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Alex Jones second hour, floored me. I felt so sad. I just want to write about it.

President Trump said something very interesting. I am going to speak from the heart what I think.

Alex Jones was so upset he couldn’t do his first hour of Infowars. Now I love Alex. I have been listening WAY before you.

Harrison Smith was great as a fill-in. He made me laugh, especially when he made fun of those scared of Omicron.

The coolest glasses ever.

But when Alex came on, the second hour, he moved me almost to tears. I feel I want to comfort him, and make sense of this, and use psychology and bring up some things people are talking about.

Here is ALEX JONES’s second hour. Take a listen to him, to understand my article here.


I want to face head-on with bravery. I am talking to conservatives. I am talking to Trump supporters and Republicans. I have to do this, because I am very protective of Alex. I SEE DAILY his hard work. I know how hard he works and I appreciate him for it.

And I love President Trump dearly, and will follow him wherever,

I am not talking to Democrats. They don’t have to know anything.

I am going to handle this the only way I can. With my intuition and maybe a psychic reading.

What did Trump mean, when he said what he said about vaccines being the best thing? It is not so simple.

Here is the INFOWARS article.Trump: “You’re Playing Right Into Their Hands” When You Doubt the Vaccine (

This article you cannot do Jarvis on. This is from my soul. Unthought-of thoughts. New ideas. Breakthru understanding. Another way of looking at things.

Alex mentioned this, and I did witness all the videos all over social media. I reposted many. Fabulous women, dressed up, speeches, applause. But it rubbed him the wrong way. Because noone was talking about the vaccine injuries of kids and all the deaths.

Life is like HIGH SCHOOL. All groups, are like high school. You have beautiful faces at TPUSA all in tuxedos. You have stars on stage like Elvis, people roaring. Its celebrity really. And it upset Alex.

At Turning Point USA, They instruct each other, about not retweeting sketchy sites. It was on the wall. Does a sketchy site mean someone with 100 followers? Or someone not famous? which is good, but among conservatives, you should retweet a good idea, regardless of what that person’s life story is. If you like someones meme, you dont need clearance to post it, from anyone..And you shouldnt judge want to retweet based on how many followers. Alot of people mentioned this.

You see them dancing, like movie stars, and you feel left out. Almost clique-y. Conservatives can be clique-y too. But all conservatives are not the same ..and fewer… are the top conservatives… you see on tv or those we envy, with a million followers on social media. You shouldn’t envy that. You should not just follow famous people either. You can talk to regular people.

But the CREAM OF THE CREAM, at a gala out in gowns and stars… do not represent all conservatives. Alex Jones was very upset at all the festivities. He went into detail and he was very illustrative on his feelings.

And they posted their rules on a powerpoint. HOW NOT TO BE IN THE NEWS it was called. Well, we should be able to talk about whatever without fearing the left or being on the news. But it’s their rules for that party.It just felt like a popular club with no outsiders. I know they didnt mean it.

Alex was screaming at how they are all out like a night out, celebrating when many vax injured are dying and there is a looming mandate in NEW YORK, and noone said anything about it..I get what Alex meant by that. He was so angry, that so much bad stuff is happening. People dying everywhere, and here they are like a night of the Oscars.

Yes, it feels lonely not being invited, or left out. But it is NOTHING PERSONAL. Especially when you been working SO HARD day and night, no thanks, no honors, and your million articles and blogs gone unnoticed by the top. It feels personal. It feels like a lot of hard work for nothing. Alex wanted to go home. He was so upset!

I had a different opinion. I love looking at glamour and glitz and it makes me feel good again and it shows the world how beautiful Conservatives are .. America is…and maybe people want to join in and convert and leave the left… Happiness, Security and good times. Those things important. Bill Oreilley is a legend. My dad loves him. Trump’s Speech at the Church, and TPUSA all happening…brings back confidence in a healthy America. I liked the events. I still haven’t seen the speeches.

Politics is like High School. Conservatives are like high school. You have the pretty people, the popular ones, the jocks. I went to all girls schools, but I know the archtypes. Life is like that. Conservatives are like that too

… Pretty people are important. But with all their energy and mental focus on BEING PRETTY, it has its shortcomings. Suits, bowties, plaid, ties, they look great. But that takes a lot of mental energy away from ….thinking …and coming up with new ideas. They represent us, but do not necessarily do the thinking. Politics needs star power. Because people all over ADMIRE PHYSICAL BEAUTY. That will get you hired over brains every day. But it takes alot of all day time, in grooming yourself, hair, everything clean, makeup, suits, etc..that there goes your day.

Then there are the “SKATE PARK” conservatives. Not too popular but way cooler, wilder, we speak without censoring..we always know what’s up before everyone else.. and we have lots of parties and friends. Come as you are. These are the journalists, the bloggers, the posters, meme makers and political cartoonists. The ART TYPES. And this world is just as influential. In fact, we start the trends and do the work.

It would be nice to be invited to a glitzy night out with the Preps. But if it didn’t happens in high school, it will not happen in real life. We NATURALLY gravitate to our own levels. Why would you want to be a designer pair of patchwork shorts? And being a skate park conservative is super cool. We have an army. Hard workers, thinkers, farmers, hunters, writers, readers. And REMEMBER, it is the INTELLECTUALS that bring the ideas that trickle down to the rest of the entire scene. But the beautiful people simply get on tv, get all the love, and take all the credit.

We do not want the credit. For our lives may not be so perfect or popular. We could be easy targets..our goth days may be brought up..We need those stars to hide behind. While we work. The left is a monster. They will destroy you if they can. So the beautiful people are there for a reason. They take most of the heat. Their beauty saves them..But without the work we do. It is not backed up.

There are mainstream conservatives who watch tv and believe everything on it. They watch Netflix. They ran and got the vaccine. They believe in science because they went to college and couldnt imagine it was indoctrination.

Other conservatives never paid for cable tv in their lives. They do not watch Hollywood movies about doctors saving the world, or they do not watch the news where doctors actually cured someone, or on a commercial, where a doctor actor heals someone, they do not see these things so they are not brainwashed.

In the movie the Breakfast Club, all the subcultures and archetypes of life, got together and became friends. Everyone believes something different, but yet they were the same, all fucked up, lol.

Alex Jones loves Trump. As do I. We love him. And it hurts that maybe he doesn’t SPEAK OUT LOUD our thoughts when interviewed. It feels like we are losers back in high school. You thought he was a friend, but he is speaking to a cooler crowd. Denying your fact, making you look like a tinfoil hat..IT HURTS feeling like a loser who is wrong about everything ..we know is SO RIGHT. It hurts being ignored. But it doesn’t look quite like that.

At Rallies Trump speaks to us,, he tweets to us every day. But most conservatives feel in tune with his soul when he does good for America. He is like a father figure. Let’s get to the meat!!! Noone should feel unrepresented. We all have something different to bring. Let’s get to the heart of this post.

Whatever Alex Jones is writing about, is very true. Whatever conservatives all over telegram are talking about is valid ..concerning vaccines. Threads of injuries and ebola like bleeding out orifices and bruising and shakes and paralyzation.. is all real.. Hospitals burying people alive or the human body pits in Brazil, real..Doctors killing patients with MIDAZOLAM is real and PRESIDENT TRUMP KNOWS IT. Remember when Trump sent them all ventilators. He set them up. He played so many games with the enemy and gave them the rope to hang themselves with.

All those sports guys falling..true.. The war between Fauci and Trump very real. He gave him power so everyone can run him through a distiller…Tucker , Lisa Marie Boothe, Candace all true. Trump saying what he said, above..doesnt erase reality. There is no civil war among us. We are one. The rest of the world is rioting, and we are going to win this with brains..The only people mocking us is the left. Trump left us some crumbs though. Which I caught.

He is playing honey for big pharma to trick them.. He doesn’t want to be an outsider.. he wants to be let in so he can destroy evil… this is above our understanding because there are strategies.. that we are not allowed to know because this is like you know top secret stuff. War. People are being taken down daily!

Now PRESIDENT TRUMP is everyone’s leader. The majority of people are in the MATRIX. He is a leader of us all. He even is a leader of the Matrix. He leads all Americans.

This is something Alex Jones is not. Me too. I would be bored to tears talking to average people. Most people are not even involved with politics. MOST PEOPLE!!

… It is a SMALL group ALWAYS that leads all political agendas ever on earth. But …most.. people are peabrain.. and watch jeopardy and eat tea with crackers watching news at 6 pm on the tv. Most people are asleep. Most people believe in the fake science stuff. MOST of these PEOPLE are Americans. They vote democrat. They hurt us by their ignorance. They have to be SPOKEN to differently. You cannot scare them or alarm them or all hell will break loose. We are not ready for that. They are productive, dont believe evil exists, and maybe pay their taxes. THEN there are the awake. In Every position, every job, there are those that are awake and cannot be fooled by CNN.

He did not say “when you doubt the vaccine”. He said OH THE VACCINE..

His words were, DONT LET THEM TAKE IT AWAY… (as if it is a good thing. we will look at why maybe..) He said, you are playing into their hands when you go..oh the vaccine. When you go OH THE VACCINE.

Alex brought up the children that are being injured and killed with them. Yes, the children. Trump loves children more than anything. But let me explain. Kids are being freed daily by satanic Pedos everywhere. Trump loves Vaccines for a reason. It all makes sense when you look at what is happening to all his enemies, all the agencies that fought him, all the communist education system.. going down now.. all the fake news..all the commies in is a good thing.. to take them down, while everyone is scared and at home.. AND JOE BIDEN takes the blame..

He said YOU HAVE YOUR CHOICE. You would all be dead like the spanish flu. If it werent for him. Take credit and be proud. That is what he said. Now, because of that, people are looking for Spanish Flu history..and what they are finding is that was a genocide blamed on an invisible boogieman, while they killed with the medicine. Same thing with every 100-year cycle. Trump brought that up before too. Every hundred years pandemic. Cholera, black plague, it was all genocide. If you look into 15th-century writings..the plagues were caused by poisoning the wells. Not disease! People are waking up. The black plague started at 666 street. It was coordinated, by the satanic church. Blamed on cats. Then rats.

OK. He is talking obviously in code. President Trump knew this was coming. Whether he liked it or not. He had to make a choice to save Americans, the 30% of real ones, the highest IQ. The rest are lost. They been mentally damaged by the left. The 30/70 percent of Republicans who are attached to the mainstream, their ways have to go too, for it is the old way, the old system…they believe in the matrix which is satanic. They do not know right from wrong.. they are too vaccine injured, flouride water etc.. This is a war. And our enemies are the democrats. Not every one. But the majority are communists. How do you kill them? It would be like the CHINESE invading. You would want them killed. Or you would be killed. Same thing with the democrats. But you cannot do this with violence. BUT BY FREE WILL. You see liars, cannot tell when they are being lied to. You give them their fear, and they eat it up because they do not have god’s protection.

AND THE ABOMINATIONS walking around. They cannot be allowed to survive. God hates them. They are not even humans. They cut off their genitals..They changed their DNA. They are VERY DANGEROUS as they shed. They are HURTING many healthy, giving them abortions just by working next to them. They must be separated..They lose all rights as Americans and it is THEY, the vaccinated, that have to be quarantined. Or else they will make the healthy sick. But everything is inverted. Only way it can happen. How would you fool them into it,? Yes, by making them out to be the good ones. You confuse them. Meanwhile, you take down all the evil agencies all your enemies that tried so hard to hurt you. Everything is poisoned. It has to go. This slave system, always in debt, people as collateral, it is evil and must be destroyed. But Joe Biden takes the fall for it all.

If President Trump did not do warp speed, all of us would be killed with mandatory shots. He rushed this through BANKING on our high IQs to figure it out on our own. Emergency USE AUTHORIZATION, GAVE US OUR FREEDOM. And the laws of our country are on pause. No Constitution right now. It is the wild west…it is the purge ..of evil.. By now, we all figured this out. And its too late, for we figured it out as the scam it is.. and we are still alive. It is an iq test. No matter which way, there will be blood. At least we were saved.

He gave us revelations, he said look, the devil is allowed to play.. you see it all.. you caught the devil in the act. OTHERWISE, AMERICANS forever would be slowly killed by our enemies under the guise of medicine FOREVER. Our kids would be slaves. And we would be paying for things, that kill us. That harms us. This evil has to end. Especially selling humans for organs and eyes.

When Trump said he wished GHISLAINE MAXWELL WELL.. I wish her well.. its the same thing. Conservatives are like WHAT. WISHES HER WELL? Same thing with RBG after she has been dead two years, ” Oh, RBG just died? She is a legend.”.. He doesnt REALLY think she is a legend. But it is called playing honey. Your enemy has a blind spot when it comes to this. You trick them. They leave you alone, and you grow closer to them.

You see, Trump never shows his hand and never shows his plans. And he goes up to his enemy and always hits from behind. Big Pharma is a MASSIVE DEMON that must be outsmarted. He is playing honey. In order to beat them , he has to pretend he is one of them. He is paying friend. At the same time, the billions of dollar they all have will wind up in our hands. How do you take all their money? You earn their trust. You do not want billions to go to the communists do you? You do not walk up to the door dressed in camo. But you come with chocolates and a smile.


People say OH why does Trump want his daughter in the new world order.. beat it. To control it. To bring light to the people. To be a leader for everyone, you have to do it with reason. They got a pretty solid system of control set up. The minds of the masses, for example..There’s a lot of things that you can win by infiltration if you know what I mean but it’s gotta be kept hush hush because it’s top secret…

OK everyday I see in the news millions of PEDOPHILE busts. They go unnoticed. But it is happening all over the world. Huge STINGS. Now, Joe Biden, if he really were president…would protect his fellow pedos. But it is not happening. WHY? If you look at the lists. Many are TOP DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS. In every state. being busted. Children are being freed. You see problems at the border, and trafficking, but it is like with the Guns in Mexico Fast and furious. You bring them in to catch the perverts,in the act of buying and selling. You finally got evidence. You busted not only the renfelds but Dracula.. These are major players being brought down everywhere. And ALL ASSETS ALL CASH by human traffickers are seized. The majority must not know.. The Average person, must not know or it will jeopardize. This has been going on everyday behind the scenes. I see it so much. Loads of links to articles, daily. HUGE BUSTS. And why isnt Joe defending his buddies? Very strange. Unlikely.

HOW MANY TIMES has Joe Biden’s White House had to defend if…he REALLY IS PRESIDENT? What about the fake sets, fake CGI, missing heads, weird mask necks. You see it, but you do not ask yourself? Why is this happening? President Trump could never vanquish our enemies without this.

Hey I cannot link or post screenshots to everything I am saying. If you are not in politics, you just dont know. Im speaking to my peers who know exactly.

If those videos won’t post it is someone going into the White House and there’s a list of presidents and Joe Biden is not there and it doesn’t and it doesn’t and where it says president trump’s president say it just has a – like it’s on going.

If Trump says Vaccines are the best gift ever…what do you think Democrats will think now?😙😙

So if this is how wars are fought, through riddles.. that your own thoughts cant be spoken…that it is all cloak and’s how it is supposed to be done. We cannot let the enemy know what we are up to.

President Trump has to admire Alex Jones for his goodness. That he isn’t in a cult. Blindly following anything that glitters, just for a show on tv. He wants to warn others, our families friends, and especially the children, to not take it. All of this brings attacks from the left but he fights. Potentially saving lives. For it is a bioweapon and…ever notice, where have all the people gone?

Be so glad you are alive, keep your blood pure and remember. we are up against a deadly demon. The Demon Of Big Pharma. Not the biggest of them. The last demon will come last. Trump will do this, and with grace. And everyone may read it the wrong way. But you do not know him. HE WINS IN THE END. And him losing, the election…what did he lose? Did you see his motorcade the other day? Miles long flashing limmos, secret service? I watched every episode ever of Apprentice Celebrity etc. At his heart, he always wins. He tells you how he does it in his book Art of the Deal I read at 14. I know him. He loves us.

It is good to warn others.. but our enemies, you want them to destroy themselves and their poisoned agencies. Let them think the vaccine is great..They do child trafficking. They need to die. God’s orders. It is a crime a mortal sin. You fool them into doing it themselves.

Napoleon ..the character they present in order to control…..used the Jacobins, the communists to destroy France in order to plunder it and rule it. The Soviets destroyed the old ways, so the new leaders could come in and take over. Communists and Capitalists use each other. One Destroys…one builds. Guess who is ALWAYS in control?

I do not believe in scarcity. I do not believe in depopulation. But I do believe good overcomes evil. But you can never do it outright. You need a veil. You come to the devil with a smile. He cannot tell you are lying when you do this. That is his weakness. They do not have the gift good people have. If you ever in mortal danger tell some jokes. Disarm with friendliness.

President Trump pushed the vaccine in order for us to have free choice.. under emergency authorization ..we cannot get a mandatory law when something is experimental. No we get to see everything the evil is capable of ..otherwise most people would never wake up. He did this to save our life and country.. there is a big war going on in the world ..invisible. You are in the matrix, you cannot see it. Life is not the tv. Yes..and all sorts of things we cannot comprehend but it all makes sense when you realize what hes done before he left his office under his term. He put in LAWS AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS that make no sense. until now.. Have you noticed all the container ships stuck at our ports. ? AMERICA is not ALLOWED to take in any freight of a country that took part in a stolen election. HIS EXECUTIVE ORDER…All these trials are not public. Tribunals are different. If Trump makes a cameo somewhere having a good time, the rest of the time he is directing everything behind the scenes. His brother may even be a body double sometimes with a rubber CGI overlay face. I do not think his brother died for many reasons. Someone tracked the plane and it’s a long story. His casket went it. Trump did say, you may not see me for a long time…

I one will allow him to be put in danger. NOONE. It would be way too risky to go to a publiv event all the time, and this stage of the takeback of America.

Things we cannot see. There may be a Ghislaine Maxwell drawing from a courtroom artist we do not even know if it is a real case.. We could be just seeing an artist draw stuff. People walking up to a courtroom doesn’t mean a court case is really happening. Especially if Federal under Covid. It can be easily faked. Something ELSE can be happening and you would not know. There is a good matrix and a bad one but a matrix nonetheless. If you see the glitches you know. I see them daily. But the military is all-trans, you say. They wouldnt be doing tribunals …No. They are the demons allowed to play within its ranks. There are dark forces especially in the military with all the adrenochrome underground bases and closed ones. Including Gitmo. These are the people allowed to keep their jobs. WHY? Because you cant be in it, without a jab. The execution needle. You need a buffer of willing cowards who can’t say no. To hide this.

Many people think this is his term ..or we are in limbo and our constitution right now is not valid because we are under an emergency so it’s pretty much hunger games right now everything goes and everyone is exposed …the devil has been exposed. It is a figment of imagination so real in superstitious perverts minds because it gives them access to R-ing kids. And it is not just Epstein Island. IT IS WITHIN OUR RANKS..

Americans are keeping the world together. We go on working day to day as if nothing was wrong. WE KEEP THE THREADS OF LIFE TOGETHER AND IT IS VERY IMPORTANT WE DO NOT STOP BECAUSE THE WORLD WILL DESCEND INTO DARKNESS.

It is also a soul test to see who will buckle under pressure and fear and who will be loyal to America and who will keep their blood pure. For it is the life! We know all of the politicians are getting fake injections on TV why would president trump be different? You really think he’s that crazy? He is smarter THAN MOST OF US…no , all of us, for doing this so well! HIS HEART IS GOLDEN!!

Remember Trump tweeted COVFEFE? People thought he mispelled coffee and made fun of him and he never said anything. Well its an act he did and passed. ALL 5g has a box on it, by this act..all 5g towers..have something on them, whereas the rest of the world, do not have it. America has something special on it. Stopping something coming from those 5g towers. Look it up. It wasnt a misspelling.

The Vaccines…all of so deadly it reminds me of something that happened in Rwanda a long time ago.

DONT BELIEVE THE MOVIE. The Rwanda genocide was crimson mist was an operation.. .and they gathered a bunch of hutus after a president’s plane crashed..they did a false flag probably.. and they offered them food at a warehouse. Lured HUTUS there with free food and they had a huge radio tower there.. emitting frequencies ..and it emitted a frequency that made the people so angry.. they didn’t know where their anger was coming from.. and they even killed their own family members..They even had the name of the frequency and machine in this documentary. Crimson Mist. As in Blood Sprays..They were so filled with rage. Bill Gates had previously left there recently and everyone was given the aids vaccine whatever was in the vaccine.. attached to these towers ..attached to the frequencies attached to the people..went completely rabid. They macheted their own family members. There was a radio station spewing hatred. They attacked mothers with babies, all of them, cutting mother and baby in half simultaneously. Normal people I don’t care where you’re from …are not capable of that sort of massacre…these were not soldiers but regular people.. and destruction.. little kid’s bodies were chopped up with machetes ..everybody was slaughtered ..and they were so strong because they really thought that anger was coming from made them, superhuman… but it was part of a program. That Bill Gates was a part of. WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY WANT TO DO WITH THE WORLD NOW?

This is what I think is going on now that those who are vaccinated you are vaccinated with the frequencies of 5G are somehow being programmed to be very angry and they don’t know who to be angry at so they watch the TV and the TV tells them that it’s vaccinated and they believe it ..because they cannot help.. that they are no longer in control of their own minds. They are plugged in. If we outnumber them they lose. So they trying real hard to win.

All those zombie movies are kind of similar.. it’s predictive programming so when it comes you’ll expect it ..and you’ll know it. But when it comes down to it.. Good is way smarter and will save the world. Now don’t forget president trump did the covfefe act

Black goo graphene oxide graffiti hydroxide saline shots all these hydras hydrogen hydrogen and other poisons GLITTER

that are in these vaccines are so harmful they are killing people outright but most of the people get lower doses and some just get sailing so it’s really hard to tell but eventually but eventually everybody who gets these shots will be dead and that Only leaves us the survivors. Another alternative is you can degrade the poisons inside of them with healing but it will have to come after big pharma falls completely. I think a lot of them are worth saving.

Now all this about Kathy Hochul in New York making rules and laws that everybody has to have a vaccine in order to go into places.. I mean that’s set in the future… that just could be to scare people to get it.. but when the day comes it might not actually stick ..or those who go along with it, will be outed! it might actually pass for now but you forget where we live this is America. This isn’t Australia we have so much on our side. It will not happen here. And if it does.. think..the world watching a country.. of Kyle Rittenhouse s! He has no idea how forever famous he is. AND WE WERE HERE WATCHING! For Centuries he will be a fabled character. AND WE GOT TO SEE IT!!

I did see this creepy thing though. I saw a video but it could have been a joke. Maybe. But in Kyle’s courtroom, there were some greenscreen fails. HEY, I LOVE IT GREAT SHOW, And I love LAW DRAMAS> that has to be a classic. If you seen it you know. Thats who I am talking to. My Favorite show all time is.. COURT TV. When I watched TV at my parents. THAT WAS THE BEST .

The only power they have is fear…

Now I’m trying to look at this the way Alex Jones may be seeing it because man’s biggest fears being lied to ..especially by somebody you love ..but an MK ultra ..what they do is they get you to love somebody ..and trust them ..and then that person hurts you ..and then you are ready to be Broken ..with another personality who feels no pain.. But I know trump’s entire life..I USED TO WORSHIP IVANA. I watched the kids grow up I think DON was blond back then.. I am a Trump supporter before it mattered! I know his track record he is not capable of this.. the easiest answer is hes done what hes always done.. and that’s hes fighting the outsmarting it. YES, and hes doing it with a smile. Remember he gave us our choice we will always have our choice will never be taken away from us ..It WILL JUST HAPPEN and we will not know-how. THAT IS GODS WORK DO YOU SEE IT?

Reality is happening Like magic. This is high SCHUMANN RESONANCE..We ARE watching a show. And things are getting done, without us knowing how or who will be who, or who will do it. It could be any of us, who had a very important role. That affects the most members. . And if you want to be in a certain space..because it is safe..from harm..maybe physical harm..maybe youth vaccine injury, maybe want to decide who it is you want to be. Reality, God is real. Trump will never ever leave us like this. AND I HAVE READ ALL HIS DARKEST CRITICISM. You guys JUST CANNOT SEE IT. He is not like that. He was not friends with Jeffrey Epstein. He was an informant. A witness.

All this Covid scare.. is to keep us in place because our country is being reborn. Do not be scared. If you are hostile to black goo cannot be around you. It only feeds on fear. It dies when there is god’s light inside. We have the same effect on the vaxxed, that they do on us. We are becoming allergic to one another. They would not let us live. They would not allow us to live. We cannot allow them to live. The Hive mind. The Borg…is powerful because it has you so this anti-racism puzzle..

The mark of the beast has to be your choice you cannot get it without your choice I know you see.. I know you see a lot of people getting injected against their will.. especially children and it hurts. it hurts a lot ..because you know I was never given a choice when I was a child I had to get my vaccines and I was severely vaccinated and all my problems stemmed from vaccines when I was a child I remember I was so vaccine-injured I lost my eyesight in 4rth grade.. I needed glasses and I became almost Angry at everybody and withdrawn. I went from being fairly popular to writing in diaries to imaginary people. People from Victorian England. Count of Monte Cristo. ..I once wrote a letter to the Mayor of NEW YORK once. I just liked to write to important people..for a long time it took a lot of years on the raw foods diet to cure myself. I almost died on one shot and all the childhood diseases I got like chicken pox I got after being vaccinated I remember this. I have to have my tonsils removed after one. I know no one who has had tonsils swollen these days. I have known long time..long time. I knew it was like the worst thing ever going to the doctors. I was so sad. NUNS too. Cant leave them out.

In the olden days they took all the children and put them on the orphan trains and traffic them all over the United States to found America ..they were the foundlings of America after the last reset ..nobody was left here and they helped populate America.. the foundlings look it up ..the orphan trains and the official story is nonsense ..but all those parents died from the inoculations.. of the Spanish flu.. everyone who took the shot died. And what do you think all these baby incubators were back then? Children are resettled all over the world even in Europe after the world wars it was really about the children and they had to be taken and resettled in other countries. There is a fake history story in Paraguay of boy soldiers but.. it wasn’t true. Just Child Trafficking. It hurts really bad I know but this is what war is it’s horror. The things I have seen in libraries that you guys will never know because you have been on the internet all your lives.. But ..I am generation X. The last generation to be locked out of the house on Saturdays so I would be dropped off at a huge public library every Saturday. You have no idea what I have seen. Last generation, locked out, until dark. Every kid and our bikes.

It was planned for a 100 yearsthis and it would have happened whether trump was here or not but we wouldn’t be here today probably if trump wasn’t here to save us… we would be seeing hell. Instead we get a comedy every white house press briefing on maybe a set.

So when he says don’t let them take the vaccine away from you ..maybe it’s our number one weapon against evil. And I don’t mean taking it ourselves but its like….it’s like our bullets. All of the President trump’s enemies are now going down you see it every day in the news every agency every government agency every University every enemy of the United States is now going down and it Joe Biden is taking the fall for all of it he’s taking the blame.

So on my blog here when I talk about how bad the vaccine is I’m actually warning other conservatives.

If IF it’s not them who are going to be destroyed.. it will be you don’t feel bad about this ..I don’t know any conservative personally who has taken it.. not one ..I think it’s like 97 or 98% of democrats have taken it. But the children it’s just too much it’s it’s unbearable really it’s just an ugly awful war. And maybe one day they, the lepers.. the ones with AIDS.. will rise up and try to kill us neighbor to neighbor I’m just saying you know you gotta know who the enemy is ..and it’s right next door.

Sometimes I think democrats are just injecting their children in order to hurt us because they know that we cannot stand it…. why?.. see the looks in their eyes?? YUK and there’s just something about the TV and the vaccinated and the frequencies going around that I don’t even think their thoughts are their own. Everybody I know who’s taking it is suddenly different and suddenly very very robotic like they’re just repeating the same stuff over and over again. Friends I used to watch Jesse Ventura show with, are now saying.. I am safe. I am safe.

And if you got it and there are no side effects probably got the saline..and you are so lucky so please do not get a booster.. but only if you are a conservative haha.

President Trump is wiser beyond your comprehension and he is the leader of all of us and he loves us all but he speaks differently at different events to different people so he will definitely come around and you know what. his son Don junior ..sometimes he’ll do a post where he will say America is being poisoned ..and then he’ll say oh by socialism but you know that’s how they talk.. in codes when you say America is poisoned.. that means America is being poisoned ..we’re being poisoned …we’re being poisoned –by these vaccines ..that’s what it means.. even though he says America is poisoned by the socialists.. It’s like you gotta read between the lines ..and when you read between the lines’ll see it everywhere and I mean everywhere ..I’ve seen president trump speeches where he uses the word injury But he hides it and makes it look like he’s talking about something else. It will be in the same sentence as the word vaccines too but he’ll just reword it differently.

Now I’m going to do my psychic reading on what president trump meant when he said what he said at the speech with bill O’Reilly.

I don’t think anybody can understand how much Trump hates big pharma and how hes got it in for them ..they vaccine-injured his son Baron. and he will never forgive them for that . But it is a family Matter so he can never admit it. He is no victim. In fact it may be a blessing. Sometimes those kids have gifts we do not have..and the President…will make them pay and actually baron is quite gifted and hes probably.. genius in many ways.. so it might have worked out.. He could be a time traveler. I mean.. in his mind of course. but president trump will never forgive them so hes got to do this perfect hes gotta do this right and coming out and telling the truth to everyone it will not win this war! IT WILL CAUSE MASS PANIC>..This has to be done absolutely beautiful like a game of chess ..and he is sure dancing and hes almost on his way ..and nobody can be be alarmed.. hes just trying to keep it together keep everybody distracted ..keep together make it look like hes very happy with a party of love everyday from Il Papi Trumpos tweets. Thats his spirit. Only he can talk like that. but hes like a cheshire cat with the smile that’s how he comes to his , to our enemies! . And they will never know what hit them at all of their money will belong to us all of it.

One thing I learned is conservatives need to stick together unless you’ve been outed as a rhino we just gotta stick together I mean there’s lots of things I see that sometimes I don’t bring up that look like they might be psyops but for our side you know sometimes we have to be lied to for our own good so everyone’s calm and distracted while stuff behind the scenes like America is being safe behind the scenes and it gets done. It hurts not being a part of it. I enjoyed every minute of his entire running and Presidency.

Now there is one option that we really are being lied to and we really are all just being lied to in order to be calm and everything’s.. you know but it’s just like I don’t believe it .. there is alot of evidence for this. ..and there’s too much good in the world ..and everything evil BUT there’s always a good side.. is the glass half empty or half full? Yes, and I would say it’s half full ..and you know there’s definitely a reality behind that.. and there’s a lot of people a lot that you know ..Are on our side and in this war.. it’s just too big and it would be very easy for us to let evil destroy everything BY ITSELF…but if we see that that was bad , then we just come in and take it over. It could just be something mutual because communists are only good at destroying.. they cannot build anything… globalists cannot build anything.. they are parasites… they cannot ..but they’re really good at destroying thing..s now capitalists aren’t really good at destroying things. Capitalists and good people and Christians. and are and always were productive and were good at building things maybe this is we’re working hand-in-hand with..but all the evil people have to go.. and as you can see behind the scenes every evil institution is being dismantled.

But as simple Christians we do not have superpowers like other religions do.. and I think president trump wants to be a leader of all the well as King of the Christians. I mean we have to have one. Thats alive.. because he has to unite us somehow and get us to get along so… He can either allow us to battle it out on ourselves…but can we?

Or he can try to do something like give every religion exactly what they want.. in order for peace .. and high respect and to honor their traditions..if they get along..but they have to change their ways..and I guess we do too. We have to separate more and find out real history about us. Not just owned by others.. you know I’m saying ..all of our holy books have to be rewritten to update our history.. and where we came from in christian history and who were our heroes..and who are saints are and prophets and because you know Christianity didn’t just end.. it still exists.. but my point was you know christians ..we do not have superpowers like other religions do. Yes for example we cannot stop being Christian just because we’re threatened. That makes us vulnerable.. or to fit in or to gain their trust , we cannot do that, even in an emergency at the cost of our souls… Do you know deception is necessary and you know that it’s evil world outside of America .. and there are many warrior bible verses they should be teaching in churches? Not SJW stuff like Jesus said I will take all refugees. Those shouldn’t be read, but the ones that help us like in Proverbs chapter. Its the best self-help book chapter. It should be read more. I grew up in churches. I watched my Grandfather prepare his sermons. It was always, the same stories for the same time of year..and there was so much more to it, than they teach in church.

And every war in Europe that is going on it’s all a Civil War because it’s not only Christians it’s the white men that are being preyed against .. and the hetero..and people just got to stick together all religions..and work together ..protect each race..for there are members of your religion in all of them..and people think the middle eastern have all this protection..and stick together.. they don’t because their own government is killing them with these vaccines too !. Yes.. Mandates coming..Lockdown nobody is safe. I don’t think our enemy.. common enemy i..s any anything buthing but just the darkness. I mean what is more uniting than what’s going on in the world? I mean from Australia to Canada to Europe to Austria everywhere we are all in this together and we outnumber them and it’s amazing that we’re all uniting and they’re.. forcing many to be segregated. And they know what’s coming, the bad guys.. people.. oh..these people will tear them limb for limb I mean these people are already bringing out guillotines and serving papers and they’re talking about huge revolutions against these vaxtards. You can let them have the jobs that are now archaic. The money will run out. Noone can run their business. They cant see straight. The vax will make them all dizzy. It is so dangerous, that many people get caught in the crossfire as a buffer to being found out.

If we can get the renegades on our side though we would definitely win this war because they are absolutely the smartest. We would win. We are BOTH BEING KILLED OFF. There is no special country but America..protecting us. We could make America 🇺🇸 the holy land together. Alot of may have been this entire time. It’s match made in heaven. We both made it this far. Maybe..we need each other? There is no special treatment. We are in this together.

Nobody likes evil. And we are all individuals. Everybody has to stop thinking there’s such a thing as christians or Jews because we are all individual people. Talking like that is like talking like a Communist because communists are collectivists.. and capitalists are individuals and all of us have something really special to bring to the table unique… I mean of course there are traditions and good times..but we ultimately have a free choice and free will. We can all be Americans first. Bringing our good qualities..leaving the bad. To make the most beautiful home in the world. Without ancestors and boomers. Without rules..but those by God. Let’s learn more about the ancients. Open up the Vatican library. 🇻🇦 let’s read our real histories. It’s everyone’s history that’s been messed with!

And I mean what are we all robots.. I mean just because we’re born a certain way ..we have to be a certain way.. I mean we can all think for ourselves.. and realize you know.. we’re all in the together we are all being murdered.. murdered like just everyone is just dropping dead ..everybody I see so many videos A-day of people just collapsing everywhere on the news on TV there’s really hours long compilation set to music of people on tv just collapsing. And there’s no special groups it’s happening to everybody may be some more than others. I mean whatever’s been torn down we have to build back. Let’s just make something new. Together .. I mean something big has to happen I mean for millennia them.. talking about our time now’s gonna be so big. and it’s really going to liberate you and me. And it doesn’t have to be new it’s just more of an update on how far we’ve come because things didn’t stop a 1000 years ago they’re still going now.

I mean what did Marilyn Monroe Ellen monroe and Einstein meeting meeting say? Einstein said I’m the brains you’re the beauty and together we’re perfect. It’s kind of like that .

There are good righteous people everywhere. And things we thought about that we hated. are actually things we actually loved.. about each other.

Evil.. has had a long rule.. I mean it’s just time to make things even.. and you know a 1000 years of peace would be amazing. What I lack have ..and what you lack.. I have.

I believe money is the root of all good. I think it is a beautiful thing. But we can all make it so our lives are improved and her friendships and ties are good and family is protected. We can give jobs that enrich others. Based on merit and everybody has something that they are really good at and really love doing. It’s not about the collective.. it’s about the individual.. it’s about capitalism it’s about doing for oneself ..for once. And nobody has to give up anything in order to please the other because it’s about pleasing the self. There are many things in common that we all want. We both desire the same things. I see you in me.. and you see you in me.. What did you think the westside story movie was about?

And after this nobody will ever trust a doctor ..the medical community is imploding’s killing itself.. these vaccinated nurses they can’t even think straight.. and they’re bleeding out of every orifice I mean how can they run a hospital?

Instead of mourning the past we can see the opportunities and take it.

What about these anti-vaccine vaccine truthers that are still in the matrix ? Yes..the matrix .. They agree that vaccines are bad but they they also promote the virus theory which is false and a lie..and those doctors that still worship the image of their beast ..which is a computer generated glow bug. I was thinking about this and honestly I just think it’s like they’ve written so much literature and so much paperwork and it’s their entire career they can’t exactly say I was wrong about everything.. they’re still trying to maintain the way out ..for matrix doctors to walk into. So I do see how good it is.

And if life were like hunger games well a lot of people like in kakistan.. I forgot how to spell. They are actually having revolutions and actually winning and they’re like the 1st ones to win in their protests against these lockdowns ..these lockdowns .. Same thing we are concerned of over we’re like watching real life games Olympic Games of the world ..who will win 1st.. who will win back their country 1st? I honestly thought ..they would fall 1st.. but everybody has something different to bring to the table teach each other how to be.

I was reading about plagues and when you really go into the literature you realize all of them have been genocides.. genocides on all of our people.. I mean even the days of The Bible and pass over. I mean. There is a cleansing that happens every 100 years.. Always blamed on an invisible thing or demon or humor or a flu or a cholera or black plague..whatever they make up.. Just to evade responsibility… And it’s definitely not one group of people over the other it’s a different kind of group an enemy.. Of us all something we cant…understand something alien.. and sometimes thousands of years …eons go by and we just pick up where we left off.. but there’s all sorts of missing time.. in our timelines..

I’ve seen little bits and pieces here and there and it frightens me so much but this is what they do every 100 years they kill everybody through medicine I’ve seen I’ve collected evidence I’ve seen and gravings paintings drawings I’ve read writings up to the 5th up to the 1500s when actually all the plagues it was people poisoning the Wells and blaming it on cats and bats just like they do today.

But one thing about president trump is everything hes done is a 100% real there is no fiction and almost everything else that you can compare to trump is a fable.President trump is the real deal I mean everything in history every movie every lore every story everything with him is real it’s a 100% real there’s never been another man like him.

So for Alex Jones to brush him off and say hes one of the globalists I CAN understand where hes coming from.. but it’s just not true …it is a combination of things that got Alex. It made me so sad. He said there may not be an infowars this christmas. BUT You’ll just have to wait and see and it looks it’s only been like a year that we been under trauma.. the world stopped. Its scary. how can this happen? Who controls reality? Can we step out of it? and look around?

I mean this could go on for 4 years ..but when it’s over.. America it’ll be like a Renaissance. The Schumann Resonance will be all Light of white. No more lines, just light. We will know all. This blog is written with love and I absolutely love Alex that I love trump and it’s America first

I can’t believe I’m alive to see everything hes doing I mean you know how many people in the future …just be like I can’t believe this person who writes this blog here actually lived through trump? Oh yes I love him very much more than anything and I’m so proud of him and he looks fabulous and you know he shows the world that you know America’s fancy and we have fancy gowns fancy dresses and we’re wealthy and rich and it’s just bringing back confidence to america especially in america especially an American products and believe me it’s coming back but you know Joe Biden hes there to destroy everything so we can rebuild everything new hes actually a tool for us but I don’t think people realize it and yes there’s a lot of chaos that we see on telegram… But nothing like that’s happening here it’s just in the news all this stuff is happening in the news and you know if you see one video of somebody doing something it’s just that 1 video and there’s millions of other times that nothing happens nobody gets kicked out of restaurants stuff like that and you know sometimes it’s just threats to get you to take the vaccination they don’t actually mean it and it’s just a press release it’s not an actual law. Just to scare.

It would be like a hostage we’ve been taking hostage by someone who’s been caught by the police and he says if you come through that door I’ll kill everybody and the police have come through the door so they’re just shooting everybody that they’ve taken hostage. That’s why all these Communist politicians are pushing the vaccine so hard because they’re going down and they just want to cause damage just because they’re angry people hateful. They are in power, acting, so they are true to their character…

Anyone who’s been vaccinated is a GMO person and they can get more money off of everybody who’s been vaccinated because it’s like collateral on all of your labor. But this is what evil wants ..not what good wants.

Here is my psychic reading on what trump meant in his speech saying vaccines was the greatest thing ever and we shouldn’t let them take it away from us

What did Trump mean by his speech on vaccines with Bill O Reilley.

The wheel of fortune card. LUCK destiny and definitely karma .. God’s YAWWEH name written on the wheel in the Rider Waite.

It is a very optimistic card which means luck is changing. It is also about evolution and Change ..and just luck.. like this is like just absolute luck. I feel like in the other version the guy in the middle being blindfolded.. and hes like rolling a roulette wheel ..and life is going on regardless ..and whatever ever he lands on ..will be his destiny and right now the destiny.. destiny is we are going to see the fruits of this hard work.. and see if we are successful. But the blindfold means that maybe president trump is hiding true knowledge.. because it’s like you don’t want to show people your poker face. There is a beginning and an end and It is just a cycle of suspension and expectation..

If things are going good or bad….know this, too, will change and life may return to ‘normal’ soon. This cycle shows why it is so important to cherish the blissful moments in life and make the most of them while they are within reach – because in a flash they could be gone.. In this moment the roulette is being spun and we are going to see exactly what all of this hard work has been about..and all of this nonsense.. means we are just right now we’re spinning in the wheel and it hasn’t stopped yet so We will see how our luck and change when it stops. Good things are coming and president trump knows this but for the meantime it’s just the wheel of fortune spinning.

The Wheel of Fortune is also known as the wheel of karma and reminds you that ‘what goes around comes around. Whatever the democrats did behind the scenes while karma is coming and whatever they did to president trump is coming back to them and it’s just so powerful.

There are different creatures that surround the wheel; the angel, the eagle, the bull and the lion. They are related to four fixed signs in the zodiac – leo, taurus, scorpio and aquarius. These four animals are also representatives for the four evangelists in Christian traditions, which is perhaps the reason that they are all adorned with wings. It is a heavenly process the wheel of fortune rounded around where it stops nobody knows.. but it is going to be something unexpected… and unexpected events will happen and it will be positive. But what it is nobody knows because the wheel is spinning even the guy in the middle has no idea what is going to go where his fortune is going to land it’s just one of those things but it’s definitely a change for the better.

The Wheel of Fortune turns evermore, seemingly to communicate that this presidency is made up of both good and bad times and that the cycle is one that we cannot control. It is something that is subjected to both kings..and workers, and that nobody on earth can avoid what is fated.  That absolutely nothing can stop what is going to happen.
