Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized CHARACTER DESIGN – Conservative Comic book characters NFT

CHARACTER DESIGN – Conservative Comic book characters NFT

CHARACTER DESIGN – Conservative Comic book characters NFT post thumbnail image

I am going to follow a Character Design Course starting with this link, from Artstation. I will create ORIGINAL CHARACTERS regarding Trump Supporters. From Imagination!

I am going to start now, so as I do the steps, I will post them here. These will be ORIGINAL CHARACTERS I invent. I am so excited! I will be creating Trump Supporters. Maybe Trump Supporter characters, in gothic literature? Maybe in Steampunk? ( steam powered world). I have not decided yet.

The course on Artstation. I have published this blog so I do not lost the draft. It has happened before.

So first I need some NOTES to organize and then a vision board.






His example was something like this.

This is his notes on what he wants to create characters of.


Equals =, I do not know, we shall see!

My Story is how Trump covers America in Gold and Old World Architecture and sells FREE ENERGY ELECTRICITY tech to the other countries. Including glass and plates and art that glow light…when it is pitch black. Every thing is built around this. 1850’s era, the magic years WHEN OUR CIVILIZATION just began…! when people were flying by blimps and balloons, but in the future and the white house is covered in gold and lights up at night with free electricity, that lights up the fountain on its own, no cords. And this is the world of the future. The Golden One outsmarted all his partners, who thought they owned him. But he got them to give it all up, from their own free will. He beat them, by THEM LOSING on their own. It is like the book CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, but for politicians. His enemies, gave themselves up. Like magic, Trump is on them. He knows, the art of the deal, boy! Its not just a catchphrase. THINK WHAT IT MEANS>! So , how he made a deal, and turned America back to the days of the world fairs. Maybe even by cloning ANCIENT TITANS so they can build us the Palaces with domes of gold and stuff,

My Reference gathering is…


Goths for Trump

I may pick some screenshots from there for my vision board. I want to use the Sargent Brushes because that was my favorite 7 part course by Isis Sousa. SUCH A GREAT DIGITAL PAINTER. She laughs if you ask her to do a personal commission. SHE WORKS FOR LARGE CORPORATIONS digital painting, only. I saw her course through Corel Painter 2022 Software! By Appointment. She has a 7 part course if you have corel painter 2022. There is a free trial, you can use this years, Sargent brushes. So I want in this style.

I think the TRUMP SPHINX needs to be a character, Maybe not of Trump, because every character cannot look like him. It is more like a style character in the honor of.

This would entail lots of gold, elaborate, ancient american style of architecture.

Maybe someone like melania would be the high priestess tarot card character. Crossed with roman empire dresses and gold and wreaths

Maybe this is too dark fantasy. I am just trying to make up some characters here and I always reach for the most fantastical.

Ok SO..I am going to have one character, the Trump sphinx, she doesnt talk, but she gives advice on how to run things politically. It would be the Trump SPHINX.

That would be the references for character ONE. The brain of Thomas Jefferson for all mythologies American. The beauty of Melania. A LIONs body for the Trump,
Yet from the 1850’s but the future too.
Maybe with her hair like this on the sphinx?

Ideation and brainstorming Iteration.

A hero willingly sacrifices their needs for others. They are actively learning and doing, and undergo transformation. They are flawed beings that have universal qualities. 
A teacher or trainer who aids the hero by teaching and protecting them. The mentor motivates the hero to overcome their fears and also prepares them for the journey.
A character who serves to keep the unworthy from entering. They cluster around thresholds, and can be overcome by being passed or made into an ally. These guardians serve to test the hero’s character and commitment to the journey.
A character (or item) that issues challenges and announces coming change. Heralds serve to motivate the hero into action. 
This aspect represents the “dark side;” villains, antagonists, and enemies. These characters often do not think of themselves as villains and serve to challenge the hero. By being a worthy opponent they create conflict to bring out the hero’s best. 
The embodiment of mischief, this character desires to create change. They serve to ground the hero by pointing out their follies and serve as comic relief. Tricksters are frequently a catalyst who causes healthy transformations. 
A shifting or unstable character, often of the opposite sex. They mislead the hero and act as a catalyst of change by bringing in doubt and suspense. 

Maybe I will pick four characters. The Trump Sphinx will be the one with the answers always in riddles that only make sense when you are ready.

Joe Biden will be the CIPHER.

He is a person of little importance. Maybe a wind up doll. Maybe he is a robot with springs inside of him. Maybe I should not do him, I am doing Trump Supporters edition here. But you do need, the bad guy. The absence of a man, himself, is the lowest void. The Most evil indeed.
Joe biden with a cyclops eye? Or a one eye on his chest he lifts up his shirt to hypnotize people with it

ok Third character, will be the TIME TRAVELING YOUTH BOY. Not quite a man but not a kid anymore. he will be the young person in this story. He retrieves time sensitive information, first hand experiences, as if he were there, and his famous saying is, “let’s see what we find out”. He dresses like a 1850s high class but yet future like too.

But they cant LOOK like the real Trumps. These are characters based on them. So it will be like but not.

The Hero Character can be…

Remember these are characters I am creating. They cannot look like one thing. According to this lesson. I think I got my 4 references done. He did many characters. But I am going to stick with 4 as it is a very difficult process for each one, and you have to draw multiples of each idea too. It looks like it may take a few days.

Boy is evil pissed the good side stole their lion eagle beast! the Lion Eagle CHOSE IT. He was conquered by his own free will. Because HERO TITAN who sits on his back, TOOK A THORN OUT OF HIS PAW!!!

Thats the story.

Now he does all of this fighting from the back. He has the enemy thinking, he is on his side. But watch, it is an epic tale. Everything in candy land, is play acted for candy land. The real battles are behind the scenes, in reality. Candyland is nice though, it is a medicated reality. Most people are in it, just like the Matrix, but they call it candy land here, because when in it, you start nodding off from the medicated atmosphere. Most asleep in front of the tvs. That will be the snail mail version of reality. The archaic. Many of the smartest have broken out of this and are in a parallel universe. But we all take care of the candy land patients, we understand, that they want to be there. They just want to exist in fantasy all day long in the form of lifetime movies. They want to see every episode of every season of the real housewives of Beverly hills. Thru their mind, while their bodies are asleep in pods! If you take them out of it, they get very upset and start getting into trouble and getting into things. Sneaking outside etc.. or climbing trees that are way too high..

..Yes, so when he speaks on the candy land tv stations, just understand, he is not talking to us then. There are different speeches for different audiences. He manages, alot of humans, who look to him and ask, questions. Some belong to tribes that do not allow certain information.

So those questions only the Trump Sphinx can answer.

I got my 4 characters. I will be drawing them next or ” Silhouetting” just like in the character design course by Artstation.

I have included an airship design, good guys versus bad.

Ok I have two extra characters

Ok so I did this drawing course, correctly. I have enough characters. Next, the silhouettes!

I am not done. I will have to draw all these next!!! And three versions each before I pick which ones. I will come back when I do more. But I have other chores and stuff. Plus I have to listen to some Alex. This is unfinished post, more coming.

The AIRSHIP is how people get around in the future. They dont pay anyone for anything it is all free energy.

(I hope you liked my short story. VERY FEW PEOPLE will get my GERMAN HUMOR!)

Not finished. Plus Trump rally is coming up. I have so much work to do, but I wish I can sit here and draw all day.

.TRUMP RALLY-MY COMMENT to the pre-show. I was here. Where were you? I am here now and that is my proof. Live on Gettr! Kindred souls.
My three Trump Sphinx characters

You draw three silhouettes and then you pick one for each design

Trump Sphinx

I was going to think of a riddle, but it will have to come to me later. She it only responds with riddles and will answer your political question. I will add words later. This is the NFT

This blog post is a work in progress. I will keep posting here when I do the other characters I designed, from taking the course on artspace.

Original only on
I threw in the high priestess tarot card later, as a reference.