Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Alex Jones Infowars Political cartoon

Alex Jones Infowars Political cartoon

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Alex Jones Infowars political cartoon

He said this today on infowars I think thrid hour. He said it with such Alex Passion. My head spun. Chemicals rushed to my brain. I almost cried for joy. I feel the same way. I want to go further and make a dungeon for globalists. And you can just execute their clones. They committed crimes too of impersonating. They may do it again. They are just to blame and dangerous too. In public execute the clones, and in private those who harm little ones.. go to the dungeon. And I volunteer ….to be the dungeon mistress. Every dungeon needs one. A real IRON MAIDEN. I always said Trump needs a dungeon. No communist pedo gets to get a new identity or hides in another country ever again. Oh Alex you were soooo good today!

Alex Jones , as the executioner. Ratings heaven. Lets make it happen! Noone on earth is courageous to do this to ” the globalists”, they will all vote yay on Alex doing it. Those NWO people are THAT evil. Scare the pants off the toughest. I am sentimental on the guillotine. But I say bring back the wood block and axe. And the hood! I just do not think a firing squad is secure enough. You can have one operative in it that shoots everyone and helps the globalists escape. Even gitmo is not secure. These demons can whisper promises of great wealth to the guards. They can switch out body doubles, or fake a prison death..You need true believers to do the job.

Or else it will be you!

You know Anthony Sabatini, he wants to bring back florda executions by firing squad. Invite him on the show to explain. I think that will support your idea.. He is 100% our homie.

It was right before Kate Daly. Third or fourth hour. November 30. I will find the hour he said it and post the link here. It was RADIO BLISS. I could feel it live, everyone swooning to his voice saying THEY MUST DIE. And he roared it!!!

Of course you would have to prove they knew the harm they were doing. Just look around. Millions of injured children. Millions of innocence, broken…lost, so many tears…can you feel them? They cannot believe they live in a society that did this to them, that noone stopped them, noone..not even their parents, They live in a world now without trust. Hatred of authority. Yes, noone warned them about the adverse reactions.. NOONE ASKED their permission. This is MURDER. This is REAL HARM. They did it, they knew it, they all got rich. The law of free will has been broken. Experimentation. Drugging. Our entire lives. How many of our relatives have been harmed by the medical industry. Lame, autistic, dead..with rashes and constant surgeries and all the gaslighting. Laughing at you when you try to connect the quackccine to the harm. Midazolam. Shoving ventilators up peoples throats. Collapsing their lungs while they are drugged. Masks, the wormies. The graphene..the destroyer of souls. They aint going to heaven either. They are no longer human. It is the worst thing, man has ever done to other man, under the guise of trust..and healership. There is NOTHING healing or Christian about the medical industry. They kill doctors who know what they are up to. They kill healers, real ones. They take licenses away when people had to go 10 years to study textbooks. They take licenses away for giving out mask exemptions. Excuse me, it is the doctors decision, how he treats a customer. ALL OF OUR AGREEMENT with them is voluntary. They mandated. It was a weapon, always has been. Every Hundred years a genocide thru medicine. Cholera, Spanish flu, black death, covid.. it has all been POISONING THE WELLS. Take the black plague tour. It starts at 666 street with a statue of a baby..The virus theory is archaic. Just like the VAPOURS. Imagine they teach you that virus theory, with no proof when you were an would laugh. Its craziness. schitzophrenia to think something invisible is out to get you. But they get you in first grade when you believe ANTHING. It is the dumbest superstition man has ever fell for, worse than Krampus or pombero. A cartoon! A glowy cartoon. And you put blind faith, in your killers. Your last breath, you figured it out. And it was painful. As you float above your body, you see them all making money 40 k off your dead body filled with CLOTS. But you do not go to heaven. You are not human You belong to the earth, hard dark matter, never ever any peace, begging for death. THIS is what they have done personally to millions. Maybe a billion. Every hundred years. Worldwide. The inoculation, kills you. The water is unsafe to drink. The mangoes in Paraguay all turned black this year from the covid fumigation. Imagine the people. Kids having seizures everyday. No health insurance. Why would you go back though? Here have some syphilis covered blankets! Rubbed in poison ivy from the candy cane nurse. They are putting in parasites..the worst evil they can think of. They put in hela cells in the covid vaccine, all of them. There is no such thing as a good doctor or good nurse. The whole thing is a cult. Scaring you, threatening you..locking you down. They put hela cells in their medicines.and shots.. Hela cells are cancerous cells from a black womans cervix. Look it up they are proud. Henrietta Lacks

( HELA) lives on.. in Millions of Americans. It is an evil we cannot comprehend. But they have contests and galas celebrating who the most evil that years is. Pig blood ..unclean. Aborted Fetuses liqified and put in there too. Formadelhyde. They want to damn everyone like they are. Now it makes sense why you have been unhappy for most of your life. You are vacc injured!! No pills are going to help you , feel alkaline Your body is an acidic mess. Every single disease, COMES FROM THEM.

People get sick in winter because they sleep with their heaters on all night. DO an experiment. Turn on heaters all night, a little high. You will wake up with the flu. All your family too. Try it. I do the experiment often. Same effect, all have the flu. Heaters at night while you sleep dehydrate your lungs, dry your sinuses. There is no boogeyman. Grow up cooties are not real. Same thing in offices hotels and ships. Its dry hot air. I PROMISE. Leave a window slightly open if you have to have heat while you are sleeping under blankets. I just saved the world.

Disease cannot be cured synthentically either. Check your diet. Stop being scared. Eat more sunshine and natural foods.

Even organic meat has to be vaccinated. Dyed red. Microplastics in animal feed, because THEY GRIND UP PACAKGED Thrown out FOOD in plastic to them. Cardboard food fed, cruelty. If you eat fast food, you are eating chemicals. Meat flavor. Its all beyond burger. It doesnt matter if it is tested at 80 percent human dna in it. Noone has ears to hear it. Do not forget biosludge fed to the crops. Soylent green. In the year 2022 it takes place. GMO fruit means, mice that eat it grow tumors the size of golf balls. When are conservatives going to try to save the food? They do keep us busy. Do not feed the cancer cells. Watch your sugar. No alcohol. No poison. Read your makeup labels .Turn off the routers when you are not using it. Throw out your meds. Everything is so simple once you can see…Unless they caught a patient for life from you. Hope you get a settlement. Hope they didnt take your legs yet. Or stick plugs in your heart. Heartplugs. Like the movie Dune. Be on alert around any of the mad men. They think have powers to lock you away. Emergency Authorization is martial law. You can check in, but you will never check out. And hide your kids from them. They want to cut them up like pepperoni…and give the girls staples across their chests. They know zero about health.

( Remember blood transfusions, organ transplants. ..thats vampirism. Getting new hips, replacement bones etc..thats Frankenstein. If natural law is invoked, legally you would be termed ” MONSTER” on your id. Do not feel bad if you have. Caesarian born babies in olden day ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE was written ” Monster” also. You can find this in many documents. Why dont you take care of your health first?)

You do not need tainted blood. In WORLD WAR 2 coconut water was used. Its so close to blood molecule. Reject tainted blood.

Coconut water is not identical to human plasma. However, in an emergency, coconut water can be used right in the veins.

Many cures just like this. Do not let the mad doctors and nurses scare you into thinking you are going to die if you dont do what they say. Misdiagnosis is..pretty much everything. They got it all wrong. If their premise is wrong the whole thing has to go. Do not let them farm you for your insurance money and NEVER give them your social security number. Long story. All debts are paid, they know how to use the 1099a forms to get their money from your social security trust fund, secretly. And they double dip making you pay on top.

This is a BETRAYAL of our species! This unites the world together.

Alex played a man today saying to Trudeau ” My 17 year old son is DEAD because of your covid vaccine..F u Trudeau!” and it hurt me to hear it. I couldnt imagine. Can You?


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..and I leave you with a feel good video. It is one of many solutions to our health. Try to take care of others to heal yourself too.