Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Aoc Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is under investigation by the Ethics Committee, POLITICAL CARTOON

Aoc Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is under investigation by the Ethics Committee, POLITICAL CARTOON

Aoc Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is under investigation by the Ethics Committee, POLITICAL CARTOON post thumbnail image
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political Cartoon
Aoc sketch
Republican Brief Kari Donovan Aoc Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is under investigation by the Ethics Committee, POLITICAL CARTOON

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political Cartoon I drew on a broken computer that cannot handle my graphics. I cannot press enter, I cannot type. I have to write this as a heading. I got my charger a second one, for my Lenovo, 1000 computer, this second one does not work either. The screen is cracked on this computer but I can see it thru the monitor. I am not doing well as an artist But I still popped this out. Hope you like. Could not get a straight line. I used art rage program which is free. I miss my Lenovo laptop, clipstudio paint. I ordered twice a charger but none works. These new USB C laptop chargers do not last. It is like phones replacing the headphone jack with a usb c and when it breaks, you cannot find a new one.


I am on my phone πŸ“± now. Had to get off that thing. It’s cloudy so I can’t watch internet 🐸 Gab TV. I was watching David Knights reaction to Alex and Ye interview. It pauses ⏸️ every three seconds for like 2 minutes. Then I get maybe 10 seconds. I can’t stand πŸ˜’ My internet is very weak. I’ve been throttled for the month. I get like 2g internet until I pay next month’s bill.

Kanye in High School. Back then skin heads were popular and there was a counter to it. It’s hard to tell if it’s really him. But I’ve stared at his face while drawing him. It would be before he matured as a man. And if he was bone skinny. But hard to tell.Antifa weren’t around back then. It’s likely this was against the white power skins. Every high school 🏫 had them. I was an anti racist skinhead girl..a rude girl. I hung with two toned Ska kids so..I know. The swastika with the block symbol, that was our symbol.We wore it on our sleeves. Fighting Nazis, was our term, we used. THEY were real. THEY called themselves Nazis.
. I know. There were gang fights. They existed back then. So it’s really a note on the 80s and real white power. The wp skinheads liked racist skinhead bands that were straight outta Kentucky. They used the N word. Called me a spic. The lead that movie Ed Norton. The Leader. A man with spiderweb tats and swastikas. I was on a candy run at 7/11 and bumped into him on the street. Threatened to sic his pit bull on me. BUT I said quickly, I am half German. And he allowed me to live. He wore aviator glasses. At hardcore music concerts, “all ages” shows at bars, there would be brawls. We all had black x’es, written in sharpie, on our hands to alert the bartender we could not drink. That was our symbol. Lots got that tattooed on their hands for life. Back then Devil worshipper kids fought with goths. Now devil worshippers are in every genre . Lots of gangs in high schools… in our day! Which gang were you in? The Woodshop gang? The headbangers? The Preps? I dont think there are gangs in schools these days. Its one big weirdo perv teachers hogging everything. Now. We had REAL people teaching us. Who had unique freedom to teach whatever they wanted to. I learned more conspiracies from our physics teacher. Heck we even had our own courts in schools back then, run by students elected. In case we were late to class too many times. No teacher was allowed to punish us FOR ANYTHING. Only each other!
I danced ballet many years. My toes are perfect. Not one longer than the other. Perfect shape. But when it’s cold πŸ₯Ά I can’t feel several toes. Can’t feel them.
Looking at this it might mean like something is going to be netting kanye but at the time I thought this was an interesting design because for the rest of humanity’s existence yoohoo ChocolateMilk.. AND a net together will be a historic memory of that interview. Would you believe that I used to drink YOOHOO when I was in high school and in college. I NOTICED IT.

Everyone is going to buy yoohoo now. But I know the’s not Really Chocolate Milk. Not made the sane way as when we were kids. But oh. I want one. 😫 for nostalgia.

What does Yoohoo Chocolate Milk…Mean?

Nothing Kanye does means nothing. These people= symbols. He’s exposing something or striking fear on his enemies. Yoohooooo

OK so if uranium isn’t actually bad for us now remember Ann coulter said that but no listen to me ..what if it’s not bad for you at all but it’s the source of free energy so we don’t have to rely on power companies and such like that πŸ”‹

I mean people used to HEAT their homes for free with radium.” RADI-ATOR “

Do you know what this is this glass glows in the dark or under certain light ..I don’t know this is Uranium πŸ₯‘. And the ancients had it everywhere.

Now I’m not saying.. but I’m saying.. a lot of people are saying it too.. for example ..whenever one of these nuclear reactors goes down.. it’s only a few people in the military that gets sick and die whatever ..and that could be easily a psyop

. or a navy ship floating by gets sick but nobody all seems to get sick only the people working in the plants themselves but that could easily be a psyop. And you know it would be a good excuse to clear the land and put it back to nature and maybe even do some top secret stuff.

Did I mention the doctors that drink and touch this stuff and nothing happens to them I mean there is radiation sickness but Not in the way we are taught and there’s a lot of technology in the past that they scared us away from.. for example the Hindenburg that was filled with something really flammable ..and not helium.. or hot air or something.. really bad.. like a gas and that’s not how those airships were flown. And everyone says it’s a big false flag type event to scarce and scare us away from that technology ..and since then no blimp has commercially traveled people when it’s far less expensive and it’s like you’re floating. And where are we now the TSA ..paying $500 a flight when it cost them 25.. you don’t think they’re carrying fuel for the whole way πŸ˜† no most commercial planes use air pilot..straight the..entire time..when in the air.. they just use ⛽️ for lift off and Landing.

I did the 7 day hike when I was 10 years old. I don’t even think they do that anymore there’s just a 3 day hike now but the whole way with a drop that you wouldn’t believe right on the edge I walked for 7 days on perfect sets of stairs. It’s called the stairway to heaven and it’s machu pichu. And I went to the Inquisition museum in Peru I really wanted to go because I had read The Scarlet Letter. And from there I was learning about the Salem witch Trials in school we even took a field trip to Boston to watch some plays.. Saw Salem. The Dungeons. So I really wanted to see the Inquisition museum and the strangest thing about it was that there was like this white horse in the middle of the whole thing and to this day I don’t know what it means..

A lot of these collections of historic America are kept in collections owned by people they only let a few things out. One thing I’ve noticed is there’s a technique called the vanilla sky technique and it’s like photoshop of the past and I noticed a lot of these old photos of cities the sky is always white with no clouds and it’s because there taking out the airships that everyone was flying in. Doctor, ask yourself why don’t they want you to have this?

Now I don’t think they would let you read those books today they are probably sealed off in the attic I mean just look where did those books go.
Vanilla sky
This is what the obelisks do too. Ancient Free Energy. In daytime. No light πŸ’‘ bulbs visible. St. Louis I think. San Fran had a giant Illumined one. Too bad it’s been demolished all of it. The Ancients. Some humans had heads that lit up like light bulbs. Haloes are real. We capable.

All stolen from you with woven fantasy stories and false attributes to wrong eras. Presented as if anyone could lift it on a wagon. As if magic architects just..sat around all copying Rome. Ayn Rand..fell for that one!

Coney island

There have been so many forensic people looking for light bulbs in the daytime on these bridges andoorways in solid stone the solid stone itself seems to be illuminated too bad these things were left over from the ancients before we arrived here and they were demolished everything was demolished so this technology what the h*** is it it comes from the buildings themselves. Ask yourself lady why don’t they want us to have this beauty.?

The metal Orb on top is illuminating ..and you’ll see this with solid stone ..and especially those nobbies on β›ͺ️ and cathedrals .. they’re supposed to all light up like this at night .using atmospheric energy. For free. Electricity and free light it’s free you don’t have to pay the power people any more.

None of these people in this picture if any built this this is left over from an ancient far more superior advanced civilization that whole building is made of glass these people they take credit for building it they forge photographs they’ll put a ladder up and say they’re just finishing up. Too bad this inheritance of ours was demolished. Ask yourself, Father.. why wouldn’t they not want us to have this?

It was called America it was not called the United States.

San Francisco before they demolished it. They said all of this was paper Michelle and it had to go anyway and they paid homeless people 10 cents to build it just so they can destroy it. This is what Google will tell you. I think they’ve used up the great earthquake story..this..was only Built-in a year after the great πŸ”₯ earthquake..that’s the official story.. the narrative. This belonged to a far more advanced civilization than ours and the story about the gold rush and the cowboys and the Indians and the colonials coming in there was nothing here.. that’s not true. The whole country was completely empty with total castles and gondolas and churches and cathedrals and almost all of it is gone except for a tiny feel that these people control and they get to hang out in all day and enjoy the undergrounds.

Only they get to enjoy and use the undergrounds and the ancient technology under there the trains and the shuttles and weird stuff down there ancient cities below us. In the United States here or America. The oldest of oldest maps says America. The oldest of maps have all the cities laid out and remember these people control these collections who knows what they’ve done to these maps. All world history has to come from the Encclopedia Britannica. Your street wherever you live has been burned down millions of times and rebuilt and renamed but they’re perfectly laid out like perfect accuracy sometimes and the new construction just makes everything more confusing. On Google Earth you can see faint lines of where roads highways used to be in ancient times..and it’s far more efficient.

St. Louis. You see that it’s ancient city and hardly anybody was there but they came to see these structures and the people said that they built it because they had painted the stone white all the stone buildings white said they build it and it’s just temporary and we’re going to tear it down so you better come see it so it was like this big fare and they sold babies there in the incubators and the cabbage patch kids but hundreds of those films have been Deleted.. One famous madame actress advertising them you can’t even see 1 of her films and she made over a 100.. it you’ll never see them but they say right on the films babies for sale and on the postcards from these places babies for sale you’ll see it everywhere. And it was always advertising for these architectural fairs. This is something you’ve never learned you’ve probably never seen these buildings before. Every single city in America looked like this. It’s like God or titans had left all of this for us everywhere and you’ll still see it in your city you’ll see many many government buildings city halls libraries and every year they’re tearing another wall down they just don’t want you to have this beauty they say oh it was Built-in the 1850s because somebody wanted to copy the romanesque style and hes never built anything before or never even created any artwork but he built this magnificent palace with his bare hands.
Cathedral knobs are supposed to light up at night πŸŒ‰ also πŸŒ™ Via atmospheric energy. Or a tesla coil nearby. Where Haloes come from too. Atmospheric electricity. It’s free.
Illuminating blue lights
Are these 2 pictures below the same statue apparently this place in Italy still exists and I’m not too sure about the background but it looks like the statue but when you notice the people they stand a lot taller in here then they do in our days maybe people were a little bit taller?
Wow tis so! CAPITOL! BY JOVE!
What is this Beloved Tale we were never taught!!πŸ‘
This is the goddess of America..WAS.. her name is Columbia. Yes America has a goddess a pagan goddess.. why but you never heard of her ?..but you know the District of Columbia Columbia Pictures Columbia University..and there’s a few others.. if you think about it they’ll come to mind.
My buddy online ..daddeplorable ..made this meme for me it’s my face on a photo of Columbia.with the Phrygian Cap. America made it Trendy. Or was it left over from Ancients?
They all like this too. My fave ..not this how they built the mormon church. It’s five guys hammering at some rocks. The American films and trick photographers that would film like construction workers building the Chicago Chrysler tower building or something are even far more hilarious they’re just like pretending to hammer away at giant eagles doing nothing but just pretending to hammer.
St Louis Mo all gone.
When the allies bombed Germany to smitherine’s carpet bombing setting people on fire that were hiding in basements and stuff like that was like a burning furnace I mean it was so hot it just incinerated people they took all the Bells and there’s hundreds of pictures of these this is just one place there’s so many places and they’re just taking all the Bells because they don’t want you to have it. The Bells heal you they do something to your body.
I’m from Buffalo and there’s no illusions with me. My heart.
I wrote this for organic store newsletter

Building the US Senate?

Trump said HISTORICAL ARCHITECTURE STYLE PRESERVATION. HE saved the Washington DC post office. As if that building was built for mail?
I was watching Paul Nison video on Raw Foods. I knew him 20 years ago. When I tried commenting. And the comment before that that got me banned was on Eric dubay’s video about his raw vegan diet and I said something like we should all eat more raw foods I agree and that comment got me banned or maybe I said I loved the fruitarian diet. Try it out for 3 days. Banned!
.Yay I had 2 bans in A Row..on I’m free!

I called mask people Gimps and I made a reference to the natural born killers movie ..and I had to delete it.

.. and then when I got back on.. I complained about it.. and I said I just got banned from calling masked people gimps and I got BANNED 7 days.Again. I am such a truthful soul. It’s an πŸŽ– HONOR TWITTER πŸŽ–

When I was in machu pichu..I asked what the terraces were..and they said that they were there to grow corn on or something like to sit out in the sun.

All the way down the mountain ⛰️

MINNESOTA This wasn’t pulled up in the great gay eighties 1880s or the art deco artists.. Or whatever.. even those people were the renters who didn’t pay the rent ..this is even more ancient.
Fertilizer using electricity?

Kanye ye West was right βœ…οΈ Pre United States

Ye said we’ve ALWAYS BEEN HERE


Anyway I mentioned that I was watching David night on gab TV and his reaction to Alex Jones and I haven’t heard the whole thing yet but it makes me very sad because I feel like David Knight and Alex Jones you know they’re like 2 parents who got divorced but still wanna hang out with one on the weekend ..and I always watch David Knight still . but he wasn’t very happy called them both 🀑 clowns. and stuff like that and I just got really sad because he used to be really proud of working at infowars ..And you know what David Knight always brought class to the show. and I really think it’s the nice suits and I’m telling everyone you know Alex Jones could be unstoppable..If he just wore a nice suit every day .not all the time.. if he wore a nice business suit on his show..WITH A TIE πŸ‘” instead of just like the open collar. He could go big like Rush Limbaugh I mean really rush never really wore a suit on his show but he had other refinements he was very polished and more golfy..I guess that appeals to RICHER different people too.. because you want to attract people of all types. Anyways David Knight brought that office look ..that high rise skyscraper office luck.. to the infowar show and I know Alex Jones loves Dave Knight still but tonight David Knight called him a clown.. he made him really sad ..but you know there’s a grain of truth in what Alex says too ..I mean really like you know you could find anything in anything but…I can’t wait to hear the whole thing.


He was like Dana Scully.. and Fox Mulder was like Alex Jones . And they balance each other out but now that they’re separate it seems like Alex went to one extreme end and David night went to the other extreme end and I think maybe they just realize maybe Alex needs a little more grounding and maybe David Knight needs a bit more love. I can feel the anger in his voice as he talks about that show that he used to be on. And it’s kind of a downer and makes me sad how sad David Knight is without Alex. But don’t worry David night you’ll find your Alex .. And it will be far more better. you know you’ll find to show you really enjoy being on. And Alex will get his David Knight back somehow and in some other form..something more grounding.. that can take him down a little from the sensationalism route.. it’s fine once or twice but if you do do it too much become like the Matt drudge website. But honestly Alex Jones did correct interviewing kanye broke the Internet record of all time for live streams. But there you have the conscience on the other shoulder that is David Knight saying it’s wrong to go that route of sensationalism celebrity.. hand..on The Bible drinking yoohoo.. Maybe Kanya was making a point of how broke it was that he now has to drink youhoo?..

I wonder if he got that out of the drink machine at infowars they drink all YOOHOO THERE? Delicious but Suss. It’s not really chocolate milk.. but it’s so yummy.

and you know but I’m also thinking from Alex’s viewpoint that he know he was kind of scared of kanye because kanye walked out of Tim pool’s interview and it was kind of humiliating so he didn’t want to go through that so he was just really well behaved so when you take the 2 together there’s some balance do you see what I’m saying so if you take a little of what he says and a little about the other says and do the middle.. you’re completely balanced. Alex needs like a side kick with him sometimes or talking back-and-forth besides just the camera and audience you know because it’s like kind of a lifestyle you want to promote and friendship. A brat pack of sorts. Kind of like The view but not everyday just you know like the energy it’s not like it’s a casual .thing..what people are talking and relaxing. Drinking coffee β˜•οΈ or Their products. It’s not the lone Alex. it’s the popular Alex. it’s the Alex with the best friend. and I think that best friend is missing..since David Knight has been gone.I say make Greg R as the main best friend. Get him on more in conversation. Put him on more. In front of Cameras. With Alex. There. I SOLVED THE PROBLEM. We want more. Not just a report. Or get him on Skype. Make people envy your friendships. That’s how you appeal to the pack factor.

I have not heard Alex Jones today that’s the problem I’m surrounded by people who won’t let me play it it’s just too scary 😨. it’s not kid friendly or whatever but since I’m up late and I don’t have anything to do tomorrow I might just listen to it right now I usually go to GCN Alex Jones and go to the archives Good luck finding it on Google I’ve had to go to my history just to find it ..I can’t find it on Google anymore…and you can get the daily 4 hour show cut up.. in hour long segments . and you just download each one to your phone. and then just play it ..and that way the stream doesn’t interrupt


Net and Yahoo

omg. Say it fast slow learner. 🐌


YOU SEE? Everything these people do..symbols and math geniuses. Word 🎩 magic.

Alex Jones is the Rock Star and David Knight is the conscience. He takes long pauses then you see him snap out of it with a new insult. Boy does he hold a grudge. Forgive him David. Alex said he still loved you on air. Recently a few weeks ago. The ball is in David’s court now. 😳 This tension can’t go on!

It’s killing all of us.. look how many dislikes to likes. on the πŸŒ™ David Knight.. video I’m telling you it’s hurting all of us.. you gotta forgive him. I think what David Knights free speech is all about is the expression of anger and being let down being fired humiliated let go thrown out. David will never let you live it down he’ll be complaining forever and it’s just…. You got to admit Alex you made a mistake he was too important you should have let him go over differences about Trump. You have those all the time now. ⏲️ He’s letting you have it.. and it’s just so sad the comments section everyone’s Being really deeply mean to David Knight he should pay attention.. but knowing him he’ll just speak his truth to the grave ..and you know I just don’t want him to be πŸ˜” 😟 πŸ™ anymore. Time heals all wounds!

Alex I think David Knight is a boomer. He was a teen before you were born. He traveled to Germany before you were playing ▢️ tiddlywinks.

He’s an elder. David has to understand in life right now..there is a Gen X takeover..hostile..if u will. Our entire lives we were told we were not good enough and we were very resentful. But boomers will always go to the grave thinking they were right. Gen x. just don’t have the same beliefs that the older generations fell for …so many false things all of them collectively believe… I just don’t think David should take it personally. Boomers everywhere are in deep trouble. About to lose it all. The power. πŸ‘Ά So do not BLAME ALEX.. it’s just the way of the world right now…

Hope u like my short story