Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized MY OPINION Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Salma Hayek, Curt Shilling

MY OPINION Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Salma Hayek, Curt Shilling

MY OPINION  Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Salma Hayek, Curt Shilling post thumbnail image
“Frustration ,is when things dont move forward….”

“Humans beings have two choices, to submit or to overcome”


John B Wells Quotes
That is how you do headlines, Boston Globe. I did a victory dance to this tweet.
 I loved that post by MATT DRUDGE.
Collectible Trump Shirt? Punks for Trump! Real Ones. No posers! Hardcore for Trump, METAL FOR TRUMP. I love it.
WOLF OF SANDY HOOK. I heard the interview on Caravan To Midnight.  He had an update. 
Oh yeah. The wolf will lead the pack. We are 
going to expose this, all of us.  What a sweet guy. I love his willpower. 
That is a good thing. I hope he is victorious and goes down in History 
as  the person who exposes WHO DID THIS, exposed the fake government PSY OP on the public. 
The fake drill, fake dead 
children, that line outside Sandy Hook how it kept revolving, like 
noone was actually moving all day, they were just going around in 
circles…and  how they lied to the masses, and their names. Their day 
in court. We will see. We will not give up, its the will of the people. 
Sandy Hook will be exposed as a false flag attack to make us scared. 
Thats a crime.
I MADE A VIDEO about CAPITALISM SPEECH in AYN RAND NOVEL. Listen it will make sense!
LOOK HOW MANY SHOWED UP FOR TED CRUZ RALLY, Now you do believe the LYIN Media or LYIN Polls?
Salma Mocks Donalds “711 Firehouse flub”. Which was not. She was mistaken. He was not talking about 9 /11.  He was talking about the firehouse number 7 11. He did not mistake 9 11 for 7 11 YOU SATANIC MOTHER 
close your legs salma
I was so upset when I heard Salma Hayek made fun of Donald. It backfired on her. I just read 6 k negative comments. People are saying to go back to Mexico.  And now she is going with HILLARY CLINTON? Salma Hayek said Hillary can only beat ISIS. 
@BreitbartNews She screwed up, she made fun of Trump and it 
backfired on her, and she DESPERATELY is trying to get ANY mojo back 
she can
How many nipple and crotch frontal full on panty slips we have to see of  you Salma. Look on youtube. I see your genitals.
Salma Hayek, your HUSBAND, got Linda Evangelista pregnant. AND now Francois is going to PAY secret lover #43567 named LINDA EVANGELISTA  : 46 K a month Child Support. . And now she is CLAIMING YOUR MONEY. That should be YOURS or “Salma’s” money.  He is YOUR HUSBAND. Its terrible. How could this have happened to you? Are you doing magic spells everyday? Your life should be wonderful! Better than ever! He should only have eyes for you. He should. If the magic spells work. I dont think they do.

I never know how to address a celebrity, do I address you in third person? There are Two Valentinas! YOUR life is a MESS. People in Yelm, the coffee lady I get coffee from told me you go to MASQUERADE ORGIES!  This is KNOWN about you. And “SALMA” sits and criticizes a GOOD MORAL MAN. Trump is such a decent businessman. He has treated women very nice. He would have been very good for you to support.

Why would you want to go with crooked manly Hillary?  As a woman, I see her, and I see someone completely aligned with evil. 
Thats ONE WORLD COMMUNISM with  Queen Despot of the United Nations. Thats worse than the worse border towns.  Hillary will create wastelands. 
Salma ,  Hillary you do not EVEN want to be lesbian lovers with, I warn you. The death list of all her ex lovers, like VINCE FOSTER are SOOO High around the Clintons. CROOKED HILLARY!!
READ THE BOOK BY CATHY OBRIEN called TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA, about her Sexual assault with Hillary in 1983. Its on the JZ KNIGHT reading list, so I am sure you have read it.
BE CAREFUL around her if you are going to support her, SALMA! It will also tie you to evil, in the eyes of the American people. The polls are all lies. NO ONE LIKES HER. Dont listen to Clinton News Network. CNN. Its not reality.
Cathy O’Brien describes her sexual assault perpetrated by in her book, Trance Formation of America, at Swiss Villa-Lampe 83
Apologize to Trump. Thats the way to get love back. Thats the easy way. And mojo will come back to you, I promise. America will show you forgiveness and see your movies again. People now are vowing never to see anything by you again.  People think what you did was REALLY BAD. I read all the comments! I will not repeat them. But you were wrong correct? He was not talking about 9 11. He was talking about the FIREHOUSE 711. They were the FIRST RESPONDERS.
But go ahead. Do what you like. I am just trying to help.

This is disgusting. You know it is:

Oscar-nominated actress and activist Salma Hayek believes in the power of women—in …


BERNIE SANDERS now you are GONE,  PLEASE SUPPORT TRUMP. All your voters are saying they will not vote for Hillary. No one wants her, not even the DEMS. They dont even like her. Please, you have to “know” something. Right?


I love this tweet that got Curt Shilling fired. LOVE YOU CURT! So sorry this happened to you.  Are they sending you to TOLERANCE camp? I hear its not fun.

People now want sexual freak rights? Pedo rights? Trannies in bathrooms?

I decided I love the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, I decided its my boyfriend now. Are you racists against those who are sexually attracted to BUILDINGS?


NFL? Is NFL Bigoted? Didnt you hear on MSNBC, the lady who married the EIFFEL TOWER? After all THE POLLS say 90% of Americans WANT THIS. Whats wrong with you? Are you superior to Object Fetishists?

 Socialism is coming, we must not be superior to our brothers or our ITS.
If NFL doesnt hire Transgendered Football Players, They are racists! ( LOL) 
Men love to peep on women. Thats what some men, really do. They hang out in bathrooms til someone comes in. They put holes in the stalls to see. THEY WANT TO BECOME WOMEN. The smell of urine excites them. They get goosebumps.
Hey let us send the NFL to Tolerance camp! North Korea style! They will tolerate EVERYONE after 7 years hard labor. Because the will of many, is the will  of all. ALL HAIL COMMUNISM.
We will all be THE SAME! Intolerance will not be tolerated.
The NFL are now realizing they made a deal with the devil and now the payment is, they have to hire furries to play football.  Thats down the line.
I do like what Trump said about letting CAIT use any bathroom HE or SHE or ZEE wants in TRUMP Towers! That was so sweet! But to build new bathrooms for all businesses and then checking up on them and the red tape and the waiting, and the GOVERNMENT in your bathroom now. NO. I do not think we need to have three bathrooms mandatory in all our businesses. I do not think we need a Council of Bathroom Equality taking land from Ranchers? HEY thats next too.
. For the environment. For global warming, For ANIMALS LIKE CATS, for the resources, For anything BUT FOR YOU. Everything else matters, BUT YOU
Someone told me PINK FLOYD knew earth was flat, we are under water. In a dome of some sort. They sing about swimming in fish bowl. that there is no space
Thats what Hillary wants. Did you guys read the CLINTONS WAR ON WOMEN? I have the audiobook.
Go buy it now. If you sign up for AUDIBLE you get first audiobook FOR FREE. I recommend doing this now. You will thank me. 
You can get  free sample too if you already have membership. Get it sent to your phone and listen to it when you are driving.
10 : 25 the aha moment !!!