Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized #AlexJones #MarkDice and #DonaldTrump.

#AlexJones #MarkDice and #DonaldTrump.

#AlexJones #MarkDice and #DonaldTrump. post thumbnail image
I woke up to this! I LOVE YOU MATT! 

I get all my news from  Since 2008. I do it sleepwalking. We have come a long way.

On Alex Jones today I heard that video and here is my response

32 minutes in

THE FREEMASONS NEED TO GIVE DONALD TRUMP THEIR PROOF OF FLAT EARTH ON A PLATTER AND TO PUTIN TOO. Then all the worlds hidden gold ( you wont find it on a globe earth map) will be yours! And liberate all man!! FREEMASONS SAVE YOURSELVES…the elite are taking your”SECRET SOCIETY SECRET” ALL SPACE IS FAKE. Nasa is using you guys to hide behind. GO WITH TRUMP, work for Trump, there is more gold on Trumps side! FREE WILL TRUMPS BLOOD OATHS! EARTH HAS NEVER BEEN A GLOBE PEOPLE, mass deception. I hope Trump and Putin can disclose this. Wait til you see the evidence!!!ALEX JONES TALKS ABOUT THIS in this video about freemasonry you have to hear close. The freemasons have been taken over by satanists long time ago. They need to stand with TRUMP and stand with GOD. ( all that is good) In the video he brushes on it. He talks about it somewhere listen to the whole thing. Its a beautiful RANT.

I consider myself an INFOwarrior for TRUMP. Beautiful enlightening. Alex knows a lot about evil, he can bring a lot to the table. He sees them. He can see. So can I. So can Mark. This is why I wrote them.

And then I saw this video and here is my response after it ( I love Mark, DICE SO MUCH . I am a Flat Earther and I want to show you somethings. Thats how cool I think you are. I know how you feel so far, but let me just ask you to double check.)

Mark and Alex listen to the FLAT EARTH PEOPLE, I know they bug you too, because they respect you so highly! Please,  SEE their evidence. ASK QUESTIONS, spend one day with your team…not just to smear, but to see WHAT THEY KNOW and boy do they KNOW SOMETHING.  Leanne Macadoo I will send you anything you need!  Just listen objectively. Its not what you think. Its better! This will put Trump in OVERNIGHT. They have files and files on the ELITE and files on NASA. I think you should ask them some questions. I mean, you talk about god, which is not objective. Look at THIS SCIENTIFICALLY. And you too MARK DICE. YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING. Its amazing, but when you find out about FLAT EARTH evidence…and see will know alot more about the world and you will see what it takes to GET TRUMP IN. You will UNDERSTAND LUCIFER mark and  Alex, when you look at FLAT EARTH. All those fake astronauts…mickey mouse on mercury, rainbowed colored moons..and now CHINA is going to fake the moon walk. ENJOY

The Secret Societies do not protect their own SEE SCALIA. They do not.. Brothers are supposed to be looking out for one another. So I ask all secret societies…you each have free will. Free will Trumps all Blood Oaths. Correct? Do I have you? Who are you brothers? Who has your back? The good of the world? Or the despicable? Can you go this extra step for Trump? Can you in your soul, at least, say I will do what I can to get him in. Secretly at least? God will know. You will know.

Have you heard JFKS warning speech before he died? He used the words SPHERE DIMENSIONS BALL HORIZONS LIMITATIONS etc
Did you hear John Lennons song about the sun in the flat earth model? You wonder why he changed SO DRASTICALLY in the late 70’s ?

All you future presidents….of the UNITED STATES…do you want to be close to god? Wealth Abundance…GOD IS A CAPITALIST. Trump just may be the savior. I think he is. If he brings the shape of our world to the WORLD. He will get the worlds attention. ALL EVIL like rats will hide.

PLUS THE REAL BEAUTY OF FLAT EARTH All these beautiful things, I want you guys to see. I want before you die, to know. I Love you.

And Mark. you talk about media. Well how many searches for flat earth, go look. ANALYZE that. See proofs videos first, because you have to know first. Then research their dossiers on NASA UN OBAMA ELITE, SATANISTS, GLOBE- AL ( GLOBAL) DECEPTIONS. 

Toss the globe Mark. The elite will never respect a GLOBE EARTHER. Because they know the truth. They make up the lies.

Thats the best advice I can give you IF YOU WANT TO BE EFFECTIVE. Ridicule? Dont be scared. People will love you genuinely, most of the comments will be loving. Knowing doesnt hurt. You dont have to say you are a flat earther, like John B Wells, he keeps it inside, but you can hear it when you read between the lines…just know inside. It gives you the edge over the elite because like all things hidden in plain sight, once you see, you can see THE WHOLE THING!

Dont you want eyes brother?

Mark Dice your speech starts at 9 minutes in. Brilliant! I agree! I see you Brother. Kesha I read that yeah. She is crying in court because of contracts she cant get out. She says she is a puppet. She should do what Marilyn Monroe did – gain weight! Right? Can she do that Mark? Or will she get fined?

If you need anything let me know. I will work for free doing whatever you need. You dont even have to write me back. I watch you, so I will know if you read it.

You are very handsome Mark Dice. I hope you find a nice lady. Someone like Syrian Girl. SUPER HOT.

You will love the flat earth revolution.

Its not just Flat Earth. Its a revolution. 


” Are NUKES REAL?”…. If they can hide 9 / 11 in plain sight, they hid stuff in the past too! They studied old reels, of “nuclear tests” and they are visually todays standards you can see..proven fakes. Proven toy homes blown up, proven edits and cuts to bigger explosions. Did you know high level dynamite makes mushroom clouds? Did you know Hiroshima and Nagasaki exactly the same as CARPETBOMBING visually? ( HISTORY WAS REWRITTEN)

THE GERM THEORY IS LIE TOO. Germ theory, that too…will bring down all the vaccine hoaxes. Pasteur said on his deathbed, he was wrong. He was wrong about the germ. Its about the terrain. Not the germ. So all vaccines DEMONSTRABLY WRONG. To make money. To dumb you down. To soft kill you into their treatments. Its business for them as usual. THEY HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO OF BLOOD CELLS PLEO MORPHING INTO VIRUSES. You dont catch anything. Disease and Germs come from WITHIN YOU because of self responsibility. Plagues are from dirty water. Blood feces and death in water thats used for drinking. Not germs. Not evil spirits. There are no germs. They are YOU!

This works well with your Products, Alex because its the terrain we need to protect, our immune system, our bodies, our lifestyle, minerals, etc. GERM THEORY, GLOBE and NUKES toss in the trash. Truth is only thing that will topple Evil. For generations. What next!

What else? Oh so much.