Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Alvin Bragg Diane Feinstein Fang Fang Elon Musk Political Cartoons

Alvin Bragg Diane Feinstein Fang Fang Elon Musk Political Cartoons

Diane Feinstein and fang fang Chinese Spy political cartoon. MTG mentioned SAYS THE GUY WHO SLEPT WITH THE CHINESE SPY out loud. I loved it. They didn’t know what to do. Both are in the news!
Elon Musk political cartoon with Chat GPT bot. Harmless silly little thing. BASED.

Alvin Bragg Political Cartoon

I must tread carefully and avoid the spotlight, for I do not wish to attract undue attention. Keeping the trolls at bay is challenging, and I must focus on my ultimate goal. My career as a political cartoonist hinges on the return of President Trump for a second term – a promise I made back in 2016. It begins then. All this now is JUST PRACTICE.

I HAVE NO DESIRE TO ATTRACT THE HATE MACHINE OF THE LEFT. I know what I am doing. I was born for this. I was made for this. Until that time, I must choose my path wisely. While passive income would be ideal, my heart lies in creating political cartoons that speak to a few discerning collectors. A small sum of one hundred dollars each seems reasonable for these treasures. Not the 10 dollars people sell nfts for! I am determined to pursue this path, despite the challenges. Freelancing is an acceptable pursuit, ghostwriting for others and drawing caricatures of everyone in their offices.. but I yearn to create something uniquely my own. I will forge ahead, relying on my intellect and creativity to pave the way. That way, I can do what I love and get paid fairly and honestly. For a few shy collectors. Not the masses. If I were to work for a newspaper, my political cartoons ARE NOT MY OWN. My ideas are not MINE. Now, I am free. I can draw, whatever! You want me to be free. Right? It is HONESTY. Do you want that? Real political cartoons- not some slant the newspapers have?

LOOMER is a remarkable individual, possessing great strength and vitality. As women, we understand the power of youth and the advantages it can bring. In politics, Loomer stands out as a unique and promising force. At a mere 29 years old, she has a definite edge that sets her apart from other female politicians. Her youthfulness provides a fresh perspective and a keen awareness of today’s world. Valuing her age is essential. She has the upper hand- fair and square.

She has what they ALL WANT. YOUTH.

Loomer is the HAVE, and they are the HAVE NOTS. We got this! Now is the time! You guys have no idea- but I see things you cannot. All these journalists and DC reporters, yeah, they all have a crush on her! She has it- THE IT.

Let’s talk about LOOMER.

Loomer a le truc. Elle est l’avenir. Je ne fais que lire les feuilles de thé. ELLE est l’avenir, la carte sauvage, et les Américains L’UTILISERONT pour obtenir ce qu’ils veulent ! Nous ne voulons pas de RINO. Nous ne voulons pas de traîtres !

She’s got “the thing.” She is the future. I’m just reading the tea leaves. Even without me, she will do this..She is the future, the wild card, and Americans will USE HER to get what they want! THEY WILL USE HER against our enemies.

WE WILL put LAURA LOOMER first against them. We don’t want RINOs. We don’t want traitors! WE WILL DO IT.

Look if I am COMPLETELY SMITTEN ( you want that effect in politics)- then- EVERYONE IS SMITTEN WITH HER. I know what I see when I see it.

This is what you want. She is a baby. Bring her in now when she is HER MOST POWERFUL. You yourself are obsessed with her. TRUMP is obsessed with her. Even Ron, you know Casey sees all and judges her husband..she must be inspired ( I am more than a kitchen model, Ron, right?) All the wealthy FLORIDA women finally found their best friend to believe in. They like ACTION. Not just a mannequin in a shop.

Women want to be represented. We want ‘Us’ up there. Not just a pretty ” WIFE to a great man” I mean, yeah, you know what I am saying. We want to play. The same way men play. We can also think of strategies, plans, and wargames and have ideas. Not ALL women want to be silent wives. Even if we had- that beauty, some of us —LIKE to be politicians. We wish to see someone we would consider a fren, UP THERE. To Compete with the Men. Otherwise, all the men turn tranz. And women are just pretty things. For some WOMEN, it is THEIR WILL to make a change in politics, and not by JUST being pretty!

Being Pretty takes so much work, all day, all your thoughts. You starve, your diet, and you weigh yourself daily. That is all fine if you are a model. But if you want RESPECT Amongst men! Not just a steak bringer. Politics are ok for women. Beauty only takes you SO FAR. Smarts are where it’s at. Spend your time wisely. I say, THE MIDDLE. Spend 20 percent of the time is pretty and the rest educating yourself.

Je ne peux pas la placer pour l’instant. L. Est-elle Jeanne d’Arc? Non. Ça me reviendra. Elle est la réincarnation de la jeune fille en politique. Elle est le cheval blanc. Elle est la NOUVELLE LUNE. Nous avons trop de vieilles femmes en politique, maintenant NOUS AVONS UNE JEUNE FILLE. Pas encore une mère. Une vierge. Nous en avons une ! Le feu de la jeunesse. Un souffle d’air frais. Nous avons les trois femmes, la jeune fille, la mère et la vieille femme. L est la jeune fille. Elle est la jeunesse. LES JEUNES ADULTES ONT BESOIN D’ÊTRE REPRÉSENTÉS EN POLITIQUE. Savez-vous combien d’enfants elle va amener en politique? Le futur. L, installée dans le bureau de Tee. Pouvez-vous imaginer ? Oh mon dieu. Beaucoup du marais devront être asséchés d’abord. Je veux qu’elle soit protégée, est-ce qu’elle COMPREND le choix qu’elle fait? UNE VIE DE POLITIQUE DEVANT ELLE. L représente la force d’une jeune fille qui réconforte un lion en colère. ÇA c’est de la force. Elle caresse le lion qui se soumet à sa jeunesse.

I cannot place her yet. Loomer-

. Is she Joan of Arc?

No. It will come to me. She is the reincarnation of the maiden in politics.

She is the NEW MOON.

We have too many “old women” in politics, “mothers,” and many waxings.


Not yet a mother. A virgin. We have one! Loomer represents the virgin ( not literally), The fire of youth—a breath of fresh air. We have three women, the maiden, the mother, and the old woman. Loomer is the maiden. She is a youth. YOUNG ADULTS NEED TO BE REPRESENTED IN POLITICS. Do you know how many young adult children she will bring into politics? They will be glued to the hearings. The future. Loomer, installed in Trump’s office. Can you imagine? My God. A lot of swamps will have to be drained first. I want her to be protected; does she UNDERSTAND her choice? A LIFE OF POLITICS AHEAD.

Loomer represents the strength

of a young girl who comforts an angry lion

… That is strength.

She pets the lion, who yields to her youth. The lion would eat a grown man. But not her. She is..too strong for the lion who yields to her touch.

YOU CANNOT GET THE WALL STREET BULL to yield to you. It will eat you.

She is like the little girl facing the golden bull on Wall Street.

The Golden Bull…delivers to Loomer.

It will not yield to you. It will yield to HER.

Because she has F’ing STRENGTH!!!

Et une note finale sur les femmes et les révolutions.

Devinez qui commence TOUJOURS les révolutions? Chacune d’entre elles… a été commencée… par… les femmes.

If this is what YOU ALL WANT…then let her in.

I am asking MTG to yield. Mother, surrender to the maiden, for she brings many YOUNG men and youthful women with her. They can help you win your battles- you otherwise could not. This is OPEN Support. This BACKS YOU UP. They got your back. Your foot soldiers. The ones who will show up. FOR YOU.. Trust me, the kids want their parents to get along.

If thou dost rig the game, ’tis not a game -but a cheat, and you knowest it. Why not PLAY HONESTLY and make this a real contest? Place her in the game to challenge thy ALL-STARS. They are far too full of pride, and if given a chance, they would turn on you. They must be brought under control. She will do this for you, lest they rebel against thee! The politicians getting too arrogant will rise against you. They need to be stressed out so they remain in control. World leaders seek a distraction, and they desire fresh meat. As long as it is not thou, you canst rest thy weary head, at least once!

It’s akin to the film ‘Mean Girls.’ You must acknowledge the arrival of a new girl in town who is MORE POPULAR than the rest.’ There are, of course, other men to assist us in Congress to ensure her entrance. And no one need ever be the wiser! We can do this as women, or we may seek the help of our male colleagues.

If you put her in, no one would look at you negatively anymore. WIN-WIN

The rest! All you need is popcorn.

Citizens, it is perhaps the case that men such as Ron DeSantis harbor resentment towards Loomer, for she has elevated his own wife’s intelligence to the degree that may stir feelings of inadequacy within him. It is a lamentable state of affairs when all attention is directed towards Loomer rather than his wife, who may well be the epitome of the ideal woman in society. Until Loomer came along. Yet, more individuals hold Loomer in higher regard than Casey. I call her Tammy Faye Lamb Eyes, for women have an innate sense of pride and desire for respect. Such esteem is not granted simply by another man’s choice but by one’s hand-shaping destiny. Loomer is a prize to be won, while Lamb Eyes is a mere trinket that quickly loses its luster.

All that one woman does each day is either to help society or to be pleasing enough in bed for a man, but all eyes will be fixed upon Loomer and the bevy of pretty young things who covet her attention, mark my words.

Picture, if you will, the tumultuous battles that might arise between RON Desantis and Casey. “Why can’t you stand by me as Loomer stands by Donald?” he might implore to her, resenting the fact.. My clairvoyant instincts tell me it was merely a ruse when Casey had cancer. She had discovered Ron’s betrayal of Donald, and upon learning this, she became unhinged and wished to abandon her marriage. She had uncovered Ron’s perfidy against Don and, upon learning of this treachery, lost her composure and sought to sever their bond. I venture to say that Jeb BUSH intervened and provided her with a sum of one million dollars merely to keep her in the union! Everybody felt something was up with her. You were not wrong.