxpayer money to run for President.

To succumb to his enticements would be to betray the principles of liberty, and justice that we hold dear. We must stand firm against these sly attempts at subversion and remain vigilant in our pursuit of a just society. The people deserve more than empty promises and deceitful bargains; they deserve a future built on the foundations of freedom. Not politicians buying favors.

Let it be known that the MAGA renaissance.. will not be swayed by their deceptive tactics. We shall expose their true intentions, denounce their attempts at corruption, and continue our noble struggle to transform society for the betterment of all. For the INDIVIDUAL.

Ron Desantis is a saboteur of liberty, a conspirator against the people. Against you and me. He won our hearts to cheat on us viciously. We are scorned.

They are the chains that bind us, the remnants of a despotic past. THE 911 and JFK assassins era. They are behind him. We shall tear down the walls of political privilege and establish a society where merit and virtue hard work reign supreme. No secret societies. No clones of dictators, no elitists and bloodlines.

Sentimental screenshots

About CASEY Desantis aka JILL dressing up copying Jackie O even the poses.
Needs NO INTRODUCTION, best youtube channel EVER. I love it. LOVE HIS SHOWS.

I thought RON DESANTIS was all about what other people thought, and when I saw what she looked like! I was CONFUSED, she has NO MERIT. But it makes sense. He is signaling to the UKRAINE order. She worked for the blue and yellow flag. She is like an extra token. A token. Does not do any work. She just gets put out there. AS WORKING FOR HIM. That, is where he gets his money, folks. CLEAR AS A SUNNY DAY.

Writer Patrick from NF liked the sketch, he is the best. ( The middle circle below) I am obsessed with his work. I am not sure Tom P. works there anymore.. it really is the best newspaper. Its not the usual, trust me. There is something very very special about it. I will let you find out what. He is always on ALEX. I cannot tell you what the big deal is. You have to find out. This is word of mouth. I am not lying or kidding. Its VERY SPECIAL Newspaper. I will leave it at that. You read a few weeks, you will get the puzzle I give you. You will thank me.

Very innapproriate. All GENX comes to his rescue to defend this child, against this evil woman. Go read the thread. The danger she represents, feeding off our young! These people need the hearts of children to inject into their lips. EYES like hawks. Mouths like BEAKS. Nails like talons. Ron Desantis and CASEY aka JILL.. find her very unbecoming, swollen lips, like a monkeys vulva.. but since she worked for Ukraine, its a signal to the world, that HELLO we are friendly to UKRAINE! Help us out. Look here, we got CHRISTINA PUSHAW who worked for the Ukraine Oligarchs. Send us money, we shall change laws for you. Just like with SPACE X. Even ELON MUSK has to be like, wow they are so open so brazen. EVEN LUCIFER is like DANG WOMAN you have to be secret- you will foil the whole thing, if they let Lucifer down, he will drop them like hotcakes in the pan of public anger. Even he will abandon them, they are so careless..

Is she flirting with the boy? Sounds weird to say to a child online. Is it a threat? Seems like a veiled one…about how young he is and , if she were HIM, well. SHE “wouldn’t” be on Twitter.. is she trying to get deep state CPS attention? IS SHE CALLING OUT TO THE CRONES AND RINO WIZARDS TO ATTACK THIS YOUNG MAN? Maybe telling the deep state FBI and CIA inadvertently to go after him? Send IRS to his home?

You can get it…think for yourself. Go now and tell her to back off! Read the article to get the tweet link!