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Caravans Coming. Donald Trump. Political Cartoon

Caravans Coming. Donald Trump. Political Cartoon post thumbnail image

Donald Trump. Caravans Coming. Political Cartoon
This is my backup DTUBE:

Tweet by Donald Trump. He wrote that caravans are coming, it sounded ominous. Some news sites I look at say its 1000 others say it is miles long of people human smuggling operation. Its coordinated to take us over, to break us from within.. There are many photos. All these UNKNOWN untalented, unskilled people, who can do nothng where they are because of politics… people want to leave central america, because their politics suck so bad.. noone can do anything. They cant open up a shop or become a cartoonist. Its socialist!  So they want to come here to the USA. Lots of gangs and jihadis among them, They bring, steal kids, so they can take advantage of Daca. Its satanic in nature. Plus the democrats need kids for their satanic sacrifices. They need those with no history. The left want them to vote for them. Little do they know…these roving gangs are not interested in voting for anyone. They just want free welfare! THEY WANT TO COME HERE TO HAVE THEIR BABIES AND SEND WELFARE TO THEIR FAMILIES BACK HOME.Its so horrible. I made them all wear OCTOPUS KNIT BEANIES to add to their exoticness. Its very surreal. I just wanted to play on the CARAVANS. Which is those food trucks. I made dead cockroaches in it. So you can see disease filth and really bad inner environments they are bringing. Scabies. Lice, Bacteria and super yeasts.