Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Al Gore Rain Bombs nft political cartoon

Al Gore Rain Bombs nft political cartoon

Al Gore Rain Bombs nft political cartoon post thumbnail image
Al Gore Political Cartoon

Nft link is here

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Al Gore the master of scaring people about climate change. I don’t know why but I saw his movie documentary and I cannot believe that I actually thought that the planet was like inside of a heated up ball atmosphere ozone layer and that it’s keeping us alive it’s like a toxic ball and we’re running out of air. And he said that scientists all over the world are measuring the carbon in the air and every year it’s going up-and-up so it’s like we’re going to be cooking. I watched his documentary for entertainment but a lot of people really were panicked about it and I think he started the whole global warming thing. And he was expecting to make a big comeback at the world economic forum which is like this fancy fancy place in front of a studio with lots of lights and blue neon and men in suits and you don’t know who they are but all the television programs are acting like they’re some sort of authority. So Al Gore is gonna make his big comeback again and hes gonna get everybody scared and hes gonna start a new movement and this is his chance so hes inventing new words because you just can’t have a movement with the old words so he has to create new words like rain bombs. It’s like bombs of rainbows.

This was so unbelievably hard to draw it took me 2 days when it should’ve taken me an hour I had many disconnects I’m working on an old broken computer and if I move an Inch ..gets unplugged but I did it and not only that but I made a mistake where I signed into clip studio without signing in because I only have Internet on my phone so I was using hotspot and I just signed in anyway so I was using a trial version even though I paid for a subscription and I couldn’t save and I made a time lapse in everything that I couldn’t save so I took a screenshot of my picture on the art program and this is what this is and I sharpened it a little bit.

But yes I’ll go with the rain bombs I thought wow what is a rainbow… and this is what I came up with they’re like little clouds with lightning coming from them and they explode and just tons of water drops fall down.

Smoothie break

3 bananas 1 Orange and one half avocado… I could live off this. So yummy. 😋 go raw.

Avoid parasites. Parasites EQUALS DEMONIC POSSESSION. As above. So below. (Parasites can only live off dead food. )

These globalists they’ve all got parasites so it’s not like you’re really listening to Al Gore speak it’s his parasite speaking. His parasite requires the blood of the young. Al Gore needs lots of viles of blood wherever he travels. Do not think of inviting him to speak at your conference without a coffin bar filled with blood.