Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized California Oregon Portland fires Antifa political cartoon Anthony fauchi coronavirus second wave Chelsea Clinton Joe Biden Bill Gates political cartoons for President Donald Trump #CaliforniaFires #oregonisonfire #Portlandfires #antifa

California Oregon Portland fires Antifa political cartoon Anthony fauchi coronavirus second wave Chelsea Clinton Joe Biden Bill Gates political cartoons for President Donald Trump #CaliforniaFires #oregonisonfire #Portlandfires #antifa

California Oregon Portland fires Antifa political cartoon Anthony fauchi coronavirus second wave Chelsea Clinton Joe Biden Bill Gates political cartoons for President Donald Trump #CaliforniaFires #oregonisonfire #Portlandfires #antifa post thumbnail image
so dr. Anthony fauchi is in the California fires behind him and he is loving it just like Gavin Newsom he’s totally loving it and he’s excited because he knows something nobody else does and that’s the second waves coming and he told us all to be prepared he told us all it was coming and now it’s here and he’s just letting you know that you know the air particulates in the wildfire smoke is very toxic and it leads to early death remember all those people in 9/11 that died from breathing the air while it’s bad it’s really bad and PG&E have been doing this for a long time and they’ve even included this in their insurance and they’re letting the employers deal with this they’re taking away all responsibility and you wonder why because they knew that this is coming then they’re arsonists and now that they have antifa and China and Communists lighting fires everywhere oh it’s definitely arson I’ve collected screenshots I’ll be posting below I’ll probably be done in a few hours so check back but anyways he’s excited because he’s going to be rich and there’s these little ghosts and they’re coughing because they’re breathing the air because everybody’s breathing this toxic air they can’t even see out their window it’s so Smokey and the weather reports all say smoke and all these towns are being evacuated and there’s lots of people getting caught lighting fires match fires electrical fires gasoline fireworks Molotov cocktails and all these fires go up and down the highways and they’re in parks
so Nancy Pelosi came out and said Mother Nature is angry with you and that’s why all the fires and its climate change its global warming and that’s it and don’t look no further nothing to see here and that’s it and you’re just supposed to believe that and what have the rulers done throughout all history even since the beginning of time is how do they control the people will how you control the population is you control them through the weather they’ve been doing this since the beginning of time moments from God lightning angry Gods Etc it’s just the way it’s always been done and now is no different they’re just not original and it’s something everybody can understand and it’s also an excuse for them to kill you because you know the whole global warming you know your breathing air in the more people that breathe air take this film around the fake Globe Earth away from us it’s just lack lack of resources and you know you’re not really wanted you’re just taking up air and you know it’s all this horrible philosophy and it’s not true it’s false but it’s the only way they can get away with killing everybody anyway she’s there and there is like this antifa lady and yes that’s mother nature and she’s lighting fires because antifa they can be anything they want to be and whatever they say they are they’re not and there they just imagination so maybe that’s like mother nature for Nancy Pelosi
I figure since Chelsea Clinton was talking about what white privilege this always comes up in my mind is Danny Williams Anna I’ve done several cartoons about him and you know it’s just like why are you lecturing and preaching about white privilege when your own parents rejected your black brother and he’s not really her brother because her dad is somebody else’s dad doesn’t even look like Bill Clinton it’s everybody knows this and it’s not a family it’s and she’s pretty satanic anyway which is like crazy because you got to give up you got to have sex with all the old guys and you have to like drink babies blood and kill them and it’s no fun it’s no fun it’s it’s a real Downer to be a Satanist
this is a take on adrenochrome Donald Trump said he must have been on drugs to appear more lucid and he said he’s not going to do press conferences so I just tied in that news with this and Bill Gates has something he wants and that’s babies blood
I always said the reason Joe Biden cannot read a teleprompter correctly is because the words dance around with him it’s like you know when he had his stroke he like can’t see where it’s he’s like does dyslexic or something and he sees things upside down and inside out and that’s why he can’t read the teleprompter it’s not because he loses track it’s because the words are all backwards on him
look at her the Pagan goddess the gods are angry with you that’s why everything’s exploding I mean nobody’s going to believe that nobody sorry
John B Wells Caravan to Midnight posted this and I thought he actually talked about it on his radio show but when you look at the face look at the slopes on the side of the face and look at the nose look at the bridge of the nose there’s a line there they both have look at the mouth Mound and the mouth Mound is exactly and then you have the eyes how in the corner of their eyes they both slope down and I I would have to see her eyebrows but the shape of the face everything is uncanny it really is and they know each other and everything and the qanon people know exactly who Mother Teresa really was and I remember like 10 years maybe 20 years ago it came out her diary came out and in it she said she hated poor people and all this stuff is really weird and apparently she traffic kids for the Vatican and funneled money to them and I don’t know about her being a guy but you know cant vouch for everything in these memes

Screenshots off my phone

you you know I never noticed this and I don’t know if it’s true I can’t vouch for any of these memes I’m just posting them because I don’t know it fuels my imagination but look and antifa credit card it says antifa family wow they get their own cards and they all get money wow wow they just work they got jobs they go out and hurt people and they get paid I mean what the hell that’s that’s incredible
Oh my God yes this is like my neighbors when they look at me and they laugh that I’m getting crazy stuff off the internet and that I’m paranoid and then I’m looking at them wearing a mask and going swimming and I’m just like oh my God who is the paranoid one

You know what I’ve had my phone for so long and I take so many screenshots that my screenshot button doesn’t work anymore so I downloaded a screen shot app and it’s got all these ads and I have to manually crop it and it’s so hard work so up I apologize for not cropping these and which is takes too long but if you really like them you could crop them and you could share them and use them I’m just you know I’m just trying to save time here

I really like Michelle from deceptionbytes she’s always complaining about something like she’ll be talking about child trafficking or really deep heavy stuff and then she’ll spend the next five minutes talking about how uncomfortable her feet are or how her cat chews her wires or you know so it’s kind of interesting to like talk to people who aren’t like you know you’re not watching like a new show you’re talking to a real person so forgive me if I just speak freely

now watch that video it’s very interesting but you know what when I shared it to Facebook they put a false information like transparent block over my post so annoying so I don’t understand why they have to warn people when nobody even knows who started this fire I knew what were they there do they know for sure

Can you believe they fact check our own president I mean can you imagine like a Saudi king somebody some tech guy like sensor to Saudi king or something or like the king of Somalia or you know I mean there’s just this thing called respect and you know you respect authority respect older people as teachers as figures as we know leader figures you don’t fact check them I mean that would be like you know like some crazy nun like going around and listening to all your conversations and then whacking you on the butt with a ruler

It’s so annoying can you imagine going on a date and having a fact Checker follow you and giving warnings to everything you say that it might not be true and how do Facebook know who started these fires I mean what are they experts I mean do they know everything why are they doing this and it’s like censorship because there’s like this transparent page over my post and people are afraid to click on it cuz they don’t want to be banned or mark their flag and I mean it’s like censorship it’s horrible. Mr Reagan. I already got out of a three-day ban I couldn’t post any groups on Facebook because I was posting about the California fires and how they seem to be all along the highways I feel like I’m constantly punished but that doesn’t faze me do you remember when it was like to be a teenager and you’re constantly grounded and you know you’ve left the lights on in a room or you left a few juice cups in your room and for each crime and $0.25 was taken off your allowance and when you get your allowance you realize you’re in the negatives I mean like you know I’ve been that I don’t want to feel like this I’m an adult I’m a grown up person I can make up my own mind on things and you know I just don’t like these fact-checkers I really don’t like them. They’re unwanted they’re unloved
This was a really great report I like this one so much I think you should watch it too and we’re on my blog so you don’t have to worry about censorship of people spying on you or fact-checkers so feel free just relax and watch this he doesn’t really great job and he uses reason and he explains things and you know he’s really a good at arguments
the last thing he says is the most important
this is actually where I got my idea for my Anthony fauchi political cartoon coronavirus second wave and it makes perfect sense what she says I think she’s been murdered though I can’t vouch for the YouTuber but none of these things ever fool Flat-earthers they see things miles away.
speaking of the flat-earthers I like this meme it’s always good to know what they’re talking about

Okay so Matt gaetz two different interviews he wore a purple tie and he misspelled your and so did Donald Trump Junior they both misspelled your and I’m just posting it here

I know this looks crazy that’s over Australia I know this looks crazy I know this looks crazy but you know what I went to the link myself and I saw it and I could even see the planes moving and nobody believed that this was real so the guy who posted this like made videos of himself live going on and he gave the radar map and everything and other people were doing it and it were freaking out but it’s so unbelievable that even if you do it and you see it you still don’t believe it you think maybe it’s the radar map website maybe this is a prank you can’t like I acknowledge that this is real and you know you’ve heard stories of them doing chemtrails in the air and no this is this is terrible this is this is definitely real I did it I tried it I tested it but you know what I still don’t believe it’s real it’s just too freaky
on the cover of Drudge Report he posted a picture of these wilted flowers melted next to like a melted car with like melted tires like 3000ยฐ melted metal
yes always a pleasure watching his videos
Justin pawlak did a video where he talked about the swastika was very popular in American culture it’s in my last blog I posted a video you got to watch it it’s like all these American advertisements and cards with the swastika in it and he says it was a worldwide symbol of love and peace and then he said the piece ruin is actually the death Rune and but he didn’t really get into that and I really wanted him to get into that so that’s why I commented and he liked my post I told you he’s very engaging online he’s a very nice guy I love his videos
I still live here that’s not there anymore I love how they say it’s the William McKinley Monument when it was actually here for Millennia no construction photos exist just bad Photoshop jobs where they white out the sky and say they’re halfway working on it or something this is ancient America the globalists like to demolish and you know what it was for it was for lighting up the sky with free energy
You’re looking at ancient Roman stuff right here it’s not Romanesque it wasn’t built to copy ro6m it wasn’t you know like something done in the 18 80s with wagon carts and people couldn’t even pave the roads and all they were capable of back then was log cabins and you know it’s our infrastructure is built on the old world infrastructure falsely attributed the new infrastructure on top of it and you have the men of Secrets taking credit for everything decadent men as if they could build something this solid they do know how to set fires and they do know how to demolish and then lie to us about who really Built America and how ancient really is course it’s ancient what did you think it’s all new? it’s not.. just s*** they teach you in school
This was demolished in St Louis Missouri it was bombed proof of the old world right there they couldn’t let you have it I told you all of our American cities look like the Vatican City look like this and all of them if the globalist couldn’t lie and claim that they built it or charge you for looking at it or turn it into a post officer City Hall guess what they just blew it up because to start something new they have destroyed the old it’s the whole communism thing all over again communism is not knew it wasn’t invented in the 19 hundreds or whatever it’s just an old evil way revamped the globalists the Canaanites they all did the same thing and they loved destroy everything beautiful and they loved to make us suffer and they loved to take our history and teach us all garbage
Every single one of our cities in America looks like this far greater I can’t post them all but I like to collect them so you know please don’t get bored with me this is America its ancient and it looked we had riches everything was blown up by the globalists with dynamite and they told everybody that there was an earthquake or a flood or a great fire or a war or something what do you think war is ?
to get rid of these structures because they are the structures of Giants and Titans ..that’s what President Trump said in this Fourth of July speech that America has the structures of Giants and Titans and that’s it’s our inheritance but most of it has been bombed stuff like this has definitely been bombed this was before we started arriving in the cities you know after a flu 1920s or 1820s. pandemic where all the adults were killed the children were taken in these cities were repopulated with them and give it away for free via the orphan trains the foundlings of America didn’t miss the buildings they bombed didn’t even know about them it’s completely erased for our history
These men loved destruction and they blew up all of our American cities all at the same time and they took many pictures and they’re laughing and you know a secret hand signals and the destruction of our beautiful American cities so it’s happened so many times you were talking about these great fires wear it well these were the Great fires but they were quite great fires there are some kind of Technology how everything was here before we arrived submarines ships Stone buildings I mean gondolas moving sidewalks geothermal steam Central Park was already here Statue of Liberty was already here it was never a gift from France it was always here it always here.. the Statue of Liberty has never ever moved. That’s not even its real name I mean these kind of Lies you just got to snap out of and it can be proven you can just look at the construction photos in when you’re looking your like this is not a construction photo I can’t believe I fell for this I mean anybody can erase a sky or blend something of the backgrounder double expose a miniature or you noticed white out the sky or just put a ladder up on a wall and say we’re just finishing up

Please don’t freak out I’m in bliss. in order to relax I like to look at photos and just ramble whatever Visions I get it’s like automatic writing I just look at pictures of ancient America for example this is St Louis Missouri it was all blown up all of our American cities had structures as big as this look at the Arches you would have to be pretty tall to walk in those doorways everything was built for bigger people which is why the globalist had to blow it up and it had free energy Tech such a long story and I don’t want to bring it up every post but I always have to give a little background and I like talking about these buildings and kind of like memorizing the key words in bullet points you know I’ve gone over this so many times for years I I’m like an expert in this kind of research

look at how tall those arches is do you see how tiny the people are where is everybody this was found this way it was not founded a small group of men like didn’t build this I’m telling you it didn’t happen they’re lying to you this is America is far greater than we were told and in the old world order we rained and this is just St Louis it’s not even a major city in this that’s what St Louis used to look like can you imagine what New York used to look like before they bombed everything or San Francisco oh my God

do you like America don’t you I’m telling you the truth. St Louis Missouri okay do u like America ?

don’t you ? you’re ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ America first right?

well how can you be America First you don’t even know where we live?

You know I’m pretty dangerous the stuff could get me killed I mean what I messing with is just so dangerous but you know all secrets shall be known the rule end I’m taking part in that and I’ve been given permission by the laws of the universe I’m just that part and I’m just focusing on one section at the moment but all secrets shall be known and you just can’t mess this up you just got to open your eyes and you got to look at this was America okay it’s not what you’ve been told it wasn’t Cowboys and Indians. .. forefathers or no it’s actually just civilization over and over and over again using all these same structures when your narrative is just a narrative history books is just propaganda you think they’ll tell you where you really live oh my God that’s so crazy these people are sick..

God I love President Trump so much I just love you so much I really do I really like drawing political cartoons I really enjoy babbling on my blog please don’t take me seriously I’m just messing around I’m just having fun

listen to st. Louis this is just Saint Louis like every blog I focus on a different city I my specialty is demolished American Structures from the old world order and they blew this one up they did not want you to have this when you look these buildings up on Wikipedia it says that all of these were just plaster burlap bags and they were thrown up by a small group of men just because and they only Built it just to destroy it a few months later after they threw a big fair and they charge people for looking at them and then they blew everything up everything was blown up dynamite and I’ve recorded many pictures and photographs of this they lie so much they lie so much they lie so much this is your America this is America First this is what America had many structures like this and every city every city is ancient all the streets have been renamed over and over again the city layouts perfect I mean I don’t know if America was Rome but it’s definitely older than Rome and its older than all religions and it’s just absolutely amazing and the structures were actually machines they illuminated I’ve recorded this too and a lot of people in the 18 hundreds back engineered this technology but the globalist took it away and they won’t let you have it and you know in ancient photos and paintings that nobody pays attention to they’ve Illustrated how these illuminate at night
You know you really got to sit down and look at these pictures with you know the zoom you just got to look at these and all of our cities had this I know I say this over and over again it’s just this is America how can you be America first and you don’t even know where we live and I’m showing you where we live too bad all of these buildings have been blown up but this is where we live I mean we rivaled the Vatican we rivaled the biggest castles in Europe what do you think the military does on their sites and in the desert ? They melt giant structures they blow up castles I mean you know there’s like a few castles that are left you know disguise this theme parks or made into Armory but even those get demolished knock down or they get turned into post offices or whatever but the thing is every city has had many post office every city has had many City Halls and they just demolish it and move on to the next demolish it move on to the next and they tell the American public that all of those buildings were built in the eighteen hundreds as if as if horse wagon people I mean really nobody was in the cities are completely empty you know like the Lincoln Memorial without Lincoln was found in the middle of a marsh in the middle of a swamp it was just found there in the middle of nowhere why would they build something so beautiful I mean it’s the official story is nonsense I’m just telling you where you live it’s not what you think
This was America all of our cities look like this no one’s ever told you this this is absolutely freaky but you know they left a few pieces and there still a few pieces left and it’s hidden in plain sight when you’re woken up your woken up you can see this everywhere buildings written in Latin every civilization that comes along puts their own graffiti on these ancient structures and they build around them and here’s another key to prove that their ancient all of these structures that were half buried in mud like all of our downtown buildings there actually have buried in mud so was the White House when we arrive the White House was buried in mud it had to be excavated Kansas had to be excavated in all of our railroad tracks that they’ve all been excavated from a previous civilization and all the obelisks renamed it to more memorials
Those are not flagpoles at the top of that building in America that was demolished and you see the ferris wheel all of our American cities had Ferris wheels before we arrived and they all lit up they all illuminated the stone itself illuminated and what you see are antennas and you see huge doorways that really don’t fit us you would have to be a taller person like a giant and how would your Quarry this Stone would you Quarry it from how would you power the electricity these things were you know before General Electric I mean this is this is something that you know it was taken from us and here we are paying electric bills when it’s supposed to be free Wi-Fi supposed to be free this is something the Ancients have had I recorded it many times you just can’t see it cuz we don’t know you’ll never see it even if you’re looking at it and paintings are in statues you won’t know what you’re looking at because you don’t learn or aren’t aware of it but once I make you aware you’ll see it everywhere I promise St Louis Missouri just a small City not even one of our biggest and I can’t even post all the pictures I have of St Louis I have it in the collection but I’m giving you the best ones I just have a lot of pictures to go through maybe I’ll put them all
That road is like 10 lanes wide and there’s no people there’s just a few people walking around can u …imagine magic people of that size building a structure like that that lasted Millennia that the plumbing still works but the water still run is heated with geothermal steam it’s got free energy at lights up at night I mean how would you explain this to your new civilization you wouldn’t be able to so you have to demolish it or else you would lose power the official Colonial narrative wouldn’t make sense America wouldn’t make sense the new America this great demolishing happened in every city all over the world and we all arrived at the same time and it’s no no country on Earth can Count Their City back past the 18 hundreds and most cities you know everything we learned in mythology happened in America even biblical stuff happened in America I mean these globalists are just batshit crazy they really did a number on you and me too for a long time but I always knew something was up I always knew something was up I just had a strange education I had a strange family I mean my family are super strange and I sussed out a lot of these things when I was a child I was educated in these buildings and I grew up in a church many churches my it’s a long story so I have access I had Early Access to these ancient structures and I know what’s underground I know I know it’s on the inside I know it’s been done to them
Now I know it says Galveston but it’s not texted me each of these buildings they gave names to with different like exhibit exhibitions they were called you know like the great exhibitions in the crystal palace in London that was demolished to that’s one of these ancient structures to anyways that’s where you could go in and you could read about the great Galveston flood which is also I’m DS narrative all of our flood stories are b******* just like our fire stories are all bulshit none of our churches were set on fire by vandals or garage fires are City Hall’s always burning down and nobody even noticed me this is how they do it none of these fires and natural none of them you just grew up hearing about them for years so you always think like normal but this is what the globalists do they blow up stuff there are snug they’ve always done this all the way back to the Roman time America
boy it was Grand it looks like Paris. St Louis Missouri gondolas boat castles Mansions palaces gold statues proof of an old world order here in America St Louis it is beautiful it Rivals the Vatican and it’s so beautiful Everything Is Beautiful working moving sidewalks electricity. You did not have to pay anybody at the station it all came from static electricity or the atmosphere
The obelisks lit up at night anyways Chicago look like this Buffalo look like this Tennessee San Francisco Seattle Portland at all look like this all of it I prove this these are photographs anyways look how big the building is look how big the doorway is and look how small we are these were the structures of Titans

Men like dr. Fauchi killed everybody with the medicine fake pandemics the media was complicit just like it is today every Century the same thing happens people like doctor fauci killed the parents and all the children they just repopulated these Cities.

Everything in America was impossible to explain it was just so Fantastical it all had to be destroyed those be no way people would believe that we were new or that we you know came from England or whatever all that’s nonsense all of it white slavery was rampant back then America founded on white slavery and how it doesn’t make any sense but keyword is Orphan Train
Now just to compare it to this is Chicago this is what your AMERICA FIRST city of Chicago look like in this isn’t even the best of it I’m just showing you this was every American city has all of our cities look like the this. before the globalist came and blew up before we had arrived and you see that building in the background when they demolished that that’s where Obama build his library on the site of the ruins of that so it’s like he’s like showing off you know he’s like I don’t know he’s either he’s exploring the underground’s or he built his library on top of it to like you know show everybody who’s boss and what they had destroyed before a century a few centuries before
I don’t know I have no idea what this is is this a Titan holding a castle or is this a lady holding a toy castle with a snake inside I have no idea all of these pictures look like this all of this ancient stuff and none of these statues are real they’re all reproductions the original is usually solid Stone and sometimes there’s dead bodies inside of them when they x-ray them so no wonder the globalist took the originals away they own all the museums they all own all of it they control this stuff and they rob it they rob everything everything you think that’s everything that you think that got robbed they took and then they just give you back a reproduction
But the time is come all secrets shall be revealed and here I am front of the line none of this stuff you’re supposed to know this is all histories Mysteries this is all forbidden
One last image of a St Louis structure that got blown up with dynamite just look how beautiful it was and look at the balls look at the structures the fountain still worked and you know what at night The Fountains lit up at night it was like light shows everywhere it was beautiful and you know I just can’t believe it’s all gone I mean all of our cities look like this and you could have enjoyed it today and you could be strolling there right now but no the globalist blew it up these are the same people in charge today that Trump is battling
all of our all of our American cities had layouts like this perfectly and look this is like in the 18 hundreds or something when you know you see nothing you just see grass but you know at one point these were all filled with skyscrapers from a previous civilization and you see you could see pentagrams and you could see owls sometimes in the street so they all was a symbol of tartary which is it an ancient empire you never heard of the owl is not is the golden calf the owl is the flag of the emperor of tartary Empire you never heard of here in America and the most important thing is all of those balloons they were here when we arrived from a previous culture all of our cities were emptied it was a great reset a great flood and that’s how people travelled it was free energy she was super cheap and It got you places fast and boy did they destroy it for you they blew up a huge blimp and then told you it was dangerous and they took that technology away from you and now you’re paying $500 for crap travel on American Airlines
Now it doesn’t matter what I say about these fires because you know it’s a fire you know 911 wasn’t two planes you know this stuff but history that’s what history is it’s all I pass all is written by the winners and boy is it crazy it’s crazy it’s absolutely crazy and it’s not just fake news not just fake medicine it’s baked know it also it is it’s fake history .

You know the coronavirus is a hoax but history history has always recorded the liars

He has two channels on YouTube when is UAP and the other one is UAP Channel and he liked my video he actually liked my video that makes me feel warm inside because I’m a huge fan
Utah State Capitol and look it’s like kind of on a slant definitely buried in mud halfway and they told you it was built in the eighteen hundreds as if people of that time. Could build something like this to last it’s probably not the only state capital the one before it probably looked just like it and the one before that etcetera a lot of our cities have the seven City Hall’s built in the eighteen hundreds such a laugh know this is older than the pyramids as old as the pyramids as old as the crappiest ruins in Greece this is the original this is the same Builders the original old world order all the same people all the same architecture all the same style just ask for the blueprints just look for yourself and what makes it important is that it’s a living room and it’s ancient history and nobody nobody respects it because they don’t know nobody has any clue the people who only structures control the world that’s how important these structures are and they’re generators they’re machines they do s*** they do stuff okay

Come on look at the construction photos of this building you will die laughing it’s the fakest Photoshop you’ll ever see in your life

The Panama Canal was already there just had to be excavated a little bit are great Lakes were actually the Nile Delta is Little Egypt there and everything oh yeah the Mississippi was the Nile is famous for over flooding you guys have no idea how special America is you have no clue it’s just one of the biggest secrets in the world and something the globalist hate the most about us
Joe Biden watching cutie is his favorite show he’s like thanks Susan Rice thanks Obama you gave me fine entertainment I’m so glad I’ll watch my Netflix here in the basement by myself watching qts just imagining back the good old days when I could sniff them and do whatever I wanted and then eat them probably
I remember the night I wear that dress is very special night

oh that’s me back in Miami of Facebook memory came up boy I used to be skinny when I ate only fruit I loved it I love being a fruitarian I missed it

I always document censorship
where is the antifa right where is the antifa of the right for President Trump I mean I’m waiting I’m bored I’m ready I’m totally in
Beauty I just can’t understand this beauty it’s so precious it’s so lovely solid Stone it’s amazing it just impossible I’m in this is like of far gone era different time Beauty was appreciated I don’t know if this is Phoenician or what but this next screenshot shows some destruction I am always always recording it so it kind of fits in with my narrative that yes they’re always burning things they’ve always been doing this every year they do it nobody ever notices they think these things are garage fires or you know some sort of earthquake or some b*******
I bet you it’s an ancient building or structure as well
Supposedly in Chicago but the way the globalists get away with this stuff as they call this you know these of..were plans but have you ever seen a drawing this detailed this would be what they call early photograph or camera obscura where they would draw this or I don’t know there’s some sort of Photoshop around I feel like some something’s not quite right with this picture and maybe they took out the structures in the back but this is my point used to have these ancient paintings of buildings in America they call them plans or blueprints but in reality they’re actually pictures and they’ve been destroyed I don’t really know too much about this this is just supposedly in Chicago but I can’t vouch 100% but I’ve seen so many of these that I just posted here just in case an obelisk anyway so it’s not far-fetched and the Washington Memorial they destroyed a lot of that and I think if you demolish parts of it you can lie and say you built the whole thing but the construction photos of the Washington Memorial are hilarious and why would they build such a huge thing in honor of President it’s just crazy it was here before Washington the Photoshop is so bad of the construction of the Washington Memorial and then you have a log cabin next to it showing you what the men of that time. We’re capable of
You really believe churches were built for religion know they’re ancient it’s like a motherboard there electrical free energy machines that’s why they need to be destroyed covered in Brick birds I mean they can’t let you have this technology

Why havenโ€™t we been to the moon in over 60 years?
Is the World really this Stupid?

That was a New York City it looks pretty Egyptian right do you really believe people in America built that just 2 copy the Egyptians ? lol ๐Ÿ˜† do you really believe America was nothing we’re nobodies we have no history no nothing you really believe that?
I mean how do you know the Egyptians weren’t us or they copy us ? and really why would they demolish that why would they build that just to demolish it that was the prison okay yeah they threw all that money they’re put Egyptian art on it just keep prisoners that is such a b******* story that is such a b******* story I mean a tomb yeah why would they build a tomb in the 18 hundreds in the Egyptian style why would Architects care everybody was just copying no Ayn Rand was wrong they were not copying anybody . In New York City that was the original the original thing

Notice how the photograph says it was built in the Egyptian Style that is so hilarious that’s how these globalists get away with it they hide the stuff right in front of you you’ll never notice it’s just differential stories nonsense it’s just nonsense it’s impossible for us to have thrown that up and possible you show me how people like even us can do that with solid Stone?

Egyptian Revival my ass that’s hilarious look at the size of those Windows looking out the window we can’t even reach the like first balcony

Conquerors dedicate all these ancient structures to their leaders and tombs of their leaders and the rulers and they’re not originally crypts.. the same thing every civilization that every conquered nation renames all the buildings says they built it tells their people they built it after they have a great reset and kill off all the parents and take the children just how it’s done over and over and over again whether it’s fake pandemics fake Wars I mean you’d be surprised what’s going on

Madison Square Garden New York City here they are removing a statue to hide proof of the old world people of this time would not build something this beautiful this big This Magnificent and look it already looks worn you’re looking at a detail of Madison Square Garden like 200 years ago and they say it was built so you know just a few years before that is crazy that looks ancient that looks worn and it looks black and as if there’s been some sort of war or heat or bomb or something

do you know who that is do you know who that is my middle name my middle name that’s Diana that’s the Goddess Diana here in New York City I mean think about that
Because even the 1800s couldn’t build something this beautiful this was left over from a previous culture we aren’t even on the real timeline they give us folks we aren’t even on the real timeline I mean we’re not even looking at the real numbers you not even paying attention when something says 1700 or 1600 look closer it’s actually like a j a capital J before the number it’s a totally different timeline the Ancients had free energy electricity and it’s funny you’re looking at ancient ruins but the globalists tell you things like Stonehenge or Egypt those are fake hoaxes you can tell because the pillars are put on top of each other and sections and it the whole pillar supposed to be solid-state ๐Ÿ˜’ in the entire thing Stonehenge was put together by cranes Babylon is just a tourist trap visited by people like Agatha Christie to give it a reality when you look at what they were trying to sell Babylon as in the 1930s it’s all falling apart crumbling those are not real ruins, folks

Electric weapons of war of the past it’s a long story I could explain how it works but I’ve already done it many times in this blog but anyways all ancient literature has been sanitized and you think these things happened elsewhere when they happened here in America and you know everything’s been moved and not everything I mean it’s just you know it’s visual stuff in Europe but here in America it’s all been blown up such a long story and I can’t prove it and words it’s just one of those things you got to look at the evidence and you know I’ve been looking into this for years anyways so yes these are ancient war weapons anyways ancient literature is all sanitized to take ancient electric weapons out

Titans were everywhere and they’re all over and I just I can’t even explain the things I know because unless I have pictures to back it up you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about but yeah Titans where everywhere they’re all over the place I mean everywhere in America specially.. if you follow this research you’ll know what I’m talking about you’ll find them in your backyard there petrified they are everywhere anyways this was a weapon of one of those Titans

Swords to our electrical weapons you didn’t think they were hand-me-down weapons of war that are just knives Ono when you X-ray a sword in ancient sword and a lot of them are really too big for us to you but when you X-ray a sword their conductors their electrical conductors of field has to be turned on and when that field is turned on these things can throw Sparks it’s definitely this is definitely in Ancient Art it’s recorded everywhere

Thunderbolts anybody you know if they were capable of that fine handiwork of these ancient structures that they definitely had electrical weapons I mean these were not primitive Builders and architects
Salt Lake City that’s on the Salt Lake itself salt is electrical by the way free energy hint hint anyway this was demolished you did not think that a hundred men in
wagons built this in secret did you ๐Ÿ˜†
I mean really do you know the story about Salt Lake I mean think about it folks they found all of this stuff and they claimed it and then they told the world that they built it and they even have the phoniest construction photos ever any Builder can tell you that is not a construction site

That building was demolished by RENOVATION by the way I mean I mean there’s a lot going on that was blown up and it’s from the old world and ancient technology free energy and who knows how long it’s as old as the pyramids it’s this is like electrical work and this is not something those people could have built they had nothing

This is what it looks like now this is what the globalists have done I have so many of these before and afters and they all look like this it’s clown shows this is what the globalists do they claim these buildings remodel them turn them into crap and then discard them not one America notices but I do

so hey all you American first people did you know that this is what Chicago used to look like

too bad it was blown up
there’s many pages I’m leaving out
you have no idea how mistaken you are and how right this article is you have no idea you have no idea how wrong you are and I’m ashamed to tell you because it’s just I don’t want to be unpatriotic but I’m actually being patriotic because and this kind of America Trump is definitely Emperor God we can do away with all this fale history..I mean you’ve got to go through this I know it’s painful it’s like the Monarch programming it’s like you got to go through this because got to go thru this and you’ll be a butterfly at the end it’s like the Matrix you got to go through got to choose. I mean do you really call yourself the red pill I mean do you really believe that the left should control this narrative because it’s coming out whether you like it or not

when I # Emperor God Donald Trump I mean it no I mean it I absolutely mean it this is I’m not alone in this either like life term you know I’ve argued the life term it’s not controversial this is what people want I’ve been reading people on the internet for a long time you know every time they scream ๐Ÿ˜šfour more years๐Ÿ˜š Trump mentions wouldn’t it be nice if it was 12? ๐Ÿ˜š or you know he jokes you know and this is every time I watch this very carefully this is what I’ve been on since he announced he was running his he’s definitely going to be an emperor of America I mean no people will be begging for it once all this stuff comes out and I know how evil the globalist are and you just you can’t you know he he he won’t be finished at the end of four years I mean this is this is we need to get to work on this he needs to bring backfree energy there’s lots of things I argue with this will make sense I just can’t argue it every post.

Trust me this work this works I know this works and I’ve been on all the intellectuals in this area of research and I’ve convince them to go Trump I work on them one by one it’s not easy some of these people they don’t trust men in suits

I know what men want and that’s Gold and I’m telling you the golden brick road Trump is going to find . Do you want gold shoe got to be with Trump I mean don’t will be so much gold he will find the world stolen gold that these criminals have stolen

I’m sorry if you can’t understand me I’ve mean I am 4 strictly advanced people I mean this conversation is way above the normal person’s head I’m dead serious I mean you know I got a dumb myself down or I got to repeat myself I can’t talk about new ideas until I’ve thoroughly exhausted and explained how to get to the next ideas I have I mean I’m serious this works you just I know you can’t see it it hasn’t been argued to you yet

how else is President Trump going to make America so that it is the torch that lights up the world do you know the meaning of that sentence do you know what that means?

Illuminations and free energy to a dumb person free energy means you don’t have to pay for Wi-Fi electricity Heating anyting I mean just imagine that the capitalism that can happen when people are not no longer slaves and they don’t have to pay taxes unless they want to? Imagine away with big Pharma and a way with the doctors and nurses and imagine real technologies that are simple that we can understand that aren’t just hoaxes made to make us act like we’re idiots and we don’t know anything ๐Ÿ˜šthings that we can understand.. I mean imagine real healing real nutrition I mean no more slavery to these stupid Chinese made apps

But I don’t want to argue with you yet it just maybe way to above your head I have to go real slow ๐ŸŒ real slow I have to go because I lose you if I talk freely.

And I’m not talking socialism when I say free energy because that’s free do you understand it’s free they’ve lied to you there’s nobody working to give you electricity this is something that comes natural from the earth or atmosphere or water I mean this is free nobody owns the water nobody owns the air nobody owns thunder and lightning nobody owns Niagara Falls do you understand?

What do you really think President Trump meant when he said America will be the torch that lights up the world what do you think he’s talking about do you think he’s talking about the Statue of Liberty aka the statue the Colossus of Rhodes as in Rhode Island and famous in mythology nobody knows where it is but it’s right in front of you is right in New York City there it is famed and all mythology talked about and every culture the Colossus of Rhodes you’ve never heard of it it’s always been here it’s never moved didn’t come on a boat there’s no construction photo it’s just nonsense there’s no workers you what you never see anything except you know maybe like a double exposure or miniature or a drawing or something that easily can be faked or they’re just whiting out the sky and parts acting like you know they’re building half or just something with cranes drawn I mean it’s all lies the Statue of Liberty never moved it was always here! Do you get what I’m saying a little bit,?

I mean heck do you think of President Trump actually conquered America he would tell the public at first I mean he could have already done it I don’t know?

That’s way more ancient than we believe and anyways the ground Stones me nothing you could tell it’s half buried in mud on a slant kind of and the new steps the new brick but it’s probably solid Stone underneath also because every civilization that comes along likes to remodel them and then tell their people they built it or that their group did
There you go is this on a slant built on a slant is that how people back then built stuff I don’t think so buried in but it makes the most sense and every civilization that comes along builds new steps and makes the doorway smaller every civilization that comes along makes the doorway smaller that’s a very important point and the original doors are very very big they for taller people Giants and you know I’ve taken a lot of pictures of giants and posted them here and I’m always finding new ones so you know I’ll just look for more Giants I haven’t posted them in awhile but like modern-day Giants photographs of them living today giants..people it’s like a thing but no Titans exist that I know of today but why would that be far-fetched I mean is Devil’s Tower a tree stump I mean I don’t know
oh Justin different strange Parts in the world Titans existed no they existed in America especially in America this was like their life’s work
I don’t know if this is the real thing when I look at pictures of giants bones and stuff I never know if I’m looking at the real thing because there are so much Photoshop for years decades I’ve been looking into this even back in 2000 when I looked up Giants I saw so much disinformation it’s like you know how people make flat Earth look really stupid like really really really stupid and they show you a disk in space when that’s not it at all and they make it’s like those guys they’re like Gatekeepers to information or they they go on the forums and the act crazy like they’re weirdos and they light all the comments section with weird stuff and they scare everyone away or their their argumentative or they’re completely like a argumentative and they ruin entire movements all those people like that are sincere or that are really researching something good and you’ll never find these people and you know nobody can hold your hand all the booby traps and you just got to go in these things yourself and Learn by mistakes

Well I do that I do that and by the time I’m in I lose interest and go to something more fascinating and I always bring Trump in the conversation and I turned everybody and everything I can to Trump and you know it might be slow but you know I’m learning and I’ll get better it’s just I really love the subcultures I love them they’re necessary every culture has to have them ๐Ÿ˜‹ it has to be a positive version and it has to support the right.

I know how annoying it gets when I’m looking for news and I go on one of these sexy reporters accounts and then all they talk about is like books they read and I get so annoyed because I want them to talk about news all the time but yet they have other interests well I have other interests that may bore you but I’m proactively turning these movements to Trump like I’m actually doing some work.

I mean I’ve got on live streams with top flat-earthers and turned everybody onto Trump and argued with a few people who bended to me when I reasoned with them about the Trump movement and there is a mission in the right that I give them you know like we got to find the gold for example and you know things that will help the right and about the globalist and you know my only mistake was I was too negative on the Muslims I was too negative and you know I should really stop that stuff because first of all I get banned every time I talk about that stuff and you’re right I shouldn’t be so judgy I mean it’s a political agenda I know that you know but I’m just saying ๐Ÿคท I was too harsh on that and that that really offends people and people didn’t really want to listen because I had mentioned stuff like that so this is like something you know only focus on one battle at a time ๐Ÿค”

I mean there’s a lot of subcultures you know some conservative goth is like the best place to get the news because they focus more on the dark aspects of the news so like you know it’s you need the subcultures to bring something to the table there’s nothing wrong with horror It’s All American you know it’s you can’t be a cookie-cutter trump supporter you can’t it’s like you can’t you need views everywhere like you need eyes everywhere you need ears everywhere you need states of Mind everywhere that can read anything that’s going on in the community because when everybody is the same you know like wear a tie wear a suit where I Maga Hat wear a flag I mean is everyone’s the same it’s I don’t know you need people from all walks of life in the Trump movement and not one favored more than the other. I mean sometimes people think you know this nationality is something to focus on but what about what about all the people in the world that like like a certain type of music I mean that maybe a bigger community.

See I’m sharing with you my philosophy and I should keep that to myself because now it’s very special to me and I haven’t worked out the plan yet but I just really enjoy doing this I really enjoy doing this

I mean if you’re going to win you have to think so outside the box that nobody is prepared for this you understand you have to think so outside the box if you want to win because there may be an easier way.

I honestly think until this is october. Trump needs to relocate I mean he needs to go away and hide I know it doesn’t look good but you just I don’t know if you put a clone out there I don’t know but I just feel like you know there’s like one month that I fear and that’s October and that’s only because I’ve been hearing people talk about it there’s just something about October that he really I mean they’re supposed to be a huge event that just shocks everyone and I just I think you should be for the month of October he should be safe safe somewhere underground I mean somewhere really safe maybe not Underground because you know that’s too risky to his enemies could keep him underground.. either I’m saying I mean it’s got to be somewhere really safe and he should like not for a second stop focusing on his safety and I don’t mean to be paranoid and maybe give the left what they want and you know have a virtual debate or something like that I mean so not out in public.

The people will take over they will take over for the month of October trust me and you know isn’t there a story about how Jesus you know I’m not saying Trump is Jesus but it’s always good to walk to Walk Like Jesus and try to walk like Jesus so anyway there’s a story about Jesus and that he had to go away for awhile it’s in the Bible he had to go away for a while but when he came back he promised or he gave his followers like an Empire? And he had super powers or something. Well just for the month of October I’m really worried about October but I’m not creating it I’m definitely not creating it I’m just sensing other people are creating it so I’m recording on it that people are talking about this that’s all I’m saying is people are talking and they got me scared now of October so that’s why I think just for the month of October just be safe. However you want like extra double double the security you know what I’m saying just for that month but even that might be a bad idea cuz who knows who you’re hiring I mean it’s tough this decision should be 100% intuition like it should be a hundred because you can’t trust anybody right now I mean just until conquerors you know the media the public the medical and I know what he’s doing I know what he’s doing it’s very good what he’s doing cuz he’s an angel he’s giving everyone a chance to come clean he’s giving everyone a chance he’s putting everyone on trial if they don’t.. to the American public

okay talking about Jesus you guys must think I’m really crazy but that’s a reflection on you because I’m totally cool with that yeah Jesus was definitely not a nobody his head illuminated his head glowed like a lightbulb I mean that is that’s technology or I really think it’s the human body can do that wait till you hear about the building’s first..until won’t believe me about the body..


I mean if people are going to the genetically engineered modify create whatever why can’t they clone a giant or a Titan even I mean even Barron Trump he could have I mean you never know he is getting pretty tall. These giant things could also be in your blood it could just be like you know one in a million chance your child is going to be a Titan and I guess a lucky few get that you know I mean all these scientists with their phony coronavirus cartoon germ doing nothing lying doing fraud I mean they can’t be happy why can’t you get them to figure out how to give birth to a Titan. I’m sure all these Titans some of them have have to have moms our size

Has anybody ever thought of getting Giants to marry one another instead of to short people I mean there’s Giants living today they’re all over Andre the Giant I mean it you know how big he is.

please. tell me you know

Wouldn’t that make science and money ..that area of science wouldn’t that make it worthwhile to keep to save?

I mean why can’t these scientists do this with their money in their time I mean this is brilliant

I got so many more ideas but I just want to look at pictures and relax I don’t want to really talk except if I’m like taking my mind off stuff I don’t like to think so hard too long. just in these bursts

I know and I’m right about these buildings I know I know I know I absolutely know this I have an affinity for building I’ve always since I was a little kid I preferred buildings I was a building snob you know wherever my parents asked me to go to school I wanted to go to the nicest building the more ancient the better Nardinacademy . Next to Canisius was an absolute Beauty. Buffalo Community College was like a castle it was like a freaking Castle there was this George Washington in an apron statue I didn’t really like and then there was Homeless Jesus statue that I really really didn’t like across the street at this beautiful ancient Church… I mean even goth people thought that statue was offencive it was just so nasty he’s like sleeping like a bum on the street and it’s supposed to be homeless Jesus and it’s right front of a church and ancient Church
Even Headbangers even pumks.. even goths everybody thought it was so offensive like you couldn’t chill with a statue of this was not a cool statue you get people people got creeped out

and at the art gallery there’s like this art galleries ancient it’s from the World’s Fair Buffalo anyway super famous I slept there one night under the statues but nevermind that building is so beautiful I took art classes there I grew up in church has like four story churches with underground’s like if I went out my window I would be on top of the church I like lived in those big ones I’ve lived in like three or four churches my families first real home was Justice around the corner from Buffalo City Hall I mean and I think McKinley’s house he walked by it’s just a few blocks the bottom of it’s just such a beautiful place the cat is ancient to that’s Buffalo City Hall I have such interesting stories about Buffalo City Hall cutting down some antennas and their excuse to do it I remember vividly apparently I I don’t want to get into it cuz it’s very morbid

Buffsem you know what that means if you know it

I wanted to go to so bad because of the Larkin house back then it on the Larkin house which is an ancient building and the .I was a “jacket” school. Is awesome with undergrounds and something very profound happened to me there. Like I just came of age there like it was just so beautiful such a positive experience the Rose Garden the pier I watch them destroy an building there too they put in this like boating place such a beautiful city I feel so attached to it I feel like I’ve never been the same since I left but in a way I had to get out but I came back I live there again and you know when I was single I had fun but when I was in relationships it was just like it took up all my time and we’re like clones of each other and I don’t know reading the same books to one another and just so intense Uno

Yeah there’s some spooky sides to Buffalo looking back I can see it but at the time I I was clueless about a lot of things but I thought I read about like I just couldn’t see those things I know but I’ve learned a few things through the Trump movement who literally saved my soul I can see things like how weird things were that maybe there’s like a darker side to that City to the side that destroyed all those buildings and I didn’t know about the building’s back then but I just subconsciously I always my entire life I’ve been attracted to buildings like that like ancient ones special in Coral Gables I live down the street from Anastasia Avenue the Biltmore Hotel I just had to live there I had to I had to I had to walk to the Biltmore every night and just look at it and hang out there and you know have a fresh squeezed orange juice I’m so happy when my mom got me a gift certificate to get massages there you’re so nice and they do like a spa on your face. There’s a lot more stories like this from the Customs Hotel I mean I had I had to spend the night in there I just had to I had to it was like is the most beautiful building ever seen the customs house in Boston I used to paint pictures of it I have some paintings of it somewhere I think my old roommate has man one thing I miss is having roommates like I’m constantly remembering reminiscing not thinking that I’ll never have that again I will never have roommates again you get to a point where you don’t need them anymore but I’m just like I miss having roommates I really did I had a lot of fun and I trusted them and you know some of them were nice some of them are beautiful I was always attracted to the most charismatic an unconditionally unconventional way

I mean that’s one thing I miss and you know I never wanted to be a roommate .. when I was one ! โ˜บalways wanted he hated to be with somebody but now that I’m never going to have a roommate again it’s tough to get to that point where you don’t need a roommate

I’ve had some crazy roommates no not really like beautiful girls cool ones very open sexually ones like I don’t know if they’re they like showing off for but it was like constantly all around me just roommates like engaging their opposite other

I can’t even tell you how many of my girl Roomayes. try to get me to do it but I never did I can’t even tell you it’s so many times being a roommate is tough but being a friend is even harder and you know what to this day I’m still their friend

okay if you were to bring back the Old World Order you think America is the only one that wants this I mean you really think don’t you think the whole world is ready for something different the Old World Order there was free energy they were Titans I mean kingdoms Empires the artwork was fantastic look at the castles I mean Jesus. America was at the top like it was like the light of the world.

I mean we have just stumbled and inherited like the biggest treasure ever and over time it’s been robbed slowly from us by the globalists they taking it away they destroyed it they’ve hidden it somewhere technology. ๐Ÿ˜‡they don’t make ..they don’t make anything !!๐Ÿ˜šthey just back engineer this stuff and they can’t figure it out they’re not smart they’re just evil. Evil people can’t create anything they can only have the illusion through mind control stuff you know it’s like just going to school for 10 years that makes you worthy of high positions I mean that is so funny you’re just more indoctrinated.. all of their genius is deception there’s no such thing as the coronavirus that’s that’s the patent it’s invisible it’s invisible it’s a hoax I mean you can patent a hoax like that I’m sure. You can patent anything and keep it private even if it’s a hoax even if the patent is just the title

This next photos Buffalo New York demolished

Okay you just got up throw out everything they tell you that was not an art project by a builder who’s never built anything before and never done any art look at the size of the people look at that building it doesn’t even look new it supposed to be brand new it’s not doesn’t even look brand new and look at the size of those doorways I mean that’s that’s for big people everything looking at it through just you can see I mean no really you can see why would someone build a door that big atmosphere no no no people don’t feel giant houses I mean just because you see them in magazines doesn’t mean you really seen them in person and what’s the foundation on and is it really a new home now just with your eyes pretend like you’re taking a walk around and imagine how good you would feel around something that beautiful imagine how your spirits would be lifted how it’s a really romantic place like super romantic you know like you know like falling in love feelings it’s a beautiful place and you know just imagine yourself like taking art classes in a building like that Ur going to lunch sure you know even going shopping inside there I mean you would feel a lot better it’s just got an energy and to think that the globalist took that from you
i chat w cy ๐Ÿ–คall the time. she is ๐Ÿ˜Ž some nights Thursdays God’s that do live streams on my Instagram and sometimes I ask to get invited to the can you come here stream just to talk about Trump I figured something would come to me but I totally chickened out I totally chickened out and once I waited like I was I had to wait after this guy got off he was before me but he just taking so long and I got impatient and so I left

I hope you like my short story it helps me to relax and look at pictures and go into the fantastical . I like to think thoughts nobody’s thought of before I met yeah sometimes weird stuff comes out bad ideas but you know it’s just about I guess look at new things..they are for ideas about everything that could be not so conventional cuz sometimes you know that’s what you need. It’s also like a reflection of what I see online people talkin about I know it doesn’t look like it but I’m really writing down notes of everything I see. My ideas come out in the form of like a biography but it’s really semi like a Blog Style fiction nonfiction. Or just thoughts or prose hey don’t really have the same ideas everyday everyday I have new thoughts. But I do follow a thread up some sort until I figured it out or exhausted the possibilities just how I like to thinking through my diary don’t take me personally don’t quote me please I mean it’s just like having a public diary I’m not really writing articles I’m just talking like trying to relax.

Have plans when you read my blog to just relax and just enjoy yourself it’s like fiction . I write about many different subjects from firsthand experience Style but that’s just if it’s like I’m just writing I’m not really like a reporter or anything like that and you know it’s full of contradictions and I’m sure I’m sure I’m full of them it’s just you know look at my writing says fiction and you’re just reading a good book about weird things like a news article or something in the fiction section